Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Anybody else getting vaccinated? How about your kids?

My 14YO daughter will receive her 2nd shot tomorrow at her pediatrician's office - she didn't experience any side effects the first time around, which was good since when I scheduled it, I didn't know she had a lacrosse game that was scheduled last minute. She has a game tomorrow too but there wasn't any flexibility to schedule the 2nd shot, but the rest of the weekend will be pretty low-key if she needs to rest.
Anybody else getting vaccinated? How about your kids?
DS and DD get their 2nd shot tomorrow. No side effects from #1 except for the sore arm.

I mentioned in the thread for 12-15 year olds that DD had a “feel like I’m going to pass out” moment during our wait and three days later developed hives. In the end I felt the hives were coincidental and most likely brought on by the excitement of her big sister coming home after a year. I ran her by the pediatrician anyway to make her feel more comfortable. As DLgal pointed out in the other thread the doc said that pass out feeling is extremely common in teen girls. She also feels the hives were situational. As we were talking she pointed to DD’s knees, they were patching up like hives were about to happen. Same thing happened yesterday when she was getting blood work. Anyway, she was cleared for #2 as doc feels it’s unrelated and in the off chance it is it was a very minor. Just thought I’d update for those who read the other thread.

Also, the doc told me the first shot for teens in particular leaves them very well protected and that #2 is kind of like a bonus. I will update with any side effects for #2.
DD22 just got her 2nd Pfizer this morning. DH and I had our 2nd Moderna May 1st/2nd. Hoping for no side effects for DD, like her dad and I. 🤞

My sister goes for her 2nd at the end of the month and then all adult members of my side for the family will have been vaccinated. All the other kids aside from DD are still too young for their turn.
Here’s a twist on this question:

Would you date someone who hasn’t been vaccinated?

I’m super curious how this dynamic is playing out now.
In all my years I never thought I'd be married to a balding, heavy set man but I am.....and now that he is all vaccinated we're good. 👍

Now......on to what this great thread is all about. :)
Here’s a twist on this question:

Would you date someone who hasn’t been vaccinated?

I’m super curious how this dynamic is playing out now.
Nope. I'm a huge science nerd, and beyond the whole "doing the right thing in a public health crisis," I also couldn't date someone who didn't believe in science.

I knew a woman whose boyfriend posted the picture early last year of the Lysol wipes container with the word "coronavirus" circled with the whole "omg how did they know, these wipes are from 2018" or whatever and all I could think was, ugh you let this dummy ... see you naked.
When I last commented, myself, DH & DD17 were all vaccinated

DD15 & DS12 get their 2nd dose tomorrow. Neither had side effects after the first one.

Now we just need approval for the younger one. Hoping Pfizer gets approval to lower the age for the current EUA, but it may end up having to wait until Sept.
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