Jen's Journal.....Baby Steps to a new me

When I was working out a gym pre child, my trainer had me doing 30 minutes of cardio every day and weights every other... I agree, I think cardio is the only way I know how!

Have a great one!

Jen :flower1:
I don't know about everyone else, but cardio is a must for me every single day. Even on the days that I do weight training. And I feel so much better after I do the cardio too.

Have a healthy and happy Friday!
sounds soon as i come back from florida ill start doing cardio--thanks guys!!
if anyone is gonna be around WDW , if u see me, come say hi !
:wave: Hi Blueeyes101817. I just joined WISH and have been trying to get through everyone's journals. I am trying to do the one's with the least amount of pages first, some of them are really long. I see your from NJ also. Well good luck with your weight loss and have a great time in WDW, I'm so jealous.
Hi LIzzy--yep, im getting ready to go..gonna have to sleep soon sincei ll be at up 330!
i have never heard of alpha nj haha..but i never hear of many--welcome to the journals!
Well, Jen is currently in WDW with no internet access, but I got to hang out with her today, and she is doing well, enjoying WDW (of course), and says to say hi to everyone.
If my memory is correct ... Jen should be home sometime tomorrow, and will probably post an update of her own. Hopefully a trip report will be coming :)
Thanks everyone!! i am back, but am EXHAUSTED!! i have to go out with the family for dinner, but will try to come on later and check out everyones journals....!!
hellooooooooooooo everyone!!!
i am back! it was such a great trip--the weather was beautiful every day except friday, when we got a little bit of rain!
and now of course, it is back to curves on monday where i get weighed and measured, so ill see what the "damage" is..
i didnt do great eating, but i kind of knew that would happen...i only had ice cream 2 times the whole week, which is good while on vacation! :)
i will try to come some pictures posted when i get them now off to check in on some of your journals!
Welcome back, Jen! I am so glad that you had a great time!!! Any chance you brought back some of that :sunny: and warm Florida weather with you? If so, can you throw some my way here in Ohio????;)

We'd love to see some pictures of your trip! Do you plan on writing a trip report???? I can't wait to go to WDW in May! We are almost at 100 days!!!

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Sending some :wizard: for weigh-in at Curves tomorrow. Welcome home! :hug:
Tracy--i wish i brought back some sun!! its sooo cold!!! i actually did just type up my trip report (that gave me something to do on the plane ride back!) so its on the trip reports board...not very interesting , but go ahead and read at your own risk :)
i highly doubt i will be getting my pics developed today (football and desparate housewives) but definitely tomorrow!!!! talk to you soon
Welcome back, Jen :wave:

Can't wait to see pics when you get them :)

well today i did absoultely nothing...well i finished laundry..but my whole family is i layed around in my pjs today--at least it was after the trip!!!
Tomorrow i am planning on going to curves to sign up and pay for another 3 months..and also check out the trip damage! hope everyone elses day was a bit more...productive than mine! (although i think watching football and desparate housewives is a good day!)


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