just bought into the DVC lots of questions

It seemed to be an offering in response for those who were put off by DVC being points, not fixed weeks. So, of you were going thru the sales pitch but said you didn't want to buy because you didn't think you could get the reservation when you wanted to then it would be mentioned. However, there was a report or two of guides who when asked weren't aware of it either! Mostly it seemed like you needed to find the information about it elsewhere so you could ask about it. Wil Lovato kept track of the weeks sold and I believe indicated that they never reached the 35% limit they had established for any one week of the year.

Hmm, like in this thread...
You do?

And the "cancel now" wasn't so that they could buy resale. There is nothing wrong with buying direct.....if you know what you are buying. The OP did not.

I certainly do, yes. Because when I first bought DVC, I didn't know a lot about it. I knew what the guides had told me and I had been watching it for some 5+ years but it took me a long time to decide to invest in it. And although not on this board, I had some friends and family who told me I should see if I can get a refund. And you know what? I FELT HORRIBLE. I didn't ask them for financial advice. I only wanted to share MY JOY about what I had joined and what I was looking forward to. I was EXCITED to talk DVC with others. I wanted to know EVERYTHING and I wanted to share it all! I was excited to learn from others, and if they didn't know, at least 'talk shop' with like minded people! Why didn't they understand that and support MY DECISION? Instead - LIKE YOU, they assumed that I was ignorant and didn't have the ability to make my own choices and just be happy for me.

THANKFULLY, It was my Financial Adviser (of ALL people) who told me this: he told me he was not a fan of time shares in general. DVC although better than most, is still a time share. It's not right for everyone. At the time, he wasn't sure if it was right for me. HOWEVER, he said I had the cash to do it (it wasn't going to bankrupt me) and if I felt happy with my purchase, then I should be happy with it and I should ignore anyone who says otherwise. In other words, he told me not to get a refund. That same Financial adviser by the way although still no fan of time shares has acknowledged that it was the right choice FOR ME. He said like a gym membership - they make sense if you actually use them (which many of his clients don't).

But the point is this... I kept it despite the so called and unsolicited advise of others who told me that I was stupid and ignorant (and no matter how you try to ice it or how much good you THINK you are doing, that's what you are effectively telling someone and THAT'S HOW THEY FEEL). And I am SSSSOOO Glad I did. Because it has been one of the best purchases I ever made (that and lunch for my wife on our first date are my top two).

So yes... I know how he feels, which is why I am so passionate on here about it. Because again - no matter what good you THINK you are doing in your mind - you are really making that person feel hurt. You are calling them stupid and ignorant (even if that is not your intention) and instead of welcoming them into a family and a home, you are making them feel like a dejected outcast. I know because that's how I felt in the same situation.

The most depressing thing about it in my opinion is that you are too blind yourself to see the harm you are doing. All I can hope is that at least ONE PERSON on this board after reading this thinks twice before greeting a new member with negativity. then maybe this rant will have done some good.
But what if you didn't know about resale, about other resorts, you wouldn't know to ask the right questions. Many haven't posted much in the DVC forums and they become active when they buy while on a cruise or while on vacation at WDW and their post starts with, "so excited just bought".

If I go to the DCL forum and post that I just booked 9G or what ever the cabin numbers are and it's next to the engine room I would hope that someone with knowledge would post that I might want to re-think my choice and not just post congratulations.

:earsboy: Bill

So you know... Thinking about this, it's not the advice. It's HOW it's presented.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Option 1 (what was really said): "Let me be the first to kill your pixie dust buzz. If you're still in the 10-day rescission period, cancel the purchase."

Option 2 (what could have been said): "Welcome Home and welcome to the DVC family! You are sure to enjoy your DVC membership! We have noticed that sometimes the guides at DVC don't give all of the information you need which is certainly why you have some questions. For example, did you know that you can also buy resale? If you would like to know more about that option, head over to the Purchasing DVC thread, but do it soon as there is a limited time (only 10 days) if you want to change your membership options! As for the questions you asked, here is what I can tell you [and so on]."

can you see how saying something that way might not make them feel as bad?

And then, if they go to the purchasing dvc boards and ask "what is this I hear about resale?" you can happily tell them ALL ABOUT IT to your hearts content. You are helping someone - which is what you meant to do! if they don't ask about it on the same thread, then in the words of Elsa, LET IT GO.
I certainly do, yes. Because when I first bought DVC, I didn't know a lot about it. I knew what the guides had told me and I had been watching it for some 5+ years but it took me a long time to decide to invest in it. And although not on this board, I had some friends and family who told me I should see if I can get a refund. And you know what? I FELT HORRIBLE. I didn't ask them for financial advice. I only wanted to share MY JOY about what I had joined and what I was looking forward to. I was EXCITED to talk DVC with others. I wanted to know EVERYTHING and I wanted to share it all! I was excited to learn from others, and if they didn't know, at least 'talk shop' with like minded people! Why didn't they understand that and support MY DECISION? Instead - LIKE YOU, they assumed that I was ignorant and didn't have the ability to make my own choices and just be happy for me.

THANKFULLY, It was my Financial Adviser (of ALL people) who told me this: he told me he was not a fan of time shares in general. DVC although better than most, is still a time share. It's not right for everyone. At the time, he wasn't sure if it was right for me. HOWEVER, he said I had the cash to do it (it wasn't going to bankrupt me) and if I felt happy with my purchase, then I should be happy with it and I should ignore anyone who says otherwise. In other words, he told me not to get a refund. That same Financial adviser by the way although still no fan of time shares has acknowledged that it was the right choice FOR ME. He said like a gym membership - they make sense if you actually use them (which many of his clients don't).

But the point is this... I kept it despite the so called and unsolicited advise of others who told me that I was stupid and ignorant (and no matter how you try to ice it or how much good you THINK you are doing, that's what you are effectively telling someone and THAT'S HOW THEY FEEL). And I am SSSSOOO Glad I did. Because it has been one of the best purchases I ever made (that and lunch for my wife on our first date are my top two).

So yes... I know how he feels, which is why I am so passionate on here about it. Because again - no matter what good you THINK you are doing in your mind - you are really making that person feel hurt. You are calling them stupid and ignorant (even if that is not your intention) and instead of welcoming them into a family and a home, you are making them feel like a dejected outcast. I know because that's how I felt in the same situation.

The most depressing thing about it in my opinion is that you are too blind yourself to see the harm you are doing. All I can hope is that at least ONE PERSON on this board after reading this thinks twice before greeting a new member with negativity. then maybe this rant will have done some good.

I was just going to say the same thing to you...And no, you have no idea how the OP felt.

You seem to be very confused. No one is saying they shouldn't buy. All that was said is that they take the time to make sure they understand what they are buying. That is all.
So you know... Thinking about this, it's not the advice. It's HOW it's presented.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Option 1 (what was really said): "Let me be the first to kill your pixie dust buzz. If you're still in the 10-day rescission period, cancel the purchase."

Option 2 (what could have been said): "Welcome Home and welcome to the DVC family! You are sure to enjoy your DVC membership! We have noticed that sometimes the guides at DVC don't give all of the information you need which is certainly why you have some questions. For example, did you know that you can also buy resale? If you would like to know more about that option, head over to the Purchasing DVC thread, but do it soon as there is a limited time (only 10 days) if you want to change your membership options! As for the questions you asked, here is what I can tell you [and so on]."

can you see how saying something that way might not make them feel as bad?

And then, if they go to the purchasing dvc boards and ask "what is this I hear about resale?" you can happily tell them ALL ABOUT IT to your hearts content. You are helping someone - which is what you meant to do! if they don't ask about it on the same thread, then in the words of Elsa, LET IT GO.

Except this same exact topic has come up 1,000 times. It gets old.
It's ironic, but the only ones doing any "bullying" are the ones accusing others of bullying. Telling people not to post their opinions and telling them how "bad" they are for doing so...
It seemed to be an offering in response for those who were put off by DVC being points, not fixed weeks. So, of you were going thru the sales pitch but said you didn't want to buy because you didn't think you could get the reservation when you wanted to then it would be mentioned. However, there was a report or two of guides who when asked weren't aware of it either! Mostly it seemed like you needed to find the information about it elsewhere so you could ask about it. Wil Lovato kept track of the weeks sold and I believe indicated that they never reached the 35% limit they had established for any one week of the year.
Thanks for the GREAT info. Trying to find some resale points now - during my search I saw someone listed a specific week at GF.
It's ironic, but the only ones doing any "bullying" are the ones accusing others of bullying. Telling people not to post their opinions and telling them how "bad" they are for doing so...

Geee.. I'm sorry if suddenly your conscious kicked in and you feel guilty about being negative.

However the turnaround tactic... You go up and attack someone. Then when others defend them, you respond with "What? YOU are the ones attacking ME!" Really? That's your mode of operations now? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just trying to be helpful but going about it wrong. But this tactic is really something even my son knows better than to try.
Geee.. I'm sorry if suddenly your conscious kicked in and you feel guilty about being negative.

However the turnaround tactic... You go up and attack someone. Then when others defend them, you respond with "What? YOU are the ones attacking ME!" Really? That's your mode of operations now? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just trying to be helpful but going about it wrong. But this tactic is really something even my son knows better than to try.

I'm confused. Who did I attack?
People mistake my frankness as being rude or mean, I say not everyone is trying to spread joy with each post, with thousands of posts I have to cut time somewhere. :-)

I hope that readers understand that we have all been where they are and Disney/DVC has a learning curve. We made several mistakes with DVC, most people do. Posts aren't necessarily directed to the OPs, they are meant to allow all readers to learn and participate.

:earsboy: Bill
People mistake my frankness as being rude or mean, I say not everyone is trying to spread joy with each post, with thousands of posts I have to cut time somewhere. :-)

I hope that readers understand that we have all been where they are and Disney/DVC has a learning curve. We made several mistakes with DVC, most people do. Posts aren't necessarily directed to the OPs, they are meant to allow all readers to learn and participate.
:earsboy: Bill

But I will also caution folks to remember this is a very non personal form of communications. You can't get inflection, tone or all those other things that allows one to decipher if something is helpful or down right rude. here sentences and words are all we have. what I try to remember is even in my frankness would I say these things to a perfect stranger to their face.

Would I tell a perfect stranger that since "they don't know enough about dvc to purchase, they should cancel their purchase until they do know enough?. not without expecting a nasty response.
Would I assume and then tell a perfect stranger that their purchase was "emotional"? to their face?

Would I tell a perfect stranger that since they obliviously did not do their due diligence the only smart option would be to cancel? why not just call them stupid while you're at it? lol

Frankness is a great quality and welcomed when asked. Not sure I equate asking for tips with asking if my dvc purchase was a good financial one. sort of like me asking how dinner at Le Cellier in MK was and then you telling me I can't afford to eat there because I didn't know it was in Epcot.
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But I will also caution folks to remember this is a very non personal form of communications. You can't get inflection, tone or all those other things that allows one to decipher if something is helpful or down right rude. here sentences and words are all we have. what I try to remember is even in my frankness would I say these things to a perfect stranger to their face.

Would I tell a perfect stranger that since "they don't know enough about dvc to purchase, they should cancel their purchase until they do know enough?. not without expecting a nasty response.
Would I assume and then tell a perfect stranger that their purchase was "emotional"? to their face?
Would I tell someone I did not know they have not done their due diligence is canceling is the only smart option? seriously,you would say this to a person who only asked you for a "tip"

People mistake my frankness as being rude or mean, I say not everyone is trying to spread joy with each post, with thousands of posts I have to cut time somewhere. :-)

I hope that readers understand that we have all been where they are and Disney/DVC has a learning curve. We made several mistakes with DVC, most people do. Posts aren't necessarily directed to the OPs, they are meant to allow all readers to learn and participate.

:earsboy: Bill

And for the record Bill - although I am not sure about others, I truly believe that your replies are with the best of intentions. And I get it - I really do. You see a thousand of these, and you just roll your eyes and say "Darn DVC got another one. Poor guy" and you type a quick well-meaning response - because to you - it's just another in a long, long line of similar responses.

But I ask you to remember that although to you it's one in a thousand - to that person - TO THAT ONE - it's a new response and possibly their first exposure to the DVC family.

All I am asking is to consider - to that person - do you want to appear as someone who is welcoming and someone they feel they can take advise from and who is willing to help them? Or do you want to scare them off and frighten them away from the boards?

Because I think your intention is the former - and I think that's what you meant to do - provide advice!!!!, but I firmly believe that sometimes those short responses that are straight to the point have a consequence that's more like the later and rather than helping, you are hurting.

Just consider my words with an open mind and your conscience be your guide.
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But I will also caution folks to remember this is a very non personal form of communications. You can't get inflection, tone or all those other things that allows one to decipher if something is helpful or down right rude. here sentences and words are all we have. what I try to remember is even in my frankness would I say these things to a perfect stranger to their face.

Would I tell a perfect stranger that since "they don't know enough about dvc to purchase, they should cancel their purchase until they do know enough?. not without expecting a nasty response.
Would I assume and then tell a perfect stranger that their purchase was "emotional"? to their face?

I guess it's a 2 edge sword, I would expect posters to have a thicker skin and blow off posts if they don't apply but if it brings up a couple of good points, maybe give them some merit. It's the reason behind the advice that should be considered, we don't say rethink your purchase because we don't want you to be a DVC owner, we want the readers to be owners, just informed owners by sharing info that Disney doesn't.

Over the years my "thank you" versus "you are a jerk" feedback has been around 20 to 1 so those numbers tells me that most appreciate the information. For those that don't, I apologize.

:earsboy: Bill
I guess it's a 2 edge sword, I would expect posters to have a thicker skin and blow off posts if they don't apply but if it brings up a couple of good points, maybe give them some merit. It's the reason behind the advice that should be considered, we don't say rethink your purchase because we don't want you to be a DVC owner, we want the readers to be owners, just informed owners by sharing info that Disney doesn't.

Over the years my "thank you" versus "you are a jerk" feedback has been around 20 to 1 so those numbers tells me that most appreciate the information. For those that don't, I apologize.

:earsboy: Bill

But honestly I am more willing to take advice from someone who sounds friendly and says "oh... Did you know about this option?" than I am to take advise from someone who says "You clearly didn't bother to learn about what you purchased. return it and go buy a book".
everyone so worried about feelings these days. now we have to worry about HOW we give advice? :rolleyes1
bill your advice was spot on....
May I suggest (I'm trying to be nicer) that we all kiss and make up and get back to DVC issues, rumors, and sharing info that will enhance our Disney and DVC experience/ownership.

:earsboy: Bill
As people talk about the DVC "family," I think we are seeing that like all other families, this one has its own dysfunctions. As people are trying to argue to be welcoming and helpful, many posts are doing exactly not that.

Dole Whips all around?


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