Halloween, the Paranormal, and anything related redux

Regarding the Jim Morrison image, I believe that the image is real. However, I do not believe that it is of his ghost. The image looks familiar, I just cannot place it as of yet. So I say that video is a fake.

I don't believe that I will ever be able to wear the same clothing as Milla.. because she is not only very slim, she is very petite as well. I have a larger frame, not sure of her height. Mine is 5 ft. 8 inchs.... never mind about the current weight. :faint:

But thank you all the same Pixie for the kind words.... maybe one day I can get close enough, to where I can pull that look off proper like.
Yes ma'am, its me :) :)

No, I don't think it is.....I think it's a fake photo. It's too easy to fake pictures nowadays, and while I absolutely belive in ghosts and the paranormal (I grew up in a very haunted house, my Dad still lives there) I just don't believe in that photo. :)

I have Turbo Jam, I was considering going to that one if I can't get in my outside workouts and for the weight/ab training. I'd love to be able to do a 30 min. run every morning and come home and hit the 20 minutes abs on Turbo Jam....does Turbo Fire have a workout similar? Only abs?

I got my Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD at Wal-Mart for $10, it's very much worth it, and it's a very hard workout!! I've been posting my progress on FB, I'm absolutely getting stronger than I was just last week!
Gisele if you were to start a workout now then you absolutely be able to dress as Alice for Halloween. :) :)

Indeed they do. On the Fire plan it's called Core 20. I really like it. I showed my trainer today an exersice from it. It starts in a plank position and twist your core so you touch one hip to the floor, back to plank, then drop the other hip. I can't quite do the whole thing on my toes, but I can stay up longer now than the first time. I have a little extra mass on my mid section, it kinda hurts my back to do that for very long.
Regarding the Jim Morrison image, I believe that the image is real. However, I do not believe that it is of his ghost. The image looks familiar, I just cannot place it as of yet. So I say that video is a fake.

I don't believe that I will ever be able to wear the same clothing as Milla.. because she is not only very slim, she is very petite as well. I have a larger frame, not sure of her height. Mine is 5 ft. 8 inchs.... never mind about the current weight. :faint:

But thank you all the same Pixie for the kind words.... maybe one day I can get close enough, to where I can pull that look off proper like.

True, one does need to consider frame size...however I remain confident that you could pull it off and be every bit as beautiful as Mila is. :)

Indeed they do. On the Fire plan it's called Core 20. I really like it. I showed my trainer today an exersice from it. It starts in a plank position and twist your core so you touch one hip to the floor, back to plank, then drop the other hip. I can't quite do the whole thing on my toes, but I can stay up longer now than the first time. I have a little extra mass on my mid section, it kinda hurts my back to do that for very long.

Sweet!!!!! I may get it just for that...I love ab work but the floor work is hard on my neck, it gives me migraines if I do too much. :)
Thank you Pixie. I appreciate it. Until I finally get my foodie ways under control though, I will continue to have clothing in three different sizes! :faint:
Oh Gisele...I have clothes in 3 different sizes too! LOL :)

It's unfortunate when you can't find the size. Luck for men that the sizes are few and each covers a variety of people.

But then when it comes to Halloween, it's harder to find a costume that fits well.
What does not help Matt is when the standard sizing for costumes is anywhere from one to 3 sizes smaller from the actual size indicated on the costume. I know, for I have worked with these costumes at SPIRIT and HALLOWEEN CITY. I had fitted slim women in so called plus size costumes, that is how small these garments are. As well as fitted little girls in standard womens costumes, now that is especially scary!
What does not help Matt is when the standard sizing for costumes is anywhere from one to 3 sizes smaller from the actual size indicated on the costume. I know, for I have worked with these costumes at SPIRIT and HALLOWEEN CITY. I had fitted slim women in so called plus size costumes, that is how small these garments are. As well as fitted little girls in standard womens costumes, now that is especially scary!

I understand. Especially since so many female costumes are of the "sexy nurse" type but they don't say it only fits the proportions of the model on the packaging.
Exactly!! And even with clothing stores, like at Aeropostale I can get into a 5/7 jean, but at Old Navy I can wear a 3/4....makes no sense.....
Pixie.... please do not lose anymore weight. Because you will trun invisible. ;)
Man my shoe size is larger than you... ;)

What I am sick of, well a lot of things, but anyway.... it is bad enough when so many people act as though you are this giant, fat, unwanted, ugly creation, that should just jump off of a cliff or something, because one will not be confused for a Paris runway model. But then society, makes you feel even worse. These stupid, inane, weight loss commercials, for example, would have you believe that if you do not look like X, well then there is something wrong with you. You better call Jenny, or follow along with whomever the current celeb is that is being paid big bucks (I do not doubt) to advertise the companies product of wonderment. Well maybe if someone wanted to pay me to lose weight, it would be easier not just to do that, but to keep it off (I would love to throw away the yo yo)
Too bad one cannot go through life the way (As far as I know it is still done this way) musicians audition for the San Francisco Symphony. Being one auditions behind a curtain.

I bid thee a fair adieu, for I am off in search of a nice looking curtain. It will be in black, because don't ya know? The color black is suppose to be "slimming" Hmm......perhaps I should dress everyday as if I am attending a funeral....... or a corporate firm.
So.....I got an email from Costume Express today....everything already on clearance was another 50% off...I went to see if they might have a red Jessica dress and/or purple gloves and instead I found a super CUTE Alice costume!! And an Alice wig!! So I snagged them both!! For under $30 I got the costume and wig! I've got super cute super high heels I can wear or some super cute round toe Mary Jane style heels I can use.....so if I don't do Jessica I can do Alice...and maybe DBF can be the Mad Hatter. :)
That sounds super Pixie! I hope that you will post pictures, when the timing is right.
I love big sales too. :)
congrats on the costume snag Pwings!! I'm going to hold off until the Halloween store opens to get mine. I want to see how it looks on me before I buy it. Plus, I don't know what size I'll be when that season rolls around.
I know that one. For me, for example I have a costume from 2001. I try not to think too much about the math. :faint: Anyway, it was too small then, and............................ still is! OMG!............. (Great big sigh!) Maybe I should just get ride of it? I should theoretically fit in to it. But alas, still do not. It fits standard sizing up to a 14, I don't. :faint:
congrats on the costume snag Pwings!! I'm going to hold off until the Halloween store opens to get mine. I want to see how it looks on me before I buy it. Plus, I don't know what size I'll be when that season rolls around.

I totally understand but I really wanted it and it was so cheap....I had to get it, besides if it doesn't fit I can always return it. :)


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