I Like Warm Hugs! - Mommy/Toddler Trip ~ Updated 6/20: New Trip Report Link!

We made it over to Tomorrowland and parked the stroller. Went over to Buzz and followed the FP+ entrance queue. Strangely, there was a long line and no Mickey Head Magic Band scanner anywhere to be seen. :confused3 It seemed really strange to me, as most rides have you scan your band towards the entrance to the FP+ queue. And this line wasn’t moving much at all. After a few minutes, I decided that I probably misread a sign and ended up in the standby queue. So, we stepped out and went to find a Cast Member. Nope, turns out that I was in the right place and it was just set up weird. Ugh, back in line and now we lost our place! :headache:

Oh, well, let’s take some pictures while we wait:

Hey, look, the line is actually moving! We made it to the Magic Band scanner at 4:07pm, so it wasn’t terrible. Once we got inside the buiding, it was actually very speedy, unlike the Standby line:

Our line basically just cruised right along to the ride. We took a quick peek at Buzz along the way:

Izzy had just recently seen Toy Story 1 & 2 for the first time and had begun to take an interest in the Toy Story character decals on her bedroom walls. She seemed to like seeing Buzz in there.

Almost there:

We got on and I showed Izzy what to do with her blaster. She was way too wrapped up in looking around to care, though. Also, I quickly discovered that selfies in a dark ride are challenging:

You totally see us there, right? ::yes::

Despite accompanying a toddler, I hoped to get a respectable score. If you’ve been a longtime follower of my TRs, you may recall that a mission we had during our Year of Disney in 2010 was to max out Buzz at 999,999 points. We used to be REALLY bad at the ride. I mean just pathetic. So, we found a video online that demonstrated where to find the high-value targets (like 100k points per hit). Once we were armed with that knowledge, our scores improved dramatically, but we still couldn’t max out. Finally, on a ride-breakdown-pause, Dug managed to do it! Woo hoo! :woohoo: On one of our other trips, we met up with friends and my friend did the same thing as Dug – ride paused and he maxed out! :cool1: But not me. Poor me. :sad2: I could never get it. I was never in the right spot when the ride stopped, I guess. So, keep this in mind.

I knew the first high-value target (and the only one I’d ever been any good at) was just past the entrance, on the left. However, I’d learned on past trips that I really only have good luck getting it when I am sitting on the left of the ride vehicle. And I was on the right. Oops. I don’t think I was able to hit it at all this ride. Boo, there goes my chance of getting a high score.

But I just kept on shooting things. I think I may have gotten the volcano target once (100k, but I NEVER get it) and I must have gotten just a ton of smaller things because I looked down at one point and saw this:

What?!?! The ride hadn’t even broken down! I could do this!!! :hyper:

So, I got serious. I had to get this. I was spinning all around and aiming for things and Izzy seemed cool with it. She was just looking around, not interested in using her blaster. I managed to get some high-value target in the dark tunnel – not sure what, though. And, with all this, I did manage the elusive 999,999! :banana:

And then the ride broke down right after that. Ha. I used the chance to take pictures (yes, selfies were still dark, but I was trying) and also to help Izzy get a few points of her own:

We made it off and checked out the ride photos. I love how hard I’m concentrating in this :lmao: :

After that, I decided that I should get that “classic” picture with a kid locked inside the jail cell with Zurg, as we’d never done that. There was no line, just one family with kids in the cell. I waited patiently. And waited. And waited. These people were apparently just letting their kids play in there without realizing it was a photo op. Izzy didn’t seem terribly sure about it anyway, so we just took a terrible selfie before heading out:

Up next: Ever seen a line for the Peoplemover before?
Wow! I am super impressed with your buzz score! You defiantly get bonus points for archiving that with a toddler!

Love all your selfies!:)
Going back to Dumbo- yes I definitely find that explaining everything to Aria helps, too! She is very into the turn-taking in lines, and is excited for her turn. SOmetimes gets annoying though if she keeps asking if it's her turn yet. Anyway, cute ride on Dumbo - and Buzz as well - that's so great!! I usually max out around 150K LOL! Congrats!
Good job getting galactic hero on Buzz! I'll confess, I don't know any of the tricks, but I also haven't ever looked them up. I feel like if I did, I'd be spend several trips going on Buzz and being super serious about it. :lmao:

I love how in your ride photo you are so incredibly focused and Izzy's like, "Hmm, what's that over there?" :rotfl2:
I have a feeling most parents make use of that play area even if it's not needed. I still haven't seen it.


:rotfl2: that photo is hysterical!! That's some attitude right there.

Ah see, I love how you explained things to Izzy like she's a person. That's something that gets so overlooked when dealing with children. Wonderful! :goodvibes
Wow! I am super impressed with your buzz score! You defiantly get bonus points for archiving that with a toddler!

Love all your selfies!:)
Thanks! :goodvibes I really wanted to try to get some points, as Izzy seemed content, but I had no clue that I was going to do SO well and achieve my best score ever! Crazy! I still don't really know how I did it. I wasn't fully seeing everything I hit, as I was frequently turning to check on Izzy, so I don't know how it jumped up SO high. :confused3

Thanks on the selfies! They're not the best pictures, but I liked catching Izzy's reaction to things.

Going back to Dumbo- yes I definitely find that explaining everything to Aria helps, too! She is very into the turn-taking in lines, and is excited for her turn. SOmetimes gets annoying though if she keeps asking if it's her turn yet. Anyway, cute ride on Dumbo - and Buzz as well - that's so great!! I usually max out around 150K LOL! Congrats!
Ha, Izzy hasn't asked if it's her turn yet - I suppose that is coming! But it does really seem to help to explain how things work to her. She never tries to jump ahead in lines and really seems to get the concept. As for Buzz, I used to just get terrible scores, like under 50k, so the "cheats" made a HUGE difference! :thumbsup2

Good job getting galactic hero on Buzz! I'll confess, I don't know any of the tricks, but I also haven't ever looked them up. I feel like if I did, I'd be spend several trips going on Buzz and being super serious about it. :lmao:
You probably would. When we first learned them, we were going on like 3 times in a row, trying to use them. It's addicting. It's really just that certain targets are worth a lot, so if you can get one of them several times quickly, it makes a huge difference. Still doesn't make the blasters any easier to aim, though... :rotfl:

I love how in your ride photo you are so incredibly focused and Izzy's like, "Hmm, what's that over there?" :rotfl2:
That pretty much sums up how the ride went! :rotfl2: She was just checking everything out and I was on a mission. I love that the picture captured that.

I have a feeling most parents make use of that play area even if it's not needed. I still haven't seen it.
I think you're probably right. There are not a ton of great places to let toddlers run off steam in MK - and to a toddler, a playground is more exciting than many of the rides. So, yeah, I guess it's an attraction in and of itself, for the toddler set.


:rotfl2: that photo is hysterical!! That's some attitude right there.
I know, she's totally like, "Mommy, can you just put down the camera and let me drive my car in peace?!" :rotfl:

Ah see, I love how you explained things to Izzy like she's a person. That's something that gets so overlooked when dealing with children. Wonderful! :goodvibes
I agree - sometimes it seems like a lot of people at WDW are either ignoring their kids or yelling at their kids. :sad2: Something about just the two of us being there really encouraged me to talk with her - after all, she was my only companion. We did a lot of chatting. :chat:
Hahahahahaha you're hilarious!! I started cracking up while reading that! Izzy just hanging while her mom spins the car like a crazy trying to getallthepoints!!!!!! Lol
Totally impressive!! I'm like you with the 50k points actually I'm more like izzy. I usually just ride and let Andrew spin and hit points. Haha I'm so terrible at it
wow, congrats on getting 999,999 on Buzz! I have checked a bit for the high value areas but always forget to check right before I ride and forget, oh well. good job out of Izzy getting 200 :thumbsup2

Sorry you couldn't get the classic Zurg-jail picture - maybe for the best if Izzy wasn't really into it
Hahahahahaha you're hilarious!! I started cracking up while reading that! Izzy just hanging while her mom spins the car like a crazy trying to getallthepoints!!!!!! Lol
Totally impressive!! I'm like you with the 50k points actually I'm more like izzy. I usually just ride and let Andrew spin and hit points. Haha I'm so terrible at it
Glad you enjoyed it! :rotfl2: I thought that picture was hilarious - I was standing there looking at the screen after the ride and laughing at it. :lmao: You should totally find the secret targets and surprise Andrew with your new-found skill! :thumbsup2

wow, congrats on getting 999,999 on Buzz! I have checked a bit for the high value areas but always forget to check right before I ride and forget, oh well. good job out of Izzy getting 200 :thumbsup2

Sorry you couldn't get the classic Zurg-jail picture - maybe for the best if Izzy wasn't really into it
Now that you mention it, I hadn't studied up on the targets anytime recently, so I was going from memory and only knew a couple for sure - and I think I got most of the points elsewhere, but I couldn't even tell you where - so strange. Ha, I was hoping to get more than 200 for Izzy, but I guess my skill level went back down to "normal" by the time I grabbed her blaster. :confused3
Next on our plan was popping over for a quick ride on the Peoplemover, since we were right there. And you can always just jump on there quick, right? ::yes::

Yeah, not this time:

What is up with that LINE? :confused3

I don’t know why, but they weren’t letting anyone up the ramp. It was blocked off and people were waiting outside. I decided to try waiting it out, since the ride was still running and I hoped that we’d be on quickly once they opened the ramp. So, for the first time (in for)ever, I got in the queue for the Peoplemover. My view:

So strange. Thankfully, my gamble paid off and they opened the ramp fairly soon and we were on quickly. By the way, after we got off, I thought I saw the ramp closed again – so maybe this is how they were managing the incoming rider flow?

Anyway, we got in and were on our way around the loading area at 4:28pm. Izzy was NOT happy about this:

Here we go:

Why are you making me ride this thing, Mommy?:

Oh, hey, it’s speeding up? Yay, much better:

Izzy perked right up when we left the station and picked up speed. I guess she just prefers fast rides? Smart girl. :thumbsup2

She went over to the other side to have her own seat for a bit:

I took the required position:


I think Izzy got jealous that she was too short to put her feet up like that and she came back to sit next to me.

I hoped that Izzy would not notice these, as I didn’t have enough time to work them into the schedule this trip:

Luckily, she didn’t notice them! Whew!

Hey, there’s the train:

No time to ride that one, either, though.

Not sure whether or not Izzy could actually see the castle over the side of the car:

There was work going on in front of the Peoplemover, but not sure what:

My favorite green guys and The Claw:

Izzy did well in the dark part that goes through Space Mountain. I put my arm around her and talked to her about roller coasters that she could go on someday when she got bigger. We passed by the Mine Train a lot that day and I kept telling her about the “fast train” that she’d be able to ride someday and she seemed interested. I hope she will become my little coaster buddy!

At the end of our ride, we got off and turned towards the exit ramp. Right after we got off, we saw some girls purposely jump off at what appeared to be the last possible second before the moving walkway next to the ride goes away. :eek: And the ride stopped suddenly right after that – not sure, but it certainly appeared that their antics halted the ride. So, like a good DIS-er, I took a picture of them on the way down the ramp:

Yeah, the one’s kinda giving me the evil eye, I guess. :upsidedow

So, while we were riding the Peoplemover, I noticed that Buzz Lightyear was doing a meet and greet with a short line. We were doing okay on time, so I thought that might be fun. We found him and got in the short line. We did end up having a brief wait, as Buzz had to go charge his batteries, but it wasn’t too bad.

Izzy was feeling a bit shy, so I held her for this meet and greet (plus, she had only just been introduced to Buzz and wasn’t quite sure about him yet – she’d surely run in for a hug these days, I think). She did get up the nerve to high-five him and push his buttons, though.

It was a pretty brief meet, due to Izzy’s shyness. I think I may have taken this as we approached Buzz:

And a CM took this with my phone:

And the Photopass shots:

You can see the shyness in the pics, with her trying to get close to me and away from Buzz. The time stamp shows we wrapped up there at 4:52pm. Plenty of time to meet Ariel with our 4:30-5:30pm FP+ window, so we made our way over there for a more promising character meet, given Izzy's fondness for Ariel.

Up next: More fun in New-ish Fantasyland!

No! Don't stop! I wanna hear more!!

Glad I'm reading this before I've made my MK plan. I totally forgot about the train and the cars. Those are gonna be non-negotiables for us. I have a vehicle obsessed toddler to please! ;)
In fact we were watching a short video on the Disney site of MK stuff and the train whistle blew and he yelled out TRAIN!! And his whole face lit up. Yep. Train is gonna be a must do!
I've seen a line for the people mover before - WITH The line snaking all the way up the ramp! :upsidedow still moves pretty quickly though, thank goodness. I hope I grabbed a photo of the CRAZY RIDICULOUS LINE FOR ... wait for it ... the gran fiesta tour in October. Let's just say they had to put up tempoarary lines snaking into the Mexican market that day. And yes, we waited, bc Aria just HAD to ride it. :scared:
What IS up with that line on the PeopleMover? I mean I'm glad it's getting some love, but still...

Aww poor Izzy does not look happy. Probably just mad there was a line.

I can only imagine (since I can't remember) what it was like to meet characters and they end up being so big. It must be such a shock.

Ariel up next? :woohoo:
Awesome job being able to take all those pictures of the parade (and we-sies!) while holding Izzy! Major props.

Love her face on the car in the dumbo play area! I definitely LOL'ed! :rotfl2:

Awesome getting the max score! You couldn't have been more terrible than us. I feel like my son could get a higher schore than both DH and I combined :sad2:

And your ride photo! Such determination!

Yep, feet up on the Peoplemover is definitely the required position.

:lmao: Love that you got a picture of the offenders. I would have done the same thing!
wow - that is kinda weird at the People Mover. Definitely seems like something was up. On our trip in October of 2013 crowds were kinda nuts and there was a legit line for the people mover but even with that they didn't open up the queue area - it just stretched straight back into the walkways ... so I would think they were either trying something or testing things with the ride

Cool picture with the castle in the background :thumbsup2

Buzz can definitely be a bit intimidating if you aren't used to him - he's big and his face is very static, so I can understand how Izzy was feeling, but she wasn't upset or anything so that is good :goodvibes
No! Don't stop! I wanna hear more!!
Sorry! I can only write so much. :goodvibes

Glad I'm reading this before I've made my MK plan. I totally forgot about the train and the cars. Those are gonna be non-negotiables for us. I have a vehicle obsessed toddler to please! ;)
In fact we were watching a short video on the Disney site of MK stuff and the train whistle blew and he yelled out TRAIN!! And his whole face lit up. Yep. Train is gonna be a must do!
Yes, you're going to have to do those for sure! ::yes:: Caden will love them. I can't remember - will you see a rope drop show at MK - he'd love seeing the train come in loaded with characters.

When she pushed buzz's buttons did they do something?
Good question. Not that I know of, I guess. She was really only lightly touching them, though, so maybe there is something? Beats me. I know I read somewhere to push Buzz's buttons, which is why I thought of it, but I'm not sure why it was suggested.

I've seen a line for the people mover before - WITH The line snaking all the way up the ramp! :upsidedow still moves pretty quickly though, thank goodness. I hope I grabbed a photo of the CRAZY RIDICULOUS LINE FOR ... wait for it ... the gran fiesta tour in October. Let's just say they had to put up tempoarary lines snaking into the Mexican market that day. And yes, we waited, bc Aria just HAD to ride it. :scared:
Ha, crazy Peoplemover lines! :sad2: Yikes on the Mexico line! :eek: Glad we didn't have to wait for that one in August.

What IS up with that line on the PeopleMover? I mean I'm glad it's getting some love, but still...
It was such a surprise to see that and so strange to stand in an actual queue area for it.

Aww poor Izzy does not look happy. Probably just mad there was a line.
Ha, could be! She really perked up once we started moving faster, though.

I can only imagine (since I can't remember) what it was like to meet characters and they end up being so big. It must be such a shock.
I'm sure it is! Especially with characters you'd expect to be small - like Chip and Dale.

Ariel up next? :woohoo:
Yay! :cool1:

Awesome job being able to take all those pictures of the parade (and we-sies!) while holding Izzy! Major props.
You get used to doing lots of things with one hand as a mom. :rotfl:

Love her face on the car in the dumbo play area! I definitely LOL'ed! :rotfl2:
Yeah, that look was pretty funny.

Awesome getting the max score! You couldn't have been more terrible than us. I feel like my son could get a higher schore than both DH and I combined :sad2:

And your ride photo! Such determination!
Well, you too can become a Galactic Hero, then :thumbsup2 (or your son). I love that ride photo - cracks me up every time! :rotfl2:

Yep, feet up on the Peoplemover is definitely the required position.
Ahhh, so relaxing!

:lmao: Love that you got a picture of the offenders. I would have done the same thing!
Glad to know I'm not the only one. And I really didn't even care that I was blatantly taking their picture, since they'd just purposely stalled the ride and all. :rolleyes1

wow - that is kinda weird at the People Mover. Definitely seems like something was up. On our trip in October of 2013 crowds were kinda nuts and there was a legit line for the people mover but even with that they didn't open up the queue area - it just stretched straight back into the walkways ... so I would think they were either trying something or testing things with the ride
Yeah, that's all I've seen before too - the line stretching a bit off the ramp. I can see it being a reasonable option to do this, though. Otherwise, if there is a delay up top and people are stuck on the moving walkway, it's going to get pretty cozy up there - no way to stop the inflow.

Cool picture with the castle in the background :thumbsup2

Buzz can definitely be a bit intimidating if you aren't used to him - he's big and his face is very static, so I can understand how Izzy was feeling, but she wasn't upset or anything so that is good :goodvibes
Yeah, he's not all furry and cuddly. Plus, her first character of the trip, so she hadn't warmed up yet. Like you said, though, she wasn't upset, just a bit nervous.
I'm here -- joining in! A little late --- but just caught up! Great TR so far -- looks like your trip is off to a great start....gotta love a smooth travel day that involves toddlers and airports. so cool that you and Lauren got to meet up and time your 7DMT FP+ - great planning!! :thumbsup2
When is your trip? (sorry, I forget when his birthday is). I really thought it was a great age too - I hope you have a blast!

Sorry, it's been a while since I've been able to catch up here! We are going at the end of April, and Rory turns 2 on May 10th. Can't believe he'll be 2 before we know it!

Awesome score on Buzz Lightyear!! I haven’t managed to do that yet. One year my sister (who isn’t much of a Disney fan) came with us and maxed out on her first time riding Buzz – I was so mad!

I can’t believe there was a line for the Peoplemover – that is crazy! I do love that ride, though. I'm glad Izzy seemed to enjoy it once it sped up!
I'm here -- joining in! A little late --- but just caught up! Great TR so far -- looks like your trip is off to a great start....gotta love a smooth travel day that involves toddlers and airports. so cool that you and Lauren got to meet up and time your 7DMT FP+ - great planning!! :thumbsup2
:welcome: Glad you're here! :goodvibes It was a really smooth travel day and very different for me to be there by midday and go straight to a park. I'm glad our last-minute FP+ snags for the Mine Train worked out! It was great to meet up with Lauren and Aria again and you will see more of them later in the report! :thumbsup2

Sorry, it's been a while since I've been able to catch up here! We are going at the end of April, and Rory turns 2 on May 10th. Can't believe he'll be 2 before we know it!
Man, these kids are growing up WAY too fast! :sad2: I hope you have a great trip - I really enjoyed taking Izzy on this trip at that age! It was super fun to see her enjoying the parks in a whole new way.

Awesome score on Buzz Lightyear!! I haven’t managed to do that yet. One year my sister (who isn’t much of a Disney fan) came with us and maxed out on her first time riding Buzz – I was so mad!
I still can't believe I did it on this trip, after so many times in past years of working so hard for it and never getting it - but, like you, was with someone once who got it without really knowing what they were doing.

I can’t believe there was a line for the Peoplemover – that is crazy! I do love that ride, though. I'm glad Izzy seemed to enjoy it once it sped up!
I love it too. One of my favorites (especially at night, but didn't have a chance to do that this trip). So strange to be standing in a queue for it, waiting. Yeah, I really think she was upset that it was so slow at first. She was much happier when we took off out of the station.


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