"Here I go again! On my own??" Solo in May 2017 PTR **updated 4/29

New trip related panic...

We're preparing for gigantic storms and 6 - 10 inches of rain, plus wind/hail/tornado possibilities tonight through Sunday morning. So nervous it's going to cause my flights to be delayed :crazy2:

Will come back later with a regular chapter update...lots of stuff going on today!!

Happy Friday!
Oh no!! Crossing my fingers for you! Also going over to Insta to follow you so I can keep up with this trip!
New trip related panic...

We're preparing for gigantic storms and 6 - 10 inches of rain, plus wind/hail/tornado possibilities tonight through Sunday morning. So nervous it's going to cause my flights to be delayed :crazy2:

Will come back later with a regular chapter update...lots of stuff going on today!!

Happy Friday!

That's insane! Crossing fingers and toes that everything works out for you and you have a safe, ON TIME flight!
We're preparing for gigantic storms and 6 - 10 inches of rain, plus wind/hail/tornado possibilities tonight through Sunday morning. So nervous it's going to cause my flights to be delayed :crazy2:

OH NO!! I'll be hoping for no delays!!! Maybe the forecast will change between now and then..............:scared:
In positive news, holy crap on a shingle I look FABULOUS in those Target freedom fit capris :rotfl2: No seriously, they do a great job at hiding.............less than perfect parts of the body :rolleyes1 And I also found Sanuks in DSW. So thank you very much for doing this PTR!
Can't believe you are only T minus 2 days away. Hope the weather is ok and you can get out on time. And good luck with the packing. I find copious amounts of wine makes packing a much easier process :-)

And let me know how comfy those Sanuk flip flops are. Totally loving them
Oh gosh!! Not the kind of trip stress you need! I hope it doesn't affect your flight!

I know! What is the deal?? We're under a gazillion warnings.

FX for no flight delays!

thank you!! I'm hoping everything clears out tomorrow and Sunday morning is fine!

Oh no!! Crossing my fingers for you! Also going over to Insta to follow you so I can keep up with this trip!

:thumbsup2 I might be blowin' up the insta quite a bit this week!!

That's insane! Crossing fingers and toes that everything works out for you and you have a safe, ON TIME flight!

Thank you, thank you!! I'm so nervous!!

OH NO!! I'll be hoping for no delays!!! Maybe the forecast will change between now and then..............:scared:
In positive news, holy crap on a shingle I look FABULOUS in those Target freedom fit capris :rotfl2: No seriously, they do a great job at hiding.............less than perfect parts of the body :rolleyes1 And I also found Sanuks in DSW. So thank you very much for doing this PTR!

I normally like storms, but I hate this one so hard!!

Right?? I told you they were the best pants ever!! They suck everything in so well, LOL!!

And hooray for Sanuks!
Can't believe you are only T minus 2 days away. Hope the weather is ok and you can get out on time. And good luck with the packing. I find copious amounts of wine makes packing a much easier process :-)

And let me know how comfy those Sanuk flip flops are. Totally loving them

I know! I've been so busy, and thinking about the fact that I'll be at WDW in the DAY AFTER TOMORROW is crazy!

And so far so good on the sanuks! I'll definitely report back on how they handle the parks!!
Good morning!! In 24 hours I will be landing at MCO. Whaaaatt???

It hit me this morning when I commented on another PTR that "I have a FP for RoL tomorrow, too!"



I'm all checked in for my flight, did all of my last minute shopping this morning (I think. I hope!), DH just left to get me some cash, and I have most of the stuff I plan on taking in the suitcase. None of it is organized, but it's all at least in a pile inside the suitcase. I'm procrastinating for a little while longer and then I'll go in there and get it ready to go.

On the weather front, it stormed like crazy last night. Power went out for a couple hours, hail, insane lighting, my back yard looked like a LAKE...this morning has been ok so far, but the next round of storms is heading this way. I'm hoping the worst of it stays to the west and north instead of hitting us directly, however I don't think I'll get my wish. It's looking like tomorrow morning is going to be ok for my flight though, but keep those fingers crossed for me please!!

If you want to follow along with me while I'm there, I'll be posting more to Instagram than anything else. I'm Samanthars on there. Facebook posts may be more limited because not very many people know I'm going again!! I get lots of snide comments from certain family members, so much of my Disney excitement is contained to Insta and here on the Dis.

I'm so glad to have had you all here with me to talk through my trip craziness, all the changes and doubts, etc...It is like therapy to me and I appreciate it so much!

So for now, this is the end of the PTR. Here's hoping my day goes more like:

and less like...

Now...how much would you like to bet on whether or not this really is the last post of the PTR, or if I come back later in a panic??


It hit me this morning when I commented on another PTR that "I have a FP for RoL tomorrow, too!"


Oh my goodness! That sounds amazing!

plan on taking in the suitcase. None of it is organized, but it's all at least in a pile inside the suitcase.

Good start. :P

It's looking like tomorrow morning is going to be ok for my flight though, but keep those fingers crossed for me please!!

Crossing my fingers and toes for you :)

Now...how much would you like to bet on whether or not this really is the last post of the PTR, or if I come back later in a panic??

I'm thinking this is a pretty solid 50/50 situation...

Have the most amazing time!! I can't wait to see your pictures and hear all about it!
Good morning!! In 24 hours I will be landing at MCO. Whaaaatt???


however I don't think I'll get my wish. It's looking like tomorrow morning is going to be ok for my flight though, but keep those fingers crossed for me please!!

I will!

If you want to follow along with me while I'm there, I'll be posting more to Instagram than anything else. I'm Samanthars on there. Facebook posts may be more limited because not very many people know I'm going again!! I get lots of snide comments from certain family members, so much of my Disney excitement is contained to Insta and here on the Dis.

Can't wait to follow along! I have family like that too it's annoying. They either ask why we keep going back/say you can't possibly be going back again so soon/or act like we must be rich to go at all.

I can't wait to see you next week! I was talking to Jenna on Thursday about how in around a week we'd all be in DS together, and I told her how jealous I was of my future self :rotfl:
Good morning!! In 24 hours I will be landing at MCO. Whaaaatt???


I don't think I'll get my wish. It's looking like tomorrow morning is going to be ok for my flight though, but keep those fingers crossed for me please!!

Thank goodness!
If you want to follow along with me while I'm there, I'll be posting more to Instagram than anything else.

I followed you! I'm ahg11. And I totally get containing your disney excitement and not putting too much on fB. I've definitely experienced people being weird about us going to Disney so often... #theyhateuscausetheyaintus
It's looking like tomorrow morning is going to be ok for my flight though, but keep those fingers crossed for me please!!
They are tightly crossed :thumbsup2

If you want to follow along with me while I'm there, I'll be posting more to Instagram than anything else. I'm Samanthars on there.
Darn it, all you people here are forcing me to learn how to use my Instagram account. Or "Insta" as I guess the cool kids call it :rotfl2: As some people like @Raeven know, I have an account to follow Ricky but barely know how to allow people to follow me, let alone follow others and I have absolutely no idea how to post! I keep meaning to ask Ricky to help me but then I forget :rolleyes: I guess now since you won't be posting much on FB I have no choice but to beg for is help!

I get lots of snide comments from certain family members,
Um.......screw them???

In case you don't come back tonight or if you do and I don't see it, have a completely MAGICAL, relaxing, you-centric trip pixiedust: I totally cannot wait to hear all about it :banana: Safe travels! Although this is easier to tell you than for me to tell myself - your boys will ALL be fine!!
Have a great time! I also need to learn how to use my instagram. First need to figure out my sign in info. Hmmmmm
Status update...

panicking about the weather again. Almost all of our bridges and side roads are closed due to flooding. There are two main roads to the airport and one of them is closed because of a low water bridge washout and water over the road. The rain continues to come down. I have no idea if I will be able to even GET to the airport in the morning. Flights coming in tonight are all cancelled, redirected, or delayed. No word on flights tomorrow. The rain is supposed to stop overnight, and I'm hoping it will recede enough for people to travel safely. Luckily our house and street is ok so far.

My home town in Missouri (where much of my family and friends live) is pretty much completely under water and the city had to shut down the power b/c the substations were in danger. When I say "completely under water" I mean, you can still kind of see the roof of a couple of car dealerships north of the town and there's only one road passable to get to the hospital. People are losing their homes and it's so scary.

I don't have it in me to do quotes right now, but I needed a distraction from all the horrible pictures and video I'm seeing on Facebook from the storm :sad2:
Hope everything is ok for you and your family and you get out ok this morning


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