Jodi's bridal journal (posts welcome) - I'm back!

That's a shame about the job. Why don't manager realize that not allowing folks to apply for other jobs is short sighted. They will do like you and move on. I always let my staff apply for jobs (although sometimes I told them I didn't think it was a good idea! LOL!) Sometimes they got them and were happy, sometimes they got them and were miserable (That was usually when I had said..."are you sure") and sometimes they didn't get them, but were happy they had the chance.

I worked with a guy like your boss and he had the highest turnover... He could never figure it out DUH???
CarolA said:
I worked with a guy like your boss and he had the highest turnover... He could never figure it out DUH???

Our company does have a very high turnover rate - It's a shame you get great benefits but much of what I heard when I started about being able to advance - turns out to not be true.

The position that I was interested in was a position that a good friend of mine was in and I helped her out quite a bit in the job and knew a lot of people in her area - my manager knew that.

I was quite a bit embarrased that a lot more people knew about me going for the position that I would have liked. The end of day on Friday my former supervisor came up to me with this card that they appreciate me, it had a certificate to take a couple of hours off and two tickets to the movies.....Yeah - she knew too! I just don't like the way things were handled at all.
Wow - How funny is this horoscope:

Daily Extended Forecast for May 10, 2005
Provided by Daily Teen Forecast

After all the good work you've done lately, asking for that raise, bonus or promotion should be a piece of cake. You're confident that you've earned it, but, as usual, you're feeling a bit on the humble side and are wondering why they haven't yet offered it to you. Well, remember that old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease? It's true. Step right up and tell your superiors that you deserve this.

Of course, I mean after the week I had last week - It's still tough going into work everyday now because I am still viewed as an Entry Level Admin, eventhough - I have been an administrative assistant for 5 years. Although, two people seem to be really upset (at work) about the fact that I didn't get this position either because when the last girl was still in the position - she often seeked my help and I knew a lot of what she did. Oh well, I can't really do anything more than what was already done - It's just a shame for them that I am looking and once I find another job....they will be out of yet another good worker.

Whew - enough of that. Tomorrow, I will be returning to the gym again and I am starting to schedule so more sessions with my trainer. Now, I have this with two things in mind the wedding and the business suits that I will want to wear.

Have a good rest of the week everyone!

:grouphug: Jodi,

I'm sorry about all of the stuff going on at work. I hope that everything works out for you job-wise. ::yes:: Hang in there Jodi! :grouphug:
Woo hoo - Thank god it is finally Friday.

Got my tickets a couple of days ago to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, also made reservations with Tiffany Town Car - I can't wait to go to Disney - 5 long months left!

I'm trying not to think about the job too much - it's a little bit of a waste of energy. I am putting my energy into my workouts, and to looking into other opportunities. I have quite a few temp agencies, etc. that call me every now and again.

I did go to the gym and I am back to the two hour plan - I am also trying to schedule time with my trainer on a more regular basis. We are meeting this Saturday and next Monday. Last night I did some heavy cardio, and worked out my back, shoulders, pecs, and biceps. Sorry, I forgot to bring my journal so I don't have the specifics.

Have a great Friday everyone!

You have been at your job for 5 years and they don't think that is enough experience? That doesn't make any sense. Sorry it didn't work out for you.
wilderness01 said:
You have been at your job for 5 years and they don't think that is enough experience? That doesn't make any sense. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

Maybe I wrote it wrong (I do that when I'm upset) - I've been at my current job for a little over a year but have been working as an admin for five years (actually a little bit more than that).

The posting for the job that I wanted required that you have administrative experience of 5 - 8 years.
Today is one of my personal training sessions - not totally feeling it but I have to really kick it up with the workouts. The only reason that I'm not totally feeling is because TOM is due soon.....yuck!

I got my new Disney Visa.....It has classic Mickey on it! There are four designs now! How sick is it that I care what my credit card looks like? It's kind of a that I think about it by the new year I will need my new name on it (actually it still expires in 2006). :teeth: Didn't get enough sleep last night so if I don't make sense or I ramble - I'm sorry!

I can't wait to go to Disney.....Plans are really starting to get together! Still looking more forward to the trip to Disney than the wedding.

Well, I am going to go for now - I will be sure to check in before the end of the weekend.....If for some reason that I'm not everyone have a great weekend!

Back from my training session
Wow - it was great.....Now, me and the trainer will be working together more next Monday. Today we worked on stomach, back, and legs - Monday - who knows? Still have a lot of work.
Hi Jodi! Long time no see!
So when is the wedding/honeymoon? I am going to be in WDW in Oct too (I think) Oct 19th-25th. Hope things are going well!
CheapMom said:
Hi Jodi! Long time no see!
So when is the wedding/honeymoon? I am going to be in WDW in Oct too (I think) Oct 19th-25th. Hope things are going well!

Hi Mary,

yeah - I know I have been away for a little bit....just really busy. whew!

My wedding is October 29th, then off to Disney October 30th...we will be staying until November 8th. I'm so excited to be able to go again. We are still in the process of deciding which PS's we want to do.

Will you be going to Mickey's Not So Scary? It is so much fun - although, I think I will enjoy it a little bit more this time around.....last time I didn't know the lay of the land too well (first time going you know).

Do you book through Disney? Or a travel agent? We booked through AAA but this time around I did a lot of research ahead of time and ended up getting a better deal than last time. Even the lady at AAA was impressed that I knew so much.

Well if you decide to go during my time - please feel free to tap me on the shoulder and say "hello" I will most likely be wearing the minnie wedding ears. :bride:

Will you be using Magical Express? We were going to but I wanted something special and if it wasn't our honeymoon - I would be fine with going on the Magical Express but this trip we are taking a Tiffany Towncar......can you tell I'm excited :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Wow - Tonight's personal training session was great! I had so much fun....right now, I'm just really worried that I won't look as good as I want to for the wedding but I am going to die trying. :)

Tonight we worked Biceps, Triceps, & Back. I meet with her next Thursday for my next session. I'm hoping to be good until then - lately motivation has been hard to come by. She is such an inspiration while working out - she lets you get away with nothing but knows when to back off and knows when you are starting to get tired.

I was so sore from our last session - this past Saturday.....It was a good sore but I was never, ever that sore. It should be easy to get to the gym for the rest of the week but the beginning of the week seems to be my problem.

I really can't wait until the honeymoon....We have so many cool things planned at Disney. Well, I am going to run for the night....I hope all is well with the rest of you.

Great time at the gym tonight - spent two hours there....cardio, legs, and thighs. Still a lot of work to be done. I still am not happy with the way that I look but I hope to make some major, major headway in the coming months.

I'm still doing the debate on whether or not to use fat burners - although, I've heard bad things about them but I'm just starting to get down that I am not where I want to be - the parts of my body that are gettting smaller I'm find with the parts that I wish would slim down are just staying there....ugh!

I can't wait next weekend Bob and I will be going away for the long weekend. I've been looking forward to that for a little bit now - hopefully, this will be enough to tide me over until October when we go to WDW. ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo :cheer2:

Well, that's it for now guys. Have a great weekend :bride:
Hello Everyone,

Went to the gym today once again - Did cardio and abs. So I guess you could say that I am back on a roll with working least I hope.

Didn't get to do as much as I hoped to this weekend but I guess I'm okay with that. I mean you can't always get it all done. Tomorrow I will be taking a day off from the gym - have to do laundry, etc.

Tuesday - I should make my way back to the gym and then on Thursday I have another trainer session. Then a long weekend with my fiance, we will be going away for the weekend. I hope this mini vacation holds us over until we are on vacation to DisneyWorld. Although, I kind of doubt it!

Well, have a great week everyone!

Last night I went to the gym - Cardio and legs....Tonight I have a personal trainer session.

Just wanted to post this quick and keep my journal going.....Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend - Tomorrow we go away for the entire weekend.

This week, although a very short week, is a very long week. I've just been so stressed out this week.....and then today worst of all my cat is taking a turn for the worst - I don't think she will make it through the night. She had been having trouble walking for a little bit now and today her rear legs gave out on her. I feel so bad but there isn't anything that I can do for her tonight....I'm hoping my mother will help me out with that tomorrow.

That and it seems worst because I have been reflecting about my dad for a couple of weeks now. I lost him a couple of years ago - During our weekend to Salem....I couldn't stop thinking about him and now this with my cat....although, my cat is old - I love her so much and it is so difficult dealing with this tonight.

I should have worked out today but decided against it! Well, I will hopefully get back to that tomorrow night. I need something. Please pray for me and my little girl. :cat:
Hi Jodi,

I'm stopping by to give you a gentle :hug: today. I'm sorry that the past week or so has been so tough for you. You and your cat will be in my prayers today. Take care, Jodi! :hug:
Thanks Tracy! It wasn't an easy thing to do but we did end up putting my cat to sleep. I really didn't want her to suffer - but I miss her a lot. She used to sleep with me all the time, so it's a little strange not having her here. I don't think that I can ever own another cat. We have other cats in my house but none are truly mine they are my mother's. I don't know if that makes sense.

Well, today we are looking at a few apartments - I'm hoping to talk my FI into one of them. I really want to stick close to home.

Well I am going to run for now. Best weekend wishes to everyone.
Just a quick note before I go to the gym - last night I went to the gym and did cardio for about an hour. Tonight, I'm going again - I really have to kick my workouts into overdrive.

I feel so huge but that may be due to the fact that TOM is supposed to be visiting next week. I'm still doing the debate on whether or not I should take fat burners like TrimSpa - I'm just nervous about the whole dress thing. I want to look perfect.

Well, I'm done for now here - I will hopefully write back before the end of the night.

Okay Gym Update:
Treadmill - 25 minutes, manual setting, going from 3.5 - 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 in 3 minutes intervals (basically going from 3.5 for 3 minutes, then to 5.0 for 3 minutes, and then 3.5 for 3 minutes, 5.5 for 3 minutes, and so on).
Crossramp - 15 minutes, glute setting
Leg extension - 50 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Donkey calf raises - 140 pounds, 15 reps, 1 set - 160 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Plate Loaded Squat - 340 pounds, 1 set, 8 reps, 280 pounds, 2 sets, 12 reps
Calf Raises - 45 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Prone Leg Curls - 50 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set - 50 pounds, 10 reps, 1 set.
That's it!

Have a good night everyone!
Oh Jodi, :hug:

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. :( How are you doing sweetie?

It sounds like you are doing a great job at the gym. Do you have a particular goal in mind before your wedding?

I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Take good care of you! :hug:
toystoryduo said:
Oh Jodi, :hug:

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. :( How are you doing sweetie?

It sounds like you are doing a great job at the gym. Do you have a particular goal in mind before your wedding?

I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Take good care of you! :hug:

Hi Tracy,

I'm doing much better now about my cat now - I still miss her though but it was the best thing for her, I didn't want to see her suffer. We were able to get her back after she was put to sleep and we buried her in the backyard, in flowergarden - near a pound (with a little bit of a waterfall). Soon I will buying a statue that is a cat with angel wings on it for her spot.

The gym is actually helping out with the stress! I'm still not where I want to be - I want to flatten my stomach and maybe go down one more size in jeans. Right now, I'm a little bit closer to a size 6 but when TOM is around I am closer to a size 8. So I guess, I am looking to get down to a size 4.

I haven't had the chance to check your journal - I hope all is going well.


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