"Here I go again! On my own??" Solo in May 2017 PTR **updated 4/29

I can't believe how close your trip is!!

What a serious disappointment about the shirt! :( I loooove that design, too, so extra disappointing. This is why I always fear online shopping, especially with an independent shop like this where I can't just take it back to the big box store for a refund. I just placed a hot topic order today since we don't really have them in Canada, and even that has me nervous. (Especially with the exchange on the Canadian $ as terrible as it is right now! Ugggh barf!)

I think the only thing I have left to talk about trip wise is my departure day, right? So let's get into that...

...there's not much to get into, once again I have no set plan. Who AM I???

OMG who are you!! Living on the wild side!! Having the freedom will probably feel weirdly foreign, but think of the opportunities! :) Can't wait to see how all your plans unfold.
I couldn't get a "normalish" time for Ohana on our LAST DAY. What?

I'm glad you eventually got something. I ended up cancelling my 3:45 dinner because it's just not a good time for me for a feast. Sad about it still but what can you do.


I will be meeting @Raeven (and Jenna, too??) at Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar

This is so exciting!!

Last week my Sanuk flip flops for the trip came.

I LOVE SANUK!! These are the only flip flops I can wear actually. They are so comfortable.
Ugh, that sucks about the tank top! But now I'm really glad I let you be the Guinea pig and waited to order one for myself lol. I have chest issues too :rolleyes1 so that would be a problem. I actually go to a fancy-schmancy bra store to buy mine or get them online from one particular site b/c I'm a weird European size. I know you wanted to know that ::yes::
On the bright side I love both your flip flops and I think I'm going to order a pair of the Sanuks for our trip next month! I've been looking for a new brand, I did buy some new Sketchers flops the other day and they're real comfy but I'd like to have 2 decent pairs. For years the Nike ones worked great for me in the parks but not so much last month for some reason.
And while we're on the subject of clothing, you mentioned some athletic capris you bought at Target I think? Are they Target brand?
(and a Reggie's Revenge at Jock Lindsey's!)

Um YES this is exactly what I want to try there too!

Your company doesn't do anything for admin. professionals day?? That is LAME!! They should get you flowers and send you to lunch. Or at least give you a gift card or something.

One year I think our boss gave us scratch offs when I worked in another location...but nope they didn't even acknowledge it. We only get a half hour for lunch so I don't think they would do anything as nice as give me lunch :rotfl: or anything. They didn't even pay me for Easter...I guess it's just for sales and I'm the only FT admin that works Sundays. So it basically only excluded me, my boss didn't even know until the day before. So I told him I'd take an unpaid day instead of working during my 3 day weekend.

She legitimately thinks they will just like, wander through fields along dirt roads or something! And along stormy sea cliffs, or whatever other romantic ideas she has in her head. If you ask what they have planned she just says, "We're going to the Northern Coast". She can't even give you any town or city. We roll our eyes and shake our heads a lot :sad2:

You're so close, I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear about your trip! PS- the weather looks GREAT for you (I've been stalking the weather channel website, haha!)

I ordered two pairs of flip flops for the trip and the Sanuks arrived Friday, the Tevas should get here today. The Jambo shirt from Main Street Press should also be arriving today. I hope I come home from school to lots of happy mail!!

Nothing better than coming to packages... and especially if those packages are for Disney!! yipee!:worship:

Guys! I am five days away from this trip!!

I LOVE this, excellent choice!

I'm not sure why the color and size of the pictures are so weird!! It's a light mint green color, this is the actual shirt:

The yellow hue actually kind of works too, haha!

Even the tiniest seam in my tightest leggings shows through and somehow manages to look bulky and weird.

Ugh so disappointing.

I'm so sad!! I am going to go look for a more form fitting cami today and try to see if I can make that work with it. It's such a pretty color, and I want it to be more than just an around the house shirt, you know??

Maybe a bralette? Not sure how much 'support' this will be for you tho...

The shop opens again late tonight, and I think I'm going to try and get the t-shirt version that I really wanted in the first place. It won't be here for this trip, but at least I'll have it for October.

Silver linings <3
Giant storms all night and all morning have caused an internet/cable outage from our provider :sad::sad:

I don't like using my phone as a hotspot any longer than I have to, so I will come back and do replies later if things are working.

I'll be in meetings for the rest of the day, woohoo!! My favorite! (Nope.)

It's also the day we're supposed to have the OM kids sell popsicles after school. The one day this week the temp isn't in the 70s/80s. Instead it's raining and barely 50...awesome. Wish us luck!!
Kids like sugary frozen things no matter what the temp is so hopefully you do well. Good luck!

I'm now flip flop shopping while I should be working! I'm blaming you! Such a bad influence. :P
I can't believe how close your trip is!!

What a serious disappointment about the shirt! :( I loooove that design, too, so extra disappointing. This is why I always fear online shopping, especially with an independent shop like this where I can't just take it back to the big box store for a refund. I just placed a hot topic order today since we don't really have them in Canada, and even that has me nervous. (Especially with the exchange on the Canadian $ as terrible as it is right now! Ugggh barf!)

OMG who are you!! Living on the wild side!! Having the freedom will probably feel weirdly foreign, but think of the opportunities! :) Can't wait to see how all your plans unfold.

I know!! It's crazy! But now YOU have one coming up super quickly!! :dogdance::dogdance: Very sad we are missing each other though!!

Online shopping scares me most of the time, too. I try to limit it to things like t-shirts or shoes, or brands of clothing where I am a consistent size. Because with me, what ends up happening is...if it doesn't fit, it sits in my closet anyway. Because I never remember to take it back, or I don't want to deal with the hassle. I have two dresses from Target in my closet with tags still on that have been there for two years. And I don't even have the exchange rate problem!! I just have a laziness/forgetfulness problem!!

I'm glad you eventually got something. I ended up cancelling my 3:45 dinner because it's just not a good time for me for a feast. Sad about it still but what can you do.

This is so exciting!!

I LOVE SANUK!! These are the only flip flops I can wear actually. They are so comfortable.

I was glad to find the better time...I've always been so lucky with dining, never had an issue getting the difficult meals or anything, so I was thrown off by all the craziness this go around.

3:45 would be a really hard time to eat there...so much food at an off time. I'm sorry!! Maybe something will pop up before you go!

I'm a total convert to Sanuk now. They were immediately comfortable with no tight spots, or anywhere that rubbed my foot...I'm going to be looking at getting more styles! I hate regular shoes and wear flip flops as much of the year as possible, so finding them is like a whole new exciting world that has been opened up to me, lol!!

Ugh, that sucks about the tank top! But now I'm really glad I let you be the Guinea pig and waited to order one for myself lol. I have chest issues too :rolleyes1 so that would be a problem. I actually go to a fancy-schmancy bra store to buy mine or get them online from one particular site b/c I'm a weird European size. I know you wanted to know that ::yes::
On the bright side I love both your flip flops and I think I'm going to order a pair of the Sanuks for our trip next month! I've been looking for a new brand, I did buy some new Sketchers flops the other day and they're real comfy but I'd like to have 2 decent pairs. For years the Nike ones worked great for me in the parks but not so much last month for some reason.
And while we're on the subject of clothing, you mentioned some athletic capris you bought at Target I think? Are they Target brand?

Oh, I know! I was so sad about it. I still am, but I will have some time tomorrow to play around with it a little and see if I can come up with a way to make it work. Right now I'm hoping I can make it work for a travel outfit (it'll be cool here the morning I leave, and probably in the airports, so I can throw a sweater on over it).

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one fighting a chest issue! I hate bra shopping with a fiery passion and avoid it as long as possible, but it's that time once again unfortunately. It's a hassle b/c I need to switch from my go to brand because they just aren't as well constructed as they used to be. Bless the Dis for the conversations it begins, LOL!!

The sanuks are really, REALLY comfortable. Right off the bat at the first wearing, it was like they were an old favorite. I used to like nike ones, too, but the last pair I had were so uncomfortable.

Yes! My capris from Target that I love so much...the ones I just bought were Champion brand. I can't remember if they were the Flawless fit or the Freedom fit, but they are so amazing, and I am going to go pick up another pair before I leave. I also like their Mossimo brand leggings, which is what I wore on my trip in December, but they never have the capri length ones I like in stock.

Um YES this is exactly what I want to try there too!

One year I think our boss gave us scratch offs when I worked in another location...but nope they didn't even acknowledge it. We only get a half hour for lunch so I don't think they would do anything as nice as give me lunch :rotfl: or anything. They didn't even pay me for Easter...I guess it's just for sales and I'm the only FT admin that works Sundays. So it basically only excluded me, my boss didn't even know until the day before. So I told him I'd take an unpaid day instead of working during my 3 day weekend.


It sounded like the best drink on the menu and I'm really excited about it!

Aw, that really sucks that they don't do anything for you!! And about Easter :sad2:

You're so close, I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear about your trip! PS- the weather looks GREAT for you (I've been stalking the weather channel website, haha!)
Nothing better than coming to packages... and especially if those packages are for Disney!! yipee!:worship:

The yellow hue actually kind of works too, haha!

Ugh so disappointing.

Maybe a bralette? Not sure how much 'support' this will be for you tho...

Silver linings <3

The weather is looking pretty good! I keep checking, then forgetting, then checking again...right now my area is expecting terrible storms for the rest of the week/weekend, and I'm so scared my flights from here to Atlanta, and then Atlanta to Orlando, are going to be delayed :scared: I can't think about it too much!! But once I arrive, it looks like warm temps with middle of the road humidity, which is GREAT! I think I can handle that!!

I looove pre-Disney packages!!

I still can't figure out why those pictures made the shirt look yellow! So weird! It does work in yellow though, lol!!

I wish a bralette would work! I see so many cute ones, but sadly, they will not work for me :sad: I am determined to come up with a fix for it before I leave Sunday morning!!

Kids like sugary frozen things no matter what the temp is so hopefully you do well. Good luck!

I'm now flip flop shopping while I should be working! I'm blaming you! Such a bad influence. :P

Your prediction was correct...we made $90 even though it was cold and rainy. We're going to do it again tomorrow now that more kids know to bring money.

I am a bad influence!! I am always down for some flip flop shopping!!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one fighting a chest issue! I hate bra shopping with a fiery passion and avoid it as long as possible, but it's that time once again unfortunately. It's a hassle b/c I need to switch from my go to brand because they just aren't as well constructed as they used to be.
Today I went shopping with one of my best friends. She.............does NOT have a chest issue, unless you consider not have a chest, an issue :laughing: Anyway we're trying on summery stuff like tank tops and sundresses and everything fits her great, no bra straps hanging out or anything, and I'm the total opposite with straps showing everywhere :faint:

Bless the Dis for the conversations it begins, LOL!!

The sanuks are really, REALLY comfortable. Right off the bat at the first wearing, it was like they were an old favorite. I used to like nike ones, too, but the last pair I had were so uncomfortable.
I was going to go into DSW and look for them but we had to head home before we had time! We were at a mall about 30 minutes away and needed to get back for the kids. I think I'll be ordering a pair online tomorrow :thumbsup2

Yes! My capris from Target that I love so much...the ones I just bought were Champion brand. I can't remember if they were the Flawless fit or the Freedom fit, but they are so amazing, and I am going to go pick up another pair before I leave.
Thank you! I'll be looking for those, too!
I hate regular shoes and wear flip flops as much of the year as possible, so finding them is like a whole new exciting world that has been opened up to me, lol!!

The funny thing is, I was never able to wear flip flops at all before - hated the thing between the toes...until Sanuk- they are the only ones I find don't irritate between the toes...so now I love flip flops!! And I totally get the whole new world thing lol
Today I went shopping with one of my best friends. She.............does NOT have a chest issue, unless you consider not have a chest, an issue :laughing: Anyway we're trying on summery stuff like tank tops and sundresses and everything fits her great, no bra straps hanging out or anything, and I'm the total opposite with straps showing everywhere :faint:

I have friends like that...I hate them :rotfl:
I actually was a "friend like that" for much of my life, which makes things hard for me to accept now. I blame my children. It really is all their fault for my up top problems!! I guess they're worth it, LOL!!
Three more days.

Holy crap.

I'm not even sure how I'm feeling. I mean, I'm excited for sure, but much like our December trip, there's just so much normal everyday stuff going on, that I can't quite feel the connection to this trip yet! It doesn't feel real.

I think I have to admit that I prefer summer trips!! It makes it feel more like a vacation than something that's getting in the way of other things I need to do.

My husband keeps telling me that I need this break and I need to relax...I agree, but I worry about being able to let go of everything happening on the homefront. I will be trying my best!!

I haven't started packing yet, either. Oops.

I'll put up a more complete update tomorrow :-):-)
It's always a weird feeling when you have a trip but can't seem to grasp that it's actually HERE! I felt very much that way for my November trip.

Take your husband's advice and just leave your troubles behind for this trip! This trip is all about YOU! :goodvibes
I'm not even sure how I'm feeling. I mean, I'm excited for sure, but much like our December trip, there's just so much normal everyday stuff going on, that I can't quite feel the connection to this trip yet
This is how I feel right before Steve and I go on our adults only trips! Totally excited, but more stressed than when all of us are going. Regardless of what's going on at home I feel I have MORE to get ready, since I'm leaving the boys in someone else's care. I'm actually usually really grumpy the 3 or 4 days before we leave and then the night before it hits me that we're leaving......

My husband keeps telling me that I need this break and I need to relax...I agree, but I worry about being able to let go of everything happening on the homefront. I will be trying my best!!
Yes! I know it'll be hard to do, but I bet once you're sitting on the plane waiting to take off, your body will chill :cool2:
I think you'll be fine once you get there and will enjoy yourself. I had a destination wedding and I remember being super stressed days before we left but the moment I stepped off the plane I felt all of my worries go away.

I was at Target today and someone in front of me was buying the Champion capris. She had a 15% off coupon. I asked the cashier about it and she thought the coupon might also be on Cartwheel. I haven't had a moment to look but wanted to give you and @ariane37 a heads up in case you were going to buy them soon. It's take your son to work day so he was with me. Otherwise I would of been on top of that and grabbed some. I do love my Old Navy ones though.
I was at Target today and someone in front of me was buying the Champion capris. She had a 15% off coupon. I asked the cashier about it and she thought the coupon might also be on Cartwheel. I haven't had a moment to look but wanted to give you and @ariane37 a heads up in case you were going to buy them soon.
Thank you! Heading to the mall tomorrow :thumbsup2
It's always a weird feeling when you have a trip but can't seem to grasp that it's actually HERE! I felt very much that way for my November trip.

Take your husband's advice and just leave your troubles behind for this trip! This trip is all about YOU! :goodvibes

It IS weird!!

I'm not used to things being all about me...that's weird too :scared1:

One thing I'm really really looking forward to is just quietness and sitting on my balcony!

This is how I feel right before Steve and I go on our adults only trips! Totally excited, but more stressed than when all of us are going. Regardless of what's going on at home I feel I have MORE to get ready, since I'm leaving the boys in someone else's care. I'm actually usually really grumpy the 3 or 4 days before we leave and then the night before it hits me that we're leaving......

Yes! I know it'll be hard to do, but I bet once you're sitting on the plane waiting to take off, your body will chill :cool2:

I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel this way! I really do feel all out of sorts. I think once I get on the second plane in Atlanta, it'll all click. At least that's what I'm hoping!!

I think you'll be fine once you get there and will enjoy yourself. I had a destination wedding and I remember being super stressed days before we left but the moment I stepped off the plane I felt all of my worries go away.

I was at Target today and someone in front of me was buying the Champion capris. She had a 15% off coupon. I asked the cashier about it and she thought the coupon might also be on Cartwheel. I haven't had a moment to look but wanted to give you and @ariane37 a heads up in case you were going to buy them soon. It's take your son to work day so he was with me. Otherwise I would of been on top of that and grabbed some. I do love my Old Navy ones though.

I hope that's how I feel when I step off the plane, too! I'll finally be there after all the waiting...it'll be good!
Ooh, that's good to know about the cartwheel coupon, thank you!!
Just popping in to say that I hope you have a FABULOUS trip!!! I am so jealous you get to do a solo trip, that is something I'd love to do one day!
And since my boyfriend isn't Disney crazy like I am, maybe I can convince him I need some solo time in WDW in the next year or so ;)

Can't wait to see pics and hear all about your awesome trip!
Just popping in to say that I hope you have a FABULOUS trip!!! I am so jealous you get to do a solo trip, that is something I'd love to do one day!
And since my boyfriend isn't Disney crazy like I am, maybe I can convince him I need some solo time in WDW in the next year or so ;)

Can't wait to see pics and hear all about your awesome trip!

Thank you!! I hope you get to do a solo trip one day!! I'm hoping I let myself have fun, LOL!!

I'll be posting on instagram for sure and a maybe a little bit on Facebook...not many people on FB know I'm going back again :scared:


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