Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

afwdwfan said:
I'm here! Love the title and I look forward to getting the back story behind it. :thumbsup2

Andy, I'm just glad the title didn't have anything to do with me! LOL
Wow!! Didn't take long for me to be on page 3 and checking in. Goes to show the popularity of a KatMark TR here on the DIS. ;)

Count me in for the ride... Looking forward to it. :thumbsup2
Hi Kathy, I have been wanting to follow along on one of your trip reports for forever, but I always seem to miss out. Not this time!! You and Mark are icons around here so it is an absolute pleasure to be getting in on the ground floor. :goodvibes
Subbing to read in like 10 mins! Lol. Currently fixing/updating my broken tr's lol! Be back in a few! :cool1:


Okay, back now!

Love the intro! Glad ya'll got to experience food & wine! I can't wait for my first experience next week, it's gonna be GREAT! Lol.

Love the hat pics, as always
Joining in! :). I'm loving reading everyone's TR's who was there in Sept. Also! The only problem is that it makes me want to go back like NOW! Now if we could just move to Florida like my DD-6 suggested it would be all good!
I had not planned on doing responses until we get home. However, there was some sad news today and I find myself with time on my hands.

At this time, I ask you all to keep Nicki and Todd and all of Nicki's family in your thoughts and prayers. About an hour before we were to go to dinner tonight, Nicki got a phone call that her 96 year old grandmother passed away in Boston. Therefore, we will not see them again before we leave as she is making travel arrangements to get to Boston tomorrow. My heart is breaking for my little sister as she goes through her grieving.

I'm here! I mean, I was going to join anyway but Food & Wine drew me in even more! Bummer about the rain but glad to hear it was a good trip anyway!

Phil, thanks for being here. I'm glad you had planned on joining even if I didn't talk about Food & Wine. ;) Yes, the rain was awful at times, but we didn't let it stop us.

And yeah for a "Mark Hat Pic" right off the bat!

He aims to please. :)

Thanks for joining, Lauren.

See! You've done Food and Wine, and now there's no going back! :rotfl2:

:yay::yay: Danielle is here. Nope, there is no going back. :hyper:

Hi, Esther; thank you for being here.

I'm here!!! Now let me actually read the intro! :rotfl:

I do that all the time so I get my spot.

EDIT: Love the pictures! I'm so glad it sounds like you really had a great time at WDW. Enjoy the rest of your time on Marco!! :goodvibes

Thanks, Steph. We really did have a great time. I'm sure we will enjoy our last couple of days here on Marco, but it won't be the same without my sis. :(

I'm in. Let's see if I can keep up any better than before. I still need to go back to finish your last trip. :flower3:

Thanks for being here, Linda.

Present and accounted for!

Jill in CO

Jill, I'm always happy to have you join me.

I'm here! I've never been to Disney in the fall, so I especially love reading fall trip reports.

Megan, I'm delighted you are here. I love the fall decorations.

Here! Thanks for the bat signal! I knew it couldn't be your last visit. We are all hopelessly addicted to the Mouse! :earboy2:

Tammie, thank you for being here. We were really set on not going next year...we felt we needed a break; but then we sampled Food & Wine. Oh my!

Subbing and joining along!

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Lori, I'm so happy you are here. And so glad you got to see Brenda earlier this week.

So sad I am missing Food and Wine for the first time in I think 6 years. :eek:

Nicki missed it last year for the first time ever. I'm sorry we never did it before. I hope you can get back for it next year.

NOW you know the secret that is Food and Wine...... :rotfl2:

Oh yes we do. :)

Can't wait to read all about it.

Thanks; I may get one update done while we are here at Marco, but not much more until I get settled back at the office.

I'm in for sure! Agreed about the hair issues.

Clare, thanks for being here. I never had such a horrid trip with the hair.

Your boss is almost 90????? Seriously? Wow.

Yes; he will be 89 in January and is as healthy as you can be at 89; still comes to the office three days a week.

Great start! Can't wait to read along!

I'm here, I'm here! Thanks for luring me in! Can't wait to read more!! :goodvibes

Billie, I'm glad you could be lured in. :)

What the…..?

You got the same bat signal as everyone else. ;)

Page 2 already? See I'm already behind. :faint:

Is this supposed to surprise me?

Like I always say… I'll try to keep up. :lmao:

Yes, I seem to recall hearing that before. I'll be sure to try and give you a heads up when you make an appearance.

Hey, is the airport situation going to affect you? Are you gonna have to stay in Florida for a few extra weeks? :scratchin

Gee, it would really stink if I got stuck here for awhile. :rotfl2:

Subbed already! Bring on the hats and wine! :D

Amanda, thank you for joining. I love having new readers.

I am in! Thanks for the link, Kathy!

Karin, as always, thanks for being here.

Of course I'm in! Glad to hear it was a good trip. You guys deserve it!

Thank you so much! :goodvibes

This is the first Food & Wine Festival we've missed in several years, so I'll have to read about your experiences. It's also my favorite time of year to visit Disney.

I am so glad that we FINALLY experienced it.

Page 2??? Super cute pics. So glad you had a great time. Food and Wine is the only way I will get Jeff back to Disney....

You snooze, you lose. :rotfl2: Well, then we will have to talk Jeff into it one of these years, won't we?

Food and Wine is rather addictive lol! Loving all the Facebook updates and pictures. :)

Amy it is so good to see you; I've missed you around here.

I'm here! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Megan, I'm glad you are joining again.
I feel so lucky to be on page 2!!!! Good thing I logged on before we leave .... too bad Em and I didn't plan better for this last minute trip or we could have possibly seen you guys! Regardless, looking forward to reading about your Disney adventures. :)

Brenda, I'm delighted to have you here. I'm so sorry that you and Em didn't plan better too! It would have been great seeing you gals again. I hope you finally took off.

Seriously? I don't even think you are home yet. Such an overachiever! :rotfl2:

I can only be at the pool so long when it is 102 in the shade and I had to do something to keep myself occupied. :lmao::lmao:

Your boss is 90??????? :faint:

He is currently 88; he will be 90 when we finally retire from our job.

Checking in Kathy!

Linda, I'm always happy to see you and have you join in on our fun.

Aren't you the dedicated one starting this while still on vacation! :worship:

Dee, as I mentioned above, I can only handle so much direct hot sun...even being in the pool; plus I know how hectic work will be when I get back, plus we have Alisha's Mayo visit soon after we are back.

Love the intros! Great pictures.


Can't wait to follow along- I will be sure to pack my umbrella and galoshes.


Oh, you definitely want to bring an umbrella and galoshes. :(
I'm here - still in a food coma from last night, barely awake - but I'm here!

My dear, sweet, beautiful little sis. My heart is breaking for you right now. I cried when I got off the phone with you and heard the hurt and sadness in your voice. Please know that Mark and I are here for you if there is anything at all we can do. We love you so very, very much.
I'm here Kathy! You're so on the ball, I've been home almost a week and didn't start mine yet! :rotfl:

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

Wendy, so happy to have you here, my friend. I know got yours started today. :)

I'm in. I enjoyed reading your other trip reports.

:welcome: Thank you for joining; always glad to have another reader.

I'm here!!!! PAGE 3?!??!

Sorry Mo; I sent the signal out to everyone at the same time.

YAY first hat picture of the trip!

Mark insisted on a hat picture for his introduction.

Yay I made it!!! You know its Kathy's TR when there are multiple pages of readers just from the intro ;) sooo happy you enjoyed F&W and you and Mark are still on Marco Island :hug: DH and I loved F&W, one day we will return. Excited to enjoy another Katmark production!!

Jeanette, you are too kind. I just have a lot of long time faithful DIS friends who come (even if my writing is boring at times). We loved F&W. Yes, we have two more full days and fly home Sunday afternoon.

Here and looking forward to it as always! Elaine

Elaine, my friend, so happy to see you. :hug:

I'm here! Love the title and I look forward to getting the back story behind it. :thumbsup2

:yay::yay: Andy's here. My night is complete.

Thanks for letting me know that you've started! I've been such a dingbat lately that I may have missed it otherwise.

Lisa, you've had a lot on your plate with John, etc. I'm glad you are here.

The intro pictures that you chose are great! Enjoy the rest of your time in Marco and tell Nicki and Todd hello.

Thanks; I will have to wait and tell Nicki when she gets home from Boston.

You didn't even start this TR 12 hours ago, and I'm already on page 3??? Looking forward to it! Sounds like it was a great trip.

Darla, you are here...that's what is important. It was a great of our best ever.

I nearly missed this! I am IN! As usual - I am sure I will fall behind... but I will do my best. :)

D, I'm always happy to see you when you can get here.

I hope you continue to have a great time in FL! :)


Thanks; we will give it our best shot.

I'll stick around for the ride! I always enjoy your stories and pictures!

:welcome: I have another new reader; or should I say a new poster since you've read my TR's before. Thanks for joining. :)
Joining in Kathy! Can't wait to hear all about it and of course see all the funny hat pics! :goodvibes

:wave2: Shannon, thanks for being here.

Here! Thanks for the heads up.

Ariana, always good to have you here.

Andy, I'm just glad the title didn't have anything to do with me! LOL

I was very, very tempted my friend.

I'm here! Glad to hear it's been one of the best trips ever! I know you guys needed it.

Thanks, Mark; it was a much needed trip; I just wish it wasn't ending the way it is with my little sis hurting so much.

Wow!! Didn't take long for me to be on page 3 and checking in. Goes to show the popularity of a KatMark TR here on the DIS. ;)

You are, as I've told you before, way too kind.

Count me in for the ride... Looking forward to it. :thumbsup2

Thanks for being here, Bob.

Hi Kathy, I have been wanting to follow along on one of your trip reports for forever, but I always seem to miss out. Not this time!! You and Mark are icons around here so it is an absolute pleasure to be getting in on the ground floor. :goodvibes

Rob, I am honored to have you here. I've seen you around a lot on the DIS and I promise once I am home and settled I'll hop on your latest TR. I've heard great things about you from Brenda. I'm not sure we are icons, but we do love our DIS family.

I'm here and can't wait to read more!

Sarah, thanks for joining again.


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