Hurricane Isabel is a possible problem for us....


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
and anyone else leaving the weekend of the 20th. They have it projected to be east of the Leewards by if it takes a few more days to meander thru the islands towards the US....:rolleyes:
Hurricanes/TS's seem to follow us to WDW so I am getting pretty good at watching them.

a little rain is always part of our WDW trips ;) :) ;)
Yuck! We leave for WDW on the 13th. I guess I better go check the weather channel!
We leave the 11th.
Thought we would be ok.
I've warched the weather channel..........I've saw where the hurricane is...............We leave on the 11th ...............:rolleyes: But we are going to WDW so...............I'm gonna grin :teeth: and bear it
You guys should all be good. If you look at the projected path on the Nat Hurricane site you will see that the storm is only going to be in the lower islands by Friday. Those traveling to Florida should be fine. :D
We go the 10-17. Here's hoping everyone has wonderful weather, but we'll be glad just to be there!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
We are right there with ya! We choose to go in Sept. every year because of the lower crowds but we do always have to worry about those hurricanes! Our friends and family members think it is just so funny.....They always say.."Ya'll must be going to Disney because there is a hurricane out there!" We always say, is hurricane season. But we always worry more about one coming in here at our home while we are gone more so than getting us in Orlando. It looks like "Izzy" will be still a ways off when we are there though so we are keeping our fingers crossed! :mad:
We're there the 19th thru the 27th!!

I hope we miss it.
Otherwise DH will never let me hear the end of it!
Have you seen the cartoon of the little guy who walks around with a single storm cloud over his head wherever he goes?

Well that's me. I'll be there the week of the 14th and I can guarantee Isabel will tag along. But hey, I've never been in a hurricane before so it should be a wild ride;)
Just remember those "advance" predictions about Fabian---.
They have little idea where these storms will head.
Let's just wait and see.
Hurricane Isabel - HAHA - I've just lived through 120mph winds from fabian.

seriously, I hope Isabel stays at sea for all. I've been through Hurricanes before - but fabian was horrible - thankfully most housees/buildings in Bermuda avoided damage or have minimal damage. the south shore took a major beating, several major hotels have damage, loads of people without power, but the airport is opening back up today.

Hope everyone has a Disneyful day!
Does anyone remember Hurricane Floyd in Sept. 1999? My DH and I went home the day it hit. Our flight was scheduled for 12:45 p.m. I have a picture of him in the hotel, on the phone with the airline, and you can see on the TV it says "Hurricane Floyd" on the Weather Channel. We managed to change our flight to 10:15 a.m. The next day, when we were at the laundromat, the newscasters were saying that the Orlando airport closed 1/2 an hour after we left, and that Disney World actually closed down! I felt so sorry for the people we met at the hotel who had just arrived the day before we left.

I hope everyone's trip will be okay!
Sorry to hear about the damage but it's good that you are all ok. I was watching that massive thing on the weather channel as it approached Bermuda getting that uneasy feeling in my stomach! You guys have had a lot of near misses over the years.

We've been getting lucky with these fronts coming down to deflect the hurricanes away from us but I just keep thinking our days are numbered. After all it's been 10 years since Andrew although that was enough of a hurricane to last a life time!

Floyd was probably our last biggest scare, forcasters kept saying it was going to turn and it freaked us out how close it got and it was huge -bigger than the state!! I felt bad for those north who were affected by it.

It looks like Isabel would be closer to here sooner than the 20th of the month. Let's just try to do that "frontal passage come across the country as the hurricane approaches" dance until then.

I'll keep fingers crossed for everyone (including us!...dh just hates boarding up our windows!)
We are flying into West Palm Beach, FL, on 10/7. Should we be concerned, or is hurricane season pretty much over by then? Thanks!
Frannn, Hurricane season goes through October but I believe the threat gets less and less as you head toward November.

Hurricane season starts June1-Nov30...but around the middle of September start slowing down...looking at the Tropical storms like Tropical Depression fourteen just behind Hurricane Isable looks like we will be active thru October....In 1995 Hurricane Opal made landfall Oct 4. in Pensacala...ect...some have made landfall even later in the season.

We leave for WDW Sept 19th so I'm concerned but hopeing for another front to push them both North (sorry Coli)

Every few years they seem to change from going into Gulf or turning and coming up eastern coastline.

You never can be sure what they will do...But our Meteorologist are much better with forecast then in the past.
We leave the 13th and are there until the 20th.

Everyone join hands with me and start blowing real hard........
keep those 'canes away from land PERIOD (especially Florida and poor Bermuda).

Actually, the week I'm already having today, I'm due some good fortune so let's hope all will be well.
The really interesting thing about Floyd is that it never hit Florida. They got the effects, but in spite of all the predictions, it turned and headed North, missing Florida (and WDW) completely.


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