Jaws Replacement

Tony M

Remember 1999
Sep 19, 1999
Hey, if everyone wants to talk about replacing all of the Universal Attractions, why not replace JAWS with this classic idea.

The Creature From The Black Lagoon: Back in the old black-and-white days of 1950's classic movie horror, this sea creature flick proved one of the big winners. By today's standards the scares are non-existent, but the still quite amazing underwater photography remains a milestone. Now, after various attempts lead to failure, The Hollywood Reporter announces that Universal has decided to move ahead with a remake and funnily enough have found the original film's writer Arthur A. Ross and are getting him and his son Gary to produce the flick.

And let's jazz it up to meet today's theme park guests expectations by letting B&M soup it up and let it be the first "LIM launched, glass bottom, floorless, inverted, tour boats".:p
An inverted is floorless and a glass bottom sounds like a floor to me! I know you were joking, but I couldn't resist. I love monster movies and although I would love an attraction such as this, Jaws ain't goin' anywhere. Jaws is a good ride. I think they need to make a classic monster island at IOA. Just think Frankie, Drac, Creature, Wolfman, Fly, Mummy, Phantom of the Opera... oh yes, I like classic monsters.
This was meant to be only a joke.
They are not going to replace JAWS.
Everyone in other posts had their ideas to replace KONG so...
Did you hear the Boneyard is being converted to the Boneyard coaster? Yes, you get to ride on rails and go by some rusty movie props! :)
cats?? what cats??? it's been about 7 years since I've seen the Boneyard attraction at USF, so I don't know what's in there...

The Boneyard hasn't change that much. Bruce the JAWS shark is there, some vehicles from Jurassic Park Lost World, and some Flinstone Props are all that I remember.
It will be interesting to see if they actually Build something here to take it's place.
I read that CP has its own set of cats that live under a coaster. Is USF the same with some stray cats in the area?
yeah there's 20 or more cats on property and we got a lovely family of ducks that play with guests and the other way around, bu you never see the cats in he day always at night after hours after all when the cats are away the mice will play.
The Boneyard is going away, huh? That's a heckuva LOT of free space.

I wonder what could possibly go there- the only thing I could possibly think of, and the thing that makes the most sense, would be the Nickelodeon expansion/attraction.
That's not really a LOT of space. Enough for like a drop tower... but I'm just dreaming.;)
Actually, it is a lot of room. Especially if you were to get rid of the streets around the yard as well as the Rex photo op. Not enough for a gigantic attraction, but you could easily build a rather large soundstage there.

But I'm not betting anything that elaborate. My guess would still be the new Nick area. Although I suppose it could be any number of things.
Yeah but they were talking about taking hanna out and putting in something towards the rugrats I belive but don't attack me if I'm wrong so they take out the boneyard and expand the hanna building
Hanna's not going anywhere. As far as the boneyard goes can you say botanical garden?
Well, I guess that would be...nice. Easier on the eyes than disintegrating Flintstones props, at least ;).


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