Jessica and Curtis <3


Earning My Ears
May 22, 2012
Hello Everyone,
Im quite sure how this all works but I'm going to give it a go.

How we met: In Spring of 2009 I graduated from Meredith College and still had no idea what I wanted to do so I decided to apply to the Disney College Program! Fall 2009 I moved into Patterson Court with 5 other girls (3 of which turned out to be my best friends!). Fast-forward to the following March, I was still living in Disney with Caitlin and Emily, when Caitlin's brother Curtis came to visit. And thanks to certain situations involving Emily's dog and Caitlin's broken iphone, Curtis and I began talking to each other and thus began our life together. March of 2011 I decided to leave my job at Disney World to move to Cape Cod to be with Curtis :cutie:

The Proposal: Memorial day weekend of 2012 we went to Walt Disney so that I could stay in the new Royal Suites at Port Orleans Riverside! For the long story, read the next paragraph...for the short version, skip the next paragraph!

While that morning he decided we were going to the parks (because I worked there for so long, Im not a fan of parks during peak seasons and would like to avoid them). We started at Animal Kingdom at 7am doing the extra magic hours and taking full advantage of the morning feedings on Kilimanjaro Safaris! We then made our way to Hollywood Studios for Star Wars Weekend (Curtis loveees Star Wars)...if you have never been to a Star Wars, it slightly terrifying. There are SO many people!! However it turned out to be amazing and super fun! We got pictures with Luke Skywalker, Chewbaca and Princess addition to doing all of our favorite HS rides! Around 4:30 I wanted head over to Epcot just to walk around and do our annual we hopped on the boat to Epcot mostly so we could do the Disney Visa photo at character spot. It was during the boat ride when I started to suspect something. Curtis is EXTREMELY laid back and go with the flow kind of guy, so when we started telling me we had to get over to the Magic Kingdom by made me wonder what was up. We finished our pictures and got on the monorail, when Curtis suggested we stop at the Poly to see if they had any availability.

Curtis had secretly made a reservation to Kona Cafe at the Polynesian Hotel (where we had our first date (!)). It was fantastic and really sweet of him. At this point I wasn't sure if he was going to propose or just doing a late anniversary dinner. Anyway, we went to the Magic Kingdom for some rides and to watch the stage show! Just before 9 pm Curtis asked where I wanted to watch the water pageant from (The water pageant is one of my all time favorite things at Disney!) and I told him Polynesian because you can see it the best from there so back to the Poly we went. After some strategic seat grabbing we got seats and the fantastic starting music came on. Just after the lights changed to the stars and stripes, I got a poke and Curtis says "We should stand..we can see better" I didn't quite understand but I stood and as soon as I got up, he dropped down to one knee and pulled out the ring! I sobbed hysterically and said Yes! :cloud9:

The Wedding: We are planning on getting married on the August 3rd 2013 Disney Fantasy Cruise. Unfortunately/fortunately we just bought a house so the down payment isn't within our reach at the moment but hopefully by the end of July I will be able to book everything and begin planning! Till then there is just going to be an immense amount of lurking on everyone else's PJ's!!
Aww, what a sweet proposal story!! :goodvibes
Congratulations on your engagement, Jessica!! Looking forward to reading about your plans!
Yay, congrats!! Congrats on getting your house recently too! Sounds like you have an exciting and busy year ahead of you!! Looking forward to hearing more of your plans!! :goodvibes
Congrats on your engagement and your new home! I am a newbie to these boards too and still learning my way around! Looking forward to hearing all your plans! :)
Thanks guys!! I feel like i've been neglecting this PJ! Summer on Cape Cod is always crazy and this year was no exception.

We've had a TON of shark sightings so tourism is way up, which meant tons of family was in and out of town. DF and I have been working hard on our house...we stripped all the carpets, and painted every room! Its been a ton of work but its finally starting to look like my own home.

I've been having a hard time getting DF to focus on wedding choices, even though we are still a year out I want to get out invitations so people can book and start saving their money!

IT IS OFFICIAL, WE ARE GETTING MARRIED AUGUST 3RD 2013 ON CASTAWAY CAY!!!!:rotfl: His parents, my parents and our pastor have all booked their cruise!!!! Plus the best part of all is that we have booked our cruise and partially paid for it!!!

I keep obsessively watching youtube castaway cay weddings! Anyone else with me??

My photographer is AMAZEBALLS! If anyone is still looking, just google Emily R Gilbert Photography! She does super beautiful boudoir shots, weddings and engagement shoots. :beach:

Hopefully next post I can share my invitations! How is everyone else doing??
Hi Jessica!!
Great to see an update on your PJ!

:woohoo: You got your wedding date!! Congratulations!!! That's so fantastic that
the bookings have started coming in! I know how exciting that is :)

Awesome news about bringing an officiant and external photographer! It just allows you to customize your wedding a bit more, hey? I had a look at Elizabeth's blog, and her photographs are incredible!! I love the photojournalistic style, and she seems like she has a great knack for capturing moments. Are you going to do a boudoir session with her? Highly encourage the boudoir experience. I had lots of fun doing it :)

I can totally relate to obsessively looking for everything on Castaway Cay weddings :laughing: I have this massive file of links of CC wedding photos that I saved over the past year of planning. It just gets you excited for your own wedding ;)

Good luck planning!! Looking forward to reading more!
Following along!! Congrats on the engagement & for getting your date for your Castaway Cay weddinh!!!! Your engagement story is so sweet. Can't wait to hear more details!!

Also, I must say... As another August 3, 2013 bride (WDW), you selected a most wonderful wedding date! ;)
I'm trying to be much better about updating, but who am I kidding? I can barely remember to feed my DF and my cat let along update my blog!:rotfl2:

House update: WE HAVE FLOORS!!! We've been living on subfloor since June and our beautiful hardwoods just came in!!!! DF will be crazy busy installing them I'm sure...which is good, I'll have more time to peruse on here! The cat also has his own room now for when we are both at work. He seems to love it...he even has his own twin bed and oriental rugs! He is a total mush though and hates when we leave. It breaks my heart when I come home and he's in the window crying...even though I know its only cause he thinks he'll get food!!

Wedding update: I finally got the invitations addresses down and we are going to the printer tomorrow!! Once they've been out for a bit, I'm going to post pictures but no one, not even DF has seen them yet so Im keeping it under wraps! I'm also doing save the dates but I haven't come up with what to have on them yet...any suggestions?

OOOOOO another question: Cruise brides (former and future) what are your hubbys wearing? My future mother in law wants him in a tux but I think he'll melt!!:faint:

Thats about it for the plans this week. I've been trying to get my bridesmaids to pick a dress but they don't seem to want to decide on a style. I think I'll have to pick the biggest frilliest ugliest thing i can find and threaten them with it!! hahahaha.


Ginger- I think I'm going to do a boudoir shoot, yours looked amazing and I would like to have pictures of me while everything is where it is suppose to be. Emily is so fantastic, DF and I have had her shoot us before (if you look on her website, I'm on there a bunch and two of my sisters had their senior pictures done by her).

Enchanted- I'm so excited we have the same wedding week!!! We'll get to do our countdown together!!!!


I can not even express how much I am THRILLED to have these sent out and be done with them! They were a pain in the tush but they came out wonderfully!


This is the font cover. He isn't actually proposing, I made him re-enact it so that I could have photos











The last page is my absolute favorite!! That is my cat...named cat. He LOVES sitting on these two vintage suitcases that I have so my awesome sister in law took some photographs and photoshopped him onto Castaway Cay.

And I realized that I never posted a picture of my engagement ring!! So here it is:

So you know how on Say yes to the dress, they always say when you put on the dress you will just know it? Well Ive had that happen 4 times...

To be fair I need at least two dress since we are having a reception in CC and in my hometown in NY.

This is one of my favorite dresses that I am actually wearing for formal night instead of the wedding.


I dont know how it happend :confused3 but now i got dresses everywhere!
I also got 4 dresses;) Now I an struggling where to wear them:) and wedding is still a year away...
I also got 4 dresses;) Now I an struggling where to wear them:) and wedding is still a year away...

I know!! I think I am going to start wearing them everywhere I go...just out to restaurants, to the movies...even to the office, haha!:banana:
Well here it is...The year I've been waiting for. 2013.

When DF and I started dating, I told him if things worked out well I wanted to get married in 2013. I'm born on the 13th (along with tons of other people in my family, and his mother) so 13 is a really lucky number for me. Low and behold I am getting married on 8-9-13. I'm so excited and even more so that I found this site to share with all of you! I love getting ideas from other peoples pictures (Ginger!) and crafts (Jilly!) and getting to hear all the wonderful tales of proposals and courtships.

Heres to us in 2013!
Ok so I have to admit that Ginger totally ruined me for a normal with the DFTW package cake topper. Hers is adorable and has her pets in it!! My DF and I love our cat and would love to incorporate him on our topper. We are terrible decision makers so we will probably leave it up to the last minute like everything else!

I'm starting to get organized on all my wedding projects and re-reading Jillians fabulous wedding PJ so I can get more ideas.

We are 2 months and 4 days out!! I'm starting to put together all the little projects that I want to do for the wedding:

-Custom Hangers for the wedding party
-Custom Wedding aisle runner
-Ribbons to wave as we go back up the aisle
-Water bottle labels
-Guest Bags
-Personalized towels
-Cds of the wedding music
-Parasols (still not sure on this one)
-Emergency kits
-Bride and Groom chair labels
-Something to make our white cake slightly less boring (anyone have any ideas?!)

Now comes the time where I start to stress out! Im so excited though!!
Congratulations on being almost there!!! Hope the last two months fly by and all the last minute details fall into place perfectly. :)
You are almost there! When I saw your sail date I was like "Aww! We disembark from the fantasy on August 3. Darn!" :lmao: :goodvibes I loved your story, so sweet. And I love how you recreated your proposal moment for a photo! I wish I'd thought of that. Sounds like you've got some great projects lined up too!
Congratulations on being almost there!!! Hope the last two months fly by and all the last minute details fall into place perfectly. :)

Aww thank you!! I can't believe its only two months! :scared1:

You are almost there! When I saw your sail date I was like "Aww! We disembark from the fantasy on August 3. Darn!" :lmao: :goodvibes I loved your story, so sweet. And I love how you recreated your proposal moment for a photo! I wish I'd thought of that. Sounds like you've got some great projects lined up too!

:sad2:Aw man! I wish you were on my cruise! That would have been stellar! If you can't tell from DF face...he was less than thrilled with having to re-enact it in public...probably why he did it with no cameras the first time! :rolleyes1
Things are finally starting to really come together!


I am so excited!! I have searched and searched and we finally decided on:

and the bridesmaids gifts have been ordered! They got:


Tomorrow I am meeting with my future mother in law to talk about making the shirts that we will wear onto the cruise!!


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