Lesli's Live Long and Strong WISH Journal

Good morning!

I'm glad to hear yesterday went a little better. It sounds like you did a good job making better food choices. Are you still getting an AM snack? You used to say that made all the difference in how your day went.

Sending lots of :wizard: your way for the Treasurer position! That's so exciting, and you'd be so good at it. I really hope you get it.

I hope today is a great day for you!
Ok, yesterday's food plan went out the window. Lunch was a qtr lbr w/cheese, some fries, and a sprite. We had to eat on the run as we ran errands and although there are a few other places we could have chosen, DS was with so that really cut things down. I am so sick and tired of fast food. Thankfully, PT for my arms cut me down to 2 days a week as well so that will really lesson the eating on the run.

Supper was 2 small slices of cheese pizza and some pepsi. No one had energy to cook. I was wore out from PT, DH was gone, DD16 needed down time from all the cleaning she's been doing, and DMom was exhausted from unloading and checking in the Halloween/Christmas order. At least it was small pieces and I did resist grabbing more since I really wasn't hungry.

We had a movie night with the kids and watched "Yours, Mine & Ours". It was pretty funnie, but the original was much better. Of course we broke out the popcorn, but I did well on that and just ate a little, choosing to listen to my body that said "I am not hungry". The down side, is that I did eat a few cookies during the day.

PT yesterday - The arm is getting to the point where my gains are getting fewer or it is taking longer to achieve them. I guess you progress pretty well and then the rest of it takes time (a year or so) to gain a little more before you really know where your final limits are. Interesting. It's all good though since I know that now I am really needing strength training to continue to get much more. The leg is going well I guess and I am getting more function moving up and down 6" stairs. I tried to tell DH that we need to rip out our stairs at home and make them all 6". He's not going for it. Anyway, I did a few new excercises and it was the first time I ever felt sick to my stomach. It was weird. My therapist had me kneeling on some pillows, to help get the knee bent. It sounds cruel to some degree since I don't have a good 90 degree bend yet, but it wasn't that bad. What made me almost sick I think was: 1) alot of stress and nerves due to getting down on the floor and wondering how to get back up, I haven't been down on the floor in over 6 months 2) fear of not getting back up or being in excruciating pain when I try, and 3) stretching muscles in a different way then they are used to at the moment and putting weight and stress on them at the same time. I made it through and like I said the actual activity wasn't so bad. Also, a large part of my fear of falling and getting back off the floor has dissipated since I know I could get myself up. It may not be pretty, but I could do it. DH thinks this may have been one of the main reasons the therapist did that and I think that is a valid point.

Anyway.......on to today.

Breakfast was 1 fried egg, ham, grapefruit juice, and an english muffin. I really need to change up my menu.

For the rest of the day, I plan to do a little shopping (last minute items, like shoes, for school) and some more bookwork, which is going really well at the moment.

Goals for today:
1. water - 48 oz
2. No eating after 7:30pm

Let's just start there.

Everyone have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I think you did pretty good yesterday for being on the run. It sounds like you all needed a quiet night--I'm glad you could relax with a movie!

What an interesting PT experience. Your DH's point makes a lot of sense. Fear can be very powerful in recovering from injuries. A lot of my mom's PT has been learning to deal with "what ifs" and figuring out how to get out of them. I'm glad you're down to 2 days a week for the arms. That will make life a lot easier.

Have a great day today! :sunny:
Things were so so yesterday. Water was pretty good, but could have been better. I did fail on the late night eating though. Too much stress over DD8 not listening, so I went for the Ben & Jerry's New York Choc Chunk.

Lunch was tuna, and a few chips, and something else. Supper was Long John's/A&W. I had 3 pieces of chicken, a mug of root beer, 1/2 my fries, and 1 hush puppy. We were out shopping so it was the easiest thing in order to get kids into a decent bedtime. I should have stuck with 2 pieces of chicken, but the taste got to me.

Anyway, school shopping is done for now.

Breakfast this morning was 1 fried egg, 1 english muffin, and 1 c grapefruit juice.

Then we were off to visit my grandma and have lunch with her. With my accident and her needing to be off her feet, we just haven't seen much of each other this year, so it was nice. Lunch was buffet and I ate way too much, although small portions: salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, dark bread, mashed potatoes, corn, ham, roast beef, sm biscuit w/gravy, 2 slices bacon, raisin pudding, and iced tea. That was it, but it was a lot.

I just had a few thin mints and now I have to figure out dinner.

Time to get going. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Yesterday sounds like a nice day. Glad to hear you got all the school shopping done. It must be a relief to have that all settled.

Lunch with your gran sounds nice too--I'm glad you got a chance to catch up with each other.

I hope you had a great evening yesterday! Happy Monday! :sunny:
Help! Somedays I feel like I am drowning. So much to get done and not enough time to get it done. I have noticed that as I progress, my family is back to relying on mom to get it done and really, I don't have the time or energy to do it all, but they don't see that. The other day, DD16 spent quite a bit of time cleaning house, but it once again looks like a disaster. I am trying to keep up what I can, but with trying to get caught up on business and doing therapy and making sure everything is ready for school, that isn't easy. I need help! As much as I love my mom, there is less help all the time from her as well. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all she has done, but I just don't know what to do without making a emotional chaos around here. Therefore all the stressful eating.

Last night's supper was a bowl of kix. Then really late night, I polished off the B&J ice cream.

This morning, I have managed to bake off a breakfast bread (nice touch to start school and clean out the freezer), get 2 kids off to school, take pictures of all 3 for the first day back (DD16 is looking way to old), give DS a bath, finish up some bookwork for a deadline this afternoon, pack extra clothes for DS at school, and get myself ready. Good Lord, it's only just after 9am!

Breakfast was a small slice of breakfast bread and I will grab a c of grapefruit juice in a minute.

Soon, we have to leave for DS's first day which parents get to stay for to get them acclimated. Then grab lunch, then it is off to PT. After that, I have to figure out supper and do a conference call, then maybe I will get some more work done. And this is only the beginning of school. Oy!

Goals for the rest of day:
1. 48 oz water
2. no eating after 7:30pm, drink hot tea if I feel I want something.

Oh, Pearlieq, you mentioned the morning snack. Needless to say, that has been gone as well as a proper dose of milk or calcium lately. Thanks for reminding me, I will have to try to get back to that plan.

Everyone have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I made it through yesterday. DS had fun at school but was upset that he had to leave after an hour. Today, he was looking forward to going again so let's see what he is like leaving after 1/2 a day. I figure doing the 1/2 day was a good start instead of trying to go a whole day.

Lunch was tuna, chips and a few cookies.

PT went well. I can actively bend my knee to 84 degrees now, but have to keep working on it so that it will naturally get there without alot of work. The plus side is that I got that bend without the therapist doing tons of stretching. So now the goal is to get to 90 and navigate stairs well. After that, I am being cut loose from at least one therapist. It's good to hear, but it is strange since it has become so much a part of my life.

After PT, I had a 6" chicken teriyaki sub on wheat w/provolone, tomato, mayo, cucumbers, and sweet onion sauce. DH didn't get lunch and was hungry. I was not, but I gave in anyway. Should have held my ground.

The conference call was boring.

Supper was a hamburger and potato salad. Small portions, but I should have left the bun off. I almost got away without a late snack, but I dug into the fritos while we were watching Hitch. Funny movie.

Water was close to 36 oz, I think.

Today is off to a different start. Getting kids off to school is really strange. I really haven't done that since February, when you consider that I was not able to get myself out of bed when school ended. It was kind of cool and normal.

Breakfast was 1 bowl fruit loops, 1/2 english muffin, 1 c grapefruit juice.

I have done a little work, a little straightening, and started some laundry. The plan is to get a bit more work done, grab a shower and then I will probably go with my mom to her job interview so that I can show her how to get there. Then we will probably stop and pick up new light fixtures for the outside of the house.

Goals for the day:
1. 48 oz water
2. no eating after 7:30 pm
3. Eat proper proportions

I better get going. Everyone have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Wow, Lesli! Busy, busy, busy!

I can understand your anxiety about getting all of your old responsibilities dumped back on you, maybe before you're ready. I hope you're able to keep the lines of communication open with everyone so that you can all figure out a plan to get everything done without exhausting yourself completely!

I'm glad your PT is going well and that you're still progressing nicely. It's amazing how much you can bond with medical caregivers without even realizing it. I know when my mom had her cancer I really got to know and enjoy the chemo nurses--I really missed them when we were done. I thought I'd never be so glad as to see the end of chemo, but it was really bittersweet.

I'm so happy that DS is enjoying school! I hope they're all having a great start to the school year!

I hope you have a wonderful day today! :banana:
Let's try this again. I had it all typed and then the computer froze, imagine that.

In a nut shell, yesterday went fairly well. Water was almost on track, portions were better, and I stopped eating at 8:30, so almost on track.

AM snack was 2 slices cheddar. Lunch was tuna, a few chips, and 2 thin mints. I had part of a milkshake in the afternoon. DMom and I stopped by Steak & Shake on the way home from errands, but their shakes were kind of runny so not very good. I think they must have had a feezer problem. Supper was 3 slices pizza (1 was pretty small) and pepsi. I could have easily stopped at 1 1/2 slices and should have. Then 1 thin mint at 8:30. This is where I caught myself going beyond my cutoff time and decided to stop.

Hopefully DMom's interview went well. It sounds like it did but it also sounds like they know who they are hiring and just going through motions. With luck she'll have it. Stopped and got all the outdoor light fixtures for the house. I think making those few changes will really set off the updates. Selected the color scheme for the house which takes off a lot of pressure. Windows should be here tomorrow and we can start on them this weekend. Now I have to call the gutter people. Does it ever end?

Got alot of work done yesterday and slowly, I can see life starting to gravitate towards some normalcy that I am used to.

Food plan for today:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/cheese, 1 english muffin, ham, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - 3 crackers & cheese
Lunch - tuna and salad
PM snack - banana smoothie
Supper - I haven't quite figured this out, but I want a real meal

Goals for the day:
1. 48 oz water
2. stick to the food plan
3. no eating after 7:30
4. make a ton of phone calls and appointments
5. bookwork and some cleaning

Time to get going. Lots to do. Everyone have a great day and keep drinking that water! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good morning!

I'm so glad to hear you had a good day yesterday! :cheer2:

It sounds like you sure got a lot done. The house really sounds like it's coming along--I know renovations are kind of a pain when you're in the middle of them, but I know it's going to be beautiful when it's done.

Sending some :wizard: for your mom! I hope she gets the job!

You've got a great plan for today! You can do it! :thumbsup2
Well, yesterday went well, but hit a few unexpected bumps. Water wasn't so good.

I got tons of phone calls done and loose ends, then I ended up with a few calls coming in during lunch time, so I completely forgot that I didn't eat until after I walked up to relieve my mom for lunch at the dollar store. How sad is that? I missed the am snack and almost grabbed cookies but decided to stick to the plan, after all, I was going to have a nice lunch. How ironic. Anyway, DMom decided to grab burgers for her and I and come back to the store, so that was lunch, plus about 15 fries and an ice tea. Then I stayed at the store to help put up Halloween since we can't even get through our back room. Of course the gutter guy comes while I am gone and DH didn't find out how they were planning to run the gutters, so I don't know if I need to call someone else or not.

Although working at the store was fun, it was physically exhausting and I didn't get all my other work done that I had planned. Also, I didn't get supper made. DH ended up making mac & cheese, ham, and bread. I did stay reasonable on my portions.

I was so tired later and I grabbed banana chips late. I know it was after the cut off time, but it was at least fairly healthy, so that has to count for something. All in all, I guess yesterday was not so bad.

Today was off to a hectic start and then I ended up doing a lot of GS work for the last 2 hours. My Regional Director stopped by and we ended up taking care of more than I expected, but that is quite alright. I see some ends in sight!

Food plan today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1 english muffin, 1 c milk, 1/2 c hot tea w/vanilla
AM snack - 1/2 c banana chips
Lunch - tuna and salad
PM snack - cheese & crackers
Supper - angel hair pasta topped w/ strips of chicken breast and a homemade light but semi sweet tomato sauce and fresh parmesan along with a salad.

So far, I have managed to stick with the plan

Goals for the day:
1. 48 oz water
2. no eating after 7:30pm
3. bookwork

Not much else going on today. I better get going though so I can get more things started and finished. Everyone have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Mmm...your dinner sounds so yummy! How do you feel about 2 extra for dinner? :teeth:

I'm glad yesterday went well and you were able to get by the store. Halloween already, eh? I guess it's coming up fast!

Sounds like you've got a great attitude and plan for today. You can do it! :cheer2:
Anytime you want to stop by for dinner, Pearlieq, just let me know. :teeth:

Yesterday was filled with tons of "I need you to take care of this now" situations and lose ends. So although it seems that I didn't do much, I guess I really did. Also, I actually made dinner for the family, which required standing for alot longer than I remembered it did, but I managed alright. Plus, I am kicking back into school mom mode with finding small opportunities for people to help fold laundry or put away things. There is hope yet.

The windows were delivered so now for the big mess to begin.

For the most part the food plan worked. Although, I skipped the salad at lunch and ate a few Fritos and more banana chips. The PM snack was a few thin mints, I think. Supper turned out great, a bit too sweet on the sauce but since I haven't done it for awhile, not bad. Then the cheetos got me late night, but I managed to stop that before it got worse. Water was almost there. Although things still need work, I do think that planning it really helps me so I am going to forge ahead.

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1 english muffin, 1 c milk, 1 c hot tea w/vanilla
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - maybe Chinese, unless DH wants to do a grab and go somewhere, if so I will try to be very reasonable.
PM snack - banana smoothie
Supper - fresh green beans and potaotes "stew" or is it "soup"? I am not sure what you would classify it as, but you boil the green beans and potatoes together along with some bacon, seasoned with some salt & pepper. It tastes so good and is a meal in itself. You could have a sandwich with it or some meat, but we usually just go for it as a meal.

Goals for today:
1. stick with the food plan
2. no eating after 7:30pm
3. 48 oz water

Well, I better get going since PT starts soon and DH will be running in like a whirlwind any minute.

Everyone have a great day and drink lots of water with me. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good morning!

I think you did a great job yesterday! I wouldn't worry too much about little deviations from the plan--it sounds like you stayed reasonable and in control all day. Good for you! :thumbsup2

I hope PT goes well and you have a great Friday! :sunny:
I can honestly say that I did pretty well with my plans yesterday, with only a minor snafu.

All meals were as planned, except I missed my AM snack (forgot to grab it on the way to PT) and I ate some cheetos for the PM snack. Also, I ate just a tad too much Chinese for lunch, but I didn't go overboard. My other snafu, was that I had 3 mini Snickers after 7:30pm. Water however, was on the mark or at least really close.

I managed to get quite a bit done yesterday and am working hard to keep busy so that I have less tendency to snack.

At the moment, my weight is up about 8 lbs. It does bother me some, but part is TOM, part is eating tons of junk over the last few weeks, and the other part is lack of activity. I am finally at the stage where my body isn't burning up tons of calories due to healing even during the inactive moments. Sooooooooooo...........I guess that means, I need to increase my exercise, and my activity in general (back to moving about the house as I used to), and watch what I am eating - which I have started.

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1 english muffin, 1 c milk, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - tuna wrap
PM snack - banana or banana smoothie
Supper - maybe a large salad or the leftover beans & potatoes. I want to keep things light tonight since I am so tired of heavy food.

Goals for the day:
1. stick to the food plan
2. no eating after 7:30pm
3. 48 oz water
4. take a 15 min break and just move around the house (walk, dance, anything to get the blood flowing)

Time to get going. I think later or over the next few days, I will do a progress report update. It helped in the past and I think it's time to begin refocusing.

Everyone take care and have a great weekend. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Congrats on a great day yesterday! I think you did a wonderful job! :thumbsup2

I think your plan to start getting more active is a great one! I'll join you in that--I can't even remember the last time I worked out! Your idea of just getting up and moving for 15 minutes is a great one--just something to keep you moving. Soon enough you'll be back to :banana: to Billy Joel songs!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to reading your progress report.

Gotta make this quick.

Water was almost good. I had a few mini snickers after my cutoff time last night. Missed my snacks, lunch was green beans and potatoes, which is fine. But then supper was way too much Pizza Hut. I did have a salad, but the desert pizza and cinnamon sticks got me. Does it count that I only drank 1/2 my pepsi?

As for work, I got alot done and I did manage to get up and down alot.

This morning was hectic and so far, I think the rest of the day will be as well. They began installing the windows. All was going well and they replaced some old wood that wasn't any good.........then.........they found that they windows are about 1/2" or so too small! :sad2: Of course you can't take them back and to think you spent all that money. Now they have to work at building up a few things to make them work. The down side is that it will take so much more time since they will have to do this to all the windows. They were replacements that just pop right in and we can see how they would be very slick to use and you could move along fast, however, that just isn't our luck today.

Food for today so far:
Breakfast - 3 donut holes (at church event)
AM snack - 1 c grapefruit juice
Lunch - some banana chips, green beans & potatoes, and 2 mini snickers (those are the last ones I am eating)
PM snack - banana
Supper - who knows, with the delay in construction, I have a feeling it will be a quick fix supper

I better get going. Lots to do. Everyone take care. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
The stress of the windows got to me yesterday, but they didn't quite beat me down, which is a plus.

After lunch, I ended up eating a bowl of Kix. I was looking for something and I was so frustrated that I just completely forgot about the banana. It's a plus since I was actually looking for chips or something and we don't have any. So not all bad, but the point is that I at under stress and that needs to change. Supper turned out to be Subway. I had a 6" steak teryaki on italian w/mayo, sweet onion sauce, tomato, and cucumber. Pretty good. When I got home, I had 1 mini snickers and late, I ate some banana chips.

Well, our worst window turned out to be an all day project. It is actually 2 windows side by side so now we only have 20 to go. But the old one was so rotten and they had to replace quite a bit of wood. To top it off all the old trim around the outside of the windows either needs to be replaced or filled in since it doesn't butt up against the new windows. Something that is common when you replace, but something that we didn't fully consider. So that has added a bit more work. I think that once they get going on the windows that aren't rotted, that things will go faster, but I don't know. On the plus side, the 2 windows that are in look great and I can't wait to see the whole house finished!

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 egg fried, ham, 1 english muffin, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - yogurt
lunch - tuna wrap
pm snack - will probably miss due to PT
supper - not sure, maybe tacos that we pick up on the way home. DH will be gone and I have lots to do.

Goals for today:
1. 60 oz water (yes, I am bumping up and need to go get started)
2. 15 minutes of stretching my knee
3. 15 min just dancing/moving around (bring on Billy Joel :banana: )
4. stick with the food plan
5. no eating after 7:30 - just drink some chamomile tea to calm the evening.

I know I can do it and I am not backing down from the challenge. I always find ways to justify not sticking to the plan, but if I am trying to bring back good habits then I cannot let the excuses get the best of me.

Time to go get that water. Everyone have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sorry to hear about the snag with the windows--I'm sure you'll get it worked out, but I can see it's going to be a lot of work!

Don't beat yourself up too much about the stress munching. Kix are just about perfect for that situation. Not many calories, but lots of good satisfying crunch to work out your frustrations!

Tea in the evening is a great idea--warm and satisfying. I should give that a try that myself.

Have a wonderful day! :sunny:
Hey Lesli, its Z

I read something about chinese in one of your posts earlier. I was just wondering what your plan of attack was on chinese buffets. For me I feel like I have to eat a lot at a buffet so I take a large plate and pile it with watermelon, oranges, honeydewmelon, and cantaloupe. Then I go back and get a plate with mostly broccolli from the beef and broccoli, one peice of general tso's, and honey chicken, mushrooms from the pork and mushroom, and one or two crab meat cream cheese wontons. I also get either a cream puff or something else for dessert. I always eat a lot and I kind of try to go ahead and satisfy myself with the healthy stuff and by the time I'm done with it I am nearly stuffed. I just didn't know if anyone else did it like this. :p :wave2:
Sounds like your doing good being aware of what your eating. Keep up the good work!


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