Hakuna Matata - a WISH family that's all heart!

Hey gang, just got in a awesome workout, by why do my legs hurt already:confused3

Margie Take care of that back and shoulder

Mike Congrats on starting your program, we always stay at POP for marathon weekend, we like it there.

Sue WTG on the 2x10!!!

Lynn Hi....where are you guys gonig?

Connie How are you doing????:hug:

Mary That is awesome for your entire family. A baby is always such a blessing.

Dave Hi Dave!!!
Morning kids, it's cold and clear here in WY. Hit teh TM and not at work, paper is piled high on my desk. better get after it time for some coffee.

Be good and train hard, wish all the best.
Hi everyone! Funny what a little snow will to do a city ... I guess we've been spoiled not having much snow this season because the few inches we got yesterday seemed to cause gridlock on every single street. It took me an extra 30 minutes to get home and I probably got off easy. But I had to go to the gym for training - luckily the gym is a 15 min walk from my house. I walked and ended up beating the traffic :) Of course when I got there, I was completely sweaty but at least I was already warmed up! Hehe!

Mike - There's a WISH meet every year at Pop usually the Friday before the races and another meet on Monday morning at the Boardwalk Bakery. They're always lots of fun :) Good luck with the 10K program! :thumbsup2

Sue - How was your commute last night? I heard a lot of people on the subway saying they were planning to take a snow day today :) WTG on the double 10 milers!! Can't wait until I get to that level of running!

Dave - What's with the elbowing and aggressiveness? :confused3

Kirstie - Starting your own racing federation sounds like a cool idea! Sorry to hear the repairs are so $$ :(

Margie - What kind of exercises are in your core routine? I'm always looking for new exercises :) Another 6 inches? I hope that's all you get - you always seem to be out there shoveling snow.

Well, that's all for now! Check back in later :wave2:
Hi Team,

Got my workout in yesterday and today! Ran/walked 5min/1min yesterday and today I crosstrained by bike riding and lifting. It was good to be back at work last night and alot of people missed me. Boss was especially glad as he was short help in other areas of our store. I work in a grocery store that is 337,000 square feet and it's all groceries. That's the size of a Super WalMart. My legs are a little sore after my workout and being on the move all night!

Margie~ Robert (our son) is getting over an ear infection right now. He has a cough, but it hasn't slowed him down a bit. I wish I had his constant energy. Look forward to meeting in person with you. I just can't promise when. Hopefully, this summer sometime. It takes about 5 hours to get to my sisters in Middleville.
I love the Honda VFR 1200. It's a new model for this year, and considered a sport tourer. (Sport bike with hard luggage mounted on) I like to go fast and carry stuff with me. Plus it's big enough for my wife to ride on the back.
I used to be a Motorcycle Safety Instructor for Northern Illinois Univerisity and the Illinois Department of Trans. ( So I'm kind of bike nut!) :cool2:

Kristie~ I understand about putting your nice awards away! We have a few items hidden away for an empty nest someday. Robert is four so he can do some damage sometimes..:goodvibes Currently he is rearranging the couch buliding a fort and running around with a laundry basket on his head.:sad2:

Vicky and Hockey Chic(sorry I haven't found your name yet) ~ Meeting at the Pop Century Resort sounds fun. Look forward to putting some faces to the names here!

Has anyone tried a product called YAKTRAX (YAKTRACKS?)? Supposed to be for running on the snow.

Off to bed for me, gotta work again tonight! -Mike
bunnyfoo- The Pond was a very bittersweet story. Very good.

I was a good egg today. After bombing inventory and potentially figured out what was wrong, I walked the two miles home. I didn't set the world on fire, But I did it. I also did ten sit ups and ten wimpy push ups. So, I'm slowly working my way back.
Mike Yak Trax work very very well, standard issue in some parts of Wyoming.

I like my V-Rod and FLHTUC, just wish I had more time to Ride. MSF classes are the best thing going for new and old riders.
Hi guys, I'm just home from a 12 hr shift and having a beer to relax while watching some cop show and waiting for the news so I can see what weather delights await me for my morning 8 miler.

Has everyone got plans for how to crank up their training when the winter weather does finally break? That's a time to really get motivated again.

Jen, you are fighting a head cold............ I lost the fight and got a knock out punch... I'm down.

Have a good week everyone!
I am ready for winter to be over....

Fight off those colds.
Hi team! Feeling a bit sluggish since I haven't run since Monday. I just don't seem to be motivated for some reason. Maybe it's the snow. :confused3

Pam/Jennifer - pixiedust: for your colds! Hope you gals feel better soon!

Mike - I wasn't too crazy about running in Yaktraks. They have a weird bounce or spring back that takes some getting use to. Our sidewalks tend to be more icy than snow covered and I found they didn't have grip on ice.

Hope - That's a lot more exercise than some people get in a week! Keep it up :)

Kim - I need to follow your example and get back into the groove of morning workouts. I should be able to fit in an exercise DVD if I'm not going to be running.

Scott - I'm with ya! Bring on the spring weather!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good Morning Team!

Dave – the health insurance sounds good! We are still covered under Scott’s work, but will have to buy our own when he retires, the cheapest I found here the last time he was talking of retiring was about $1000-$1500 a month for both of us, with less coverage than we now get.

Vickie – The dogs do like the cold weather, but they do not like the wind, so they spend more time in the house here in Cheyenne than they did in Jackson.

For all of you in the North East – Pixie dust for surviving the next storm headed your way!

Mike – we have used Yaktrax – they work very well on snow covered streets or sidewalks – hard to walk (or run) in on dry pavement. They are spring type wire grid that attaches with tubing to the bottom of your shoes – very light weight.

Pixie dust for those colds!

I put off the dog walk until later today, just could not face the dark, cold and wind all at the same time - later I will just have to face the cold and wind but it will be sunny! It is warmer - it was 27 degrees this morning, but with 25mph winds, the wind chill was about 2 degrees.

The wind has picked up and now it looks more like Cheyenne, with bare spots of grass visible and larger drifts of snow.

Have a great day all - after today I am back to working the early shift so will not make it back here until the weekend.
Good Morning Team!

As Vicky said we finally had some winter weather on Mon. I was pleasantly surprised I was able to run outside last night & got in a nice 6 miler. The feet were a little damp by the end but glad I didn't have to face the treadmill.

Vicky, I know you are doing ATB but I can't remember what your spring race is. Women's 1/2? It's funny how motivation is such a roller coaster. A couple of weeks ago I was like you. Running was a chore. Now I'm on a high. Hang in there. What distance are you doing as your longest training run for ATB?

Hope, Nice job on the 2 miler. It doesn't matter that you didn't set the world on fire. You were out there getting it done. :thumbsup2

Not sure if/ when/ how much snow we will get so tonight is still up in the air on running vs spinning.

Have a great day. Busy at work & need to get things done...........Sue
I had a wonderful training walk with my group this morning. We ended up with 7.21 miles in 1 hr 35 min flat, that is 13:10 per mile average. This course was very hilly and we had a slower first mile to warm up, so pleased with the pace.

Yep count me in on the spring wishers.

Good Afternoon Team! :wave2:

Cloudy 28 degrees - they are still saying 2-5 inches by evening. :upsidedow

I went down to answer the door and lost this once...yup, had to totally redo! :rolleyes1

Connie- Hope you are feeling better…You have been down since WDW. Six weeks is a long time-this is not good-Please consider going to your doctor. :hug:

Dave- Nice walk this morning- I hope to get back on schedule with ‘Spring Training’, nicer weather, road conditions, and longer daylight hours will help a lot. :goodvibes

Hope- sorry you are not feeling so great today :flower3:…But WTG on your 2-miler!

Denise, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kristy, Lynn, MaryJ, Pam, Robert, Scott, Shannan
We miss you guys, so do not stay away too long –wishing you lots of sunshine! :rainbow:

Jennifer & Pam-take care of those colds-they seem worse this year. :flower3:

Lynn- I agree-Dave’s insurance sounds fantastic! Is there a reason that when Scott does retire you are not going to utilize Medicare? I know the Supplemental Insurance Company you choose cannot refuse insurance for any pre-existing condition. I am trying to sort through it all now as I will be 65 in July. Of course, I will do Plan A & B. Currently Plan B is $96.40. Plus I need a supplemental for at least the prescription part, but not sure what I actually need. I know it is more expensive if you upgrade later. I should still be under $200 a month. I think it is different for each state.

Mike- You must be closer to the Wisconsin line. You little guy and my little guy should get along great. Hagen was 3 in January. I looked at the Honda VFR1200F - impressive, but not thinking it looks like too much comfort for touring. And Say What - dual clutch automatic transmission that can be operated in three modes (and shifted manually), or a slipper clutch-enabled standard transmission dual clutch automatic transmission that can be operated in three modes (and shifted manually), or a slipper clutch-enabled standard transmission. :confused3

Sue– No shoveling yet today, but it is snowing hard at the moment. WTG on your 6-miler! :cheer2:

Vicky- I will email you a copy of what I put together if you want. I would like you to email me what you do. I am doing the weighted Crunch Machine; Rotary Torso Machine; Lower back Extension; all 3 set/15 Rep, but using different weights; Ball; Plank; Butterfly Abs; :scared1:

Enjoy the moments! :wave:
No running today. I got my hair done so I didn't want to mess it up. I did a workout ab/pilates dvd instead.

Vicky and Margie, Thanks for pixie dust! I'm feeling better, but I'm still taking it a bit easy. I'm a little worried it could be the start of overtraining syndrome. I've been over 35 miles a week for nearly 3 months now and done 2 marathons and training for a third.

Good morning y'all.

Well I'm down to 177.4 this morning. That's 6 lbs less than when I did the Goofy, I'm training harder and eating better, think there might be a connection?

Everyone who is in the snow yet again, :hug:

I'm off to get my pool running and upper body work done.



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