How to Personalize DISigns w/ MS Word:POST#85 Name Fills #92 Advanced #241 Newsletter


DIS Veteran
Oct 21, 2008
First, you don't need Photoshop to make your own DISigns. If you have MS Word on your can do 70% of what the DISigners do when they use Photoshop Elements and similar programs.

There are several amazing DISigners on the boards who have soooo many requests and things happening in their own lives that sometimes the threads can get backed up. When this happens consider personalizing their blank items on your own.

When I first found out about the Boards...I hated to ask DISigners to personalize things for me so I took some time to learn how to do it on my own just using MS Word. Here is how you can personalize things like Mickey Heads and other great things on the Boards yourself using MS Word:

Text Box

• First copy and paste the image you want to add a name, word or words to into MS Word
when you open up a new Word document, go to the top of the document and click on "insert" and in the drop down menu click on "picture" and "from file". Then find your image with your pictures and either double click on the image or click once and "okay".
• Next make sure that your cursor is below the image that you want to insert a text box over by hitting "enter" twice.
• Then look for the tab at the top of word that says "insert", click on it and scroll down and click on "text box".
• Next, a big box will show up on the screen that says text box...ignore this box but look for your mouse that will show up as an +. Move the +/mouse to where you want your text box to go then left click and drag the mouse to make the size box you want for the area you want the wording to go.
• Then go back up to the top of word and click on "format" and click on "text box" in the drop down menu.
• Look for the tab that says "colors and lines". In the fill section make sure the color box says "no color". In the line section make sure the color says "no line". Then the background will show through behind whatever text you type in the box and there won't be a line around the text box.
• Now you can type whatever you want inside the box by clicking inside the box and choosing font and size.
• If the box isn't the right size you can drag the corners and sides to make it the right size.

This is great to use when you find a DISign that you like and want to add a name to it. For example, Natalie's great Mickey Heads.

Borders & SHADING

If you are going to use a dark transfer and don't want to cut out every little is how to add a border around your work so that you will have to cut out is a square (or rectangle) to iron on to your shirt.

• Go to the top of word and right clicking on "format" in the drop down box you will see "borders, page borders and shading"
• The borders will allow you to add a border around an image and will let you choose the size of the line and color.
• The page border tab will let you add a border to an entire page.
• The shading tab will allow you to color the background if you don't want a white background behind the picture or words
• To do this you will need to hit the "enter" key through the entire page or just the area of the page that you want colored
• Then highlight the area that you want to be shaded by pointing your mouse at the top of the page, hold down the left mouse button and drag your mouse down the page and letting go of the button when you get to the bottom of what you want shaded. Then the section should be highlighted.
• Next click on “Format” at the top of Word, and “Borders and Shading” in the drop down menu. When you see the popup, click on the “Shading” tab.
• Then click on the color that you want for your background and click “okay”
• Now the color should be on your word page.

If you want…you can add a border to this by:
• Again selecting the shaded area if it isn’t already highlighted. Then go back to “Format” and “Borders and Shading. This time click on the “Borders” tab and in the first row of items click on the “box, shadow, 3-d or custom image” in the second row choose the “style, color, and width” and then click “okay”

If you need to change the shape of your box:
1. To make the box taller point your mouse at the middle of the box and hit return until you are happy with the heighth.
2. To fix the width…play with the margins by selecting the area using your mouse, then in the ruler at the top of the screen move the two arrows in or out.

"Disney Font"
It is always fun to personalize things with the actual "Disney" font. If you want to use the "Disney" font to personalize your is how:
• Go online to
• Search, find and open a font called “Waltograph”
• Click on the “Download” button
• Then click on “Open”
• Next you will need to unzip the file. In most computers, a screen will pop up with a box on the left that says “folder tasks” and in the box click on “extract files” Follow the prompts by clicking “next” and “finish” making sure that the final box has a check mark next to “show files”
• A new box will pop up. In this box, copy “Waltograph42” and “WaltographUI”. Do this by holding down your “control” button on the bottom left corner of your keyboard and click each file. Then on the top of the screen click on “edit” and in the drop down box click on “copy”.
• Next click on your computers “Start” button
• Then click on “Settings”
• Then click “Control Panel”
• Then open the file that says “Fonts”
• At the top of the font screen click on “Edit” and then in the drop down menu click on “Paste”

Word Art...NEW! Added 10-29-09
If you have already mastered the "textbox" this will be easy for you!!!! Word Art will help the names or words you want to add to an image POP. With Word Art you can rotate the word so that it can be angled if you don't want the lettering in a straight line, it will allow you to have multiple colors for each letter for example a blue letter with a black border, you can make the letters wavy...there is so much you can do with Word Art!

• First insert the picture that you want text to go over
• Then at the bottom of the program screen there is a drawing toolbar...look for a blue slanted A. When you hold your mouse over the A it will say "Insert Word Art"
Note: If you don't see the Drawing toolbar in the lower left corner of the program window, click on the "View" menu at the top of the screen and point to "Toolbars" and then click "Drawing".
• Click on the A and a new screen will pop up. In this screen pick the word art style that you want to use for your lettering.
• Then a new box will open up and you will need to type the name or words that you want to appear over the image. Then click "okay".
• Now the word will appear above or below the picture depending on where the cursor was. Just like with a text will need to change the text wrapping to "in front of text".
Note: You can do this by clicking on the word you typed. Then a new popup will appear. Look for the picture of the dog with lines behind it. This is the "text wrapping" tool. After you click on the dog a drop down menu will appear and you will need to click on "in front of text".
• Now click and hold your left mouse button on the word and drag it to where you want it.

Playing with Word Art:
• The great thing about word art is that you can drag out the corners to make it bigger or smaller.
• You can click on "format" then "word art" and change the colors and lines to get a different color combination. and you can change the thickness of the line.
• You can also rotate your image so that it is slanted by pointing at the green dot just above the word. When you see the circled arrow, hold your left button down and rotate the word in the direction you want it to slant.

Take some time to play with "Word Art" it is a lot of fun!!!
Now you can personalize everything and get the wording and color just right. Hope that helps!

HOW TO INSERT PICTURES INSIDE OF fills!!!: Thanks Chris (CarrollChristoph) for this AMAZING tip!!!! POSTED 11/27/09

1. Open up Microsoft Word.

2. Go to insert > WordArt > then select the style of text you prefer

3. Type your text, choose the size you want the text to be, then click OK. If you want the image/pattern to show pretty well in the text, you'll need a bold or big text like Impact, Arial Black, etc.

4. Right-click on the text > Click 'format WordArt'

5. A window should pop up, then under 'fill', click 'fill effects'

6. Click the tab that says 'picture' > select picture > choose the image/pattern you want > Click OK.

7. Then VOILA! You should have your image/pattern filled text! You can drag the sides or corners/box to change the size of the text to your liking.

You can also follow the same instructions above but instead of using word art...use autoshapes and you can put disney images/wallpapers into shapes like circles, stars, squares, etc.

Thanks to cosine4...How to remove white from around an image so that you can put the picture over wording and not have the white block show up around the picture. Added 12-1-09

  • Insert the picture you want to use in Word.
  • Then make sure that the picture is highlighted. You will now it is highlighted if there are white dots around the perimeter of the picture. If you don't see them, click on the image to highlight it.
  • This will open the "Picture" toolbar and there is a button that looks like stick and is half yellow and half blue that is called "Set Transparent Color". For images like these that have a white background you can use this tool, by clicking on the "set transparent color" button then point your mouse on the white area and click and the background will be removed. If the background behind the picture is not a solid color/constant it is more difficult to remove what ever is around the image that you want.
  • Once you have done this you can click on the "text wrapping" button to move the image around and the white block around the picture will be gone.

Also, if you make something using MS Word and want to post it to the boards...unfortunately, you can't upload it to Photobucket...but you can get a free 4shared account from and upload MS Word documents there. You still won't be able to see the image on the Boards but you can post a link to it in your 4shared account where other people can view it.

P.S. If you take a little bit of time to learn how to do this and you have a request on a DISigners thread...PLEASE make sure that you delete the request so that it will free up their thread and personal time a little. THANKS!

P.S.S. If you are having problems with the image being extremely large when you paste it into word...go to page 2 and I have instructions for how to fix the image size.

Also, I think I'm showing my age...if I mention to use the "return" key that is a typewriter terminology. Return is another word for the "enter" key.
Thank you so much, Dolly! This is really going to help a lot of us (especially those of us who are "DISign challenged" like me)! :goodvibes
Thank you so much, Dolly! This is really going to help a lot of us (especially those of us who are "DISign challenged" like me)! :goodvibes

Let me know how my tutorials work for you. If I can tweak them to make them better for the next person, I would be happy for any feedback. Thanks!
I think I got it sometimes
But, what if I want to personalize something that has a name on it already
I copied a Test track Drivers License and pasted it to word
Now a put a text box over the name to insert my own but it doesn't really show the new name
Maybe it only works with blanks
Thanks though I got a few things to work using this technique
I think I got it sometimes
But, what if I want to personalize something that has a name on it already
I copied a Test track Drivers License and pasted it to word
Now a put a text box over the name to insert my own but it doesn't really show the new name
Maybe it only works with blanks
Thanks though I got a few things to work using this technique

You are right this only works with blanks. I know that Natalie has blank Test Track Drivers Licenses in her shared file if you look that you can even add your own child's picture to. If you want to do that let me know...I have instructions for how to do that in Word as well.
You are right this only works with blanks. I know that Natalie has blank Test Track Drivers Licenses in her shared file if you look that you can even add your own child's picture to. If you want to do that let me know...I have instructions for how to do that in Word as well.

Awesome Dolly,
I just found a blank one with Lilo on it and was wondering how to make it a mickey or goofy pic instead.
I really think this sort of thing can help people and cut down the requests for personalized stuff!
Thanks again,
Dolly, thank you SO much!! I don't have photoshop or any of those type of programs so I thought I was out of luck with personalizing. Although my DD11 this morning told me she knows how to use it and could teach me! I do have Word and I just tried your text box instructions and I did it with no problem!! Thank you so much!
Here is how to insert a picture in front of another or behind if there is an open hole in in Natalie's blank test track driver's licenses or in some of the scrapbook pages on the scrapbook thread:

Open up a new document and make it the size that you want to print (12x12 or 8x8 or the size of a drivers license) and change the margins to fit your document if necessary. For a scrapbook page you will want to change the margins all to "0". Then insert the scrapbook page you want to use. You may need to click on the picture of the scrapbook page or image that you want to work with and go to the top of Word and right click on "format" then click on "Picture". Then click on the size tab and change the height and width to the size you are wanting to print. You will only be able to change the height or width not both. Change one or the other then hit the tab button and it will automatically change the other side.

Next making sure that the cursor is below the picture of the scrapbook page (or image) you have already inserted...insert the picture(s) you want on the scrapbook page (or artwork like Natalie's driver's license) by either going to the top of Word and clicking on "Insert" then in the drop down menu click on "Picture" then "from file" or you can simple copy and paste a picture.

Then click on the picture that you want to show up in the frame opening or on top of another image. Right click on the corners of the picture and drag them towards the center to make the picture close to the the size that will fit in the opening of the frame.

Once you have the picture just about the right size. Make sure that the picture is highlighted by right clicking once more on the picture and a "picture toolbar" should pop up on your screen (since you have already been working with the picture it should already be on the screen). In the toolbar...look for a box with a picture of a dog and lines behind it which is the "text wrapping" tool. Click on that box and a drop down menu will appear. Click on "square". Then right click and drag the picture on top of the scrapbook page to the opening where you want it to appear. Resize the picture and move it around to make it better fit the opening. (hint: Only resize by dragging the corners of the picture...if you click or drag the circles in the middle or top center of the will distort the picture.)

Once the picture looks like it will fit the opening...right click on the picture again. Then click on the "text wrapping" tool on the picture toolbar and in the drop down menu click on "behind text".

If the picture is still not quite edit undo. Resize the picture if needed. If part of the picture is showing and you can't click and drag without distorting the picture. You will need to crop the picture. Not a problem! Make sure the picture is highlighted. On the picture toolbar look for a picture of two plus signs which is the "crop" tool. Click on the "crop" tool and then point your mouse at the middle of the sides of the picture and then right click and drag them toward the center. This will allow you to crop without distorting the picture.

Then once you are happy try putting the picture behind the scrapbook page (or original image) by clicking "behind text" again. Once you are happy with the page. Save it and you can print it at home or take it to a print shop. This will use a lot of ink since it is an entire page of color. You will probably save money by printing them at Kinkos or a similar store. Since it is a word will not be able to print it like a regular photo. Places like Wal-mart photo department are not able to print a word document.

Hope all of that works for you! One more order for there to be a "hole" in a scrapbook image or drivers license...the original DISigner will have to have saved them as a GIF or I think BMP and you will have to save it to your "my pictures" in order for there still to be a hole in the image to place a picture behind. If it is a will have to put the picture you are adding in front of the image.
What great advice! Last trip a DISigner made up beautiful invitations for my DD, can't tell you how much I loved them! But, now we have decided to go back in December with a friend who also a DD and I would NEVER ask someone to do all that work!
Another thing I am doing is on some of the blanks I printed I handwrote the girls names in a Sharpie, I though it looks more personal like this. So, for those who are computer challenged this is an easy way to do invites for the kids!
Dolly, I PM'd you on another matter. Just letting you know in case your in box isn't working properly. I had read where another designer was having trouble with hers. Thanks so much for your help.
Dolly, I PM'd you on another matter. Just letting you know in case your in box isn't working properly. I had read where another designer was having trouble with hers. Thanks so much for your help.

If it was about the autograph book covers I did get the message. I have been swamped all day with family requests for invitations and travel games. My printer and laminating machine have been working over time.
Yeah!!! :banana: I thought I would bump this as I have seen a few posts where people were able to use the directions to personalize their own things. I'm so glad that it is working for some and hope that others can use the directions as well. If I can update the directions to make them more helpful or if they worked for you...let me know.
Dolly, YOU ROCK!

Thank you so much for posting these tutorials! Because I am not able to fill requests right now, I hope that these wonderful directions can help people personalize my designs (and many others) to add a little pixie dust to their trips!

You are the greatest when it comes to helping others.

O.K. I really thought, great, I'll do this myself, but obviously I'm the dumbest person on here, because it didn't work for me at all.

Can you please start witht he basics for me?

I want to get Natalie's Mickey head. First I clicked on the mickey head to get the enlarged version of it. Then I right clicked and copied. Then I went to Word on a new doc and right clicked to paste. Nothing showed up on the first page and on the second page is only a big portion of the left ear.

So then I tried to use the image on the main page, just as it is in the smaller version. I did the same as above to copy/paste into Word, and it all appeared, but now it's really small.

What am I doing wrong here?

I actually did the text box on the small one, but I can't get the right size of the image.

That is an easy fix...and I'm glad you posted the problem as I'm sure there are others out there are having the same issue. When Natalie saves her images she saves them extremely large so that there aren't any problems with them bluring/pixilating. She and other DISigners save their images extra large so that they will be a good quality image when you try to use them, the downside is that they will often paste into word extremely large.

• What you need to do when you insert a picture into MS Word and it shows up really large is to click on the image (where ever it may show up on page 1 or 2).
• Now that the image is highlighted…go to "format" at the top of Word and in the drop down menu click on "picture".
• Then go to the "size" tab. I'm sure the image will be really large like 14 by 20 inches. Look for the “height” size and change the number to 8 and hit your "tab" key. Then it will automatically reformat the width for you.
• Then click okay.
• Now look at it in your word document and see if you like the size. IF NOT keep playing with the height until you get it the size you want by left clicking on the corners of the image and dragging them in or out to make them smaller or larger.
• Also, play with the margins and paper orientation (landscape/portrait) if you need more room on the page.

Let me know if this works for you.

Helpful Hint: DO NOT use the smaller thumbnail version of images. You can always make images smaller but when you try to enlarge them, they will get very blury and will not make for a good image.
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I had tried personalizing blanks using Paint, but I could never get the text box centered. Word works much better!

Thank you so much for posting these instructions! I have tried and failed to do this on my own, but thought i needed a special program for it.

Now i am going to be on here all night long personalizing EVERYTHING I CAN!!

Also, thanks for the font instructions. I tried to do this last week and failed, but followed your instructions and whoo hoo I did it!!

Thanks again!!
Dolly, I got it to work, thank you so much! Now I'm on my way to look for more blanks.

Yeah!!! I knew you could do it! Welcome to the is so much fun to find things and make them your own. Have fun and buy lots of ink and iron-on transfers from Amy Mickey.


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