Hurricane Irma?

My 23 year old nephew who lives in Orlando has his house all boarded up, so it's dark. He has supplies, he has a small generator, and is as ready as he can be. So what to do next -- go to the theme parks, of course, as they aren't very busy. And they are a nice break at the moment from the dark house.

My prayers are with all the people affected by these storms. We were supposed to be down Sept. 10 - 14, were thinking we'd have to cancel, and then Southwest canceled our flight down, so we canceled the rest after that. We are going to Branson, MO now instead for a mini trip. It's not Orlando, but we will have fun. It's not like we could rearrange things for two weeks later at work or something like that and rebook Orlando.

It's such a first world problem to not go where you wanted to go, where you were looking forward to go to, and planned to go on vacation. We even feel guilty about being unhappy and stressed by that given the much more serious issues for so many that we are praying for. And I do have a silly fantasy about being safe at Disney while most stayed away because of storm threat and having almost no lines and lots of personal attention from all the people working in the tourist industry. // The smart / practical thing is to stay away, not be in harms way, and leave resources for the people who need them and live there. But silly me, I still have that other fantasy.

So many people have much more serious things to think about and never even get to go on vacation at all.

Anyway -- prayers for everyone in Irma's path and prayers for everyone stressed and unhappy about changes in vacation plans too.
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Regarding the early closure of MCO tomorrow - Other posts have noted MCO and the airlines' desire to get the planes out of there so the planes aren't stuck and personnel can begin to secure the airport. I'm no aviation expert, but would also add that airlines have a maximum crosswind limit for aircraft to take off. The limit usually is around 30 knots (about 35 mph - although note that talking about a 35 mph crosswind is not the same as talking about a 35 mph windspeed since the former depends on the wind direction). Due to the size of Irma, MCO should start seeing crosswinds in that range long before the worst part of the storm arrives. As a matter of safety, the edges of the storm may contain winds that exceed the maximum crosswind limit for landings. And that's not even accounting for the unpredictability of a hurricane's wind speed and direction.

As for why Disney would allow guests to walk around until 9 pm while MCO closes at 5 pm, both are safety issues but of different magnitude. Here's an imperfect experiment: next time there's sustained winds of around 35 mph, go outside and walk down the sidewalk for 100 yards. Remember how this feels. Then get in the car, hit the interstate, find a barren straight stretch and get it up to 150-200 mph (I'm assuming we all own ferraris here on Dis), which is the typical landing speed of commercial aircraft. Compare the wind's effects at those speeds with the earlier walk - there's likely to be a very big difference.
Sorry, my ferrari is in the shop for the weekend. :rolleyes1
Well friends, I'm right smack dab in the middle of the latest path. That's unnerving. But we are going to hunker down tomorrow. We have plenty of food and drink. Not many flashlights. No propane. Cars are gassed. An evacuation bag packed if we have to. Though there's no gas to be found near us. I've been making ice and putting it in freezers for days.

I don't like this westward shift. I liked it much better last night when I went to bed hearing 30 to 70 mph winds. Now it's showing 100+.
Well, thankfully our trip was over before this became a major concern.... But I have been following this thread because it is a fascinating study in human psychology mimicking a disease/death emotional cycle: Denial, bargaining, resistance, acceptance, etc.

Go back to first pages of this and see all the denial that this storm would even come close to Disney, then as it did there was so much confirmation bias that the outlying models that had it missing Disney were the ones that would happen.
Then as it has locked down on it's course, fear set in among a lot and the plans were/are cancelled... but also the defiant ones who decided they were going to go/stay no matter what under the umbrella of "Disney is a safe place to be' Now the sides are causing friction and the 'arguing' is escalating as the tensions rise all around with the actual impact about to occur. It has been interesting seeing all the ranges and shifting of peoples thoughts and actions.

As to hurricanes in general, I have been through several...even Super Typhoons on Okinawa which is just a dot in the ocean with nothing to impede them. I didn't have the option to evacuate for most of them and luckily was in facilities designed to withstand them. (always said the U.S. under builds for hurricanes in the area's they can hit... a lot of the destruction is a result of that). For the most part everything was pretty much ok after them. But of course you never know what is going to happen. Will see in a couple days whose predictions/decisions were correct.... who will regret their decisions and who will take comfort they made the right ones.

Just know you are being studied... ;)

Smug judgment on a thread about a potentially catastrophic hurricane. A bold choice.
Well friends, I'm right smack dab in the middle of the latest path. That's unnerving. But we are going to hunker down tomorrow. We have plenty of food and drink. Not many flashlights. No propane. Cars are gassed. An evacuation bag packed if we have to. Though there's no gas to be found near us. I've been making ice and putting it in freezers for days.

I don't like this westward shift. I liked it much better last night when I went to bed hearing 30 to 70 mph winds. Now it's showing 100+.

The westward shift is bothering me as well. I'm 21 hours north but praying without ceasing.
Sorry, my ferrari is in the shop for the weekend. :rolleyes1
Based on the bumper-to-bumper traffic on the evacuation routes, it wouldn't do you much good anyway. And the trunk space is practically nonexistent.

Hope everyone stays safe and secure out there the next few days - it'll be a long weekend and happy to see everyone helping others out as it comes through.
This thread is getting so massive I haven't kept up with what's been said while I'm away at work, but Disney has stated they will attempt to resume operation by Tuesday pending a damage assessment.

MCO also said it will attempt to open ASAP pending a damage assessment. So I would say Tuesday is a reasonable guess
My schedule for Sunday was removed, but my schedule for Monday remains and says to call the hotline before reporting for work. I do not expect to go to work on Monday, so I picked up extra hours for my other days off. If we might not have power, I'd rather be at work - at least they have wifi and air conditioning!
Well, thankfully our trip was over before this became a major concern.... But I have been following this thread because it is a fascinating study in human psychology mimicking a disease/death emotional cycle: Denial, bargaining, resistance, acceptance, etc.

Go back to first pages of this and see all the denial that this storm would even come close to Disney, then as it did there was so much confirmation bias that the outlying models that had it missing Disney were the ones that would happen.
Then as it has locked down on it's course, fear set in among a lot and the plans were/are cancelled... but also the defiant ones who decided they were going to go/stay no matter what under the umbrella of "Disney is a safe place to be' Now the sides are causing friction and the 'arguing' is escalating as the tensions rise all around with the actual impact about to occur. It has been interesting seeing all the ranges and shifting of peoples thoughts and actions.

As to hurricanes in general, I have been through several...even Super Typhoons on Okinawa which is just a dot in the ocean with nothing to impede them. I didn't have the option to evacuate for most of them and luckily was in facilities designed to withstand them. (always said the U.S. under builds for hurricanes in the area's they can hit... a lot of the destruction is a result of that). For the most part everything was pretty much ok after them. But of course you never know what is going to happen. Will see in a couple days whose predictions/decisions were correct.... who will regret their decisions and who will take comfort they made the right ones.

Just know you are being studied... ;)

Most of the studies show that the responses are Pavlovian in nature. Near misses and false reports give way to hurricanes, or any evacuation in general, not having the same impact on people. I've researched this in doctoral psychology classes. It's not people being defiant or regret, its learnt behavior and in the end its all about having that choice that is important.

I do hope everyone is safe, I have never had to deal with anything but TS Sandy and that fun blackout in NJ, and can't imagine that fear, etc. ya all must be going through.
I live in Tampa. My family has done all we can to prepare, and now it feels strange just to sit and wait. I moved all my husband's stuff into my closet so we can turn his closet into a hurricane room if necessary, since it's the only downstairs, inner, windowless room in the house. I've got tons of water, and enough Spaghettios, Cliff bars, and fruit cups to feed an army. The freezer is full of gallon jugs of water and I've got my biggest cooler clean and ready. I've made a video of the house and all our possessions for insurance purposes. We brought the pool furniture and the plants into the garage. All the laundry is done. Valuables and sentimental items are protected. I'll fill all the sinks and tubs with water Sunday evening. The cars are full of gas. I have an emergency bag packed and in the car in case we have to leave for the local shelter. Irma is not supposed to be coming for two more days and I don't know what else to do! If you think of something I forgot let me know! :-)

Of course I'm concerned for my family and my friends and neighbors, but I also feel bad for all whose Disney plans have been messed up. I know how much I treasure my vacations and I would be very upset if this happened to me. Of course people's lives and homes are more important than people's vacations, but vacations are important too.

I wish everyone at or coming to Disney the best (and safest) possible vacation under the circumstances, and for those who have had to postpone your trips, I hope it all works out for you and you eventually go and have a wonderful time. Disney is always worth the wait!

You are fantastically prepared! The only thing I can think of may not apply to you, but just in case you're like me ... I have lost my ability to remember phone numbers. If that's you, too, consider:
- type a file with all important phone numbers: family, friends, doctor, home and car and health insurance, work, shelter info, county emergency number, whatever numbers you might need. Also might consider including policy numbers, etc.
- print two or three copies, and store them in plastic bags, or laminate them, or try some other way of making them waterproof.
- also, email the file to yourself.

If your phone dies (power loss or dropped during an evacuation), you'll have the paper copies. If those get damaged, you can still access the info once you get somewhere with computer and email access, or someone has a smartphone that you can borrow.
Sorry if this has been addressed but enquiring minds want to know. What is FL's plan to deal with people who will be on the interstates when the storm hits? And why isn't Florida using contra lanes like GA? I'm sure at some point contra lanes have to end at some point but wouldn't it seem logical to get as many people further north as soon as possible?

Not trying to be inflammatory but I was just wondering as I sit here and see the pictures of the bumper to bumper traffic what the plan is.

That's one reason my DD decided to stay put. She figured she'd be stuck on I75 and was reading that people were having trouble finding gas while trying to evacuate.
I hesitate to even mention this, but I have a friend waiting until the last possible moment to decide to evacuate, and counting on being able to get out on Hwy 27. I can't imagine he's the only person who has thought of this.
I am not even in Florida, live in NJ but just got back from Disney last week and have been going down to Fl/WDW every year for many, many years. We have a lot of relatives in Florida. We LOVE the state of Florida and are all praying for you. I feel such a sadness about this storm but I know in the end the country will rally behind your state and you will be "OK". God Bless!!! Stay Safe!!!
Most of the studies show that the responses are Pavlovian in nature. Near misses and false reports give way to hurricanes, or any evacuation in general, not having the same impact on people. I've researched this in doctoral psychology classes. It's not people being defiant or regret, its learnt behavior and in the end its all about having that choice that is important.

I do hope everyone is safe, I have never had to deal with anything but TS Sandy and that fun blackout in NJ, and can't imagine that fear, etc. ya all must be going through.

Well, no psychology classes here... and I do agree with you about learned responses. But, I still see an element of defiance "I'm going on my trip no matter the perceived danger and I will get something more than the people who were afraid !!" (less crowds).. but i'm sure some of that is due to previous observations/experiences too.
Well, no psychology classes here... and I do agree with you about learned responses. But, I still see an element of defiance "I'm going on my trip no matter the perceived danger and I will get something more than the people who were afraid !!" (less crowds).. but i'm sure some of that is due to previous observations/experiences too.
What in the world has this thread come to....? Now we're studying the psychology of human behavior?
I live in Tampa. My family has done all we can to prepare, and now it feels strange just to sit and wait. I moved all my husband's stuff into my closet so we can turn his closet into a hurricane room if necessary, since it's the only downstairs, inner, windowless room in the house. I've got tons of water, and enough Spaghettios, Cliff bars, and fruit cups to feed an army. The freezer is full of gallon jugs of water and I've got my biggest cooler clean and ready. I've made a video of the house and all our possessions for insurance purposes. We brought the pool furniture and the plants into the garage. All the laundry is done. Valuables and sentimental items are protected. I'll fill all the sinks and tubs with water Sunday evening. The cars are full of gas. I have an emergency bag packed and in the car in case we have to leave for the local shelter. Irma is not supposed to be coming for two more days and I don't know what else to do! If you think of something I forgot let me know! :-)

Of course I'm concerned for my family and my friends and neighbors, but I also feel bad for all whose Disney plans have been messed up. I know how much I treasure my vacations and I would be very upset if this happened to me. Of course people's lives and homes are more important than people's vacations, but vacations are important too.

I wish everyone at or coming to Disney the best (and safest) possible vacation under the circumstances, and for those who have had to postpone your trips, I hope it all works out for you and you eventually go and have a wonderful time. Disney is always worth the wait!

Are your computers and devices backed up? Do you have battery packs for charging? Look again for family pics and other items.


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