Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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I’m so glad it’s June this means that we are getting our second shots this month. My mom gets her second next week, me the next and then two weeks later my husband. Then we’re all good except for the kids. Here in Germany my son who is 16 also have to wait a long time before he’s up. In Germany is not recommending the vaccine for those under 16 unless you have major preconditions. So my daughter won’t be getting the shot. It’s kind of a hot topic right now between the politicians ( Who want everyone to be vaccinated) and medical experts ( Who look at risk benefit for only the individual). One of the main points is that they look at the individual as a patient and not as a tool to reach herd immunity or end a pandemic. I see Both points as a parent I’m kind of torn right now. Part maybe has to do with the whole Astrazeneca thing over here Too many healthy younger people died from the vaccine shot, where had they had Covid they probably would never of noticed it. I think this is where this approval committee is a little bit more hesitant. That you see the true risks once you start vaccinating millions of people. That was one of their main arguments is that the numbers in the children’s studies are still too low. I think they’re being overly cautious and waiting to see what happens first to other countries. But my gut feeling is she’ll get a shot sometime in the fall.
I’m so glad it’s June this means that we are getting our second shots this month. My mom gets her second next week, me the next and then two weeks later my husband. Then we’re all good except for the kids. Here in Germany my son who is 16 also have to wait a long time before he’s up. In Germany is not recommending the vaccine for those under 16 unless you have major preconditions. So my daughter won’t be getting the shot. It’s kind of a hot topic right now between the politicians ( Who want everyone to be vaccinated) and medical experts ( Who look at risk benefit for only the individual). One of the main points is that they look at the individual as a patient and not as a tool to reach herd immunity or end a pandemic. I see Both points as a parent I’m kind of torn right now. Part maybe has to do with the whole Astrazeneca thing over here Too many healthy younger people died from the vaccine shot, where had they had Covid they probably would never of noticed it. I think this is where this approval committee is a little bit more hesitant. That you see the true risks once you start vaccinating millions of people. That was one of their main arguments is that the numbers in the children’s studies are still too low. I think they’re being overly cautious and waiting to see what happens first to other countries. But my gut feeling is she’ll get a shot sometime in the fall.
Are they only administering AstraZeneca there?
Body aches, fever and chills for both last night. Still running fevers this morning. This is exactly what their big sister experienced. DD is up because she couldn’t sleep. DS doesn’t want to get out of bed. Both went to bed about 8pm last night.
No - all others too. Biggest supply comes from Biontec/Pfizer.
I know other countries will do their own testing and shouldn't just rely on the testing of other countries, but it's interesting that Canada & the US have approved Pfizer for younger ages, but not Germany. Not said in any judgment - it's just interesting to me.
Just got back from my second shot. They used a longer needle this time (I don't know if they did last time, as they didn't mention it) and the lady giving me my shot was like "Don't worry, the longer needle isn't scarier." So obviously I was a big girl and said I wasn't afraid, even though I was sweating bullets.

I'm tired now though, because I walked to and from the vaccination place (30min each way) and because I did find the whole ordeal to be stressful. Glad that's over with for now and I hope my side effects will be mild. 😌
2 middle kids got their 1st Pfizer today - it was a breeze for them so far. I have told the spouse that I expect them to feel their worst tomorrow morning, so we're gonna do online Church and let them sleep in if they want it. For my oldest, both shots were a breeze, so here's hoping it's the same for them...
It's been almost 24 hours since my second shot and I've got no side effects yet, except for a small sensitive area on the spot they gave me the shot, but even that hurts far less than after the first shot. I had expected to feel terrible today so I got all kinds of easy food so I wouldn't have to go out to buy food. In the end I went to a nearby city for a burrito bowl and banana pudding to celebrate feeling pretty good.
DD 13 and DS 15 got their second shot on Thursday. DD didn't make it through school on Friday. She felt a little crummy and off. By about 430 she had a fever that went between 100.3 to 100.8. It lasted until about midnight then she was fine. She never took anything either.

DS was fine through school on Friday. He had 2 soccer games Friday night that he planned to go to. At 4:30 his temp was normal. By 5 he was 100.5. He still wanted to play in his games. We made him take motrin (he has a tendency to spike high and fast with fevers) and told he was not going. Fever was gone by around midnight as well. He did have a pretty sore arm as well.
I got the Pfizer vaccines several months ago and no side effects other than a sore arm. I wanted to see if I had antibodies so I got the test at our pharmacy. I have short term and long term antibodies. They said after awhile the short term antibodies will go away.

My daughter who takes immunosuppressants due to a heart and kidney transplant got two Moderna vaccines. Her antibody test showed very minor short term antibodies and no long term. The medication must prevent the antibodies from doing what they are supposed to. Very disappointing but not totally surprising.
Am I still allowed to post here? So my mom got her second shot yesterday and she is 70. Just like with the first shot she felt and reacted zero. Yes nothing, nada. So now she’s all paranoid that the vaccine is not gonna work for her. She was really Looking forward to an immune reaction. I get my second shot next week. And then I’m ready for travel. Heading back to Chicago. I will be there over the 4th and I know things will just go crazy so I need to be fully vaccinated. Next step is that these darn borders open. We have Disney booked end of August and my mom is part of that trip.
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