Laurie's Quest Continues....two more marathons in one year!!

ok...sorry this is sooooo...long but here it is RACE DAY!!!!

Sunday, January 13th – THE BIG DAY!!!

I woke up before my alarm went off since I was tossing and turning all night. I got out of bed at about 2:30am and started to get ready. I started to get really nervous at this point. It was so hard to believe that the race was finally here!! I had been waiting over a year for this and the day had finally come!! I got dressed made sure I had everything and headed down to the POP food court to buy a bagel. I got my bagel and then got on the bus a little after 3am to head over to EPCOT. When I got there, it was a ghost town, there was hardly any people around. So much for having to get on a bus at 3….something I learned for next time!! I had brought two garbage bags with me just in case it started to rain or the ground was wet. So, I sat there resting and taking it easy for awhile while I ate my bagel. My mind was all over the place, I was so excited to finally get to do the marathon, but I was so scared that my knees were going to bother me, or I wasn’t going to be able to finish. Around 4am, I saw some of the WISH team and went over to say hi to them. I met Ken, and a few others, it was nice to put some more faces with names, and it helped get my mind off the race. Around 4:30, they opened up the gates and we started to head down to the starting line…YIKES!!!!! This is when I started to get REALLY NERVOUS!!!! Since we were standing right by the gates, we were the first ones down at the corrals. I was in corral D, which was the first corral on the red course. Before heading into the corral, I went to the bathroom one last time before the race. I then went into the corral and since I was so early, I was able to get a spot right in the front!! I sat there with WISHer Ken, it was so nice talking to him before the race and he helped keep my mind off the race a bit! We were right next to the stage and we were close enough to see the people who were there as the emcee’s. As the race got closer, the elite runners and wheelchair athletes started to arrive and it was fun watching them warm-up and get ready for the race. After the national anthem, off went the wheelchair athletes, and I knew I only had about 5 minutes before my journey was to begin!!

At this point, I about broke down in tears thinking about the last year! I just kept telling myself over and over that I could do this and nothing was going to keep me from finishing!!! Out came Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Donald, and they counted down from 15 to 0….the fireworks went off, and off I went!!!!

My plan before the race was that I was going to jog for 3 minutes then walk for 2 minutes for at least the first half…well I abandoned that plan right away…I am not sure why, but I just did. I felt great, my body felt great, and I mentally felt awesome!!! Off we went on the red course, at the first water stop in the parking lot of EPCOT, we saw the first WISH team group volunteering…this was great!! The encouragement throughout the race from the WISH team was amazing, and something I could not have made it without!!! We entered EPCOT, and I decided to stop for a bathroom break right by Spaceship Earth since there was no line. After that I knew I was in for the long haul. Everything was going great until about mile 3.4 when the two courses merged…it was just WAYYYYYY….. too crowded. People were weaving in and out of people, my feet got stepped on several times, and I nearly fell on my face a few times almost getting knocked over. I was so happy when we got back out onto EPCOT center Dr near the start again, as it thinned out a bit and it was easier to run. I saw Gregg around mile 4 near the water stop, and I knew he would be heading to the TTC to see me next.

We continued on and started the trek towards the MK. The overpass and cloverleaf ramp down onto World Dr. were killer….first of all the overpasses are hills and the exit ramps are all banked which was not easy to run on! As I entered the MK parking lot, I called Gregg on my cell phone to let him know that I would be coming soon, so he knew to look for me. When I got the TTC around mile 9, Gregg was there, and I stopped by him to use the towel I had him bring to dry off a little bit. He took a few pictures of me and I was back out on my way! He was worried about me at that point, but I still felt great…no pain whatsoever!!!! After I left, Gregg headed over to the Polynesian while I headed towards the MK.



As we entered the MK, I started to get all choked up….I was fighting back tears! I didn’t want to start crying because I knew I would start hyperventilating if I did so I was fighting it. As I turned the corner and headed up Main St. I was so excited!!! What a sight…..the street is lined with spectators cheering for everyone, it was the coolest thing ever. At this point, WISHer Denny went by me and we passed each other back and forth for about 6 or 7 miles. We headed around Tommorowland, and into Fantasyland, where I stopped for my first couple of character pictures.



We left MK and headed past the Grand Floridian and Polynesian, where I saw Gregg again. I knew I wouldn’t see him again until the finish so I stopped one more time. He was awesome! His encouragment was great and he never doubted that I could do this!! I left him and headed off on what proved to be the hardest part of the race for me. I had jogged the whole way till I got to about mile 14, I had only walked through the water stops. This stretch of the course between the MK and AK is not really scenic at all. At about mile 14, I decided to walk a bit, I just needed a break from jogging. The balls of my feet were starting to hurt, but everything else still felt pretty good. Around mile 15 or 16 (I think), I heard my name from behind and there came Scott and Amy! I was so happy to see them, as I needed a little boost. I kept up with them as we headed toward AK, but after awhile, I had to slow down a little bit, and off they went. It was fun to run with them for a little bit.


AK seems like a blur to me, I don’t remember much from that section, as it seemed to go by so quickly. I saw a WISHer in AK near Dinosaur who was walking as his knee was bothering him. I hope he made it to the end, I am pretty sure he was in quite a bit of pain. We headed out to the parking lot of AK and around near the front gate, and it was so awesome to see all the spectators. There was a WISH scream team who provided some much needed encouragement, as I knew I would be heading out onto another tough section of the course. Before leaving the AK parking lot, I stopped to get a picture with Mickey!!


The stretch between AK and MGM was tough, as there is nothing!! I was trudging along alternating between jogging and walking, with no particular pattern at all. I was talking to the people around me a little bit to keep my mind off of things. Along this section, I somehow caught back up with Amy and Scott, but they got going again and that was the last I saw them until the finish. I stopped for another picture and the next thing I knew I was to the out and back section!!


Along that out and back section, I saw Anne and another WISHer who were handing out wet wash cloths, this was awesome! I was wishing I hadn’t thrown away that sponge they had given us in the AK, so the wash cloth felt great!! I kept it with me until just before the end so I could cool off at ever water stop.

Once I got into MGM, it started to hit me that I was really almost there!!!! I started to get really excited, and I tried to run a little more each mile. I stopped one last time to go to the bathroom in MGM and then knew I was on my way to the finish. MGM went by really quick too, but there was a lot of people cheering in there so that was pretty cool. We exited the front of MGM and started heading to YC/BC. I felt like I started to pick up my pace at this point, although my split times don’t really show that, so I am not sure what happened there, I guess it was just the adrenaline carrying me! I called Gregg one more time and told him that I was at Mile 24 and I would be to the finish soon, he was so excited and told me how proud he was of me, which of course made me start crying, just what I needed at mile 24!! I saw another WISH scream team around mile 24.5, I think it was Angie and Krista, and some others. Again, they were cheering everyone on, it was AWESOME!!!

As I entered EPCOT again, I knew I only had a little over a mile to go. I actually got to see the medal a little before that, and I said to myself…’that medal is awesome’…there was no turning back now, I HAD to get to the end!! I got my last cup of water and headed out into the World Showcase. I jogged most of the way around the world showcase. I called Gregg when I got by the American Adventure and told him I would be there very soon. When I got to China, there was no more walking, I jogged the rest of the way. When I turned the corner to head towards Spaceship Earth, I picked up the pace a little bit. We passed Spaceship Earth and beared right and there was the chior that everyone talked about. Unfortunately, I kind of had them tuned out because I was so excited about getting to the finish. I don’t even remember hearing if they were singing. I came out of the exit and turned the corner and there was the finish!!!!!! It seemed so far away, and I tried with every ounce of energy to speed up but I just couldn’t. I jogged over the finish line and just broke down in tears. Official chip time was 5:28:30. I couldn’t believe I finished and I was so happy that I broke 5:30. At this point, all I wanted was the medal…we headed up further and got the silver blanket, then they cut of the chip and we finally got our medals!!!!! They are awesome!!!

I continued on and there was Scott and Amy near the Goofy finishers area. They had finished a few minutes before me. We talked for a few minutes, then I headed off to find Gregg! I found him and I started crying yet again, as I was so proud of myself and I knew he was so proud of me! We took a few pictures, went to the med tent to get some ice for my knees then we headed back to the hotel.



NEXT UP: Post race and Animal Kingdom
:hug: HI LAURIE!!! Such a pleasure to meet you guys! And was awesome to see you so much on the marathon course. You did an incredible job, I'm so proud of you. You're a fighter girl!!! So goofy next year???? ;)

I love your report. I know you caught me in absolute break-down tears after the full! Isn't it such an emotional thing? Again...was wonderful to meet you. :goodvibes
Thanks Amy!!! It was so fun running with you guys on Sunday, I needed that boost! You are so right about it being emotional! I still get all choked up thinking about it, it is definetely an experience I will never forget! I definetely am considering going Goofy next year!!

And, I am thinking about doing another marathon in May, the NJ Marathon down in Long Branch. I had so much fun this weekend!

I knew the feeling after the marathon on Sunday, I was feeling the same way, I just hadn't broke down in tears yet. Once I saw Gregg, the tears started flowing!
Hi Laurie!


GREAT report so far!! It was a pleasure to meet you and Gregg, and was fun getting to run with you around the backstage area of Animal Kingdom (doesn't that sound so much nicer than "stinky waste treatment plant area"??)

You should be incredibly proud of yourself and I'm excited to see that you are already planning more marathons in the future, including Goofy in '09 :)

Have a great night!
Great report and great pictures, Laurie!:goodvibes I am so proud of you!:hug: If you decide to do Goofy '09, you will rock it!:rockband:

Congratulations Laurie!!!! You did it!:yay: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: :cool1:
HI Laurie!! It was really great to meet you! You did awesome!!! :cheer2: I would have been crying too! Hey, I started crying just before the Start of the 5K! I can't imagine a marathon!!! :)

Goofy for 2009! You go girl!

All the best!
Hey everybody! Thanks so much for stopping by! I am still on a high from the marathon....I am still amazed at the fact that I was able to finish that race. And, on top of that, I can't wait for the next one!! Call me crazy!

I need to finish my trip report this weekend, take down the christmas tree...yes I haven't done that yet!!, clean up the house, and I want to get some scrapbooking done! So, I have quite a busy weekend ahead. Plus, I would like to try to get out for a little jog if I can, but that may be hard this weekend. I will definetely get back out there starting on Monday, since I am going to start training for the NJ Marathon which is in May.

As for the Goofy, I really, really, really want to do it. I came on here last night, and I see that it is already 65% full. I thought I would have a couple of weeks to decide. Well, here is the problem. If Gregg and I get engaged, which I hope will happen some time in the next month or two (at least I hope), we will be planning a wedding, and that means we may not be able to afford to go down to WDW in January. Yes, it is a bummer, but I love him dearly and I can't wait to get married to him.....and that will probably mean no Goofy until 2010!

In the meantime, I am going to do the NJ Marathon in May, and try to get into the NYC Marathon through the lottery for November. Now, that is a slim chance of getting in but I am hoping I get lucky! If I can't do NYC, then I will try to do the Philly Marathon.

I am kind of sad about the Goofy situation, but I know there will always be another year for the Goofy. And, I want Gregg to be there with me when I do it, and we won't be able to afford a vacation to WDW, and a wedding in one year. Now, I just need to get engaged!!!!

Ok, time to get some stuff done.
Well....if there was ever a better reason to NOT do the Goofy, I suppose you've found one ;) You will be missed for sure down there though!

Seriously, I wish you two the best! Seems like you guys are a great match and it's wonderful to see that you support each other so much!

Hope the weekend activites are going well for you!
Thanks Scott! I am kind of bummed about the whole Goofy thing, I so want to do it. Gregg says I should still do it and we will get by, but I don't want to spend the money when I know we will need it. I am definetely going to do it in 2010, although that seems so far away right now, I am going to do it!!

I will offiically start my new marathon training program tomorrow to get ready for the NJ Marathon on May 4th. I am excited to see how I can do in my 2nd marathon, I hear it isn't as fun, but I guess I will find out.

No school for me today, so I am getting some work done and getting some scrapbooking done, gotta finish my summer vacation trip album and then I can start on Marathon weekend!!!
Hi Laurie,

Sounds like you have been busy on your day off..... Hope it was a great day for you!:hug:

I am sorry to hear that you might miss the Goofy '09. Sending some :wizard: your way for things to work out. If not '09, then '10 it is!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great evening.:goodvibes
Oh...I have an idea! :idea: Get married Marathon Weekend at WDW and run the Goofy on your honeymoon!

On 2nd thought, maybe not such a great idea... :goodvibes

Hope you enjoy your day out of school!!!

Oh...I have an idea! :idea: Get married Marathon Weekend at WDW and run the Goofy on your honeymoon!

On 2nd thought, maybe not such a great idea... :goodvibes

Hope you enjoy your day out of school!!!


How 'bout getting married AFTER running Goofy and then honeymooning by relaxing on some white sand somewhere? :confused3
Today was my first day of training post marathon! Since I signed up for a marathon on May 4th..I need to get my butt in gear again. I will be starting my training plan on Week 4 and that will take me up to the marathon on May 4th. That being said, I did my 3 miles today in 29 mins!! That is pretty fast for me! I was excited and most of all I felt great!!!

Stacie--The thought crossed my mind about trying to get Gregg to go to WDW to get married right before Marathon weekend so I could run the Goofy, but my family may just kill me if I do that!!!

Scott--Don't think I would want to be getting married after running Goofy! It would have to be before!!!!
Thanks Tracy!!!

Today was day 2 of my training and I headed out for another 3 miles. On these shorter runs, I have been trying to push myself a bit to work on getting faster...hopefully it helps! It was COLD out there today, I was bundled up but it was still cold..I can't wait for spring!

I realized tonight that I never finished my trip report from marathon weekend..I guess I should get on that! I miss WDW!! And the sad part is, there are no trips planned in the near future....:sad1:

Well, I suppose that I need to figure out how to change the title of my journal, since it doesn't really apply anymore!

Ok, gotta go do some work for a grad school class I am taking, I have spent too much time on the disboards tonight!
Love the new journal title!! But shouldn't it read "...2 marathons in 4 months" instead? ;) You are CRAZY!

And yes, would love to hear the end of the report! Details please of how you got selected to ride in the AK parade...that is SO COOL!

No WDW trips? Hmmm....January is a nice time to's warm...not flights...Goofy Challenge...

Seriously, nice job with the training and getting back in the groove. You are gonna rock that May marathon.

Have a good night (and there is no such thing as too much time on the DIS :goodvibes: )
Well here it is....the rest of the day after the Marathon!

post marathon and the Animal Kingdom

So, after the marathon ended and I found Gregg, we headed back to Pop Century. First thing I did when I got back was take a good ole fashion ice bath!! was awful, but I think it saved me from a lot of pain over the following days! Originally, we had planned on taking a nap after the marathon, but crazy enough, neither Gregg nor myself felt like taking a nap. So, we got showered up, and decided to head out to the Animal Kingdom. On the way to the Animal Kingdom, it started to POUR! Now, I don't mind walking around the parks in the rain, but this was ridiculous. We got to the AK parking lot and waited it out in the car for a little bit to see if it would past, but we were both starving, so when it let up a little bit, we headed into the park. All I wanted to eat was the biggest cheeseburger and fries that I could find, and I wanted the biggest soda I could find as well!!! We headed over to DinoLand and ate at the old Donalds Breakfastosauras place (not sure of the name). It was so great to finally eat that huge meal!!!

After lunch, we went on Dinosaur and then decided since it had stopped raining, we wanted to head over to the Safari. Well, we are walking up to the entrance of the safari, and a cast member walks up to me and starts asking me about the marathon (I was wearing my medal), she asked how I did and how I was feeling. All I am thinking is "how nice of this lady to come talk to me about it!"...well, after a minute or two of small talk, she asks if we would like to sit for 35-40 mins. Now, I am thinking to myself, why on earth would she want me to sit for 35 min??....she says if you do, we would like you to ride on a float in the parade!!!! I was so psyched! I never get picked for ANYTHING.....this was so awesome! Honestly, we just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and of course if I didn't have my medal on we probably would not have gotten chosen!

So, she asked us to hang out for a few minutes while she found a few other families to ride also. While we were waiting, I was on the phone with my family back home telling them...they were so excited as well, wishing they were there to see us! When she had everybody, she took us backstage and we had to get a safari hat and vest to wear on the float. She then calls me and Gregg over and tells us that we will be on the FIRST float!!!! How cool is that!!! We got to ride in the first float with Rafiki on the back. Here we are in the parade:



It was pretty cool, they have disposable cameras that they take a couple of pictures of you in the float with and then they give you the camera to keep so you have pictures. The parade is so cool, but you have to wave to the crowd the whole time, so now not only are my legs sore from running the marathon, but my arm is sore from waving!!!! :rotfl2: The only bad part of the parade was listening the same song over and over and over while riding around the AK. When I got off that float, I didn't want to hear that song ever again!

After the parade ended, we got to go on the safari on one of the last rides of the day. There wasn't a lot of animals out, I guess due to the rain.

After the safari, we had to start heading over to Epcot as we had dinner reservations at Le Cellier Steakhouse. We got there about an hour before our reservation so we walked around Innoventions for awhile checking out all the exhibits there. Gregg had never been in there, so he thought it was pretty cool. When it was time, we headed over to Canada to eat. All I have to say is Le Cellier is the best steakhouse I have ever eaten at!!! The cheddar cheese soup was awesome and my steak was AMAZING!! If you have never eaten at Le Cellier you must eat is AWESOME!!

After dinner, we decided that we were kind of tired. We had wanted to go to Pleasure Island, but it just didn't happen. We stopped to pick up some beer at the gas station and we headed back to the room, had a few beers and fell asleep!

NEXT UP: Our last day, and will we get home or will the snow keep us in florida and extra day!!!
WOW!!! How cool is it that you got to be in the parade!!! I am so jealous!!! That is awesome!

Scott and Tracy---Thanks! It definitely was one of the highlights of our trip to WDW!!

No running since Thursday, since I haven't been feeling well the last two days. Not really sure what it is, but I have just not felt right. Yesterday was a rest day anyhow, and I was going to do my LR today, but decided to do it tomorrow instead. So, I will be heading out tomorrow morning for 9 miles (at least I hope 9 miles--maybe less depending on how I feel).

Today, I am just scrapbooking, I have so many pages to do and not enough time so I am relaxing today and doing that. Then I have to work at a track meet tonight in NYC. Should make some good money spending a couple of hours working tonight, so I am happy about that.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I will try to get to everyone's journals tonight when I get home or tomorrow!


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