"I'm With Sneezy!" A Mom-&-Me/Solo October Trip! Upd 12/16

Glad you took an easy day to let your mom recoup a bit. That's a good way to do it, a few fast passes!
Soooo your mom listens to the toys?? Mm... I'll have to listen harder next time! Lol

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Hope the day of rest helped your mommy out a little!

I love that you are tracking those purses!!!
It's so nice to have a lazy day. It's especially nice to have a lazy day that involves a round of TSMM! :thumbsup2

I look forward to seeing what you thought about your Wishes FP+!
Hi Zehn! I'm super late but am glad I found your TR! I'll catch up, more soon. Looks like an awesome trip! :)

Thanks for reading! I got caught up in life and stopped updating; ready to get back to it soon!

Glad you took an easy day to let your mom recoup a bit. That's a good way to do it, a few fast passes!
Soooo your mom listens to the toys?? Mm... I'll have to listen harder next time! Lol

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That's what she said! "The toys tell you what to do." I tried listening too but I don't think I "did it right" - :laughing:

Loving your TR!!

Hope your mom starts feeling better soon!

Sadly she didn't get better before we left. I think Sunday was the worst day for her of all ... but I'm getting to that. ;)

Hope the day of rest helped your mommy out a little!

I love that you are tracking those purses!!!

The purses were fun to get and track, and even more fun to carry now that I'm home. I've never had much of a purse collection, so it's awesome to be able to just switch them out whenever I like!

It's so nice to have a lazy day. It's especially nice to have a lazy day that involves a round of TSMM! :thumbsup2

I look forward to seeing what you thought about your Wishes FP+!

It IS nice to have a lazy day, that's something I always forget while I'm at Disney. I wish I could pop over to HS for a quick spin on TSMM today. :wizard:

Saturday will be coming right up! Need to make sure I uploaded all my pictures!
I was writing so quickly because I was afraid life would cut in - and it DID, so I'm trying to get back to it! Some things have been happening to completely distract me from writing this (and I hate it when others leave their TRs stagnant!). Still have almost 5 full days to write about, so let's get to it.


We decided to get up super early this morning and go to AK, then go back to the condo and do all our laundry. We were hoping this didn't come back to bite us and that we had enough time to do everything we wanted at the condo, but we also had only gone to AK for two rides, and decided we wanted to go back and ride those one more time. After all, who knows when you'll be back?

Sure enough, we got to AK well before opening and stood in line to get in. Once we got in, I thought we should head right for EE.

The EE queue is so well done. It's got to be one of my favorites.

We rode EE happily, but it looks like we didn't get a PP photo here. I didn't even check until today. Haha!

After EE, we headed over to D! and got in line. We were second in the big dino room when the announcement was made that the ride was down and there was no idea when it was going to open back up. :sad: I really wanted to ride this one, but we decided instead to go get a coffee and then head out of the park. I would still be at WDW for a couple more days and could choose to go back if I wanted to.

We found a coffee place near the new Lion King show.

I got the coffee, and Mom got a breakfast sandwich that had goat cheese in it. She said it was ok, but tasted a little weird - probably the goat cheese, since we don't eat that regularly.

As we headed out, we stopped in the big store, where I found this adorable Lion King stuffed animal. I wanted it, but what would I do with it?

We headed back out to our car, parked again in the first row (we like to be early!), and went to the condo.

We relaxed and did laundry. I wanted to go to the pool, so I did that while mom did laundry, then I came back and did my own laundry. We got all of our clothes washed and dried, then got dressed for the night. It was time to head to 1900 PF!

We drove to GF and valet parked. I had only been there on the monorail before, but seeing it in person - well, I never wanted to stay there before, but now..... Well, now I would. It's gorgeous. We were fairly early, so we went to the second floor and looked through the Basin store and another store there. They had Harvey's seatbelt bags that I really liked, with the villian on one side and the hero on the other; I still think I maybe should have gotten one. ;)

Around the time for our reservation, we headed down.

This was an interesting place to wait.

They let us in, and right away my server came by to tell me the chef would be right out to talk about my allergy. She got us drinks, and then he DID come out, and he was SO HELPFUL!! I could eat everything and anything but the desserts; that was so wonderful. I loaded up a plate as soon as I knew what was safe and happily munched away.

While we sat there, Mom started looking a little ragged. She said she was starting to feel bad. I actually was starting to feel bad myself. My eyes puffed up, my face went red, and my throat got scratchy; I was actually a little afraid I'd eaten my allergen somehow, but eventually figured out it was a vent blowing on me - and it had to be DIRTY. We made it through the meal somehow.

We saw Prince Charming, Cinderella, Lady Tremaine, and the stepsisters. They were all a hoot! Well, Prince Charming wasn't, but the rest were great and we really enjoyed ourselves and the food - if only we weren't both having such allergic reactions it would have been perfect!

Once we were done, we paid our bill and headed for MK via monorail. Once there, we went to our HM FP+, followed quickly by our Splash FP+. Mom was not looking good, but she didn't say she wanted to leave. So we headed over to the Peoplemover to be moved.

Looking at our clock, the time had come for our Wishes FP! I was so excited to go to this; Mom was very sick at this time, but when I asked her she did not want to leave without seeing the fireworks so we headed over.

It was just a little difficult to find, but once we did, we settled down on the grass to relax. We got to see the projection show, and then Wishes started!

While we were off to the side of the castle, I LOVED this FP+! Probably my favorite one. To sit and watch Wishes outside of the rabid crowd was just bliss, and I think I'll get more fireworks FP+ in the future. Tinkerbell went right over us!

As soon as Wishes was over, I looked at Mom and she was DONE. I felt terrible. "Let's go," I said, and we started our long push out of MK. I get claustrophobic, but this was so bad that I knew it didn't even matter - it couldn't get worse, so I didn't panic over all the people. Everyone was going every direction, and they were breathing down your neck. It was frightening but what could you do but walk with the crowd?

When we got to the resort monorail, it was packed. Mom was so sick, I just wanted to push everyone out of the way and push her up front, but of course you can't do that so I just stood and watched the water parade with her instead.

We managed to get on the second monorail by sheer force of will. That monorail was packed tight, but Mom just looked at me so sadly and said she couldn't wait, so on we went. I kept my back to the crowd in the cabin with us so I wouldn't freak out; we were that packed. Once we got to TTC, everyone but us and another family got off, so we sat down.

Soon enough we were at GF. I retrieved the car from valet and we headed back to the condo. Tomorrow was my move to Pop, and Mom's trip home.
Sad that D! was down - I hope you got to ride it later in the trip!
I saw the same Lion King stuffed animal and I loved it ... but I don't have any need for it so I also didn't buy it.

I'm glad to hear the characters at 1900PF were great (even if the allergies/vents weren't!).

The Wishes FP+ view looks great! I don't think you need to be right in front to get a good view, and not being in the massive crush of people is always great!

I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of the trip!
Ugh...so sorry that your mom is so sick! :sick: It's hard to enjoy anything when you are sick at Disney.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE the FP+ spot for Wishes. It's the same general location as the dessert party only MUCH closer and FREE!! I love that Tink flies right over you as well.

Can't wait to hear more about the rest of your trip!
Awww too bad about D! being down, but glad you got to ride EE. My favourite queue as well, so well themed!
Dinner sounds lovely, other than the vent causing some reactions. Not good!

While we were off to the side of the castle, I LOVED this FP+! Probably my favorite one. To sit and watch Wishes outside of the rabid crowd was just bliss, and I think I'll get more fireworks FP+ in the future. Tinkerbell went right over us!

I'm convinced, I'm definitely getting a FP for the parades and Wishes on my next trip. :thumbsup2

Yikes, your poor mom! Nothing worse than feeling ill in a huge crowd that you can do nothing about.
i'm so sorry your mom wasn't feeling well, but i'm glad you got to do all that you had wanted.

i'm so glad you had a fun time at 1900! we loved the characters there!

the fireworks look so awesome! and tinkerbell right over your head?!? our girls still haven't seen that. i'm going to have to keep a FP for it in mind for our next trip!
Major bummer on D! being down.

Thank you for sharing your opinion on FP+ for fireworks, I was really considering it but wasn't sure if it's be worth it. Sounds like I'll be making those FP+ selections when it comes time.

Your poor mom just had terrible luck, so sorry she was feeling so ill. Can't be much worse than that.
Sad that D! was down - I hope you got to ride it later in the trip!
I saw the same Lion King stuffed animal and I loved it ... but I don't have any need for it so I also didn't buy it.

I'm glad to hear the characters at 1900PF were great (even if the allergies/vents weren't!).

The Wishes FP+ view looks great! I don't think you need to be right in front to get a good view, and not being in the massive crush of people is always great!

I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of the trip!

Thanks for still reading along! That Simba and Mufasa stuffie was so cute wasn't it!? The characters at 1900 PF were a lot of fun, especially Anastasia. She was my mom's favorite. The allergies were out of control, though.

The Wishes FP+ was possibly my favorite. I wish mom could have enjoyed it more.

Ugh...so sorry that your mom is so sick! :sick: It's hard to enjoy anything when you are sick at Disney.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE the FP+ spot for Wishes. It's the same general location as the dessert party only MUCH closer and FREE!! I love that Tink flies right over you as well.

Can't wait to hear more about the rest of your trip!

It is terribly hard to enjoy Disney when you're sick; been there, done that.

I thought that space for the FP+ was excellent.

Awww too bad about D! being down, but glad you got to ride EE. My favourite queue as well, so well themed!
Dinner sounds lovely, other than the vent causing some reactions. Not good!

I'm convinced, I'm definitely getting a FP for the parades and Wishes on my next trip. :thumbsup2

Yikes, your poor mom! Nothing worse than feeling ill in a huge crowd that you can do nothing about.

Wishes is a must for me from now on. I know it means forfeiting other FP+ since you can't get one later than the Wishes FP+, but it was worth it. I don't feel the same way about Illuminations, however, or even Fantasmic - though I've never seen it.

I kept looking at Mom and getting nervous. She obviously felt horrible; I can't imagine how awful that would be.

i'm so sorry your mom wasn't feeling well, but i'm glad you got to do all that you had wanted.

i'm so glad you had a fun time at 1900! we loved the characters there!

the fireworks look so awesome! and tinkerbell right over your head?!? our girls still haven't seen that. i'm going to have to keep a FP for it in mind for our next trip!

We DID get to do all we wanted; I'm glad for that too.

Yes, Tinkerbell went almost directly over the spot we were in; it was very cool! She was waving her wand and everything.

Major bummer on D! being down.

Thank you for sharing your opinion on FP+ for fireworks, I was really considering it but wasn't sure if it's be worth it. Sounds like I'll be making those FP+ selections when it comes time.

Your poor mom just had terrible luck, so sorry she was feeling so ill. Can't be much worse than that.

You should at least try one Wishes FP+ if you can swing it. I felt like it was totally worth it.

Looking at the weather forecast, her allergies were from the extraordinarily high mold counts in the area after all the storms moved through. It was really bad for her. :(
D! was down! I know you love that one. What a bummer. At least you got to go on EE and enjoy DAK with the low crowds in the morning.

Poor momma! I think next time she goes to 1900 she should wear a full on gas mask! That wouldn't scare the kids or anything though...
Your poor mama :(

I know you had really been looking forward to 1900PF, so I'm glad you were able to eat to your heart's content! Blah to neither of you feeling well, though. Glad the characters were awesome! I've heard such great things about Lady T and the Steps. (That would be a great band name ;))
Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I updated this TR. I actually thought they might have closed it. I'm going to keep pressing on, now that I have a little time again.

When I left you last, we'd finished Mom's last night at WDW and had returned to our condo for our last night at SVR.

The next morning, we got up nice and early. Mom looked TERRIBLE, but she was pushing on - she had to, she was flying home on this day. First, we went to the business center at SVR to use their printer so we could get Mom on her plane later that day. For the life of me, I could NOT figure out the Windows system they were using! I think it was 8, but maybe it was business class? Don't know, but it was impossible and I couldn't even log out of my email. Guess someone out there got to read all my spam.

We went to breakfast and had coffee, then to Walgreens where she FINALLY got some of the medicine she should have already bought, and then we headed over to Pop so that I could hopefully get into a room early and let her get some more rest. Every single time I've stayed at Pop, I've gotten into my room early. Every single time.

Although it was a pretty warm day, Mom opted to stay in the car while I went in and checked in. I had my fingers crossed my room would be ready. When I got to the check in line, there was still quite a wait.

There was a family of four ahead of me, and I heard them talking. I chimed in when I found out they were first timers - we ended up talking the whole time and they asked for my phone number so that maybe we could meet up later. I ended up giving them the wrong number! I realized it later, but it was too late then; I know they probably tried to contact me and got someone else completely!

I checked in and - guess what - room's not ready. They'll text me when it is. Are you kidding me!? The ONE DAY I could have used an early check in, where Mom could lay down and get some rest, and it's not ready yet? I was very, very disappointed, but knew the rooms weren't even guaranteed until 3, and it was only 11:30 now.

I headed back out to the car, where Mom was asleep. I woke her up, and we sat and chatted for a bit trying to figure out our plan. She wanted to head to the airport; she was so tired and didn't want to hold me back. I told her I wasn't going to allow her to wait at the airport for 5 hours alone when she was so sick, and we were going to figure out something else instead. To kill a little time in hopes of my room becoming ready, we decided to go in and get my refillable mug and maybe some food.

We sat for as long as we could, and finally she said she had to leave. She felt so terrible, and she just wanted to get to the airport and settle in where she could relax and read her ipad, and wait for her flight. I did not like this idea; I didn't want her alone for so long. But she insisted.

First, however, I made her wait while I went to the desk to verify my room really wasn't ready. They said it wasn't yet; I couldn't believe it, but I went back and told Mom.

I went to the car and got all my stuff (and my balloon!), and we said our goodbyes. She'd be at the airport on Wednesday to pick me up, so I told her I hoped she was feeling a lot better by then. I waved goodbye, then headed back to the main building where I dropped all my stuff off (and my balloon!) with bell services while I wandered Pop Century!

While I was wandering, my phone went off. Just 30 minutes after Mom left, my room was ready.

I looked at the room number twice, a little confused and not sure if it was right. I went to the room and sure enough ... it was the EXACT same room I'd had the last time and loved so much! The bed was super comfortable, and the location just couldn't be beat - near the pool but not too close, and near the buses! I went and got everything from Bell Services and returned to my new home for the next couple of days.

I was so very glad to be here again!

I loved it offsite, but still something so great about coming back onsite!

Had the handicapped bathroom, which I don't love, but it works.

I decided at that point I was super tired and needed a nap. I laid down after ramping up the AC, and was asleep pretty quickly.

When I woke up, I realized I'd put my beloved balloon in the wrong place and the AC blowing on him had caused a little problem:

His little ear was deflated. I was crushed!

I quickly made a few FP+ for HS and headed to the bus stop. It was almost 4 p.m. at this time.

First stop? My much-loved and 2nd-favorite-ride at HS, TSMM!

First favorite?

Love that one!!!

After this, I headed back to Pop. I had an important date with a HM Dooney and Bourke in the morning, and I wanted to be at MK as early as possible to see if the bags were going to be released or not. I got into bed early, lamenting my balloon's lopsidedness, and fell asleep fast.
Your poor mom! I'm glad she got some medicine and to the airport to relax before her flight. Getting a phone call 30 minutes later about your room is exactly what would happen to me.....sigh!

Love the picture of the tramp overlooking the pool--so pretty. We really liked staying at POP but didn't look around too much. How cool you got the same room!

Your lopsided balloon is making me laugh! Still though--isn't it amazing how long they last?!


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