Have you ever had a shock?

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This happened on my last trip about 3 weeks ago. My niece and I were walking in the World Showcase. This older gentleman on an ECV riding by, legs spread, with part of his "anatomy" peaking out of his shorts.
At typhoon lagoon a family proceeds to change the kids out of their suits right in front of us. The children (boy and girl) were happily naked and mom/dad even proceeded to pour bottled water over them to "clean" them? Then the mom/dad both changed out of their suits under a towel. The way the guy was doing it we were waiting to get mooned...we did. Can't understand why they changed on the beach, the dressing rooms were not crowded at that time.
Lordy some of these things are so gross! LOL!

I saw a couple is a really close encounter one night at the Dolphin bus stop. And I do mean REALLY close.

At Chef Mickey's several years ago, well talk about being at the wrong spot at the wrong time! A girl of about 7 or 8 was standing right in front of the buffet. She bowed at the waist and proceeded to lose her entire supper. The poor CM's went green and just stood there.

The year I got on the bus to DTD at the Contemporary with about 30 people from a Pitney Bowes convension. Let's say that they were all feeling just fine. :rolleyes: We sang songs, told jokes and had the best bus ride I've ever taken at WDW. I think the driver took the scenic route because it took up nearly 30 minutes to get there.

We were walking through Epcot near the fountain and we passed this guy who was wearing really short shorts sans underwear:eek: Let me just say he was letting it all hang out:rolleyes: Eeeewww!!
This happened last yr after we finished eating breakfast at CRT. We came downstairs and it was about 8:50 and we were the first at the rope. I was standing there with dd and this Dad comes up with his 2 kids and says, hey let's jump the rope to his kids. I looked at him and said in my classic NJ way, "wadda ya doing, you can't do that. He looks at me and says why not. I said because the ropes are up to keep people like you from doing whatever they want. The ropes will come down at 9am. I just really hate when people think that rules don't apply to them, truly urkes me. It's not just Disney, but everywhere. Again, we wonder why people are like this, well he is teaching his off-spring that this is acceptable behavior and it just isn't. This isn't as bad as the clothes or bathroom issues that have been raised, but it was shocking behavior to me, because he thought that it was perfectly ok to do it.....
The girl in only her panties was in Animal Kingdom as your leaving the Tarzan Rocks show....you know the section where everyone has to go the same direction - when we got where the paths split she went a different way from us. I'm guessing she must have gotten soaked on the Kali River Rapids....but come on :D And it wasn't like she was a little girl (besides the tattoo) she had to be at least 20 or so. All I can say is at least it wasn't a G-String - she did at least have on granny panties :D
Easter week this year at MK:

DD and I were walking in a large crowd near Crystal Palace.

A little boy (about 4 or 5 years old) in a stroller gave my DD the *finger* as we walked past them!!

I must have looked shocked because DD said *Did you see what that little boy just did to me?* I told her to ignore him and not let it spoil her day.

That is one that will stay with me a long time.

Originally posted by carone0318
I looked at him and said in my classic NJ way, "wadda ya doing, you can't do that. He looks at me and says why not. I said because the ropes are up to keep people like you from doing whatever they want. The ropes will come down at 9am. I just really hate when people think that rules don't apply to them, truly urkes me. It's not just Disney, but everywhere. Again, we wonder why people are like this, well he is teaching his off-spring that this is acceptable behavior and it just isn't.

I wish more people would respond like you did. In part, I think the reason we see so many people behaving badly is because in the past they have gotten away with it. There is also a point of view spreading like cancer in our society that says only "suckers" & "sheep" follow the rules. These people think the rules don't apply to them because they are "better" or "special." If more people would confront the "rule breakers" and make it unpleasant for them to break the rules - or at least unprofitable - we would see a lot less of it.

Good job carone0318 !!!! If you make it to the World this october I'll buy you a Sam Adams.

Excellent point. These people need to be told what they are doing is wrong. It is hard for a CM to say anything because they have to be "super nice" to the "guests". But that does not mean that you and I have to stand there and take it. We need to speak up when we see this kind of behaviour. Please, everyone, when you see this kind of thing going on, say something! :( Of course, if they are not from the USA, that might not do any good. You may get a "No speeka da english" or something like that. :rolleyes:
I told this story on a thread several months ago but it was so shocking it deserves a place on this thread.

DS and I were at MGM waiting for the Muppet 3 D show to start. We were center of a row with DS to my left and he was sitting next to a gentleman (I use the term loosely) in shorts. I notice the man is squirming around in his seat a lot and that makes me look over at him. DS and I dropped our mouths open completely when the man (who had his hand down his crotch) pulls out a baggie with crunched up crackers in them and starts to eat them! Then when he finishes his snack, he rolls up the leftovers and puts the baggie back down his shorts! I have never in all my born days witnessed anything so disgusting. My son and I were mortified! We laugh about it now but it certainly was not humorous when it was happening.

I know Disney does not encourage "outside" food but I can think of several other places he could have kept his "goodies" without having to resort to smuggling in crackers in his shorts!
We had a CM shocked us with his un-disney attitude on our last trip.This was the first time ever in 20 + trips.I guess I did not expect his kind of "my mistake,I don't care attitude".It shocked me so much is still bugs me to this day(happened last november).I really don't want to go over what happened,I did go to city hall on our way out of MK that day to report him and they were supposed to take care of it.I did received the right disney attitude there.All this time ,I had such wonderful memories at MK to be ruined by this idiot :rolleyes: . Sorry, reading all these posts reminded me of "the incident" .
It always shocks me when I see girls around the age of 7 or 8 and they have their belly buttons pierced. A few years back we were told my a mom, I think they were from England, that it is normal over there for young girls to have them pierced. And here I didn't even get my ears pierced until I was like 15.
not my experience, but a good while back (must have been at least a year or two) i remember reading a post (here on the DIS) from a woman who while at Epcot witnessed a woman going #2 in her hand in a bathroom.

I don't know for sure if that one was for real, but that was my all time shocker from WDW. I was so appauled by that one!!! After getting over the "get out" phase, i laughed for days over that one. (i would have broken my ankel getting out of that bathroom in such a hurry to tell my DH what i just saw!!!!!)

- lori
DS, almost 3, and I were hanging at SAB while the older two and dad were in the deeper water. We were over by the itty-bitty toddler climber. No privacy, right. Evidently enough. This mom has her daughter, who HAD to be at least five, straddle a bush and let loose. I was speechless, which doesn't happen very often. ;) She must have been feeling slightly guilty because she tries to get me to join her in a conversation about how unreasonable it is to expect the children to "hold it" and go all the way over there to the restroom. If DS had been just potty-training, he could have made it! :p She really tried to get me to say I'd done the same with DS! She kept talking and talking and I finally said that I didn't expect DS to wait; he was wearing a swim diaper. She stomped off with the poor child trailing behind.
tigrlvspooh...I sure hope the first child you saw didn't visit the nyc area before you saw the little one drinking out of the puddle!!:p
While waiting for the boat that goes across the lake inside epcot we saw a famil of mom dad and 2 sons throwing bits of turkey leg into the lagoon to feed the fish. The son the proceeds to hock a big wad of spit into the lake to help "feed the fish" They akll then jioned in hocking up phlegm into the lagoon and laughing trying to get the fish to eat it.

I'll take a singing Brazillian tour group anyday :rolleyes:
I am a city bus driver by trade. We also cannot say anything to passengers but we do give a silent cheer to the other passengers that speak up. More than once I have smiled when I have heard a passenger tell another obnoxious passsenger to shut up or get help or something to that effect. Of course, that can lead to other more serious problems but when it works it is great.

People have no manners nor do they give one hoot about the people around them. It is a very sad when you consider the direction the world is going in with the coming of age of the "entitled" generation.
Don't you just wonder what these people's houses are like? If these people are that confortable in public, what do they do in private? Eew! I don't want to know.:earseek:
I actually have two stories. DD and I were near Splash Mountain. A man had his daughter, who appeared to be about 2, sitting on his shoulders. He wasn't holding on to her and she leaned backward. She fell to the concrete. He was very upset. The little girl was screaming. I'm sure that he never dreamed she'd fall. Now everytime I see someone with a small child on their shoulders, I cringe.

DD and I were at Universal IOA at the play area in Jurassic Park. We saw some people standing near the wall looking down and laughing. We looked over and saw a man (about 60) and a small boy (about 8). The would run to the center of the path, drop their drawers and moon those above and then run to the other side of the path. This happened a couple of times as we were leaving the area. I assume the people laughing were family. They thought it was a scream. DD, who was about 8 at the time, saw no humor in it. Some people!
A few years ago, we saw a family of about six sit down on the bench outside the Pete's Garage restroom in Toontown Fair. They then proceeded to open up a lunch they had packed for themselves. I really didn't mind the food brought into the park, (but I'm sure Disney would have)...It's just the spot they chose. There were so many people around, coming and going and the restroom had that disinfectant restroom smell.
Not to mention it was in August
Many trips ago we we standing in the large waiting area before the preshow for the Michael Jackson 3D movie (I told you it was awhile ago!!). It was very crowded...a full crowd...and just outside the glass windows where we could all see out and apparently no one could see in...a woman bent down and peed while the entire crowd was watching unbeknownst to her. My DS was only about 8 at the time and was horrified....made the astute observation "But Mom, there are so many bathrooms here!". I'll never forget the whole incident.
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