Hall of Presidents rehab extended?

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Kennedy, a name thrown out multiple times in the thread as a possible substitute speaker, would have been an EXTREMELY controversial President had he governed in the social media world we live in today.

I don't know what the right answer for the attraction is, but hopefully people will just accept it and move on regardless of the direction taken. It's a Disney attraction, for crying out loud. There should be no agenda involved.
I understand why it's taking longer then expected. It's probably taking a long time to create Donald Trump's hairstyle. It's like bigfoot, it isn't something you usually see in nature.

I'm still holding out hope for "Hall of Presidents Rocks". They can each have a musical instrument and perform the scene from "Revenge of the Nerds".
I understand why it's taking longer then expected. It's probably taking a long time to create Donald Trump's hairstyle. It's like bigfoot, it isn't something you usually see in nature.

I'm still holding out hope for "Hall of Presidents Rocks". They can each have a musical instrument and perform the scene from "Revenge of the Nerds".

Is it taking longer than expected? I recall it being closed for almost a year after Obama was elected.
Is it taking longer than expected? I recall it being closed for almost a year after Obama was elected.
It has been closed for varying amounts of time for each new President depending on what else was done. The big refurb in 1993 was only about 6 weeks, but the refurb was well after Clinton was elected, September 93 to October 93, so they probably did all the work beforehand and then just did the install.

The 2001 update involved recycling Clinton into Bush, and pushing Clinton into a generic animatronic. It also took place well after swearing in, with Disney taking the Fall of 2001 as downtime. The 2008/09 refurb did take a long time. October until July, but the Hall had an extensive renovation of the a/v equipment at the same time. It also kept the Bush animatronic with a speaking role, unlike when Clinton was recycled into a lesser animatronic with no speaking role.

It seems like this closure is scheduled for a lesser amount of time. The Hall closed January 17 and was scheduled to reopen June 30. Longer than the Clinton closure, longer than the Bush closure, but shorter than the Obama closure. So we will have to see what else they are doing and whether it opens on time.
I believe it. He'd have to read a prepared script, exactly as written, for it to match. That doesn't seem to fit him at all.

My kids have actually expressed interest in seeing HoP next we are there so hopefully it's open when we go in September.
Us too - first week of September. I want to see it to see how they navigated the change.
Kennedy, a name thrown out multiple times in the thread as a possible substitute speaker, would have been an EXTREMELY controversial President had he governed in the social media world we live in today.

I don't know what the right answer for the attraction is, but hopefully people will just accept it and move on regardless of the direction taken. It's a Disney attraction, for crying out loud. There should be no agenda involved.

Your 100% right, but my way of thinking of it was significant points in American history

Washington - obviously revolutionary war and he's the first president
Lincoln - not only Walts favorite but the Civil War
Roosevelt - the Great Depression
Kennedy - the space race and civil rights movement

Not perfect I realize but it's better then this debate going on.

If Disney can't get Trump to do the recording, they will either have to get an actor (which I'm sure would go over great :rolleyes2) or just not let him speak at all.

Literally 3 options

1. Trump do the speech
2. Actor do the speech for Trump
3. Trump doesn't speak

I mean, I can't honestly think of anything else with this.
Your 100% right, but my way of thinking of it was significant points in American history

Washington - obviously revolutionary war and he's the first president
Lincoln - not only Walts favorite but the Civil War
Roosevelt - the Great Depression
Kennedy - the space race and civil rights movement

Not perfect I realize but it's better then this debate going on.

If Disney can't get Trump to do the recording, they will either have to get an actor (which I'm sure would go over great :rolleyes2) or just not let him speak at all.

Literally 3 options

1. Trump do the speech
2. Actor do the speech for Trump
3. Trump doesn't speak

I mean, I can't honestly think of anything else with this.

I think realistically its either 1 or 3, like you pointed out.

Or go a totally different direction. Make it like enchanted tales with bell, just sub in Lincoln and or Washington.

"Who wants to play General Lee?", "who wants to be the constitution?" :)
Bummer I thought it was going to reopen when we go in June 29 to July 4
It is still scheduled to be open at that time. Rumors of a longer closure, but that is not confirmed. I would assume if Disney doesn't have the recording and is still hoping to get one, it will remain closed longer. If they don't have the recording and have given up on it, maybe it will open depending on if they went with a talking or non-talking animatronic for Trump and whether they want to switch.

We just don't know. From some news articles it appears Disney at least tried to get a recording. Whether they got one or not isn't known. And whether they still want one or are willing to wait indefinitely for one is not known.
Your 100% right, but my way of thinking of it was significant points in American history

Washington - obviously revolutionary war and he's the first president
Lincoln - not only Walts favorite but the Civil War
Roosevelt - the Great Depression
Kennedy - the space race and civil rights movement

Not perfect I realize but it's better then this debate going on.

If Disney can't get Trump to do the recording, they will either have to get an actor (which I'm sure would go over great :rolleyes2) or just not let him speak at all.

Literally 3 options

1. Trump do the speech
2. Actor do the speech for Trump
3. Trump doesn't speak

I mean, I can't honestly think of anything else with this.

winner winner

I like this entertainment being more about factual history. Good for the kids!
I understand why it's taking longer then expected. It's probably taking a long time to create Donald Trump's hairstyle. It's like bigfoot, it isn't something you usually see in nature.


Whatever happens with the attraction, I hope people are lining up for it... and away from Big Thunder, SDMT, etc. :thumbsup2
I'll be pretty disappointed if they don't have Trump speak.

And I will see it for what it is, a cop out.

This confuses me. According to several sources, Disney has tried to get audio from Trump. He has either not made time, not been interested, or not cared for the script. Given the non-political nature of the three previous sitting President speeches, I doubt Disney jumped the rails and tried to get Trump to read something contentious to him. Why should the Hall of Presidents remain closed until Trump decides to make time or change his mind?

This is a Trump problem, Disney is not copping out of anything. Trump is the hold up by all accounts. So if he doesn't speak, it's not Disney's fault. It's Trump's.

"Another contributing factor to Trump's auditory exclusion is his own lack of participation and obstinance. Disney reportedly reached out to Trump starting in January, but there has been no compromising effort to get things moving.

"That's a part of this—just getting time with him [to record]," said the source. "I guess there's also been some back-and-forth on his proposed script, which is something they're hoping to use as a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. If he's not available to record, they can use that as a legitimate excuse… that's kind of what Disney's hoping for."


"It’s unfortunate for Disney, because one wouldn’t expect them to have so much trouble getting the president to say a few words. It’s certainly not like he’s shy. Plus, they have an inside connection. Ike Perlmutter, Chairman of Marvel and, thanks to the sale of the company to Disney, one of Disney’s major individual shareholders, is a personal friend of Trump’s, frequently dining with the president at Mar-a-lago, and serving as an advisor on veterans’ healthcare. Couldn’t Ike get his pal to record a few lines for the company so it can get this popular show back up and running?"


These aren't the only two reports, just easy ones to find. Again, Disney is trying. Trump appears to be the problem...
This confuses me. According to several sources, Disney has tried to get audio from Trump. He has either not made time, not been interested, or not cared for the script. Given the non-political nature of the three previous sitting President speeches, I doubt Disney jumped the rails and tried to get Trump to read something contentious to him. Why should the Hall of Presidents remain closed until Trump decides to make time or change his mind?

This is a Trump problem, Disney is not copping out of anything. Trump is the hold up by all accounts. So if he doesn't speak, it's not Disney's fault. It's Trump's.

"Another contributing factor to Trump's auditory exclusion is his own lack of participation and obstinance. Disney reportedly reached out to Trump starting in January, but there has been no compromising effort to get things moving.

"That's a part of this—just getting time with him [to record]," said the source. "I guess there's also been some back-and-forth on his proposed script, which is something they're hoping to use as a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. If he's not available to record, they can use that as a legitimate excuse… that's kind of what Disney's hoping for."


"It’s unfortunate for Disney, because one wouldn’t expect them to have so much trouble getting the president to say a few words. It’s certainly not like he’s shy. Plus, they have an inside connection. Ike Perlmutter, Chairman of Marvel and, thanks to the sale of the company to Disney, one of Disney’s major individual shareholders, is a personal friend of Trump’s, frequently dining with the president at Mar-a-lago, and serving as an advisor on veterans’ healthcare. Couldn’t Ike get his pal to record a few lines for the company so it can get this popular show back up and running?"


These aren't the only two reports, just easy ones to find. Again, Disney is trying. Trump appears to be the problem...

And now with Iger officially pulling out of the "president's council" or whatever, I don't see Trump rushing to do the recording....
This confuses me. According to several sources, Disney has tried to get audio from Trump. He has either not made time, not been interested, or not cared for the script. Given the non-political nature of the three previous sitting President speeches, I doubt Disney jumped the rails and tried to get Trump to read something contentious to him. Why should the Hall of Presidents remain closed until Trump decides to make time or change his mind?

This is a Trump problem, Disney is not copping out of anything. Trump is the hold up by all accounts. So if he doesn't speak, it's not Disney's fault. It's Trump's.

"Another contributing factor to Trump's auditory exclusion is his own lack of participation and obstinance. Disney reportedly reached out to Trump starting in January, but there has been no compromising effort to get things moving.

"That's a part of this—just getting time with him [to record]," said the source. "I guess there's also been some back-and-forth on his proposed script, which is something they're hoping to use as a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. If he's not available to record, they can use that as a legitimate excuse… that's kind of what Disney's hoping for."


"It’s unfortunate for Disney, because one wouldn’t expect them to have so much trouble getting the president to say a few words. It’s certainly not like he’s shy. Plus, they have an inside connection. Ike Perlmutter, Chairman of Marvel and, thanks to the sale of the company to Disney, one of Disney’s major individual shareholders, is a personal friend of Trump’s, frequently dining with the president at Mar-a-lago, and serving as an advisor on veterans’ healthcare. Couldn’t Ike get his pal to record a few lines for the company so it can get this popular show back up and running?"


These aren't the only two reports, just easy ones to find. Again, Disney is trying. Trump appears to be the problem...

You do understand that the sources you cite are anonymous, and really don't definitively say anything. I think it would be more credible if some official, named Disney spokesperson publicly states that they have made reasonable efforts to reach out and record the President. Until then, it is all just noise...
You do understand that the sources you cite are anonymous, and really don't definitively say anything. I think it would be more credible if some official, named Disney spokesperson publicly states that they have made reasonable efforts to reach out and record the President. Until then, it is all just noise...

Oh I agree. But I don't see Disney antagonizing the President by putting him on the spot that way. Contrary to how people want to think this is some giant Disney conspiracy. Considering Iger originally said that they wanted the transition to go smoothly, I think that's a pretty good indication they were willing to record Trump. I doubt we will ever get an official statement, but as much as can be read between the lines indicates this is a Trump issue. Whether that is because of speech content, hard to believe given the speeches given by the three previous sitting Presidents, or simple apathy doesn't matter.
Oh I agree. But I don't see Disney antagonizing the President by putting him on the spot that way. Contrary to how people want to think this is some giant Disney conspiracy. Considering Iger originally said that they wanted the transition to go smoothly, I think that's a pretty good indication they were willing to record Trump. I doubt we will ever get an official statement, but as much as can be read between the lines indicates this is a Trump issue. Whether that is because of speech content, hard to believe given the speeches given by the three previous sitting Presidents, or simple apathy doesn't matter.

I think the way it is read "between the lines" depends on the reader. I don't think it is a giant conspiracy, but I do wonder how much effort Disney has made and how accommodating they have been. Bob Iger has been mentioned as a potential 2020 Democrat presidential candidate. Does he want a positive image of his future political rival in "his" park? Again, I don't think of this as a conspiracy, just a lens through which to view the topic of the HoP rehab.
I think the way it is read "between the lines" depends on the reader. I don't think it is a giant conspiracy, but I do wonder how much effort Disney has made and how accommodating they have been. Bob Iger has been mentioned as a potential 2020 Democrat presidential candidate. Does he want a positive image of his future political rival in "his" park? Again, I don't think of this as a conspiracy, just a lens through which to view the topic of the HoP rehab.
That is how I see it. Why go to a lot of trouble if you would feel that it would be better if he just didn't speak.

It would have been better to not have current presidents speak. But once they started, they should have known that this might come up. It would have been better if only the founding fathers spoke.

Oh, and please don't have Kennedy speak.
I think the way it is read "between the lines" depends on the reader. I don't think it is a giant conspiracy, but I do wonder how much effort Disney has made and how accommodating they have been. Bob Iger has been mentioned as a potential 2020 Democrat presidential candidate. Does he want a positive image of his future political rival in "his" park? Again, I don't think of this as a conspiracy, just a lens through which to view the topic of the HoP rehab.

The history of President Obama's recording is they flew to the WH and took 20 minutes to record the following 175 words:

I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.

The American dream is as old as our founding, but as timeless as our hopes. It is reborn every day, in the heart of every child who wakes up in a land of limitless possibilities, in a country where “we the people” means all the people. We may come from different places and believe in different things, but what makes us American is a shared spirit—a spirit of courage and determination; of kindness and generosity. It is a spirit grounded in the wisdom of the generations that have gone before us, but open to the unimagined discoveries and possibilities on the horizon that lies ahead. Let us enjoy it, cherish it, defend it, and pass it on to our children as the bright and beautiful blessing it is—this enduring American dream.

It's hardly a positive impression of Barack Obama and more an apolitical message of moral value for our country. It wouldn't affect, one little bit, the ability to run against Trump had he recorded something similar and I think that is some massive stretch. Iger would be more hurt by being shown as petty and small in not including a speaking Trump, something that may happen anyway regardless of whether it is his fault.

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