Hakuna Matata - August Days and Nights!!

Dave great to hear about the signups, they are lucky to haev ya.
I want on your sign up sheet, Panda! Think the commute might be a little too much????

Eva- You are just so cute!

Have a wonderful trip Scott and Lynn! We are all envious!

Spent hours in drs office yesterday. I was nervous wreck going in. I couldn't even eat lunch much less sit down and read and understand anything y'all were saying! And I still feel like I am missing stuff and should have more things to say to you guys! I am just foggy.

The appointment went on for over 2.5 hours. DH asked me if I was having an affair with that doctor! It made me laugh. :lmao: I had more x-rays and more shots and more tests. He said that it probably wouldn't get better, and only worse over time. And that he didn't think I needed rotator cuff repair because he didn't see a tear. But the boney spur needs to be removed to stop the pain. They are trying to schedule the surgery, I will be told when it is later today.
Happy Friday everyone!

Couldn't out run the rain last night. I knew going out I would probably end up getting wet. Just couldn't face the treadmill. Made it about 1/2 way and the rain started. Not too bad though.

Haven't been able to post much. I do this mostly from work and there was a reminder memo about abusing the internet....ie no surfing....chat groups....etc. The evenings are very hectic and I don't get much time to surf or post from home.

I'm registered for the T of T and have decided to make this & a local 10 miler the only fall races before January.

Vicky, how's your Scotia training going? 4 more weeks.

Scott/ Lynn, enjoy the 1/2 and your cruise.

Eva, enjoy your free dining!

Have a great long weekend, safe travels and happy training.... I'm heading to the cottage for a little r & r and a 8 miler on Sunday.......Sue
At Dl getting it together for tomorrow, lon day, WISH meet a few ago, Coast to Coast Medal is like WAY KEWL!!!!!!

More tomorrow,
Well lots going on. Scott and his pretty princess are at Disneyland. Eva is at DisneyWorld and I'm working the weekend, now is that fair?

Florida and the gulf coast are looking at some potentially bad storms. I hope we don't see any repeats of the horrible mess of recent years.

One of the reasons we do DisneyWorld in Oct and Jan are that's not the storm seasons. I sure would hate to be there and it pouring rain and storming the whole trip. To expensive for that.:eek:

Well I will officially teach my first walking class on this coming thursday. Wish me luck.

Erica is doing really well, she has dropped 7 inches off her waist. As my hero Scott would say, "KEWL". Combine a veggie diet and a good walking program and it gets results.

My workout today was awesome. I felt very relaxed at a 12 mpm walking pace. I felt strong during the weight training and the stretching was pleasent. I'm ready for Monday's race.

Have a wonderfull day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hi fellow Teammates!

Hope everybody that is at DL have a great time!

Connie: I know that I had PM'd you my miles for this week, but I forgot that
tomorrow is the last day of August, so I decided to get some more
August miles. Please add 3 hot and humid miles for today! Will add
a few more miles tomorrow and then PM you the total!

All my fellow female teammates: I know that there was a debate over which
running skirt is good. I have both the gym girl by Sportskirts, C9's
running skirt from Target and the Athletic skirt by Running skirts.
All of these have the built in compression shorts. My fav is the
Athletic skirt as it is: 1) more flattering for all body types especially
us gals with a more matured body type; 2) the compression shorts
don't ride up; 3) the compression shorts are opaque and not a
mesh type material; and 4) it comes in a longer length.

Well gotta go shower and start get ready for work!

Hi Team Mates!

I feel like I am way behind - You guys have been busy!

Congratulations :hippie: on the Walking Class sign ups - Like Connie - I wana come too :goodvibes

Thanks, Erica - Runningskirts.com have the Minnie in an Athletic Skirt. I used the disney08 discount so ordered one to make my foot feel better. This has been one expensive month. :rolleyes1

Didn't Scott & Lynn just come home from a cruise :confused3 Yes, that green is called envy!

Connie - Hummmmmmmm :upsidedow

Denise - Yikes not thinking that beautiful Whoopie Pie would be great for my diet! I gained weight just looking at it!

Margie thanks for your help with the walking letter. I'm still working on a lesson plan also. I would love for you and Connie to be there. I'll keep y'all posted on how it goes. It would be nice to start the class with hugs.:)

My princess Erica will gleefully tell you she has more miles than me. I keep telling her quality over quantity.

The boards were sure quiet today.

Have a restfull evening y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I"m here. Was busy today making wedding stuff for the big day. We put together Miranda's bouquet it's 90% done. We;re using silk flowers so she can keep them and we're not rushing at the last min. Tomorrow we do the attendants.

Since she's getting married the week before Halloween, we're making favora using chinese take out boxes and filling them with M&M's for Matt and Miranda and some other small candy bars. She's also making cookies in fall shapes, leaves, acorns etc. The dough is made and cut and in the freezer waiting to be baked. She's doing cupcakes instead of a tiered cake - just a small cake for her and Matt to cut and exchange. So all of you doing the TOT have fun we'll be dancing the night away at her reception.

We've cut a lot of corners doing things ourselves but in the end it's saved us thousands. With money tight right now for everyone, it's great she;s not too fussy.

So I checked my miles for the month and will probably not walk tomorrow since we went today. We have some work to do in the house to prepare so I think we'll expend our energy there tomorrow instead of our walk. We'll see, theirs always Monday to do the work :).

Have a good night and rest of the weekend.

Dave, I wish I could join your group but we are a bit far from you. I guess the cyber group will have to do!

Thank you all for the send-off!! I'm so excited about the trip that I shot out of bed when my 4am alarm went off for me to take my meds. I'm really hoping I can make it to stay up for the EMH tonight at MK, but we'll see. Something tells me that 0400 + Lapu Lapu = Must Sleep Now. Jordan's actually so excited that he's up and awake too!!!

Denise - Miranda's wedding sounds like it'll be a blast!! I loved planning for my wedding to my ex, I had so much fun! I also had an October wedding with a "prince and princess" theme, complete with a Cindy and Prince Charming cake topper. Fall weddings are great...but her's sounds extra cool with the Halloween candy!!

Margie - I love how you bought clothes to mend your foot. You sound like me. Except I usually buy Cold Stone ice cream to make things "better"...lol!!

Erica - How long is "long" in reference to he running skirt? I also have one from Target and it rides up, my legs rub together...and the dimples on the backs of my legs show :sad2: . I'd love to get one that covers my thighs so they have a nice glide and no chaffing.

Dave - You don't need luck for Thursday!! You will do GREAT! But here's some pixie dust for confidence!! pixiedust:

Sue - My work monitors online stuff too, but only if somebody complains about somebody else. They probably would send me to the loony bin if they looked into mine. I'm on Disney sites so much they would thing I have a compulsive addiction too it!

Kathy - He will LOVE some of the things we are doing. Jordan and I are so much alike that I have no doubts he'll want to go back next year. I have $200 for our bounce back already planned!!

I will miss you guys!! No laptop...so I'll see ya in 6-7 days!!
:yay: :woohoo: :dance3: :cool1: :cheer2:
Eva we will miss you and your sweet personality. It's fun reading your early morning posts. Hope your trip is awesome.

Denise, you have such a cool family, I can't wait to meet all of you.

Today is a rest day for me. I have a race in the morning so I need to just relax today and be strong and rested for tomorrow. It's a 2 mile walk race so it'll be a sprint. My super secret goal is to go under 21 min but my realistic goal is to be under 22 minutes.

Connie and Margie, feel better pretty princesses.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team! :goodvibes

Little slow this morning it seems the day at the park & beach (in the sun & heat) zapped me. So I slept in and going to 2nd service in a few. Did something and now have a big bump on a toe! :rolleyes1

Connie, hope you have a good day and the pain is manageable!

:hippie: Have Fun & Enjoy your race in the morning. You will do GREAT!

Erica princess: are we not due for a new picture or do we have to wait until you get your new Garmin?

Eva - :cheer2:

Denise, I too think the wedding sounds Fantastic! And from experience a lot of work with wonderful memory moments. :goodvibes

Special Greetings to all those at DL (Did you see the Medal that Robert posted-WOW), WDW, and all other Weekend Racers! :cool1:

Have a Great Day and Keep Hydrated!
Not cleaning, not walking but in the Quilt Studio making another baby quilt this time with a Red Sox Theme using pink - little girl fabric. She'll be born on 9/11/08. Can't wait to meet the new grand-niece.


Happy Last Day of August!!! How can that be? The summer went by so fast, but I have to admit I'm ready for fall. I don't think I'd be happy living somewhere that the seasons didn't change. I'm always ready for the next one!

Denise, your quilt looks wonderful! So does Whoopie Pie, but I think I'd better pass on THAT!!! :scared1: The wedding sounds beautiful AND fun! Our DD got married in a hurry.....three weeks notice AND I made her wedding dress! It was very nice, and, all things considered, reasonably inexpensive. Connie came up and helped with the flowers and decorations! If you need any ideas, Denise, ask Connie! She's great at stuff like that!

Dave, I agree with Eva - you don't need luck! I'm sure it will be great! You're such a supportive person, you can't help but succeed! I'll join everyone else in wishing I could take your class too!

Scott and Lynn - hope you're having a great time!

Erica - you're doing just great! :cheer2: Keep up the good work! Seven inches off your waist is FABULOUS!!!!!

Margie, I know what you mean about an expensive month! I cringed when I got my credit card bill. We put almost everything we can on it and then pay it in full each month, because it builds sky miles. I guess we must have had a lot of fun in San Antonio in July! :rotfl2: Oh, well. It's only money, right?? :confused:

Sue, I am not supposed to use the internet at work for personal stuff, either. And I mostly don't. Sometimes Connie and I will e-mail, but I don't go to websites AT ALL because our computers are seriously monitored and it's just not worth getting in trouble over or even losing my job. (The State of Colorado expects that their employees toe the line! Or is that "tow" the line? I can never be sure about that expression.....) :surfweb: So I don't post all that often since my evenings and weekends tend to be pretty hectic, too. I'll look forward to hearing from you when you can spare a moment to post!

I had a good walk yesterday, 6.5 miles. Which was a good thing, because DD and her sons and I went to Pueblo and ate Mexican food for lunch! LOL! If you're gonig to be a little bad, do it on a day that you've put in some decent miles! :yay: Today I'm running in and out doing laundry :laundy: and working on my house. Well, I'm supposed to be cleaning house, but really I'm sitting here at my computer! I'm taking a break - Yes! That's it! It's just a break.......:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Have fun, everyone!
The 1/2 is in the BAG, Lynn did well , My tummy acted up, had lot's of stop, got dehydrated, not bag and am getting salt etc into teh system, no biggie, was doing well till about hte 1/2 way point, more later. we are off to MCO. At LAX

The 1/2 is in the BAG, Lynn did well , My tummy acted up, had lot's of stop, got dehydrated, not bag and am getting salt etc into teh system, no biggie, was doing well till about hte 1/2 way point, more later. we are off to MCO. At LAX


How exciting, when you get settled, make sure you post pictures of your bling!

We can't wait!

Hey Everybody!

Eva: Enjoy WDW! The Athletic skirt comes to my mid thigh which is longer than the other skirts. The other skirts come half way
between my mid thigh and my tush. I have not had a problem with the compression shorts riding up like I do with the others.

Kathy: I'm glad you are back! Hope all is good with you and your family! Way to go on the 6+ miler!

Scott & Lynn: Safe travels my friends!

Connie: I'll be PM'ing you my new end of month weekly totals with yesterday and todays walks added in! Hope the shoulder isn't
too painful!

Denise: Love the baby quilt! Home made weddings are a lot more memorable than the expensive bought ones! No whoopie pie for

I decided to surprise Dave today. I knew I was going to walk today and on a spur of the moment I decided to walk from our house to his job. It ended up being a very warm and weepy 5 miles from garage to his store! So with the 3 miles yesterday and
the 5 miles I did today, added to the 25 miles I did earlier in the week, I ended up with a grand total of 33 miles this week! This is
a first for me!!

Hope everybody has a good evening!!

Is anyone jealous of the DisneyLand half trip and medal besides me?

Green with envy Panda:sick:

Well not green but I sure would have done it if $$ had not been an issue. Haven't been to Disneyland since 1973 and I was at the MK for an hour with Mark (his first time). I was deathly sick and couldn't stay. Had one of those flu's where your sick forever. Lost 12 pounds and at the time I was thin so it was a big deal. I promised him that we would go back some day and we did, when we got married in 1974. That may be what contributed to us being Disney FREAKS. We have never been back to DL. WDW is more convenient but the DL half may be in my future - you just never know....


Erica - great mileage this week - don't over-do but thanks for the team miles.
To all those who did the 1/2 congrats!

As for me, I'm officially moved in for my senior year and enjoying the lovely Boston weather. I managed to get in one additonal run this week, but I think the moving makes up for the missed workouts. ;-)

Classes start on Tuesday!



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