I Found My Happily Ever After! A Jan '19 TR! + Bonus August TR *COMPLETED 12/2*

was quite nervous the few days leading up to our flight with all that was going on with the government shutdown. The day before saw some massive delays at our nearby airports. Luckily we faced no issues and breezed through security.

I remember thinking about this when I knew it was your day to go, I'm glad you weren't affected!!


Oh my gosh, I love this so much!!

I really liked them! I found there was a lot of space for the 2 of us.

I like the new room arrangement so much better than the old one. This just seems so much more efficient

I hate that your first day was so rainy and that Kyle felt sick. I will definitely be bringing meds with me in September. The last time I was there Forbidden Journey made me feel terrible, and The Simpson's Ride nearly killed me :rotfl::rotfl: I don't generally get motion sick (although I notice it more as I get older, the past couple of years some rides get to me from time to time), but I have never felt as bad after anything as I did those Universal rides!! On the plus side, I'm glad the rides were walk on, and I LOVE that you guys braved Jurassic Park and just embraced the wetness!
Nice that you enjoyed Poseidon's Fury. I thought it was a good show, but my family didn't like it at all.
The rain is a blessing for thinning out the crowds, if you can tough it out and don't mind getting wet, you can make the best of the day.
I have read consistently good reviews on Toothsome. Too bad you couldn't enjoy dessert though!
And then, despite already being soaked, we did Jurassic Park which is probably his favorite IoA ride. The ride was a complete walk-on to the point that they let us choose what row we wanted to sit in! We got even more wet but it was toally worth it!
That ride still gives me nightmares from the velocirapters and the T-Rex!
I'm now all caught up! I'm excited to read about your magical trip! I love the new pop rooms...so cute and comfy and clean!
Sorry your day at IoA was a rainy one. There's nothing you can really do about it I guess but power on. Poor Kyle...motion sickness is not fun at all but glad you were able to make the most of a nice meal at Toothsome. I have yet to go there. I can see the Pop food court being positively crazy. It was crazy there on a non-rainy day!
Looking at your pictures, I'm amazed at how empty IOA was. And it looked like you had all of Toothsome to yourself! Although, it's a bummer you weren't able to order an of the desserts, they are delicious. Excuse to make a return visit, maybe?

Ugh, the value food courts can be nuts on a regular day. I can only imagine how crazy it was in there when the weather was crummy. Glad you survived and got some food!
We didn't get any desserts (what a shame!
But how?! Was it Kyle's stomach? Otherwise I don't know how you can see those desserts and not get one :P

The rain was brutal but it was pretty cool to have an empty park to ourselves with everything being a walk-on!
The rain has it's downsides but you have to admit it definitely helps with the crowds!

But we got to bed early in preparation for what would hopefully be a better day at Epcot!
It's amazing what an early bed time can do to help recover after a wet meh day.
Toothsome is on my to-do list for October!

Ugh rain on top of your already not-so-great day- why! At least it made for some walk-on rides for you guys!

You have to go, it's so cool!!

It wasn't the perfect day, but I was happy it made the rides so easy to get on!!

Oh I've definitely experienced the Pop food court crowds and they are not fun! I'm sorry! It totally sucks when you have a day like that, especially when you are trying to have a perfect vacation with someone like your DF who wasn't a huge Disney fan to begin with.

I'm sure the rest of your week got better though! It seems like you did get a lot done in IoA!

Exactly!! It seemed like nothing could go right! But I was hopeful for the rest of the week and we did have a pretty successful day considering!

Awww, that stinks you had to cut your day short at IoA. Glad to hear you managed to try some new ones. Poseidon's Fury tends to get a lot of flack but I thought it was so cool and would most definitely do again so I'm glad you agree.

How nice getting to relax at Pop a bit. I'm sorry even there when getting dinner it wasn't great. Hoping your Epcot day goes a lot better than this day! :teeth:

Yeah no one really shows love to Poseidon's Fury (and honestly I didn't really know what it actually was prior to seeing it) so I'm glad I gave it a chance!

Even though it was only our first park day, we clearly needed the rest so it was a blessing to be back early to relax.

I totally understand the feeling of being back at the resort so early! I feel like if it wasn’t cold plus raining it would have been more manageable.

I’ve heard really good things about Toothsome and hope to try it some day!

I wish they would expand mobile ordering to resorts. (I think it’s available at one of them) That would make the food court more bearable for people like us cause you know 90% of the people would still stand in line!

The combination of rain and cold was just too much!

Yes I definitely recommend Toothsome if you are ever over there!

I would have totally been on board for mobile ordering! And I will say the CMs worked as fast as they could, there was just too many people!

So sorry it rained all day. That really sucks! But, it's good to see you made the best of a rainy day...:P

We did make the best of it, so that's all that matters! :)

I remember that miserable rainy day! I’m glad you liked Toothsome’s, we enjoyed it as well.

Those food courts can be crazy! AKL lobby was really crowded all day with the rain.

I really like King Kong, so much better than Fast and Furious, which is designed the same.

I’m glad Kyle didn’t have anymore motion sickness!

I would love to go back to Toothsome's when we can enjoy it more!

I can imagine all the resorts were slammed because of the crappy weather!

I agree- King Kong is way better than F&F! So much more exciting!

What a rainy start to your trip! The silver lining is that the crowds looked pretty nonexistent at least. And... we know what was waiting for you later in the trip, so I know that no rain could put a damper on this trip ;)

The park was dead! So it was cool to at least say I've been to a park that was basically deserted! Hehe and you're right, the trip only got better from here on out!

I'm sorry y'all had such a rough day. But at least he didn't have that problem again. Motion sickness is no joke. That why I'm terrified to ride Mission Space Orange. Once you're sick, it's hard to get over for the rest of the day.

The food court at POP is no joke. That place is always packed!! But hey, like you said you were back early to get all rested for Disney.

Mission Space Orange is rough! I avoid it at all costs haha

I've never experienced the food court like that (probably because I'm rarely there during peak hours). I can understand why people get frustrated now!

That place looks so cool!

Sorry the rain and the illness put a damper on your day.

It was amazing! The atmosphere and decor is really neat. I recommend it!
I remember thinking about this when I knew it was your day to go, I'm glad you weren't affected!!

Oh my gosh, I love this so much!!

I like the new room arrangement so much better than the old one. This just seems so much more efficient

I hate that your first day was so rainy and that Kyle felt sick. I will definitely be bringing meds with me in September. The last time I was there Forbidden Journey made me feel terrible, and The Simpson's Ride nearly killed me :rotfl::rotfl: I don't generally get motion sick (although I notice it more as I get older, the past couple of years some rides get to me from time to time), but I have never felt as bad after anything as I did those Universal rides!! On the plus side, I'm glad the rides were walk on, and I LOVE that you guys braved Jurassic Park and just embraced the wetness!

Thank you! I love Vampirina :)

The new rooms are way more efficient! And just look so sleek and modern!

The Universal/IoA rides rely so heavily on motion and simulators, so it's definitely better to be safe than sorry! FJ is super intense (but so worth it)!

Haha I mean we were already wet and were ready to head home, we couldn't leave without going on Jurassic Park!! :rotfl:

Nice that you enjoyed Poseidon's Fury. I thought it was a good show, but my family didn't like it at all.
The rain is a blessing for thinning out the crowds, if you can tough it out and don't mind getting wet, you can make the best of the day.
I have read consistently good reviews on Toothsome. Too bad you couldn't enjoy dessert though!

I thought it was entertaining! And for us a nice way to a) get out of the rain and b) something that wouldn't bother Kyle's stomach.

If Kyle hadn't felt sick, I think we would have been able to take advantage more. But overall we made the best of it and still got to do everythign so I can't complain!

I will definitely be back to Toothsome's for dessert in the future!!

That ride still gives me nightmares from the velocirapters and the T-Rex!


I'm now all caught up! I'm excited to read about your magical trip! I love the new pop rooms...so cute and comfy and clean!
Sorry your day at IoA was a rainy one. There's nothing you can really do about it I guess but power on. Poor Kyle...motion sickness is not fun at all but glad you were able to make the most of a nice meal at Toothsome. I have yet to go there. I can see the Pop food court being positively crazy. It was crazy there on a non-rainy day!

I agree about the Pop rooms- love them!

When things go wrong you really do just need to power on! We made the best of it!

I definitely recommend Toothsomes- the food was good and the atmosphere is fun!

Looking at your pictures, I'm amazed at how empty IOA was. And it looked like you had all of Toothsome to yourself! Although, it's a bummer you weren't able to order an of the desserts, they are delicious. Excuse to make a return visit, maybe?

Ugh, the value food courts can be nuts on a regular day. I can only imagine how crazy it was in there when the weather was crummy. Glad you survived and got some food!

It really was deserted! And I had been so worried about getting a table at Toothsome so I think the rain was a little bit of a blessing in that aspect! I definitely want to go back and of course try dessert next time ;)

I feel like I have been lucky in the past with value food courts, most likely because I'm never really there during peak times. I now know how bad it can truly be!

But how?! Was it Kyle's stomach? Otherwise I don't know how you can see those desserts and not get one :P

The rain has it's downsides but you have to admit it definitely helps with the crowds!

It's amazing what an early bed time can do to help recover after a wet meh day.

I KNOW, I KNOW. I failed at the whole Toothsome experience! He definitely wasn't up for it and we were just too cold and wet to enjoy it. We will back, I can promise that!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Poseidon's Fury!That is always one of my favorites and I seem to be the only one lol.

Glad you guys enjoyed the rest of your day!
January 28th- Epcot

This morning we were up for our first Disney park day!! The weather was chilly and I was dressed in lots of layers in preparation! We were on the bus by 8am and made it to Epcot by 8:20! The security lines here were something else. Long and moved SO slowly! We got to the turnstiles around 8:45 and they were already starting to let people in to the holding area.

Right at 9am the "rope" was dropped and we headed to Soarin!!

This would be his first time on the Around the World version. We boarded in about 15 minutes which was not bad at all! Hi Patrick!!

We had an amazing flight :) Kyle enjoyed it but agrees with me that the California version was a little bit better!

When we got off we had some excitement! As we headed out of the room, CMs were directing people away from the exit. We ended up having to go outside and backstage! Apparently the fire alarm was going off and everyone had to be evacuated. We were SO glad we were able to complete the ride before any of the drama began. When we finally made it back inside the park, it was a chaos of people standing around wondering how they could get back on the ride (since they already waited in line). We were definitely sprinkled with pixie dust there.

From there we headed to the Seas building and used our first FP for Nemo.

It was a fun ride but resulted in me having "Big Blue World" stuck in my head for the ENTIRE rest of the trip :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

We looked around in the seas building a little. We got to see the divers in one of the tanks feeding all the fish which was pretty cool!

From there we headed to the front of the park to get some PP pics!

Up next...more of our time in Future World!

Long and moved SO slowly!
Epcot security might be my least favorite security...

We were SO glad we were able to complete the ride before any of the drama began.
Huh so did they just stop it mid ride and make all the people get off who were on it when the alarm was triggered? So interesting!

Cute photos! I love the Figment paintbrush magic shot :D
What an awesome start to your morning in Epcot! I agree about Soarin, I like the old version better! Your photopass pics turned out so cute!
Following along! My daughter and I spent a day in universal/IOA exactly like yours....freezing and pouring down rain! Brought back some memories for sure!!! The weather the rest of that trip was amazing though so hopefully your weather turns around!!
I remember that day! We were evacuated from Soarin! We didn’t get as lucky as you, we were seated and then had to leave, bummer!

I love the pictures in the front of the park!

The security was bad this morning

I love Nemo and the big blue world!!
The second the ride ended I looked over at him and knew it was not good. He was pale and felt nauseous. We barely made it out of the queue before he needed to sit down.

Oh no! My husband gets this way intermittently, but luckily not on our most recent trip. He was fine on Mission: Space Green, Star Tours, Soarin', etc. The only thing that set him off was the boat from MK to HDDR, of all things.

When we finally made it back inside the park, it was a chaos of people standing around wondering how they could get back on the ride (since they already waited in line).

Lucky that you made it through before the evac.
Sounds like a good day at Epcot so far!

It was a fun ride but resulted in me having "Big Blue World" stuck in my head for the ENTIRE rest of the trip :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I started humming it after reading this and my husband immediately knew what it was! Now it’s stuck in our heads!
We didn't get any desserts (what a shame!)

Noooo that is a shame!

I waited 30 minutes in line for food and probably 15 to check out.

Yikes, I would be feeling pretty defeated too. What a mess!

The security lines here were something else. Long and moved SO slowly!

Epcot always seems to be the worst security lines. I wonder why that is.

Kyle enjoyed it but agrees with me that the California version was a little bit better!

I agree 100%! I wish there was a way to watch both versions.

So cute!

Disney point!
What a fun start to your day! And definitely some pixie dust was sprinkled on your Soarin ride. Cute photos, too! :cutie:


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