Ignore. Just practicing posting pics

Great old pics! With such a rich history of Fort experiences under your belt, why did it take you until March 2010 to join the DIS?? Holding out on us? :rotfl:

But seriously, thank you for sharing. I have thoroughly enjoyed ignoring you. And I hope to ignore you a lot more in the future.

More great stuff!

The photo with the pelicans is definitely DI not RC.

And, check this out-

Here is your photo of the exit for the slide known as White Water Rapids:


And, here's what it looks like today:


Show that to your mom!

I'm ignoring you too just for the record.

Love the photos! I think I've seen the FW otters over in the WL pond.

And that is sad to see the TCD photo of what it looks like today where your brother was coming down the slide. My boys & I never got to go to RC either. My DH did as a kid. One day I hope to go through their family pictures and see if I can find any. Our first family trip was 2000 and their was just so much to do we decided to wait until a later vacation to go to RC. Wish we had known that there would not be another chance.

Thanks again for the thread. I ignored it as long as I could, but my curiosity finally won out. :laughing:

And it was a nice surprise to find all the vintage photos. :)
They were still there in 2005,...last year I think...I miss them...

Wow! We were even luckier than I thought to see a FW peacock one last time. I remember when they were EVERYWHERE! Glad Hubby had the camera handy!

Great old pics! With such a rich history of Fort experiences under your belt, why did it take you until March 2010 to join the DIS?? Holding out on us? :rotfl:

But seriously, thank you for sharing. I have thoroughly enjoyed ignoring you. And I hope to ignore you a lot more in the future.

Our computer was crashed.....for five years! :rotfl: We just got a laptop this Feb. (with what might be our very last tax refund ever...but I don't want to get political since it's against the rules!) DH would read threads at work and print the highlights for me to read at home. I guess you could say I was a lurker by proxy! :lmao: Seriously...the kind comments are appreciated, and mom is just eating up the fact that her pics are a hit. She's so cute about it. Don't be shocked if I end up posting ancient brochures and such. Feel free to ignore those too!

BTW, glad you and yours made it safely through the storms and flooding.


More great stuff!

The photo with the pelicans is definitely DI not RC.

And, check this out-

Here is your photo of the exit for the slide known as White Water Rapids:

And, here's what it looks like today:


Show that to your mom!


I kinda thought the pelicans were at DI...just made more sense. D.I. used to be named something else in the earlier days, but for the life of me I can't think of it now. Mom has an old ticket or something with it on there. Gonna have to investigate further unless someone else remembers.

White Water Rapids....I had forgotten the name of that tube ride. How sad to see it overgrown with no water around it. Who took that pic anyway? You're cousin Yuri?
Wish I had a pic of the long curvy flume slide...can't remember the name of that one either. :laughing:

I'm ignoring you too just for the record.

Love the photos! I think I've seen the FW otters over in the WL pond.

And that is sad to see the TCD photo of what it looks like today where your brother was coming down the slide. My boys & I never got to go to RC either. My DH did as a kid. One day I hope to go through their family pictures and see if I can find any. Our first family trip was 2000 and their was just so much to do we decided to wait until a later vacation to go to RC. Wish we had known that there would not be another chance.

Thanks again for the thread. I ignored it as long as I could, but my curiosity finally won out. :laughing:

And it was a nice surprise to find all the vintage photos. :)

Glad you decided to ignore me. Welcome to this very unexpected, odd sort of thread. Hope you can dig up some of your DH's photos. I'd love to see them! I'm sorry you never got to experience RC. It it still my hands down favorite water park of all time! It was one of a kind!

I really WANT to believe in the otters, really I do! Maybe I should start wearing an I BELIEVE T-SHIRT w/an otter on the front. Think that would help my faith in the existence of otters. With no peacocks left...I really need something to believe in! :laughing:

About your curiosity...glad you're not a cat! :rotfl:

KFK, as your DH I have enjoyed ignoring you too these last 15 years.:lmao:

:sad2: I kinda like it when you ignore me. :rotfl2: 15 WUNNERFUL years! :love:
kampfirekim quote;
I really WANT to believe in the otters, really I do! Maybe I should start wearing an I BELIEVE T-SHIRT w/an otter on the front. Think that would help my faith in the existence of otters. With no peacocks left...I really need something to believe in!

Your faith is restored. A few weeks ago on my way from the Hess lot to the DTD bus hub, I saw an otter swimming around at, of all places, in the scummy little pond next to the Hess station across from PI. I think I'm a pretty reliable source.
we need some more of those pictures from the dinosaur age. come on, more, more, more.... :)
I am so happy I ignored this post. The pictures are great, we have been going for 30 years and I never took pictures. I am starting to now becuause I can't believe how much I have forgot.
My DH had pants like that and worse when I met him, the first time I met him he was wearing pasiley kelly green poly pants, and another shade kelly green shirt (he is a golf pro), he came into my office and I asked him what he was, and could he please get my sunglasses because the glare was hurting my eyes. When I moved in with him I got rid of all the pants (geen, orange, yellow all poly.) I gave the my 85 year old grandfather and he was in happy as a pig in s***
Lornaduck! 30 years and no pics! R U kidding me? Really!? How does that happen? (just joshing) Glad you're turning over a new leaf and are going to break out the camera. Take pics even of things that seem insignificant. Sometimes those pics actually become the most significant.

By popular demand, I will search for more dino-age Disney pics. I can't promise they will all be of the Fort as we mostly stayed at the hotels during my childhood. But again, we are trying to raise OUR children better by being a Fort only family since 2004.

Hubby found this on You Tube and has strengthened my faith at the possiblity that there may ACTUALLY be otters at the Fort. Observe the footage of the water after the canoers are off screen....something is swimming across that channel. Judge for yourself.


Could it be? I believe in otters at the Fort! I believe! I believe! (Besides, Magicbus saw one at the Hess station...I guess he ran "otta" gas!)...and from what I hear Magicbus is a reliable source.
I love this thread, and the retro pics! By the way, I am almost 100% certain I've seen otters in Bay Lake, and my husband also confirms this. Whatever happened to the peacocks? I was wondering why we haven't seen them there on our past few trips.
Hey KFK-

I was just ignoring this thread again, and I remembered there was something that I meant to ask you. . .

Where did you find that photo of Chip and Dale that you have in your signature?

I haven't seen that on-line anywhere.

I remember years ago that we got our DD's kid meals at the Meadows (it had an "s" back in those days) Snack Bar, and they were served in a bucket, and came with a FREE photo of Chip and Dale. Of course my kids thought that was a pretty lame "toy" (and so did I), but I think this might have been the same photo.

So, tell me more about that photo, where did you find it?

That pic came off of an old FW brochure from the archives of mom. (I told you she has every brochure she ever touched, even paper Contemporary bags from '73, plus many other little tid bits.) We used to make fun of her mercilessly, but now realize she is worthy of high praise. I think I still have that brochure in my computer. I'll look it up and post it here.

What I found interesting is the sign in the pic. I actually remember that sign!

BTW, I showed mom the present day pic of White Water Rapids. I think I saw a little tear forming. It's soooo sad.
If you post a scan of that brochure on here, I will be happy to ignore it, too.

Sorry to bring a tear to good old mom's eye. But, what happened to River Country is sad.

I kinda thought the pelicans were at DI...just made more sense. D.I. used to be named something else in the earlier days, but for the life of me I can't think of it now. Mom has an old ticket or something with it on there. Gonna have to investigate further unless someone else remembers.

It was called "Treasure Island".

As per my 1986 150 page DW book....
During Discovery Island's first six years, it was called Treasure Island, after the Disney motion picture based on Robert Louis Stevenson's pirate novel. The abandoned wreck on the sailing ship Hispaniola still reclines on the beach today....

I really need to to some scans or photos of it. It has some great construction pics of MK.
If you post a scan of that brochure on here, I will be happy to ignore it, too.

Sorry to bring a tear to good old mom's eye. But, what happened to River Country is sad.


Ignore away....Here it is! I LOVE the Musket Mickey sign!

Remember these bags from the Trading Posts? (Told you she saved everything!) Love that Musket Mickey!

There was a room full of us at the time of the White Water Rapids viewing...more than one tear in more than one eye. Yes, my new cyber friend, what happened to river country is very sad indeed. Like losing an old friend.... :-(

It was called "Treasure Island".

As per my 1986 150 page DW book....

I really need to to some scans or photos of it. It has some great construction pics of MK.

Yes, thanks for reminding me! Mom has some old ticket stubs or something w/the name. Looks like I would have remembered Treasure Island! :rotfl:
I think I'm a pretty reliable source.

Every "old skool" disboarder KNOWS that the ONLY source thats MORE reliable than a WDW Bus Driver is the WDW Maintenance Crew!!!!

:lmao: We've made jokes about the "Purple Pants Posse" for years here on the boards...and now we have our very own official member of the posse right here on the boards with us!!!:thumbsup2

KFK......you fit in around here like a square peg...and thats the highest honor one can get!!!! Im glad you got your laptop and have joined the boards...I really like your twisted sense of humor!:)
Thanks for posting those scans!


I don't recall ever seeing that brochure before, and now that I am looking at the photo of Chip and Dale, I don't think I have ever seen that pose before.

Your mom is my hero!

And, I do not remember those paper bags. Unfortunately, my adventures at the Fort did not begin until the mid-90's, and I am pretty sure the paper bags were long gone by then. I have never seen one before. That would be a neat image to scan and make into a t-shirt.

What else does your mom have?

KFK......you fit in around here like a square peg...and thats the highest honor one can get!!!! Im glad you got your laptop and have joined the boards...I really like your twisted sense of humor!:)

Wow! The highest honor! I feel like I have entered into the inner sanctum of the Camping boards! Do I get a sash or a pin? :lmao: Don't give me too much encouragement. It's kinda like feeding a Gremlin after midnight. Only makes things worse! :lmao: Really, thanks for the warm welcome!

Thanks for posting those scans!


I don't recall ever seeing that brochure before, and now that I am looking at the photo of Chip and Dale, I don't think I have ever seen that pose before.

Your mom is my hero!

And, I do not remember those paper bags. Unfortunately, my adventures at the Fort did not begin until the mid-90's, and I am pretty sure the paper bags were long gone by then. I have never seen one before. That would be a neat image to scan and make into a t-shirt.

What else does your mom have?


With your rich Fort knowledge, I figured your adventures began long ago! What else does mom have you ask? :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: You wouldn't believe me if I told you! I will share that she actually has a wrapper from either a hot dog or hamburger that probably dates back to the 70's. :lmao: No I'm not joking! I will have to go back through her Disney treasure chest ASAP. Each year consists of a Disney bag or check in folder from that year containing all of her collections of brochures, stubs etc from that trip! I will no longer mock her ways. I will now show due honor and respect to honorable grasshopper mom! She is worthy! :worship:

At my last going through of the memorabelia....I was stunned to see how much she had with Musket Mickey on it! I was overjoyed to say the least! Too bad she didn't save the old MK ticket books. They cashed those in for the all day passes. She's still kickin' herself over that one! Back then the all day passes were child, junior or adult.

Edit/ADD: Forgot I had this old check in folder scanned into the computer. Thought you might like it. It's from the early 80's. Notice the handwritten campsite prices on the map. Wish that were still true! (I have some more brochures of the Fort stored, I'll post later.)



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