I Found My Happily Ever After! A Jan '19 TR! + Bonus August TR *COMPLETED 12/2*

I'm sorry Kyle wasn't feeling well. I did Hulk once and that was more than enough for me, so I totally get it!! I can't wait to hear how the rest of your day turns out...
I'm sorry Kyle was so sick! I feel like thats the exact reason I havent gone back to Universal. DH always forgets how motion sick he gets and I feel like we'd be in the same position as you!
That's too bad he felt so sick! Definitely Dramimine is the way to go!

Yes, I've definitely learned my lesson for any future trips!

Mini golf at Fantasia is a family must do for us!

It is just beautiful there. I fell head over heels in love with AKL when I stayed there in 2017 and am so excited to be going back this July!

Looks like you had a perfect first day!

Poor Kyle! Sorry to hear he was feeling so off. Glad you managed to enjoy some of the park. One day I will venture over to the dark side to check out HP.

I'm so glad we did it, I've always wanted to try one of the courses!

I can't imagine anyone not liking AKL! It's so perfect!

The dark side is fun! I don't love it as much as I love Disney of course, but there's a lot of cool rides to experience!

Aww man! The ridiculously rainy day was at Universal? At least we were at MK where we could stay indoors most of the time.

I’m sorry he got so sick! I totally understand the feeling. Rollercoasters make me a little queasy (not that I would do Hulk though!) but usually I recover rather quickly but any type of simulator ride is awful for me. Even the Minions movie made me sick. Star Tours, Spider-Man, Transformers, both Harry Potter rides, even the EAC scene on Nemo makes me ill.

Hope the rest of your day got better! (Besides the weather since we both know that didn’t happen!)

I wasn't TOO sad that the rainy day was at IoA because I knew we didn't have a ton to do. So it actually worked out okay. Even though Kyle being sick didn't really help :rotfl:The day did get better though!

I’m so sorry Kyle got motion sickness and to top it off, the cold rainy day! One good thing was really low wait times and crowds! Did you try the hot butter beer? I haven’t had that yet. I love the FJ ride but I can only ride once or I would be sick!

I have noticed I do get a little queasy at Universal more so than Disney!

It was an overall pretty crappy day! But we made the best of it! I did not try the hot butter beer, and now I feel silly because that certainly would have been the day to do it!! I just love the frozen one so much!

Oof! Sorry to hear Kyle got sick. My boyfriend Josh lives a similar plight regularly, and rides are tough for him. We found Bonine (basically dramamine) to be helpful for about 70% of the rides, which was a great improvement!

I've definitely learned now to pack something for him to be on the safe side. I will definitely check out Bonine! Thank you!

:sad2: I hope your week weather-wise improved. When I went in May 2018, it did absolutely nothing but rain the entire trip. It was so frustrating! But it looks like it really kept the crowds down for you :thumbsup2

Poor Kyle! I've been there many, many times. But I can usually rally a bit faster. Has he heard of Scopolamine? It's the prescription patch that I often wear and it works wonders! That said... my last trip you may remember I got a horrendous case of vertigo, and can't be sure that the patch didn't contribute... so maybe dramamine is the better option after all ;) :laughing: I sure hope he got feeling better!

Thankfully we didn't get anymore rain, so I can't complain that it happened one day out of the whole week!

I remember you having issues with motion sickness. He did end up feeling better and he took dramamine the rest of the trip to be safe and we never had any more issues thankfully!

Wow definitely a quiet day! Ours was dead too. It will be hard to go back to actual crowds haha

Oh no, poor guy! What a bummer that the day started off so rough. I'm glad he had a (relatively) quick recovery though. What a trooper.

Same thing on our Universal day! It's like 55 degrees, who is going to ride this soaking wet water ride??

I think these are adorable.

Of course! The first of many, I hope :P

Haha i know, it was so awesome not fighting any crowds!!

I don't like to ride those soakers on a normal day so forget on a cold day! :rotfl:

I'm glad you like our selfies hahaha That was my only butter beer of the day but we still had another Universal day dont worry ;)

OH NO! So sad that Kyle was not feeling well enough to ride with you! That is so sad! I have totally been there, I hope he was able to get on rides at Disney, I know they are not quite as crazy as Universal!

It was a bummer! But he bounced back for Disney so it was all ok!

This is one thing I have yet to do at Disney! That course looks like a lot of fun.

Betty hold him to that one! Honeymoon perhaps? :D


About the only good thing about a rainy day at the parks.

:woohoo:Glad you gave it a try.

Oh no, I know exactly how this feels. :sad2:

Another oh no! Definitely motion sickness meds next time! I take Bonine which doesn't make me drowsy like Dramamine.

Whew, I'm definitely glad he skipped this one. Other than Star Tours, this one probably makes me the sickest. I can ride it once with my meds but even then I feel some queasiness.

Yes you definitely need to check out the mini golf courses at some point!

Haha I don't know about honeymoon but he did already mention he wouldn't be opposed to going down for a weekend next year (which is much better than the 6years he made me wait for this trip!)

I was very proud of myself for trying the Hulk!

Yes definitely learned to pack meds for the future! HP is intense, so even though it stunk that he had to miss it, it was the right call.

Following along now and caught up! Congratulations and I can't wait to hear all about your engagement!

What a yucky first day with the weather and your fiancee getting sick! It looks like you made the best of it, though :)

Thank you!! :goodvibes

It wasn't the perfect day but we did make the best of it and overall it could have been worse!
Stinks that the weather was crummy! I am so proud that you braved the Hulk lol!! Bummer that Kyle got sick though. Feeling icky with cold rainy weather on top of it sounds miserable. The selfies are super cute and I love Kyle's hat!!

Thank you for being proud! I was proud of myself!! :rotfl:

Haha he will appreciate your compliment on the hat. I am not a Pats fan and we always tease each other about our choice in football teams hahaha

OH MY GOODNESS....... CONGRATULATIONS! :bride: What wonderful news!
Can't wait to read all about your adventures popcorn::

Thank you so much! :) Glad to have you along!

Wow! The park is like a ghost town with that rain! Sorry to hear Kyle had such a rough day with the motion sickness. I can relate. It was kind of him to insist that you still ride things you enjoy though, even though he wasn't feeling well!

It was so empty!! I wish I could have taken more pics but it was tough! I know you can unfortunately relate to those situations :( We made the best of it!

Congratulations on your engagement :love:. I'm joining in. Can't wait to read more!

Thank you so much and for joining in! :)

Sorry about Kyle and the weather. For me if I haven’t eaten or just eaten , I feel bad after the Hulk , etc. in November - first day I was so excited , I forgot to eat breakfast and paid for it . I wanted to ride the Hulk multiple times since I got there at park opening. Nope one and done that day and it effected me on other rides even after I ate something . Next day , made sure I ate and rode Hulk three times in a row no problem. Lesson learned ! Same thing happens to me on Mission Space orange .

Yeah he rode on an empty stomach and I think that had something to do with it. Lesson learned for next time!!

What a bummer that he ended up feeling so sick! I wonder if the refurb had anything to do with making the ride more intense? Didn't they basically overhaul the entire track?

Wow it's so empty!

Looks even prettier in the rain

SO cute!

Hmm good point! I'm not sure!

Even though the rain was horrible, it was cool to experience such an empty park and to walk on any of the rides!

I was so excited at first, because I couldn't believe you'd braved the Hulk! But then I saw how bad it made Kyle feel and felt terrible. I think it's worse for people who have a coaster they love and to have it betray them like that. :rotfl:

The rain looked like it really cleared the park out. I guess if you were all right handling the weather it made for an advantageous park day.

Butter beer! Best part about Universal.:goodvibes

I know! I was so proud of myself but him getting sick put a damper on the excitement. I felt bad because he loved that ride so much but I don't think he'll be riding it anymore.

The rain was brutal but it was cool to be in such an empty park. And of all parks, I was kind of glad it was IoA because we didn't have TOO much we wanted to do anyway.

Ugh butter beer is just the best! I didn't care that it was cold and raining, I needed that frozen deliciousness!

Poor Kyle, feeling so sick is awful and just really brings your day down.

For sure! Especially so early on in the trip!

I'm sorry Kyle was so sick! I feel like thats the exact reason I havent gone back to Universal. DH always forgets how motion sick he gets and I feel like we'd be in the same position as you!

It was no fun! I have for sure learned to make motion sickness meds going forward! And the rides at Universal are significantly more intense than Disney!
Sounds like you made the best of a difficult situation, with the rain and Kyle being sick.
I guess there's the old saying "a bad day in Florida is better than a good day anywhere else"!
A Disney Proposal......I CANT WAIT!!!!!!lol
sorry your first theme park day was not a big hit. I've had that happen before (at Universal as well), it's miserable.
Hiiii joining in!

I knew once I saw the proposal on insta that I had to search out this trip report! The pictures are beyond perfect and I can't wait to read all about it!

Fantasia Gardens looks like fun. We talked about doing one of the mini golf places in October but our hotel had mini golf there so we didn't- just added it to my list for this October!

Sorry Kyle wasn't feeling well at Universal :sad1: I hope the rest of your days went better for him!
Yay!!! I'm so excited to read your report. I'm sorry that y'all had a rough first day. I can't wait to hear more of it and especially about the proposal. Keep it coming!
Sounds like you made the best of a difficult situation, with the rain and Kyle being sick.
I guess there's the old saying "a bad day in Florida is better than a good day anywhere else"!

We did make the best of it! And EXACTLY!! Far better than being home at work!

A Disney Proposal......I CANT WAIT!!!!!!lol
sorry your first theme park day was not a big hit. I've had that happen before (at Universal as well), it's miserable.

Thanks for joining in! Things didn't go as planned but it happens to everyone I guess!

Hiiii joining in!

I knew once I saw the proposal on insta that I had to search out this trip report! The pictures are beyond perfect and I can't wait to read all about it!

Fantasia Gardens looks like fun. We talked about doing one of the mini golf places in October but our hotel had mini golf there so we didn't- just added it to my list for this October!

Sorry Kyle wasn't feeling well at Universal :sad1: I hope the rest of your days went better for him!

Hiiii!! Yay thanks for finding me!

It was really fun to do a Disney mini golf course! I hope you do get to try it!

Luckily the rest of the trip was better than that first day! :)

Yay!!! I'm so excited to read your report. I'm sorry that y'all had a rough first day. I can't wait to hear more of it and especially about the proposal. Keep it coming!

Hi! Thanks for joining in! :) Luckily after this day everything just gets better!
January 27th- The rest of our rainy day at IoA

We continued our walk and decided to do the Poseidon's Fury show, which was brand new to me! We waited about 10 minutes for the next show. I didn't know what to expect but I am glad we did it- it was really cool and funny!

We finished our loop around the park by walking through Seuss Landing.

By the time we got back to the entrance, we were pretty soaked. We decided to head to Toothsome's for lunch and see what we wanted to do after that.

This place is pretty cool! We ordered zucchini fries to split and I got a burger and Kyle got a Tuna sandwich. Everything was really tasty! We also got a visit from Jacques at our table!

We didn't get any desserts (what a shame!) but looked around in the gift shop a little. I felt bad that Kyle couldn't enjoy this to his full potential. But we would definitely go back in the future!

It was absolutely pouring at this point. We weren't sure what to do but I don't think Kyle was ready to let the day go yet so we decided to venture back into the park to do 2 more rides! First we did King Kong, since it was brand new to him. He absolutely loved it and it didn't make him queasy or anything which was great! And then, despite already being soaked, we did Jurassic Park which is probably his favorite IoA ride. The ride was a complete walk-on to the point that they let us choose what row we wanted to sit in! We got even more wet but it was toally worth it!

We ended up spending the $5 on one of those body dryers just to dry us off a little before we headed home. We took one last loop around Hogsmeade and Seuss Landing before leaving!

Click below for a video of the rain coming down!

So overall we made the best of the day. I wish Kyle could have enjoyed it more and I'm bummed he missed out on some experiences. The rain was brutal but it was pretty cool to have an empty park to ourselves with everything being a walk-on! If he felt better, I'm sure we would have done a couple of rides more than once. I ended up buying dramamine in the gift shop for him to take the rest of the days just to be on the safe side. And he never ended up having any other issues!

When we got back to the hotel I ran all our wet clothes over to the laundry room and threw them in the dryer. It was weird being back at the resort so early in the day!

We spent some time in the room relaxing before heading to the Pop food court for dinner. OH.MY.GOD. I have never seen a food court so crowded. I realized it was probably because everyone came back to the resort early (or didn't leave at all) and it was a madhouse! I waited 30 minutes in line for food and probably 15 to check out. I won't lie, at that point I was pretty defeated! It wasn't exactly the perfect first day in the parks! But we got to bed early in preparation for what would hopefully be a better day at Epcot!

Up next...Epcot!
Toothsome is on my to-do list for October!

Ugh rain on top of your already not-so-great day- why! At least it made for some walk-on rides for you guys!
Oh I've definitely experienced the Pop food court crowds and they are not fun! I'm sorry! It totally sucks when you have a day like that, especially when you are trying to have a perfect vacation with someone like your DF who wasn't a huge Disney fan to begin with.

I'm sure the rest of your week got better though! It seems like you did get a lot done in IoA!
Awww, that stinks you had to cut your day short at IoA. Glad to hear you managed to try some new ones. Poseidon's Fury tends to get a lot of flack but I thought it was so cool and would most definitely do again so I'm glad you agree.

How nice getting to relax at Pop a bit. I'm sorry even there when getting dinner it wasn't great. Hoping your Epcot day goes a lot better than this day! :teeth:
I totally understand the feeling of being back at the resort so early! I feel like if it wasn’t cold plus raining it would have been more manageable.

I’ve heard really good things about Toothsome and hope to try it some day!

I wish they would expand mobile ordering to resorts. (I think it’s available at one of them) That would make the food court more bearable for people like us cause you know 90% of the people would still stand in line!
So sorry it rained all day. That really sucks! But, it's good to see you made the best of a rainy day...:P
I remember that miserable rainy day! I’m glad you liked Toothsome’s, we enjoyed it as well.

Those food courts can be crazy! AKL lobby was really crowded all day with the rain.

I really like King Kong, so much better than Fast and Furious, which is designed the same.

I’m glad Kyle didn’t have anymore motion sickness!
What a rainy start to your trip! The silver lining is that the crowds looked pretty nonexistent at least. And... we know what was waiting for you later in the trip, so I know that no rain could put a damper on this trip ;)
I'm sorry y'all had such a rough day. But at least he didn't have that problem again. Motion sickness is no joke. That why I'm terrified to ride Mission Space Orange. Once you're sick, it's hard to get over for the rest of the day.

The food court at POP is no joke. That place is always packed!! But hey, like you said you were back early to get all rested for Disney.


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