I don't know about you...but I'm in need of a Disney pick-me up!


<font color=blue><marquee>I'm coming to you live f
Sep 1, 2005
I could sure use a Disney pick-me up right about now.... My co-worker is on a medical leave and will be out for 6 weeks!! I work in inside sales for an electronics co. and am trying to juggle many customers at once. It's so stressful and I'm going crazy! :crowded:

I need to plan my next DL vacation day but I'm afraid my boss won't let me (due to my co-worker's absence and there is no one else available to help). What do you all do to keep your mind off of work and stress?
My stress level (and blood pressure!) decreased dramatically when I quit my job last summer, WOOHOO!!! :rotfl2:

Of course, now I have stress of a different sort, being home with the very active and often squabbling DS5 and DS2... But the Bp is still down, so maybe this is what's called 'eustress'? Heh.
Do a little web surfing and you'll find vids of POTC, HM & JC. Add those to a little MSEP Music and you'll be good to go and tonight when you get home squeeze the whole family into a phone booth to recreate watching the fireworks from in front of the castle.
Ugh tell me about it! I've been out of work since Feb from a medical problem, I left a VERY stressful job. And now yesterday I just accepted a new job in the Hospital's ER. LOL Stress anyone? :) Nah, I'm excited about it, but I know I could use some good destressing tips. Thinking about vacations help, but really only being on them makes the difference! :)

Hope your able to get a day off soon!
If you have iTunes (and if you don't, download it--it's FREE!), check out Paul Barrie's A Window to the Magic podcast. You don't need an iPod or any MP3 player, just iTunes. Click the link to Podcasts and search windowtothemagic (all run together).

Paul has both audio "where in the park" games (he walks through the turnstiles to DL/DCA and heads somewhere--your job is to figure out WHERE he goes and how he gets there!) as well as MouseketeerGreg's amazing video podcasts.

The simple sound of the turnstiles and their "ching ching", followed by the sounds of Main Street USA put a smile on my face every time. Recently, he did a show on Christmas at Disneyland! Since Texas has been in the 100s for umpteen days, that was a genuine pick-me-up.

Disney podcasts, and that one in particular, keep the magic going for me.

Not sure if you enjoy classical music, but about ten years ago, during a really bad time, I was introduced to it and let me tell ya...nothing brings down the blood pressure/stress better for me. Disney has some of my favs, ie; Disney's Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and so on. Some that aren't Disney but still wonderful for de-stressing are these soundtracks: John Barry from Dances With Wolves, Trevor Jones from Last of the Mohicans...there are so many. You really should try it, I bet it would help. I've even got my 10 y/o dd into it, she loves to listen to it at bedtime and even in the car!
We went in April this year, and we're not going back till May 2007. That's too long! :Pinkbounc
You have made my day ...week...year with that video !!!! I have the CD and listen to it to cheer me up almost daily -- but this is JUST like being there!!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart -- I REALLY needed this TODAY!!!!

Alex2kMommy said:
My stress level (and blood pressure!) decreased dramatically when I quit my job last summer, WOOHOO!!! :rotfl2:

Of course, now I have stress of a different sort, being home with the very active and often squabbling DS5 and DS2... But the Bp is still down, so maybe this is what's called 'eustress'? Heh.

I really need to find another job. I would LOVE to apply to work with Disney but at the same time, I'm a bit hesistant to...it's always been my stress reliever and I'm afraid of seeing the "darkside" of Disney.:darth:

I'm so unbelievably stressed and this week has been horrible! Bottom line is I really am unhappy at this job and I need to move on....

disneegrl4eva said:
aww pix :guilty: want me to pixiedust:you to disneyland????

Awww thanks! I would love to be teleported to DL right about now!:sad1:

Psst!Could you also teleport all my mean customers to some remote island? :rolleyes1
Dale-n-Chip said:
If you have iTunes (and if you don't, download it--it's FREE!), check out Paul Barrie's A Window to the Magic podcast. You don't need an iPod or any MP3 player, just iTunes. Click the link to Podcasts and search windowtothemagic (all run together).

Paul has both audio "where in the park" games (he walks through the turnstiles to DL/DCA and heads somewhere--your job is to figure out WHERE he goes and how he gets there!) as well as MouseketeerGreg's amazing video podcasts.

The simple sound of the turnstiles and their "ching ching", followed by the sounds of Main Street USA put a smile on my face every time. Recently, he did a show on Christmas at Disneyland! Since Texas has been in the 100s for umpteen days, that was a genuine pick-me-up.

Disney podcasts, and that one in particular, keep the magic going for me.


I AGREE WITH THIS POST 100%!! Paul Barrie and Mouseketeer Greg, and his friends make life bearable in between Disneyland trips. What would I do without him?? I work in downtown Chicago and commute to and from work each day! WindowtotheMagic makes it bearable. I listen to many of them over and over, especially episode #41 where he plays WISHES from WDW.

I also like another podcast called 1313 Harbor Blvd which has a lot of great DL music like the Fantasyland Suite, Fantasmic, ELP, etc.
SamIAm21 said:
I also like another podcast called 1313 Harbor Blvd which has a lot of great DL music like the Fantasyland Suite, Fantasmic, ELP, etc.

I second that emotion! I love 1313 South Harbor, I wish they'd release shows more often!

I also listen to WDW Today, Mouse Guest Weekly, Inside the Magic, MouseTunes, and the official DL podcast. I'm a total podcast junkie. pirate:
I think 1313 Harbor Blvd shut down opperations. It was too expensive to maintain is what I heard.
eatmypixiedust said:
I think it's funny that they still say "Disneyland" electrical parade in the intro. even though it's now in DCA ;)
What's really funny is that it NEVER said "Disneyland" (at least from everything I have seen and heard) it was always "the Main Street Electrical Parade" or now "Disney's Electrical Parade".

And the audio and visual don't match really either. Someone has done some "creative" editing.
I added a bunch of my fav. disney songs to my iTunes. I burned a CD of all my fav. songs to listen to in my car. It does help a bit, especially when I get out of the office for my lunch break.


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