Hannah Montana Tour Dates

Does anyone know, If you win the backstage passes or the front row seats, if you have to trade in two of your tickets? it would be wonderful to know,
I believe you don't have to exchange your seats to get the passess. You get to go backstage either AFTER OR before the concert. You don't give up your seats. We entered the raffle but I was alone with 3 kids under the age of 12 so I didn't feel comfortable leaving them if we had won. We did enter but did not wait for the actual Raffle to take place. They let us inside at 2:30pm and the Raffle took place at 2:45pm. There was NOOOO way we wanted to wait another 15 mins. outside. It was sooooo cold.

The Miley's World tour bus thingy is not worth it. We waited outside for in the freezing cold in Newark today. We did get pics in front of the tour bus. We also waited on the insane line to take a pic with the Miley cardboard cutout. It was cute but you can take a pic on the other side of the bus. No line. There was some Karaoke going on but we couldn't see it.

The concert was great. She sounds just like she does on her CD's. It was fun and the Prudential Center is beautiful.

Let me know if you have any ??'s
I believe you don't have to exchange your seats to get the passess. You get to go backstage either AFTER OR before the concert. You don't give up your seats. We entered the raffle but I was alone with 3 kids under the age of 12 so I didn't feel comfortable leaving them if we had won. We did enter but did not wait for the actual Raffle to take place. They let us inside at 2:30pm and the Raffle took place at 2:45pm. There was NOOOO way we wanted to wait another 15 mins. outside. It was sooooo cold.

The Miley's World tour bus thingy is not worth it. We waited outside for in the freezing cold in Newark today. We did get pics in front of the tour bus. We also waited on the insane line to take a pic with the Miley cardboard cutout. It was cute but you can take a pic on the other side of the bus. No line. There was some Karaoke going on but we couldn't see it.

The concert was great. She sounds just like she does on her CD's. It was fun and the Prudential Center is beautiful.

Let me know if you have any ??'s

Did you see Miley's grandma? They brought her out ont he "red carpet" about 10 minutes after we took out pics.
Did you see Miley's grandma? They brought her out ont he "red carpet" about 10 minutes after we took out pics.

No, we didn't. We got up to the "red carpet" around 2:15pm. After we took our pictures we headed over for to the line to get in. We were sooo cold. The kids were really beginning to get cranky. Poor things. We did hear girls screaming a few times around the karaoke thingy. But we didn't see anything going on.

Did anyone park in the garages at the Prudential Center ?? We were in the Yellow Lot 10 right next to it and it took us 45 minutes to get out of the garage onto the street !! It was insane. Next time there is no way I am parking in one of those garages. I'll try the lot across the street.
No, we didn't. We got up to the "red carpet" around 2:15pm. After we took our pictures we headed over for to the line to get in. We were sooo cold. The kids were really beginning to get cranky. Poor things. We did hear girls screaming a few times around the karaoke thingy. But we didn't see anything going on.

Did anyone park in the garages at the Prudential Center ?? We were in the Yellow Lot 10 right next to it and it took us 45 minutes to get out of the garage onto the street !! It was insane. Next time there is no way I am parking in one of those garages. I'll try the lot across the street.

I was in lot 18. It was perfect. We walked right across the street into the door. The road was blocked at the intersection of the street where the tour bus was so you didn't have to worry about cars. I had to laugh because we prepaid for parking and Valet was the same amount so we pick valet. I assumed it was a parking garage. It was actually a lot that held maybe 35 cars lol. We got out with no problems.. although we got to our car at seven since a friend needed to buy something else. I was home by 7:40.

If you have a libby lus near you bring your stub for a free hannah tote bag. my daughter got hers this morning.

which libby lu did you go to? i am in bergen couty and think the closest one is in palisades and wasn't sure if they would ahve it sine they are a bit far..

No, we didn't. We got up to the "red carpet" around 2:15pm. After we took our pictures we headed over for to the line to get in. We were sooo cold. The kids were really beginning to get cranky. Poor things. We did hear girls screaming a few times around the karaoke thingy. But we didn't see anything going on.

Did anyone park in the garages at the Prudential Center ?? We were in the Yellow Lot 10 right next to it and it took us 45 minutes to get out of the garage onto the street !! It was insane. Next time there is no way I am parking in one of those garages. I'll try the lot across the street.

We parked in the same lot, it was crazy. The concert was awesome though. We hit the Libby Lu in Edison on the way home for our tote bags. If anyone has any good pictures would you be willing to share? We were in the nosebleed section with no chance at decent pictures. Please PM me. Thanks!

which libby lu did you go to? i am in bergen couty and think the closest one is in palisades and wasn't sure if they would ahve it sine they are a bit far..


I went to Rockaway. If you have a long ride I would call first.
If anyone has any good pictures would you be willing to share? We were in the nosebleed section with no chance at decent pictures. Please PM me. Thanks!

Hey, what a great idea! If anyone has any good pictures I could use a few as well. Our seats weren't too bad (section 4) but I could barely make her out in any of the pics I took. My daughter would sure appreciate it! Thanks!
We are going to the Baltimore show on Tuesday night. How does the whole raffle tickets for backstage passes work? I thought I read somewhere that they came in an email but I may have deleted that. Then I read that you waited in line at the tour bus and showed your MileyWorld card for the raffle. Just checking what others have done. Also, what time should you get there before the concert for the "party"? Thanks!
We are going to the Baltimore show on Tuesday night. How does the whole raffle tickets for backstage passes work? I thought I read somewhere that they came in an email but I may have deleted that. Then I read that you waited in line at the tour bus and showed your MileyWorld card for the raffle. Just checking what others have done. Also, what time should you get there before the concert for the "party"? Thanks!
For the NJ show there was a line for the bus and a pic infront of a cardboard cutout. It tooks us about 40 minutes in that line. They had a walk up booth to hand in the printed tickets.. also the security guards were taking tickets from those of us waiting in the line and he brought them over to the booth. For those who didnt have a printed tickets when you showed yours miley world card they gave you a numbered raffle ticket.

They pulled approx 5 winners to go back stage. It is a limit of 2 passes per winner. And one had to be atleast 13 and older. So if your a parent with 2 kids you are out of luck. The announcer went over that a few times to make sure everyone was clear or the rules. I dont think the meet and greet lasted long at all. While were were still in the arena about 35 minutes after the show ended the tour bus left and well as a long limo right behind it.

The did not give out any front row tickets.. although they did say they had them for the show the night before.

They also gave out a few petz ds games and tooth tunes brushes.

My concert was at 4pm and the drawing went off at 2:45

Around 2:40 Mileys grandmother came out by the red carpet area.
Did anyone else see this? We didn't notice when we saw her in Worcester, MA but we were on the left side of the stage so we would have missed it anyway.

For some reason, half way through this song, HM sneaks away and an imposter takes her place.

My guess is she needs extra time to turn into Miley but come on, she could have just waved goodbye and let the Jonas Brothers take over while she changed. I just don't think tricking us was really necessary but I really don't care.

Just wondered if anyone else noticed.

There are several different videos on Youtube where you can see the quick switch.

Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDYhVzGmKY8

It happens at about 2:24 minutes into it. Once she switches, she never really comes close to the audience or looks at them again.

I've been looking for a place to put my 2 cents in on this because I gotten like 5 emails saying Miley was a fake and my DDs are huge fans. I don't think she's tricking anyone, and I certainly don't think she's a fake. If the imposter was standing front and center lip syncing the songs for an hour, I'd say OK she's a fake, but she's doing that. She comes in at practically the end of the song during the chorus and does more dancing around than anything else. Miley was up until that point actually singing the song. And the imposter isn't on stage very long at all.

The kid is what, 14 years old. We went to the Tampa concert an I was absolutely amazed at how good she was live. She made something like 5 or 6 outfit changes and completely changed her look/personality from HM to Miley. Most adults couldn't pull that off and I've been to worse "adult" rock concert performances.

I think the media tries to find every little teeny thing wrong with everyone in Hollywood. What were the producers of the show going to do, have 5 different intermissions so they could change her clothes. Her key demographic is what 6-12 year olds and clothes are a huge deal to them. My DD is 4 and she loved all the different outfits, if that means someone else has to step out on the stage for 2 minutes, that's fine by me. It helped with the magic of it all.

That said, this is done all the time in live shows and concerts and has never been a controversy before. Because it's HM it's all of a sudden a big deal. Heck, they do this in Beauty and the Beast at MGM at the end, right before Belle comes out in her yellow dress, a "Belle" comes out in a cloak. Obviously real Belle needs to get her yellow dress and hair on, it helps with the magic. I never felt frauded by this, in fact I've always thought it was blatently obvious but I knew there's no other way to do it. It helps with the magic.

Sorry for the vent, I just had to get that out! :)
Did anyone else see this? We didn't notice when we saw her in Worcester, MA but we were on the left side of the stage so we would have missed it anyway.

For some reason, half way through this song, HM sneaks away and an imposter takes her place.

My guess is she needs extra time to turn into Miley but come on, she could have just waved goodbye and let the Jonas Brothers take over while she changed. I just don't think tricking us was really necessary but I really don't care.

Just wondered if anyone else noticed.

There are several different videos on Youtube where you can see the quick switch.

Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDYhVzGmKY8

It happens at about 2:24 minutes into it. Once she switches, she never really comes close to the audience or looks at them again.


That's too funny. I remember this part in the concert, but I didn't think much of the sunglasses and the going in and out of the booth. I think there would have been so many other creative solutions to the situation besides using a "double". DD enjoyed the concert, but she thought the Jonas brothers were interacting with the audience more. Miley/HM was singing in these weird contorted positions or dancing in choreographed routines the entire concert whereas the JB reached out to fans and sang to them more.
This could totally have been avoided. Just finish the song and say "OK, im going to go get changed, heres more music from the Jonas Brothers!" No doubles, no nothing. But, its almost like they are trying to fool someone. I mean, the dancers gather around her and the guy with the big blanket...what is that?! Someone just made a bad decision. What is their excuse? She went in the room to put on her glasses?! Just a bad decision in my opinion and hopefully they change it or explain and apologize.
This could totally have been avoided. Just finish the song and say "OK, im going to go get changed, heres more music from the Jonas Brothers!" No doubles, no nothing. But, its almost like they are trying to fool someone. I mean, the dancers gather around her and the guy with the big blanket...what is that?! Someone just made a bad decision. What is their excuse? She went in the room to put on her glasses?! Just a bad decision in my opinion and hopefully they change it or explain and apologize.

This was for a minute of the show....she is not the only one who does it. They have done it in other concerts, disney and other plays on Broadway. Like I said in another post.. you pay to go see a movie of a certain star and its not them them doing stunts.. its a double during the movie.. I cant believe this is even making the news and a big deal of.

I guess is this day when you have teen stars on drugs and pregnant they always try to bring someone down who is doing good.

I was there is didn't even notice the change.
I've been looking for a place to put my 2 cents in on this because I gotten like 5 emails saying Miley was a fake and my DDs are huge fans. I don't think she's tricking anyone, and I certainly don't think she's a fake. If the imposter was standing front and center lip syncing the songs for an hour, I'd say OK she's a fake, but she's doing that. She comes in at practically the end of the song during the chorus and does more dancing around than anything else. Miley was up until that point actually singing the song. And the imposter isn't on stage very long at all.

The kid is what, 14 years old. We went to the Tampa concert an I was absolutely amazed at how good she was live. She made something like 5 or 6 outfit changes and completely changed her look/personality from HM to Miley. Most adults couldn't pull that off and I've been to worse "adult" rock concert performances.

I think the media tries to find every little teeny thing wrong with everyone in Hollywood. What were the producers of the show going to do, have 5 different intermissions so they could change her clothes. Her key demographic is what 6-12 year olds and clothes are a huge deal to them. My DD is 4 and she loved all the different outfits, if that means someone else has to step out on the stage for 2 minutes, that's fine by me. It helped with the magic of it all.

That said, this is done all the time in live shows and concerts and has never been a controversy before. Because it's HM it's all of a sudden a big deal. Heck, they do this in Beauty and the Beast at MGM at the end, right before Belle comes out in her yellow dress, a "Belle" comes out in a cloak. Obviously real Belle needs to get her yellow dress and hair on, it helps with the magic. I never felt frauded by this, in fact I've always thought it was blatently obvious but I knew there's no other way to do it. It helps with the magic.

Sorry for the vent, I just had to get that out! :)

Not only the media, regular people, they need to grow up and leave her alone.
seriously, it's not a big deal, people need to get a grip. the concert was great, we enjoyed it. She's not out there acting like britney spears or lindsay lohan for goodness sakes, she just is changing from hannah to miley. NO BIG. but I guess people have to complain about something...


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