IGTDs exercise journal - posters welcome

got out this morn and did 10

wont make it after work cos DH & I are taking DS, 1 of DSs friends and his Godmother (friend of mine) to Wright's Chicken Farm for DSs birthday dinner
I did get out and walk 10 last night

My friend has been out this morn walking w/another friend for over an hour now! I guess I wont have my walking partner today and will need to walk my 6miles by myself!
Anyone wanna walk with me?
I saved some energy for you..............we even walked downtown and got an ice coffee and back which was about 3.6 miles..........and you could've come out to join us you know............I hope you had a good rest of the day.........see you at the gerbil track another time

tammie:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
my quiet day was a busy day
walked over 3.5miles to Dunkin Donuts to get an iced coffee with my friend, lcmtam (pajammatam)
hiked Purgatory Chasm w/DS
mowed the back & side lawn
walked 10x's around the "gerbil track"
got out and walked 10x's around this morn

my "friend" pajammatam told me at the bus stop this morn that it's actually slightly over 6x's around to make a mile (she clocked it w/her car) -- so guess I'll just be keeping track by x's around, not miles
Last night I got out and walked 10
Also walked 10 this morn. Need to come home and mow the front lawn & 1 side so may not be able to walk more today
Rain coming Fri, Sat, Sun. Hope I dont get behind on my walking. I have been doing really good keeping up.
Well today I only got out there for 5x's around the circle. Went to doc and had EKG done. Tomorrow morn after DS gets on the school bus Im going for bloodwork. Hopefully tonight & tomorrow night it wont be raining so I can get caught up on my walking.

Doc wants me to find some type of exercise for the winter - uhoh

Thanks to CamColt (1st responder after a thread I posted) I got outside in the drizzle and walked 10 tonight
didnt get out yesterday (Fri) but I did get 10x's done today btwn the raindrops
got outside twice with Tammie today - we walked 30x's around the "gerbil track"
Tues morn means back to work - its not exactly sunny outside but it is much drier than its been.
Just walked 10 (usual morn routine after DS gets on the school bus). Made "date" to walk w/Tammie again after work - hopefully it will stay dry.

If it doesnt rain again btwn now and tomorrow morn Im hoping to get outside before work tomorrow and mow the grass before it gets much longer.

We did make it outside after work and walked 20x's around the "gerbil track"
this rain is killing me! Havent gotten outside to mow the grass since Sun & Tues of last week! Man it's gonna be difficult but today looks like it may be a sunny day. After work I gotta get out there and at least make an attempt - make take longer than usual but what can ya do?

I did get outside and walked 15x's around the gerbil track. My walking is right up there where it should be. Been getting out w/the drizzle and doing it! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do

The sun is out but it's raining. I did make it outside after work for 1.2hrs to mow. Did most of the entire yard, left most of the trim work. You know when you start running pushing a lawnmower that it's time to go inside cos of the rain. Oh well at least after the next 3days of rain I should be able to get through it.
got outside this morn and did my 10x's around the gerbil track - (I have walked my 105min plus some for this week)
hopefully more after dinner

I did get outside after work and walked another 10x's
I made my neighbor get out there and walk 18 with me before I was called in for dinner but then I did finish 2 more after I ate.
and her neighbor finished her 20 went home to make dinner and while she was eating dinner IGTD called to MAKE her do 10 more....................:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


P>S thanks Barbara
Got out this morn and walked 10 x's around the gerbil track - more after work.
This is my way of "playing" outside - I do enjoy it.

got out after work and walked another 20 - w/my DS - yes I actually made him walk too
Did my routine of 10 in the morning this morning
My clothes from last summer dont fit! Ahhh gotta go clothes shopping before I loose the 20lbs
Walked another 20x's tonight
Walked 10 this morn then went clothes shopping on my way to the grocery story. Ohlala
walked 10 this morn
Ive decided that my reading can go for now. When Im out there walking, I have no time left to read.

After work and getting Dave from Skips (yes his car broke again)I walked 6 w/the neighbors. After they were finished I did get back out there and did another 10


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