Hakuna Matata - a WISH family that's all heart!

Good Morning freinds :goodvibes
We're getting slammed with rain/sleet but at least it's not snow.
Getting my miles done, not the same though. (note to self need new goal)
Work is work, nothing too exciting.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hello Everyone!

Cold here today and a little windy. Very sunny though! I got my run/walk workout in yesterday 3.5miles in 42 minutes. My wife was off work today so we went to the gym together. I lifted weights while she got her walking done. I'm sticking with the program I started, but its a challenge to keep the slower pace that they recommend. I want to go, go, go.
I'm going to try the Yaktrax Pros for running on our bikepath. It's all compacted snow so they should work out okay. Thanks for everyones advice!:goodvibes
I'm pretty sore after going back to work. My hands and arms are getting some bruising from the combination of banging into the shelves as I stock and the blood thinners. I'm also jumpstarting some muscles that thought they retired while I was recuperating after surgery. :laughing:

Jennifer~ Great job getting your run in even though you are under the weather! :thumbsup2

Margie~ Robert would love to meet Hagen. He turned four last November. Liz just left to take him to the pool at our local gym. We might be able to pull off a visit to Michigan the weekend of March 5-7th. It depends on my sister's schedule, but maybe we could stop by then?
I take it you ride motorcycles? The VFR would have to be a manual for me. No silly automatic transmissions! Do you currently have a bike? I sold my Yamaha FJR 1300 ABS. Great bike but a little bigger than what I needed for our surburban traffic around here. I do miss it though, Liz and I had our first date on it...Great chic magnet!!:rotfl:

Scott~ A Patriots fan and a fellow rider? If we ever get to meet I'm sure we'll have alot to talk about!! I can't wait for riding weather. Funny how I used to think in the Springtime that some days would be warm enough to ride but not run. Now I want run in the snow!!

Dave~ You are an awesome walker. I think your pace is faster than my running is right now! Great job with your group!!:thumbsup2

Rest day for my workouts tomorrow- Mike
Oops, Sorry Scott, Jack is the Pats fan!! Brain fart!! :sad2:
Just popping in to say :wave2:

WDW is empty and its cold, I've been busy sending sponsorship letters, nothing else to report.

Take care everyone.
Syco Darlin good luck with the sponsorship. If Panda Endurance ever happens maybe we can help.

I had a good pool workout this morning and tomorrow will be another 5 to 8 miler or a speed interval day, haven't decided which yet.

I need to get a new workout log.

I finished up my shopping for winter gear today when Dillards ran their 40% off the 70% off clearance prices. Got lots of bargins.

4.25 miles in 35 minutes. Good news is I feel fine, I just don't want to push it too much with a race this weekend.

Like my last race, I don't have super high expectations (although I did PR that race). Mainly I'd like to finish sub 1:45 again. I'd love a new PR (right around 1:40), but with a bad run of training this week, I'm not sure.

Happy Friday everyone! It's a snow day here :( I think there must be several inches on the ground. Traffic is moving slowly - I'm not even half way to work yet but I figure that everyone else is probably going to be late or will have taken a snow day (which is what I should have done). I've got a 15 miler tommorrow andtot looks like I'm going to have to think about the TM! The city will make sure the streets are cleared first before the sidewalks so I'm thinking they won't be clear
by tommorrow.

Anyway, hope everyone is keeping warm! I'll check back in later and catch up on everyone's post. :)
Hey Y'all.

My training walk today was magical.

It was 30 degrees with a brisk wind, the course I choose was a 5 mile out and back with a long uphill section. My firsrt mile was at a moderate pace to warm up and parallel to the wind. At the 1 mile point I turned into the wind. This section starts the uphill section and with the freezing wind hitting me head on it was tough going. Then that Garth Brooks song, Standing outside the fire, the theme song for the special olympics came on my iPod. I kicked it into War Panda mode and powered into the wind. At the 2.5 mile point I made the turn with the wind at my back and felt like I was flying. I finished the 5 miles in 59:36, a new PR for this route.

Hello Team!

Dave~ Way to go at it! Damn the torpedoes, Panda's on the move!:thumbsup2 I love it when just the right song comes on during a workout!

Kristie~ Good luck with the funding! I wish that I new someone that could help. I'm still getting to know everyone here, do you work at WDW?

Jennifer~ Great run again! I wish that I had your speed! :worship:

Lost four pounds in the past week. Down from 248. I bought larger pants to wear until my incision healed and ended up filling them out as I recovered.:laughing:They are getting a little loose which is a good sign!
No workout today, scheduled rest!

Think warm thoughts, possible 40's here next week, Mike
Good Afternoon Team! :wave2:

31° Real Feel 18°, Weather Alert until 7:PM, cloudy, snowing, and high winds. Yes, it is still winter!

Connie- Received my new pair of NB 1011 on sale at Runningwarehouse! Miss you :hug:

Dave- WTG War Panda! Congratulations on your PR :cheer2:

Denise, Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Lynn, MaryJ, Pam, Robert, Scott, Shannan –wishing you a beautiful day filled with sunshine! :rainbow:

Jack- :lmao:
Good Morning freinds
Hope the icy conditions did not last long...me I'd rather be stuck in a snow bank any day rather than sliding off to No Where Land on icy roads! :sad2:

Jennifer- glad you are feeling better. youth - *sigh* you guys recover so much faster! Your race will be Great. :cheer2:

Kristy- Hope you get some truly great sponsorships! :goodvibes
WDW cold- :crazy:

Mike- I will be home the weekend of March 5th, 6th, and 7th. DD works on Saturday, so I will have my little Hagen. I will PM you…it is best to email me as I sometimes to do not see the PM flags. I have owned a couple of motorcycles (Honda & Kawasaki) I did get to ride some of my husband's bigger bikes, but it was a huge problem reaching the ground and keeping them upright when stopped - :sad1: do not currently own one. I have not been able to get rid of my helmet and some of the bike accessories. Keep thinking maybe will get another one, but my DD had heart spasms over it! :sad1: Kind of like my saddle - still have that too :lmao: No, my pilot's license is not current either due to BP - cannot go there again either, but I do have some great memories! We owned a Cherokee Warrior and a V-tailed Bonanza.

Sue– :upsidedow

Vicky- Oh, NO 15-miles on the DM. I had to do my last 20-miler before WDW on the DM and I just can't seem to face it again. :sad1: I have not kept track of all the snow days we have had. It seems like we have gotten a lot more snow than our Northern Neighbors. :upsidedow


Margie~ Thanks I will be in touch soon, waiting to hear from my sister!

Just tried logging on to the WDW Marathon site and it's crazy messed up. It looks like they are still building it after switching over to ESPN from Wide World of Sports. Was going to book our room... :sad2:

Got out with Lynn this morning for a pup walk before work, cold and clear, tried to get out of the office at 1200 but did not make it till about 1:30ish. Home and got some chores done, heading back into town for a drink with teh team.

Mike no prob on the Patriot Fan thing, I really don't follow pro sports, I am one who thinks a qualifying requirement for an Olympic Athlete is to work a 40 hour a week job not related to your sport. No endorsements allowed, I know it would make boring Wheaties Boxes. Just feel there is soemthing to be said for the average hard working joe to dedicate themselves to a sport. If students they woudl haev to maintain a C+ GPA with real classes.
It's good to read everyone's posts, taking my mind off of things here. Trying not to get disappointed and bored. Still feeling unwell, had to call in a favor from a friend and take another two days off work. Sleet and icey rain is keeping me indoors.

So I'll read on and drink fluids, yada yada, and hey, it's not all bad news, as my seedlings are poking thru the soil already, and I got great deals at Christmas Tree Shops on Jiffy soil and plastic pots, plants etc. :hippie: Birdse and blooms are just around the corner, I can feel it!
Mike, thanks for the speedy comments! I've been feeling like I'm in a slow Plateau.

Margie, You're such an awesome cheerleader!

8 miles in 72 minutes today. Leaving for NOLA tomorrow morning at 7 AM!
Good Morning Team! :wave2:

Another blizzard is paralyzing the East Coast. It sounds terrible- snow, rain, ice, canceled flights, traffic at a stand still- many areas without power. Denise, Hope, and Jack thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay safe and warm!

We did not get a lot of snow-maybe 4-inches. I shoveled for a couple of hours last night- a couple of more hours this morning but I also used the snow blower this morning! Did a neighbor’s little short drive (their snow blower in broke) and will do the other neighbor’s that is on vacation as soon as Hagen wakes.

Connie- :hug:

Dave- hope you are having a great Panda weekend! :hippie:

Denise, Hope, Kristy, Lynn, MaryJ, Pam, Shannan –wishing you a wonderful weekend, fun training, and lots of sunshine! :rainbow:

Jack- we know you have lots of responsibilities - take care. :worried:

Jennifer- Thanks – what a nice compliment! 'Slow Plateau' goodness, girl I cannot even dream of being where you are! as being as fast as you are! :hug:

Mike- I PM’d you – just let me know. I do not want to miss you and your family! :goodvibes

Pam- I am so sorry to hear you are still not feeling good…I know the feeling ‘Sick of being Sick!’ :flower3:

Robert- Hope all is well, you okay-not sick? It's been a while since we heard from you! :rolleyes1

Scott- I must agree with your thoughts on athletes today- this Olympics sure has highlighted a lack of good sportsmanship or at least made me more aware! But you do have some very good ones too...that apology from the Canadian from Russell was totally awesome! :goodvibes And it's not just the elite athletes - Dave told us recently of a race walker elbowing someone - Sad. :sad1:

Kim, Sue & Vicky - are you guys on a 'snow day'? :upsidedow

AFM: Probably the several hours of snow duty is the only training I will be able to get in today- :upsidedow

Enjoy the moments! :wave:
Margie have you had a good snuggly hug yet today? If not let me be the first:


You are always so sweet and up beat, we love our Margie.

As for me I've already been up had breakfast, did a hard pool and upper body workout, done laundry and getting ready for work and it's only 9am. I know I need to get a life, :upsidedow

Dave Can you please train my Dh???:lmao:

Best of luck with Panda Endurance.......by the way what is that going to be?
Dave Can you please train my Dh???:lmao:

Best of luck with Panda Endurance.......by the way what is that going to be?

Well remember I'm a dreamer dear. But I'm a dreamer that works hard to make the dreams come true. I'm writing a book on health and wellness titled;
"Panda Endurance, Wellness Through motion". When it's finished and if it's sucessful I will have an online training site for helping people discover a healthy lifestyle and learn to reduce the stress in their lives. Also help them prepare to walk a half or full marathon.

I also hope to be a force in Senior race walking. I think exercise is vital for seniors and I want to promote that as much as possible. If I can make a good showing at the National Senior Olympics next year with Team Panda, maybe I can pick up some sponsorship for the team.

Sounds great. With the % of seniors growing, it is vital that they keep active.
I think that you will be able to corner the market as I doubt that there are many, if at all, any training plans designed for seniors.
Sounds great. With the % of seniors growing, it is vital that they keep active.
I think that you will be able to corner the market as I doubt that there are many, if at all, any training plans designed for seniors.

Since I'll be 60 myself in a year and a half I hope I'm a good example of what you can accomlpish if you live a healthy lifestyle.



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