Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

Wow, lots of updates! glad you were able to get the pictures reloaded.

You got a lot done at the party!

Great pics at the Haunted Mansion, The most I have ever gotten is of Leota in the crystal Ball, nothing else usually turns out.

Glad that those older kids stood up for your kids. That stinks that that ECV lady thought she could just cut in front of them. I can't understand why people have to act like that, so entitled.

Fun wheelchair games in the parking lot!


Wheelchairs EVERYWHERE! and of course this crazy family MUST PLAY!

They're OFF!

we hit every bump thingies we could.. laughed until our sides hurt.

YES PLEASE! SO funny! laughed so hard at this. Thought my crazy family was the only ones to do crazy stuff like this!

We may have played for about 30 minutes.. who need rides when you have the wheelchair abandoned parking lots!!!

too much fun.

Poor Peanut! So tired she can't even stay awake while participating in the Disney Parking lot wheelchair Olympics!
Grrrr, HATE when people try to weasle their way in for parades, ESPECIALLY when they travel in an entourage and are so rude about it. I'm glad your faith in humanity is restored :) It's always nice to have someone stick up for your littles!!

Looks like you had a ton of fun at the party despite the rain!! It was really crowded the day Mom and I went to MVMCP on that trip, but that's because I stupidly picked the Saturday night...duh, Jackie!!! newbie mistake.

I fully enjoyed your wheelchair racing craziness--truly magical :)

Have an awesome weekend, mini-vacay and enjoy the Sox game Monday!!!! During the school year, I teach just a few blocks from there. Maybe someday they'll do Disney Day at the ballpark, now THAT would be awesome!!
Have a great 4th too!

I loved that the 20 something year olds stuck up for your kiddos. So sweet. So great that you still had some energy for the wc races at the end of a very long day. Impressive.

Yes the kids in front of us were awesome. and i was shocked at their kindness! My faith in Humanity has been restored!

Hey now, you're knocking one of my favorite rides! :rotfl:I am happy that you took the required photo of the drunk hippo.

Sorry!! You know how afraid i am of CLOWNS and dolls! This thing is a nightmare!!
Yep! the hippo is a favorite. since i was a kid and remember this part with my Dad.

Your pictures are much better than I ever get on Haunted Mansion!

Aww thank you!

So wonderful that they stuck up for your kids!

How about that. I was so pleasantly pleased! They really were protective of my midgets!!

At least you got some pictures, I was afraid to get my camera wet. Funny thing, I don't think I was very far away from you guys. I watched from right near the Diamond Horseshoe.

Nope you weren't! I am sure you had a better viewing spot then we did. I won't go where we were again. it was tough viewing.

I really don't like where this one is going. :sad:

Yeah me either...

Awwww, I knew you would see the light eventually. ::yes:: :rotfl2:

LOL.. I will always give you grief!!!
but the truth is you really helped! I will always remember that!

I laughed out loud on that one.


Man I missed all of the fun!

This you did especially when i was bent over laughing SO HARD at these goof balls!

You too! Not much in the way of plans for us. We have a Professional Lacrosse game to go to on Friday night with fireworks and Saturday I will be busy at the shelter as we have our annual free day. Other than that, nothing.

OMG it was a wild weekend!
I have never been to a lacrosse game! I bet that was fun! Hope the fireworks were great?

That is such a good story. I agree that it is nice to see people sticking up for others. And I'm glad a CM actually acted in your behalf. Sometimes I think they are a little too "non-confrontational".

I was really surprised they did that for the kids. I am so happy to see young people care!!! I was really thankful!!! told them over and over too..

We had a spot at the beginning of the Halloween parade. The lighting was bad because the lights on the building was glaring in our eyes, and it was hard to see some of the street level groups, like the gravediggers, for instance. We headed out of the park after the parade want past and caught up with the gravediggers when they were in Town Square. We had a great view of the parade there and that is where I would stand if I ever went to another party.

I cannot agree more.. It was a bad spot. Had i knew that was the path of the Godzilla on a scooter i would never gotten into her path either.. I like it way down..
The halloween party we were smack dab in the front NO ONE was there! it was excellent viewing!

We've done two parties and we didn't get good views of the fireworks at either of them. :( I was pretty bummed about it, too.

Us either! One of these years i will be in front watching them! Probably out NO KIDS trip. <-- like that will happen any time soon...

Have a Happy 4th of July holiday, Mo!

We had a great weekend i hope you did too!

That parade looks SO magical!

It's fantastic!!! LOVE IT!

Wow, lots of updates! glad you were able to get the pictures reloaded.

I did! Finally.. Only a few more updates on this! yay!

You got a lot done at the party!

We really did! i adore the parties! If i could go to ALL of them during our vacations WE WOULD!!! LOL,

Great pics at the Haunted Mansion, The most I have ever gotten is of Leota in the crystal Ball, nothing else usually turns out.

Thank you! I have been getting a lot better there. I still want the floating candle and the coffin.

Glad that those older kids stood up for your kids. That stinks that that ECV lady thought she could just cut in front of them. I can't understand why people have to act like that, so entitled.

Me too it was so sweet of them to care about children!!
There are rude people everywhere even the most magical place on the planet! morons didn't get the memo about the magic bubble!

Fun wheelchair games in the parking lot!

where there is mischief we shall make it happen...

YES PLEASE! SO funny! laughed so hard at this. Thought my crazy family was the only ones to do crazy stuff like this!

Nope! If there is fun to be had we will make it!!!

Poor Peanut! So tired she can't even stay awake while participating in the Disney Parking lot wheelchair Olympics!

Oh she was just fine unte

Grrrr, HATE when people try to weasle their way in for parades, ESPECIALLY when they travel in an entourage and are so rude about it. I'm glad your faith in humanity is restored :) It's always nice to have someone stick up for your littles!!

No your not ENTITLED to anything the person next to you is. we are all there for the same thing. If there are kids there let them go in front. Let them see the magic. Sitting on an EVC you can clearly see over my kids heads-- especially since they were sitting down!

Looks like you had a ton of fun at the party despite the rain!! It was really crowded the day Mom and I went to MVMCP on that trip, but that's because I stupidly picked the Saturday night...duh, Jackie!!! newbie mistake.

No rain shall ever stop us! I think if we ever had a trip and it didn't rain we would all be in shock.
No you didn't! WHY would you go on a saturday!? chuckle head. you know better.. LOL!

I fully enjoyed your wheelchair racing craziness--truly magical :)

Why thank you..

Have an awesome weekend, mini-vacay and enjoy the Sox game Monday!!!! During the school year, I teach just a few blocks from there. Maybe someday they'll do Disney Day at the ballpark, now THAT would be awesome!!

It was an awesome time!

I think we had that conversation! My main office is in Bridgeport.

Make it happen! we need a Disney Sox day!
I hope to get an update done soon. Today was crazy along with having tons of computer problems!
then POOF today is over!
I mean just destroying everything is her path! and started PUSHING MY kids out of the front row.
This is when the teen-20 somethings spoke up like my kids belonged to them. Told this destroyer of all orlando My kids were there first and for them to MOVE out of the way.
Just like the movies she started screeching back how she has the rite to be there more then the kids and if the kids would JUST SIT DOWN everything would be FINE. - said in the best Godzilla voice.
The teen-20's weren't having any of this.. Went to the phones and called over a CM! Who told the scooter monster and her entire family of about 15 they need to either back up or go to the Designated spot (i don't know i was standing there jaw dropped speechless like an idiot)
My kids were just comfortable with whatever the teen-20 something kids told them.. so they say right under the rope and the scooter from the black lagoon and entourage moved on to destroy another part of Disney or family's viewing.

I profusely thanked the teen-20 somethings and they said it was not big deal they hate when people do that to the kids...
I call this Pixi dust!!! My faith in humanity has been restored! young kids sticking up for younger kids! GOOOO HUMAN!

Grrrr!! Those are the types of people that give ECV users a bad reputation. I'm glad to see the young adults sticking up for your kids.

I love seeing Belle in her winter dress. I actually prefer it to her yellow dress. :)

Hope you had a wonderful 4th & mini vacay. You soooo deserved it!!
Grrrr!! Those are the types of people that give ECV users a bad reputation. I'm glad to see the young adults sticking up for your kids.

I love seeing Belle in her winter dress. I actually prefer it to her yellow dress. :)

Hope you had a wonderful 4th & mini vacay. You soooo deserved it!!

Thankfully i know the difference between the good and bad EVC people! LOL
This one was a jerk.
It was fantastic to see the young kids sticking up for the smaller ones. BRAVO!
I agree I like the yellow!

It was wonderful!

Thank you i hope yours was just as perfect!
I need a new DOG SITTER!

I really need to finish this report. My mind is directly 100% on the upcoming 2017 trip!!! Lets get going!

November 20th.
Which i thought would be a good day. We will be going to EPCOT!
In the beginning of my crazy planning I had this day as OFF. Which of course wasn't going to happen with my band of merry misfits!

It started off SLEEPING IN! YAY! breakfast and back to:

It was a bit chilly this morning. BUT that didn't stop them! they did walk over to the little mermaid pool this time

They didn't like it as much so back to the BIG BLUE!

Matt made a friend!

I was feeling like junk, I think everything was finally catching up to me. All the food, late nights, wheel chair parking lot races.
I was tired! But we still had two more days! Rest we needed.

After tidying up our room a little i decided to go grab something to drink-- sit watch the kids enjoy the best pool on Disney property (just missing a slide)

As i was sitting there i called my Mom make sure all was well.
Big mistake.
Apparently the dog sitter told my mom how i never checked in and went on and on to my mom about the black eye Raven gave her.
So of course my mom made my ear bleed..
After her rant i let her know how i was and how she told me how EVERYTHING was peachy.

Ok something is definitely amiss---

I call the house.
No answer.
I text the dog sitter.

After about an hour she text back saying some emergency came up and she has to go home..
I tried to call and nothing.

Tell tom everything
OK fine call my mom again. let her know we are cutting our trip short and will be home for whatever.. She agreed something was off. Yet she would go to the house make sure the animals were OK and she would stay there and make sure the house and animals are A-OK. Let her go.

Not happy. Now to tell the kids...

That actually went better then expected. Zack's feet were killing him after the fun in the water then walking around with wet feet for a couple of days!!! as long as we had a fun farewell night.

Meg was sad yet understood and missed her doggies

Well crap. My head is running wild of all the things i need to get done.

First i text (or called?) Ariana I can't remember which to let her know we had to leave first thing in the morning.


Then it hit me. we were leaving!

OK lets make the best of it.

off we went to Epcot. It was late. so we took the Bus per the kids request. In no time at all the bus rolled up!

i don't remember HOW the chain of events happened but these are the pictures i have.

Single rider!

Must say goodbye to:

Walking all over the showcase we ended up at:

we got some YUMMY YUMMY FOOD

If you have not stopped at Germany for food FOR SHAME!!!

We had a schmorgesborg

We continued on and the kids stopped at every single Kid cot with Duffy

I will continue on the next post.
Goodbye Epcot.

we continued around the World Showcase not a lot of pictures as we were enjoying it all.. taking it all in and enjoying it as a family.

I know we said our goodbyes to Figment and walked over to:

love the different facial expressions

Played in the aquarium

The divers were AWESOME!!!

then we just stopped and watched:

We took another turn and thanked the Phoenicians!! it was time to go. We may have stopped at Test Track one last time. then headed out and onto the bus.

The bus ride was PACKED. But we stood with some really FUNNY people. the guy had the entire bus in stitches!!! we had a great time!

Back at the resort everyone showered and i packed.

I hated it.
Just catching up. You are an updating machine.
As far as the scooter and parade situation, we had the same thing happen to us.
I'm really sad you had to leave early. I'm so curious as to what happened.
It was a bit chilly this morning.

:cold: No thanks!

After about an hour she text back saying some emergency came up and she has to go home..
I tried to call and nothing.

Ugh, how irresponsible! Glad your Mom could come over and fill in for a bit.

First i text (or called?) Ariana I can't remember which to let her know we had to leave first thing in the morning.

You sent me a text. I was sad. :sad:

Sounds like you made the most out of your last night at Epcot. I'm still kicking myself for not hopping on a boat and coming to see you one last time.
So your dog-sitter just up and left your furbabies??? I am fuming for you!!! I hope you gave her what-for when you returned. That's so irresponsible. giphy (5).gif

I'm so sorry you had to leave early. I will keep the rest of my not-safe-for-DIS comments to myself.
Your final night in Epcot looked like it was a really relaxing, low key night. The kids look happy. :)

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic!

The divers are always wonderful. Sea's with Nemo is one of my fav's. I love aquariums. We just went to the Newport aquarium a couple weekends ago and it was neat, but no Disney! LOL

Umm I think I just found my new desktop for a bit! LOL Can I pirate this? I promise if anyone asks I will give you the credit!

Back at the resort everyone showered and i packed.

I hated it.

This is so sad, and frustrating, and yeah, I'm steaming from the ears for you!
Yikes! Not a good thing with your dog sitter. Glad your mom could check on the fur babies for you till you got home.
Just catching up. You are an updating machine.
As far as the scooter and parade situation, we had the same thing happen to us.
I'm really sad you had to leave early. I'm so curious as to what happened.

I am! I want this trip over as it came to the bad part of us having to leave and really ruined the magic. Start on the NEW BEGINNING!
UGH! the scooter godzilla.. she was horrendous!
I will put my thoughts on it at the end here.

:cold: No thanks!

It was cold!!!

Ugh, how irresponsible! Glad your Mom could come over and fill in for a bit.

Yes me too. I think her family emergency was bull.

You sent me a text. I was sad. :sad:

That's right i don't i COULD talk on the phone.. Matt was in tears for missing stitch breakfast.

Sounds like you made the most out of your last night at Epcot. I'm still kicking myself for not hopping on a boat and coming to see you one last time.

we tried.
I do wish we could have gotten together. BUT we have many more opportunities!!!

So your dog-sitter just up and left your furbabies??? I am fuming for you!!! I hope you gave her what-for when you returned. That's so irresponsible. View attachment 181349

I'm so sorry you had to leave early. I will keep the rest of my not-safe-for-DIS comments to myself.

Well she didn't just up and left. After my Mom and i talked we thought it would be better for her to go and make sure my puppies are in BETTER hands!
I had several not so safe words as well..

Your final night in Epcot looked like it was a really relaxing, low key night. The kids look happy. :)

Thanks! we always try to make the best of it.

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic!


The divers are always wonderful. Sea's with Nemo is one of my fav's. I love aquariums. We just went to the Newport aquarium a couple weekends ago and it was neat, but no Disney! LOL

They are so fun. A friend of mine does this there said it's amazing. It's better than the ocean. here you can see everything! love how other guests make it fun for the guests watching!!

Umm I think I just found my new desktop for a bit! LOL Can I pirate this? I promise if anyone asks I will give you the credit!

Just give me the credit! Thank you!

This is so sad, and frustrating, and yeah, I'm steaming from the ears for you!

I was too...

Yikes! Not a good thing with your dog sitter. Glad your mom could check on the fur babies for you till you got home.

Nope.. I hated inconveniencing my Mom...

This is what I THINK was going on.
Lex- Logan- and Piper are easy as can be to watch. They don't need much, just food, let out, and water. they sleep most of the days until you want them to play.
Raven is a WHOLE other story. She is something else entirely. She does NOT have an off button until about 8pm. Otherwise she is chasing her tail. feet- toys- my blankets- anything she can get her mouth on.. She is a whirlwind of activity. SO she needs walks. play time - or she WILL bother the other dogs Logan deals with her and will play if there is a toy with her.


Piper and Lex despise her. They will snap or growl..
When raven gets out of hand we put her in a time out in her cage..
Her last visit to the vet i asked if she had a head problem. One side protrudes outwards. After some x-rays and stuff they do she came back to say she was more then likely beaten with a bat or something similar. But she seems she is autistic.
SO when dealing with her I have to try to remember THERE IS SOMETHING wrong with her. Which is trying since she now weights over 100 pounds.

So i THINK this women THOUGHT she knew how to handle such a big dog. I had her over a few times to meet all the dogs and Stevie. Let her come over when we were at home to see how Raven is and the others the dynamics oh how living with 4 dogs and a ferret goes. She used to train (in dog Obedience) with us a long time ago and i had thought this would be PREFECT fit with Raven.
Then Raven gave her that black eye with her paw of death. The great danes like to paw things,.
Kinda looks like this:

If you don't know it's coming it's like a punch in the face from Mohammad Ali.


A lot harder.. and faster...

So i think she was tired of watching the animals and just wanted out. That's when my Mom said forget it I'll just go there.
Well i didn't want my Mom to be inconvenienced. I mean if she wanted to watch my animals she would have said in the beginning. Don't look for someone i'll just do it.. SO we needed to go.

Needless to say i need a new house-dog sitter.

For her:

She CAN be sweet even if she is sitting ON LEX!

I will more then likely FINISH this report now..
Our Last Day... :sad:

This was it.

We are leaving EARLY

Because the Dog sitter isn't magical..

Packing up the truck:

Which is like playing tetris

While i watched my children and husband's lip protrude then the tears started.
Yep. we were saying goodbye. it Sucked.

My Mom called to see what the plan was for today and heard the kids whimpering.. She said.. Why?
Why don't you go and say goodbye to that castle of yours? Whats a few more hours?

Because we don't want to leave you with the mess that isn't yours.

Go say goodbye...

And that's what we did:

Which made me FEEL AWFUL because we COULD HAVE had Breakfast with Ariana!!! I didn't even bother with texting her as i felt awful already
1. For having to cancel as we were Leaving BRIGHT AND EARLY
2. Now she probably thinks we are lying.. WAS NOT THE CASE!!!
3. Last minute decision to go and say bye. THANKS MOM!!!

So off we went to say SEE YA REEL SOON!

took our left and asked... What does everyone want as their last ride.


I want this sign:

sparkly gold

Big Thunder

Then Philharmagic

Bad selfie


I had packed my GOOD camera- so all you get are point and shoot blurry pictures!


umm is that supposed to be flotsam and jetsam?

Oh my word! That is so sad!! Even if she felt like Raven was too much after being there.. she still should have finished what she agreed to. She could have taken a break for a few hours and then gone back or something. This just makes me so sad that you guys had to cut your trip short. I'm glad you got to get in a few more hours before leaving
Our last rides...:sad:

Pirates Video

Couldn't pass up 7DMT


Needless to say we all get a bit hungry so we stopped off and got:

Tooooooooooo many fries!!!

it was NUMMY

With the castle in the background!!!

Needless to say we ALL enjoyed our hot dogs!

still didn't WANT to leave and really putting our heeling in the ground
we decided we need to hit a few more favorites..

everyone went on the speedway while i sat back to watch the Disney world go by

then we hit


Told you all we made up for Tom never going on this!!!

sad it was almost time


I had to hit MY favorite ride

PETER PAN! Terrible pictures and i will not force your eyes to even TRY to make out the pictures!

Banana tree

I have a picture of my Dad like this.. So i wanted one with Tom

Then it was time...
WE had to leave...
On the way out my kids still looking for ANY way to stay saw the line for Tink was low and they never met her.. Peanut wanted to see her M&G area so we did that as we were walking out with tears in our eyes. We got a LOT in in a very short time. literally ran from ride to ride, Feeling like we were cheated.. Yet we knew we would be back..

goodbye for NOW ----- we will return.

On our way home we were told the snow started and under a lovely storm..
this was somewhere:

going North

then the dreaded

That my friends is the conclusion of the trip that started so MAGICAL and FUN meeting up with ALL my bestest Dis Friends then having it cut short because of a person who cannot take care of dogs.

YET! this is OK as it pushed us to go back. Make it BIGGER and BETTER.. That is exactly what we are doing in 2017!

If you not already subscribed and want to follow along ALL ARE WELCOMED! and i can finally take care of ONE report.. this two reports at a time is for the BIRDS! LOL



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