Hakuna Matata - August Days and Nights!!

Hi everybody!

I did a really nice 11 miler!

Kathy: Glad to see you again! You were missed!

Scott & Lynn: Have a safe journey to DL!

Margie: Give Hagen a big hug for me!

Everybody else...Have a great night!

Well we are all packed and doubble checked. Will print out boarding passes in the morn and then drive to DEN, I hope DEN is not too crazy with DNC attendies leaving. Should get to DL about 1:00 on Fri, will report as we go.

WIll also do a report while waiting for our red eye flight that night.
Safe Travels Scott & Lynn - hope you experience No Lengthly Delays :goodvibes

Thanks, Erica - Hagen called to say 'Good Night' and I sent him your *HUG* Nana is spoiled I have him all day but I like my 'Good Night' calls. :angel:

Did my short route 3.3 miles tonight in my new Brooks Ariels shoes, so far they are good. Lisa, I will Now put the date inside my shoes.

Hi Kathy! :grouphug:

Early Morning at the Gym.
Yes Erica is doing super, she is driven to be the breathtakingly beautiful woman again outside, that she is on the inside.

Ahhh....that tugs on the heart strings. :goodvibes

Denise - I too have noticed the activity in the morning because of school. I liked my quiet mornings out there alone on the streets. Now I'm forced to the sidewalk and dodging bmx bikes...lol.

Kathy - Hi..not sure if we've met. I'm Eva. Kinda like in Wall E, but spelled Eva....lol! :wave2:

Erica - 11 miles? Yay!!! :banana:

Margie - Can I ask about dating your shoes? Is that to know how many miles are on them? Where do you write it?

Happy trails!
Scott and Lynn have a fun and safe trip!!! Lucky you. Wish I was doing the DL 1/2 too. I'd love to see that double medal for doing both.

EVA, it's almost time for you to leave too!


Erica 11 miles - :worship:

I slept in -- well stayed in bed till 5:30 today, what a treat. 2 cups of coffee, time in the quilt studio - life is good. We'll be back at it tomorrow.

Have a great day all.

Morning Kids, we are doing the R&R today and tomorrow as we travel. Sat will be the 5K.

I like the idea of dating your shoes, will have to do that. I tend to buy shoes on sale and toss them in the closet till I need them. So would date when they are put into service.

Kinda excited so didn't sleep but about 4 hours last night, will make Breakfast Burittos for breakfast. Kona coffee is on.

Keeping our eye on Tropical Depression 8. Could make our cruise interesting Eva pack your rain gear fro FL.

Will get some walking in at the Denver Zoo today, there are some new critters there.

Not that we are medal bling concious, we packed our WDW medals so we can wear all three together, pics to follow. LOL

Later team, enjoy, be safe on the streets,
Good morning everyone! I went for a quick run on Monday night but I was at DF's house and I only had an older pair of runners with me. So I figured how bad can they be. Apparently, they were pretty worn out because I had quite a bit of pain in my left knee afterwards - ouch! So they're pretty much only for walking now. I think they had less than 250 miles on them but because I tend to stomp around like an elephant, my shoes wear out more quickly.

Scott/Lynn - Have a safe trip and good luck at the DL half! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

Margie - Glad to hear your foot is doing better! A foot massage sounds heavenly!

Denise - I think it's great that you and Mark are able to get up so early everyday so consistently. I really need some of your discipline. I have to learn to go to bed early and get up early :)

Kathy - :wave2:

Dave - Mornings (and evenings) here are definitely a lot cooler. The afternoons are still warm and sunny.

Eva - Your trip is almost here! You'll have to give Mickey a big hug for me :) Btw, I like your little pic of EVA!
Vicky, hope your knee is ok, but you made me laugh with that "stomping around" I needed a laugh really bad to.

Eva the cute robot in the Wall-E movie is so perfect for our Eva's avatar. Big heart and kick butt attitude.

I didn't sleep well last night, rare for me, so workout today wasn't much. It was scheduled for easy day anyway since yesterday was 4 humid hard miles on the hills.

Scott and Lynn, have a super trip, wish I was going to, I sooooo need some fun.

Eva, you have an awesome trip also. (All our princesses are breathtakingly beautiful. One of the wonderfull things about a forum like this is that you get to know the important part of a person, the inside, before you get to meet.)

Margie, did you get your foot massage yet? Did it help the PF?

Jennifer, Sue, Kathy, everyone, have an awesome day.

Walking Panda:hippie:

Vicky, hope your knee is ok, but you made me laugh with that "stomping around" I needed a laugh really bad to.

:goodvibes Yup! That's me... My PT watched me jump rope yesterday and asked if I could do it more lightly. I just ended up slowing down but for whatever reason I couldn't figure out how to take a lighter step/jump :laughing:
Was hoping to hear from Connie on her Ortho appointment today before I head out the door for the foot massage - will report when I get back.

Eva, Lisa suggested that we date our shoes. I put the date of my first walk in the shoes inside with a Sharpie Permanent marker. I track (spreadsheet) my miles for our Team, so now it will be easy to look back and see how many miles I have on them.

Foot is better. I walked 3.3 miles last night and did the gym this morning. But the miles I report are still 0% biking. I have really been cautious.
Hi back to all of you! I'm glad to be back on the forum again.

Eva - I guess we haven't met before, exactly. But I had been reading your posts before I got out of that routine, so I kind of felt like I knew you! LOL! It's nice to formally meet you!

Erica - 11 miles! You go, girl! :cheer2:

Margie, glad your foot is getting better!

Dave, you sound a little down in the dumps. Hope that's a temporary little slump! :confused:

Denise, I know what you mean about "sleeping in" until 5:30....it's nice when that happens when you need to be up early, but can be annoying when you can't shut it off on weekends or vacation. Although, I have to say, it works pretty well for us when we go to WDW since we're two hours behind Mickey time! We're scheduled to go there in December! I can hardly wait! :dance3:

Scott and Lynn - Good luck and have a great time!

Vicky - I have heard that "walk lightly" or "jump lightly". What the heck is that????? I don't know how you can jump - or, more to the point, LAND -lighter than you are!

I had a great walk after work this evening. It was 15 degrees cooler than last night with a nice breeze. I did 4 miles, but didn't rush it at all. I was too busy enjoying it! Our town has a great walk along the river that's just under 10 miles round trip if you do the whole thing. It's graveled and really well-maintained, even including port-a-potties! Even though it runs through the town, I have seen lots of animals down there. Last Saturday I saw two does and they each had twin fawns! I have seen foxes, squirrels, cranes, Canadian geese, ducks, skunks and even a bear once! You would never guess you were walking through town because there are lots of trees and hills, so there's only a couple of places along the way you can even see houses! No motorized vehicles are allowed, either. It's great to walk or bike down there!

Well, I guess I'd better quit dreaming about the riverwalk get on with paying my bills! :scared1:

Hope everyone has a great evening!
Kathy I'm ok but thanks for noticing. I just have a full plate right now. I'm training hard and still have everything else waiting it's turn for attention.

Yes Eva is a little slice of cool, as are all of our pretty princesses.

I used a hip machine at the gym this morning, Dang, I thought I had strong hips, yea right!

I discovered that if you don't get a good nights sleep weights suck. I usually get a good nights sleep so last night was rare. Thank goodness.

Anyone heard how Connie is doing? I better check on her.

Everyone have a restfull evening.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Yes...it's almost time. Here's my theme song:

Click me!

We are all packed other than our "bathroom stuff" that we need today and tomorrow. Jordan's still not in the Disney mood, but then again he's never been there. He probably just pictures thousands of bratty kids screaming and a guy walking around in a mouse suit. I am determined to convert him into one of us!! :rotfl: We have ressies at Kona, Crystal Palace, 50's PT, Chef's de France and Raglan Road...yay for good food!! I'm going to try to pick healthy options. Fish or poultry, but I know I'll buckle at those desserts. I'll be lifetime at WW as of Sunday (if all goes well), so if I gain a little I still have that to fall back on. Anyhow...enough about the trip. How about you guys?!

Dave - Yes, I too have noticed you have been slumpish. Actually..it was awhile ago when I noticed though, when you were working all those long hours. Sometimes I just need a full 10 hours of sleep and some B-Vitamins to pull myself out of one of those funks.

Kathy - You are the one with the knee issues matching mine right? Oh and that trail sounds perfect...I'm jealous!!

Denise - Thanks for the well wishes...I agree that we are all beautiful and we all have kick butt attitude!!

Vicky - I too tend to be a heavy stepper. I am "bottom heavy" and I always just attributed that to my lumbering step. My shoes tend to wear our quickly between that and the fact that I run on 90% concrete. I wish our roads were asphalt at least, but around here they are all concrete too.

Scott - Is that Gustov that is building? Oh geez...if our trip is ruined I'm going to be so upset!! After I leave here I'm going to do some research. I'll try to get some ponchos packed though..thanks for the heads up! How does that work with a cruise? You guys will still be ok for your trip right? Not sure of where this storm is, but are you going through the gulf?

OK...on to track some storms. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Well getting read here in DEN to do teh travel thing, will see how security is this morn after the DNC.

Gustave should not bother us, now Hanna is another story, could make life interesting.

gotta get Lynn up and going .

Eva, for your trip make sure you have some rai gear, I think if Hanna heads NW we will be in for some showers.
Will try to catch up on happenings when I get back - Safe Travels to all those heading for DL & other Races!

On my way to the gym this morning-

I went for my 30-minute Foot Reflexology Massage Treatment last night. It felt really-really good. It was not a first treatment cure-all, I still have some swelling and the big knot this morning, but it also feels much better. She said it was unusual that I had taken the time to do all the things to take care of my foot instead of just going to get the shots, etc.

It might take a while to heal, but it is improving! :goodvibes

WISHers Thanks So Much for all your advise and encouragement!
Good morning guys.

Margie glad you are on the mend. My pretty princess loves foot massages. I spoil her often.

Eva, I can't keep anything from you guys can I? Girls are more tuned to feelings so I shouldn't be surprised. But I'm fine. But thank you and Bunny for noticing.

Today is going to be an easy day but not sure what yet. I'll decide when I get to the gym.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I’m at work and not much time.

Well today was a great walk for Mark and I. We did leave the house at 5:05 but that’s because I had to go back in to get my Wish hat. I always wear a hat to absorb the sweat and keep hair out of my face.

I was hoping for a beautiful sunrise but it wasn’t as pink as I’d have liked but still pretty.

Put on a pair of capris today as it’s dress down day at work and they fit like never before YEAH!

We’re having BBQ here at lunch today and when you get a lot of ladies making food it’s all good. I made 2 fruit tarts, and I’ve already had a Whoopee Pie for breakfast. Good thing I did the 5 miles this morning.

Have a great day all and a beautiful weekend. Scott and Lynn can’t wait to see your BLING!!


P.S. Eva, I did a lot of kids meals when at the counter service last March and I managed to lose 4.5 pounds over vacation - a first for me!
Good morning!

Dave - Hang in there. You can do it!

Denise - What in the world is a Whoopie Pie????? We are having a taco salad day next Thursday where I work. Each of us brings in an ingredient and then we throw it all together and voila! Taco Salad!

Eva - Have a great time in WDW! The first time my DH went to Florida he said, "We have to find something else to do down here because if you think I'm spending a week at DisneyWorld, you're out of your mind." Then he went to EPCOT. Now we go almost every year! LOL! I'm not sure if we have twin knees or not, since I don't know what's going on with yours. Of course, I don't know what's going on with MINE, either! :lmao: Silly thing. It's fine for a few days, no matter how many miles I walk, and then all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, it hurts every time I bend it, no matter how little I walk. I can't seem to find a trigger for it. It's a complete mystery to me. Of course, one thing that seems to make it quit hurting is to make a dr appt! When I get to the dr, doesn't hurt a bit! I think I should just make a standing dr appt! :rotfl2:

Scott and Lynn - have a great time!

Margie - the foot massage sounds heavenly! Too bad you can't just roll over and go to sleep right there! LOL!

Well, I'm off to work. It's Friday and payday (we only get paid once a month), AND the Friday before a 3-day weekend, so it's bound to be a good day!

Make yours good too!
Whoopee Pie! I make them too and mine are excellent but my favorites are from Amish county PA.

Hi y'all.

I had a nice workout in the pool. I sprinted .5 mile in the 5' deep end of the pool. Then a good stretching routine. Pool running is a great cross training exercise for walkers.

They didn't get the sign up sheets out in time for walking class yesterday morning, but they got them out yesterday afternoon and have several sign ups already. So I guess I better get working on it.

Have an awesome day everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:


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