In Hospital - Home Sweet Home Update Post #112

Well, the Dr. disconnected me from the NG suction yesterday afternoon and let me try some food. Dinner came around and to my surprise I got to eat a little bit of chicken breast with Honey Mustard Dressing. I had no problems with my abdomen distending or feeling sick to my stomach. So, this morning I had an Upper GI with Small Bowel Follow Through ... special X-ray using contrast dye. Everything looked good there.

This afternoon, my Dr came in and said why don't we pull the NG tube, see how you do through the night, and *IF* you do not blow up like a blimp again, then we will start to get you ready to go home .............................................................................T..........................

What does that spell ????? TOMORROW :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I just want to say :thanks: again, for ALL your prayers, :goodvibes , thoughts, and tons of pixiedust: I definitely could not have made it through these past 18 days with out you. Special thanks to Jegrezo, Monkey, Grumpy, Filament, Days, Happy, AvastMay, AmyE, and the list would just go on and on and on.

I :love: you all and have to have one gigantic :grouphug:

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I hope you get to go home tomorrow! Just remember to take it easy once you get there.:thumbsup2

Have magical dreams tonight.

Fly :hippie:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That's really great news! I really hope you do get to go home tomorrow. That would be even greater news. Good luck!
Woot! As I shouted to you when you messaged me in the game.

Woot! Woot!

:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

That's very good news!

:wizard: Here's to a good night and being able to go home tomorrow! :goodvibes
Wow !! After 19 days of being in that hospital, I am finally home :cool1: Seems so strange to be in my own bed, to have a TV that has more than 5 channels, and have an Internet connection that is more than 24kbps :lmao: :lmao: I truly do not know how to thank everyone for their encouragement, support, prayers, thoughts, :goodvibes , and tons and tons of pixiedust: It is a GREAT feeling to know that when the chips are down, I know that I can always turn to the best place around .... :disrocks:

I am still trying to adjust to being back home <looks around for the nurse/hubby call button.... I would like some juice please :rotfl: >, but come Monday, despite my lack of strength, I need to head down to my parent's and start kicking some bootie down there.

Mom is not getting the things that she needs done in order for her to even start getting ready to come home. Physical therapy is NOT working with her !! She *just* started getting her inhalers (she has emphysema), and they just started getting her her Parkinson's medication :mad: So, I need to get down there and make sure they are not planning on dumping her in a Nursing Home.

She was moved out of ICU about 3 days ago and seems to be holding her own. I got a call from her Dr. who told me that she is in "congestive heart failure" and they are giving her medication for that and that they were going to do a Cat Scan on her abdomen because she was vomiting so much. The very next day, my Dad called me and told me she had a bowel obstruction :scared1: This was not good, as she is NOT a candidate for surgery whatsoever. I called her today and thank God, the obstruction was just a "kink" that worked itself out :yay:

So, I am home .... but it seems that there is no "recovery" period for me in the near future. Although Dad did say I could "nap" while I was down there :rotfl2:

Again, my deepest thanks to each and everyone :love: :hug:

So glad you're home. Sending lots of Pixie Dust to you so that you have the health, strength and good humor to minister to your parents.

Lots of healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family. :)
Good to hear you are back at your home, still sending pixies dust your way for you to have enough strength for the future and your family ways.
Glad you finally made it home from the hospital! Even though you don't get much time for recovering at home I do hope you take some time to rest while you are "kicking bootie" helping your mom out. Certaintly don't want you ending up back in the hospital yourself. Thoughts will continue for your mom to make a quick recovery and to be able to go home as well. :hug:
Glad you are doing better and I hope you can kick some butt with those ppl about your mom. Take it as easy as you can and know that we are all here for you if you need to yell, scream :headache: , holler or just need some extra hugs :grouphug: .

Take care of yourself!

Good heavens, I never saw this thread until today :scared1:
I swear it was like reading a drama or something, and I couldn't stop until I hit page eight (we were late to a meeting because of me lol ). So glad you're doing better, and hope you STAY better:rotfl: all is right with the world. :goodvibes
Tigger, good heavens you have your work cut out for you! Glad to hear you can have close to a week of rest and internet speed! :rotfl:


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