It All Started with a Massive Price Glitch - Aulani Nov. 2014 PTR ~ Updated 12/6 - TR

Have a great trip!! Can't wait to hear more about Aulani. Been thinking about my bucket list-Aulani is on it as is an ABD trip.

Have fun!!
Thanks! Sounds like a good bucket list to me! :thumbsup2 Aulani is quite wonderful and I am dreading having to leave. :sad2:

Hope that the sickness does, um, run it's course :rotfl:
Ha, thanks! I think I am finally on the up and up! :goodvibes

Travel safe no matter what and just have a good time :thumbsup2
Check! :thumbsup2

'I think they're actually going to let us take this trip! " - wow, that would be like the worst prank ever if you went to check in and they were like "um, we were just kidding about that whole price glitch thing, but if you could look at that hidden camera over to my left that would be great!"
That would be quite the bummer. :rotfl2: The whole thing really has been quite surreal, though. Almost wouldn't surprise me if something crazy like that happened. Like a show where they wake up and it was all a dream.

1. Get better soon!
Thank you!

2. What's up with the pool times changing? That's one of the best parts of the resort? Not cool.
Agreed! And especially that they don't put that info out there for those planning the trip. No warning, the hours just suddenly changed. Luckily, Izzy and I have gotten in a lot of pool time in the last couple days, but Dug hasn't had any yet (he comes back tomorrow and hoping to get him some before we leave).

3. I hope you all have a fantastic time!
Thanks, we are! And you'll be happy to know I've referenced your report a couple times, by the way. Like getting to Leonard's - Siri (Apple Maps) wanted exit 8, I think and I insisted on the one you said (7, I think) because I figured you knew how to get us fresh malasadas better than Siri. :goodvibes

The replacement clothes you bought at Carters are super cute and so Summery/Hawai'i-ey :)
Thanks! That's a new word! :rotfl: That's the nice thing about a warm-weather trip in the fall - summer clothes on clearance! :cool1:

I really hope you both are doing okay today. Hoping that you both slept off those headaches last night and you feel refreshed and ready to travel!

Take care and have fun!
We felt pretty good for travel. My stomach sickness held on (not as severely) until a couple days ago and I think I'm finally on the mend. Hasn't really slowed me down much, though. Just less eating than normal, I suppose. :confused3

Have a great trip! Fingers crossed that everyone is feeling better.
Thanks! Luckily, nobody else caught whatever I had and we're doing well now.

OMG the snorkeling girl shirt is adorable! I might have to go look for it at our Carters!
Aw, thanks! Just keep in mind that it was clearance, so pretty hit-or-miss on what you can find on the shelves. They did have a lot of cute things, though - I had to talk myself out of a few other shirts with other sea creatures on them.

Have Fun!!! Love the new clothes. So cute!
Thank you so much! We've had a great time so far.

So exciting! You're probably there and enjoying your wonderful vacation as we speak! Can't wait to read all about it!
Indeed! Can't wait to write all about it! :goodvibes
Glad to see this update, though I have been enjoying the photos you've been putting up on FB
Thanks. Yeah, I've been tossing some highlights on FB. There are so many more things I want to share with DIS-ers, but I don't normally post much on FB and most people are not DIS-ers, so I don't want to inundate them with things like, "The Dole Whip machine has been broken for 9 days and Izzy was asleep when I stopped at the Dole Plantation!" (true story ::yes::)

Sorry to see you are still not 100% but glad that overall it is going pretty well. I am sure Dug is bummed he isn't there (and you are bummed he isn't there as well) but looks like in a "blessing in disguise" sorta way it is "forcing" you to enjoy just being at the resort
Yes, that is very true, we (Izzy and I) are getting a lot of resort time. To be honest, I feel like our outings this morning were a bit of "wasted" time (well, almost) and we would have been better off just spending the full day at the resort. Which is a strange thing for me to think, as I like to be off doing things.

Hope things continue to go well and you enjoy the touring when Dug is back.
Thanks, he will be back tomorrow! I think it will be fun to see some sights, but Izzy is probably going to be super upset that we will miss the character meets tomorrow. She's obsessed with, "I go find Minnie". There was a toy telescope on a playground today and I swear she looked through it and said, "I point this at Minnie." :rotfl2:

And congrats on planning the land&sea trip! I am definitely wanting to do that some day, though leaning more towards when the kids are older (timing wise - it might coincide with my 40th birthday). Sounds like a good company if they are so encouraging Dug to be with his family rather than the conference. A lot of companies say they support that sort of thing but don't always walk-the-walk, so great to see they are really supporting it :goodvibes
We have been dying to go on another cruise for some time now (did Royal Caribbean years ago and I was on Princess once way back when). Can't wait to experience a Disney one. We actually loved our RC cruise, but I'm sure Disney will one-up it, especially with Izzy along. Yes, the company does seem to be pretty good about walking the walk. However, I think it will always be a bit tainted by this trip. Dug was really put in a position of take-trip-don't-get-job or get-job-interrupt-trip. And it was actually because they are supportive of employee personal time, so they didn't want to make him miss the trip and essentially took the offer off the table. They didn't count on how much he wanted/needed the job, though and we ended up where we were at because he chose to pursue it, despite them trying to encourage him to re-apply some other time. He couldn't deal with another winter of commuting and not loving his old job. But it was a huge sacrifice. Glad we don't have to sacrifice another family trip.

I have been following your TR since the start. Your live update was great. Can't wait to read your total TR. Hope your flights went well also.
I hope you don't mind me asking a few family checks in on Nov 23. What is the ocean and pool temp? I'm hoping for the warmth. It's getting cold here on the east coast. What time does the pool and slides now close? My DS is 13 and love the pool.
:welcome: Thanks, all did go pretty well. Wow, you get here so soon!

I don't know the temps, but I can tell you that I've heard others say the ocean is warm - I have yet to go in it (this is what happens when you let 2-year-olds call the shots: "Izzy, do you want to go to the beach?" "Yes, beach!" "Great, let's go!" [walk towards beach] "Nooooooo, no beach! Pool!" "But you wanted to go the beach?" "Yes, beach." [keep walking] "Noooooo, no no no no! I want pool!" Etc.)

The pools are warm, but I don't know exactly. And it seems to change. The first night in, the infinity pool felt much warmer than the zero-entry pool and the next day was the opposite. Either way, water is fine, but it can be cold getting out later in the afternoon. Izzy was shivering away when we got out today, but fine in the water.

Closing times are a bummer. Pools and hot tubs close at 8pm. Slides and lazy river close at 6pm. Menehune Bridge and Keiki Cove (kids' areas) close at 5pm. Aulani's website should have the hours for each one listed, if you want to double-check (and it's fun to see the different pool options).

Hope you have a great trip! It's a wonderful resort in the middle of paradise! :cloud9:

So great to read the update- so glad you are having an amazing time! And you got in some great you time as well! It is much needed, and stroller-sleeping is the way to go! I've loved your facebook photos!
I have to say, I wanted to do a little dance of joy when I saw her falling asleep in the stroller. :rotfl2: I really loved that time of exploring and not having to worry about what she was getting into. Glad you're enjoying the photos! Many more for the TR, though! :thumbsup2

I'm sorry you are not feeling great, I must have missed an update you were sick? Hope it's nothing too serious!
Yeah, I think I said something in the update before leaving or maybe before that? Two days beforehand, I came down with a stomach bug. Super tired, achy, and digestive system just gave up on me, I guess. :sad2: Luckily, the worst of it was before leaving, but I just haven't really fully bounced back yet (mostly fine now).

Anyway so glad you're having fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Thanks, can't wait to share!

OH andddd so awesome about May!! We will DEFINITELY have to plan to meet up, if you have the time! We are swapping raglan road on the 16th to T-Rex BTW. LMK your plans when you know them :)
Yes, that would be great! We haven't planned any days yet, but I know that Dug would love to go to T-Rex (he's said so before) and Izzy loves dinosaurs (one of the longer words she can say, actually). We will have to do something for sure! :goodvibes

Oh I totally know what you are talking about with the time change and a young one! We have been taking our kids to Hawaii from the Toronto area since they were toddlers and my dd was never too bad but my son was another story!
Once in Maui he woke up for days at 2 in the morning hawaii time ready to party!
So glad you are having fun and cant wait to see more pics!
Try the Lillikoi (passionfruit) cheesecake from Ulu Cafe-sooo delicious!
Oh, wow, 2am parties, huh? :eek: Luckily, Izzy has slept well overnight this trip, but she's shifted a bit late on naps and bedtime and is struggling with it at times (like WAY cranky when she's normally pretty easygoing).

That cheesecake sounds great! If I can manage to fit it in my belly, I will! :lmao:

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are having a great time.
Yes, it is wonderful! I see why nobody ever wants to leave this place.

Yay!! I'm so glad you're having a wonderful time! I can't wait to see all the pictures!!
Thanks, can't wait to share them! I have so many good ones! Izzy with Chip yesterday and with Stitch today are highlights, for sure (her new BFFs - behind Minnie, of course).

And yay for a new trip to plan!! And I'm glad Dug is enjoying himself still even though he's missing part of your trip.
Super excited that I can finally start thinking about the land & sea as a real trip! :cool1: Despite having had the deposit down on the cruise for a long time, I just couldn't bring myself to count on it until this work talk happened. And, yes, Dug has had a really good time - I talked to him tonight and he had fun and felt really good about his time there getting to know everyone. I think it was worthwhile, but just inconvenient. On a side note, he said they are considering coming back to the same place this time next year, so maybe we'll get to go to Disneyland in a year... :rolleyes1

I'm sorry you're still feeling kinda off.'re tired and kinda queasy? Is there something you wanna tell us? ;)
I should have known someone would ponder this. Nope, nope, nope! Just trying not to be overly graphic and gross about stomach flu, really. Definitely nothing more. :rotfl: Really more that my digestive system decided to take a vacation too, I guess. :confused3 I've felt okay and can eat fine, I just never know what's going to happen 5-8 hours after. (Yep, this is why I've been vague...too gross).

What are the Aulani pool hours now? Sounds like a beautiful place.
It is a beautiful place, for sure! Pool hours (and hot tubs) are until 8pm. Slides and lazy river until 6pm. Menehune Bridge and Keiki Cove (kids' areas) until 5pm. I really wish the lazy river was open until 8pm. It should be. It's so pretty at night. But I saw the CMs radio-ing each other about the last two in it tonight - they were like stalking them so they could shut it down. :sad2:
Just in case, i made a 5/16 5pm adr at t-rex for 7 :goodvibes

Figured we can still show up as 4 if you guys don't want to go, but it will be hard as it gets closer to find a table for 7!
So glad to see your update - it sounds like you're having a great time in spite of still not feeling well! I can't wait to read the full report and see the pictures when you return.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Just in case, i made a 5/16 5pm adr at t-rex for 7 :goodvibes

Figured we can still show up as 4 if you guys don't want to go, but it will be hard as it gets closer to find a table for 7!
Great, thank you! Coincidentally, before I told Dug this, he mentioned that he wanted to go to T-Rex. :thumbsup2 Sounds fun!

So glad to see your update - it sounds like you're having a great time in spite of still not feeling well! I can't wait to read the full report and see the pictures when you return.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Thank you! Excited to share more stories and pictures! Sadly, we are home now. :sad1:
:sad1: :sad2: Nothing like going from paradise to Elsa's world...back to a January-like Minnesota.

It was a great trip and all too short, especially with Dug missing half of it. Would love to return!

Pretty much still exhausted from an overnight flight with a toddler, but going to make up my notes for the last day and head to bed - back to real life and work tomorrow! :eek:

On a random funny note, I've apparently convinced Izzy that characters are so huggable that she should rush stages they are dancing on and get restrained by Disney CMs - this happened more than once and broke her heart each time. :rotfl: She also had some great highlights when they were available for one-on-one time, especially with Chip and with Stitch (her new BFF).

Can't wait to share more about the trip! Will keep you posted - not sure when I will start with two other TRs still pending. I will need to decide if I want to do more than one at a time - don't love doing that, but super excited to share all of them! :goodvibes
Welcome back! I am sure returning to this quick arrival of winter must have been quite the shock to your system!

That's amazing how much on the opposite end of the spectrum Izzy is now with the characters compared to just a few trips ago! That does sound a bit sad with security holding her back ... like a toddler version of a One Direction concert or whatever band tweens listen to nowadays
:rotfl: Aw Izzy! Can't wait to hear about those stories!

Hope you get some rest and readjust to real life quickly :goodvibes
Welcome back! I am sure returning to this quick arrival of winter must have been quite the shock to your system!
Not pleasant, but really not surprising. We seem to have a track record of setting off winter by vacationing to warm places. :rolleyes1

That's amazing how much on the opposite end of the spectrum Izzy is now with the characters compared to just a few trips ago! That does sound a bit sad with security holding her back ... like a toddler version of a One Direction concert or whatever band tweens listen to nowadays
Ha ha, that's totally what it was like. :rotfl2: Poor kid, I felt bad for her, but wanted to laugh about it too. We had three separate incidents of her being restrained and then very upset about it. She's a menace to all characters, I guess. :confused3

:rotfl: Aw Izzy! Can't wait to hear about those stories!
Ha, yes, I'll have a few of them for you. I've created a monster. :rotfl:

Hope you get some rest and readjust to real life quickly :goodvibes
Working on it! Probably should try that sleeping thing again soon - time changes and redeye flights really mess with you afterwards.

Man!! I don't wanna wait for the TR!! Lol
Me either! :goodvibes But catching up on the DIS is like a FT job right now! :rotfl:

Welcome home! Is it just me, or did that go way too fast?
Way, way, way too fast indeed! Especially because Aulani is the type of place you just want to stay at forever. Any time you have to leave, it's just too soon. :sad2:
Okay, here's a special treat to tide you all over: Trip/Hawaii Slideshow

I went through all of our Hawaii photos (like 5000 or so) and put together a highlight reel of 200+ photos. Starts with some stock photos we got from Photopass, then our photos start when you see Izzy. Don't worry, there are PLENTY more photos for the TR, but we didn't want to bore friends and relatives with all of those. ;)

I hope to get the report started soon and will post a link here when I do. For those who missed it and are interested, I also started our August 2014 WDW TR recently. You can find the link in my signature or in the first post of this PTR.

Enjoy the special treat and hope everyone has had a good Thanksgiving! :goodvibes


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