Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks: final update 12/29, p.98

Jenny, the baskets are GREAT! Glad to hear you got some stuff accomplished! I really didn't tick much off my to do list, but seemed to be running all day! i can't believe it's coming up so quickly. I wish I was meeting you at F&W on Monday. But since we canceled our trip I have another excellent opportunity you'll hear about in my PTR/blog.

ajf1007, I'm so glad you had a good trip! I remember we talked when you first booked and you had some worries.
Jenny, the baskets are GREAT! Glad to hear you got some stuff accomplished! I really didn't tick much off my to do list, but seemed to be running all day! i can't believe it's coming up so quickly. I wish I was meeting you at F&W on Monday. But since we canceled our trip I have another excellent opportunity you'll hear about in my PTR/blog.

ajf1007, I'm so glad you had a good trip! I remember we talked when you first booked and you had some worries.

I wish we were meeting too. :goodvibes Exciting opportunity you? I don't believe it. ;) You have one cool moment after the next. Can't wait to read about it.

I think the basket turned out perfect. Betsy was great. She allowed me to have some of the items sent to her and then she added some. :thumbsup2

Hi Jenny! Our trip was great! Everyone had a great time and the look on my nieces faces when they saw the castle was priceless! There was no screaming or yelling - just mouth wide open and eyes as big as saucers! It made me cry! They had a great time at the Bippity Boppity too, then we had lunch right after at the castle. My youngest - Natalie - had her Snow White dress on and when Snow White came to the table, she just about passed out! It was incredibly awesome! Even with the large group we still managed to like each other at the end of the trip :rotfl:

I'm so excited for your trip! I was just catching up on your plans, wow! I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm interested in your thoughts too at the AoA. It looks so cool and I hadn't heard about the underwater sounds in the pool - how cool!! I love the baskets, what a great idea! You have made this a trip of a lifetime with such wonderful memories in the making!

I just booked today our trip for next year. We are going with my other BFF and her family, but they are staying off-site in their RCI share. We aren't planning on being together every day so it will be nice and relaxing. Jay and I are in a 1 bdrm Std View at AKV (which is our home resort) but I'm contemplating moving it at 7 mos to possibly the BCV or BWV's. We'll see. There are two things on our agenda though, for sure - the Backstage Magic 7 hour tour and the Wild Africa Trek.

How are you coming with all of your To Do's?

:welcome: Amy. Glad to see you! I am so glad your trip was wonderful. You put so much work into it. Did your mom do BBB too? I'd love to see pics. And first time castle faces cannot be beat. I'm glad everyone is still friendly. :rotfl2:

This time next year? BWV! I can live through you. I really wanted to stay there for a night or two. But I do love AKV. You can't go wrong either way. Is the Wild Africa Trek just for AKV guests? Is it a concierge thing? I haven't heard of the Backstage 7 hour Magic Tour?

Love traveling with BFFs. :thumbsup2 Are you going to do the newsletters again? You're very creative.​

The baskets are adorable! I have the 4S as well, the ios5 update wasn't an issue but based on your experience, going to hold off on the 6 until after the trip. Can't deal with the phone freezing on me between now and then or worse, there!

Thank you. I'm very pleased with how they turned out. :woohoo: I spent more than I had planned per usual but I'm happy. They should be too.

Don't upload the update. My phone wasn't freezing but the wifi turned grey and wouldn't turn to the on position. It wasn't fixable so they had to replace it. I repeat: don't do it. ;)

Kids have school today however we had bus drama today. Evan only takes the am bus on Monday's and I swear it's something every Monday morning! Today it was a sub bus driver who apparently was lost. Poor kid was having a total melt down.

evan had a meltdown? Was the driver late? Poor kid. :sad1:

I PM'd you my number on FB.

I got it. :thumbsup2 It's in my phone. I'm so looking forward to meeting. We're meeting Jennifer on the 15th too. :cool1: Getting to meet some of my favorite friends here is icing on the cake. We're going to blow up the FB. :rotfl2:

It was a spontaneous road trip on Sat. Kind of neat, I had sat out my other girls trip and was a little bummed. Friday my parents had their annual Oktoberfest party which we were thinking about skipping (as we'd be the only ones with kids), ended up going and had a wonderful time. Sat, as we were picking up Evan from his trombone lesson and commenting on the gorgeous day, his teacher mentioned he was going on a road trip with his mom and girlfriend.

Jeff goes

"we should go on a road trip"

And so, we did!

We hadn't been to our cabin in a couple of years and it was really nice to sneak away there for a night, very relaxing.

How do you have a cabin and not visit for years? I'm an escapist. Yu couldn't keep me away. Sounds like a fun spontaneous mini getaway. I saw the fire, did you cook too? :thumbsup2

The computer thing has been a nightmare, had major printing issues last night with kids homework. UGH! That was the printer, not the laptops. I hear you on needing multiple laptops for kids. Ours have to share one MacBook as well and Jeff and I have PC laptops that are barely limping along. An iPdad won't really meet our needs but we are hoping that the Surface, the pro version, when it comes out, will. Question is if we can wait until then.

:crazy2: I'm so sorry. I hate when the easiest of tasks turn into a colossal pain in the butt. Seriously. And it's always when 100 other things are going on. I really don't like Mr. Murphy and his smarmy law.​

Fridge is dead. DEAD. They can't come out until tomorrow. Couldn't call to schedule until this morning of course as they were closed yesterday. I did find our extended warranty. If it is fixable, it's covered. If not...we will get some $$ towards a new one but not enough to cover a new one. Pray it's fixable. I think it's the compressor but we will see. Thank goodness we have a backup one in the garage.

Yikes! Good thing you have another in the garage. Did you lose a lot of food? Crossing my fingers for a fix! pixiedust: One of the kids, cough cough Chloe, left the basement fridge open for 2-3 days when we were in Nantucket and my beautiful lamb meat had to be all thrown out. Sorry veggie heads. :goodvibes We're lamb lovers and Michael can cook the hell out of a leg of lamb. We had one left. :sad:

Thank you! If they don't enjoy the baskets, I'll keep the baskets and ship the kids your way. ;) Its chock full of goodness too. Personalized blankets for the kids, vinylmation, bracelet for Gab, sketch pads for the girls, coffee mugs for DH and I, Halloween plush....should be a good time. They're getting them when we check into AoA. I thought about not giving them until our first THV villa night but I like giving an arrival gift.​

I'm doing a solo trip......

Kids? What's that?
PrincessInOz said:
I'm doing a solo trip......

Kids? What's that?

Haha! Lucky lady, I know your trip is solo. I meant I'll ship my kids to you if they don't like the basket. Keep the basket, ship the kids. ;) :lmao:

Do you love solo Disney trips? I took one for Disneyland's 50th. I didn't exactly love it. Could have been the friends I was with or that I missed my kids. I think now though, I could do a 2 day solo trip and have a blast. party:
Hello! :wave2: Stumbled upon your report and I'm hooked. Love your sense of humor and all the pics. Sounds like you are going to have a fabulous trip. I can't wait to hear more.
Hello! :wave2: Stumbled upon your report and I'm hooked. Love your sense of humor and all the pics. Sounds like you are going to have a fabulous trip. I can't wait to hear more.

:welcome: and :wave: Should be a good time. We're super excited. There's also bound to be a meltdown or two so stay tuned for that. :laughing: I may even lose it before we leave. At the rate of this Tuesday morning it could happen within the next 5 minutes. :crazy:

The weather is looking nice if not almost on the hot side. :thumbsup2 That means more pool time for mommy! :woohoo: I dig my midday pool breaks. It's nearly impossible to tear DH out of the parks for a break unless its hot. Lets hope for warm temps. pirate:

I received our YES ticket email today and it says we can pick up our tickets on 10/14..... well we're thinking of hitting up MK's EMH on arrival night which is 10/13. I've called the YES folks and left a message. I have a feeling that this may be one of those things thats left up in the air until we arrive. I've heard the YES peeps are difficult to get a hold of. Fortunately my dog-with-a-bone personality may come in handy. ;)
evan had a meltdown? Was the driver late? Poor kid. :sad1:

He was freaked out. It was a sub driver, his regular one (same one since K!) is NEVER sick. Driver did the route BACKWARDS, as if it was after school instead of before. While he was waiting he saw it go by, in the wrong direction. Then another kid and his mom drove by, saw Evan there and picked him up. He'd have made it there eventually (which is why I was not jumping away from my desk, driving home and taking him myself lol) but that entire bus route was significantly late to school.

I got it. :thumbsup2 It's in my phone. I'm so looking forward to meeting. We're meeting Jennifer on the 15th too. :cool1: Getting to meet some of my favorite friends here is icing on the cake. We're going to blow up the FB. :rotfl2:

I'm sad I'll miss Gussy. We will blow up FB! LOL

How do you have a cabin and not visit for years? I'm an escapist. Yu couldn't keep me away. Sounds like a fun spontaneous mini getaway. I saw the fire, did you cook too?

Well, it's not just "ours" if it was, we'd probably be there more. It's a shack really...historically with an outhouse (recently upgraded to a composting toilet!) and water that we pump up from the river, or bring in. I love it. You really feel "away" while you are there. It's funny as over the years it's been built up a lot but right where the cabin is, it looks the same as it did when I was a little kid, going to the one next door to ours which belongs to another side of the family. My parents and uncle co-own it so you never know who might be there. My uncle and his wife use it a lot, as does my cousin and her DH and while I like all of them...not folks we want to spend a weekend with and so we are a bit less likely to do spur of the moment things than we used to. It is sad though and we should go a lot more. Used to and life has just been so busy and we get a little bogged down iwth what we'd need to haul up there and back for a night. We escape a lot to the lake instead...which is 5 minutes. LOL!

I did cook, but not over the open fire. It's a bit of a pita as you have to boil water to do dishes by hand etc. In our haste I forgot to pack the buns so we had bunless burgers. It was funny.

Yikes! Good thing you have another in the garage. Did you lose a lot of food? Crossing my fingers for a fix! pixiedust: One of the kids, cough cough Chloe, left the basement fridge open for 2-3 days when we were in Nantucket and my beautiful lamb meat had to be all thrown out. Sorry veggie heads. :goodvibes We're lamb lovers and Michael can cook the hell out of a leg of lamb. We had one left. :sad:

UGH! This kind of stuff always seems to happen when you are out of town. I had a garage fridge die once, while out of town. Lost SO much meat it made me ill. Hundreds of dollars. Thankfully this time all I think I lost were 2 packets of spinach...which might have been toast already. Only found out when I tried to use them last night. And a pitcher of ice tea.

Repair guy is here now, it needed a new control board. Thank heavens for the extended warranty, would have been $400 to fix.

Oh well, easy to clean it now.
He was freaked out. It was a sub driver, his regular one (same one since K!) is NEVER sick. Driver did the route BACKWARDS, as if it was after school instead of before. While he was waiting he saw it go by, in the wrong direction. Then another kid and his mom drove by, saw Evan there and picked him up. He'd have made it there eventually (which is why I was not jumping away from my desk, driving home and taking him myself lol) but that entire bus route was significantly late to school.

Poor kid. That's such a scary feeling for sure especially when you're used to a routine. Hopefully that poor bus driver won't be back or will get more route info next time.​

I'm sad I'll miss Gussy. We will blow up FB! LOL

We're so blowing up the FB. I'm super excited to meet her. And you. You'll love Jenna too. :grouphug:

Well, it's not just "ours" if it was, we'd probably be there more. It's a shack really...historically with an outhouse (recently upgraded to a composting toilet!) and water that we pump up from the river, or bring in. I love it. You really feel "away" while you are there. It's funny as over the years it's been built up a lot but right where the cabin is, it looks the same as it did when I was a little kid, going to the one next door to ours which belongs to another side of the family. My parents and uncle co-own it so you never know who might be there. My uncle and his wife use it a lot, as does my cousin and her DH and while I like all of them...not folks we want to spend a weekend with and so we are a bit less likely to do spur of the moment things than we used to. It is sad though and we should go a lot more. Used to and life has just been so busy and we get a little bogged down iwth what we'd need to haul up there and back for a night. We escape a lot to the lake instead...which is 5 minutes. LOL!

If you've got access, it's yours enough. ;) :thumbsup2 Sounds fun though but I agree, there's not a ton of family, I could spend the weekend with. :scared: Okay, I have no family I could spend the weekend with. :rotfl: I come from a fractured gene pool that's for sure. ::yes:: I'm the sane one. Or at least the one who thinks she's sane. It's all about perspective. Clearly, I've worked on a lcoked psych unit for far too long.

Life does get busy. :hyper:

I did cook, but not over the open fire. It's a bit of a pita as you have to boil water to do dishes by hand etc. In our haste I forgot to pack the buns so we had bunless burgers. It was funny.

Cooking over an open fire is a big pita for sure. I like bunless bunless burgers. Did you have lettuce? I prefer mine wrapped in a nice big icebard leaf. :thumbsup2 We do these foils dinners over an open flame that turn our great. That and brats/dogs.​

UGH! This kind of stuff always seems to happen when you are out of town. I had a garage fridge die once, while out of town. Lost SO much meat it made me ill. Hundreds of dollars. Thankfully this time all I think I lost were 2 packets of spinach...which might have been toast already. Only found out when I tried to use them last night. And a pitcher of ice tea.

And it's totally gross too. All that smelly bloody raw meat, gag! :crazy2: And the clean up is painful. And why it happens when we're gone? Because it can. Damn Murphey.​

Repair guy is here now, it needed a new control board. Thank heavens for the extended warranty, would have been $400 to fix.

Oh well, easy to clean it now.

Glad your warrany is good and you found it. :cheer2: Nice outlook. I'm going to add you mine and Alison's Pollyana list.

I just got our AKV Mix and Mingle invite. I think I'm going to try and make it. I need to look at my loose itinerary and see if we'll be anywhere near the villa on our AKV Wednesday.

Joshua woke up today bouncing off of the walls singing:​

:stitch: 4 days until WDW!!! :stitch:

The whole house is buzzing. Between paying bills early, taking care of the house stuff, winterizing the boat, homework, and life in general, we are Spun with a capital S.

I'll be back in a few with today's pictures. :goodvibes
These are some of my favorite pics from our 2009 trip. Our second trip was as magical as our first but in different ways. We went with our dear friends and we bought DVC. :woohoo:




The kids at the OKW pool party:













Last day blues:



Followed you over. I can't believe your trip is this close (finally)!!!!!!:rotfl: I am tired just reading your to do list!!! If I don't get on before you leave have a magical trip!!!!!
pooh'smate said:
Followed you over. I can't believe your trip is this close (finally)!!!!!!:rotfl: I am tired just reading your to do list!!! If I don't get on before you leave have a magical trip!!!!!

:welcome: girlie! :hug: I know right?! Longest countdown ever! :lmao: I should be embarrassed but I'm too excited.

Made my last trip to Walmart tonight. And I was strolling down the aisles, it occurred to me that I may have gone a teensy bit over board in the grocery department. :blush: Hope bell services is hungry!

Am I the only one who likes new toothbrushes and shampoo and toothpaste and conditioner when I go on a long vacation? I hate packing wet bottles and used toothbrushes.

Michael just said to me: let's watch something Disney! You know the trip is close when DH is inhaling the pixie dust.​
Haha! Lucky lady, I know your trip is solo. I meant I'll ship my kids to you if they don't like the basket. Keep the basket, ship the kids. ;) :lmao:

Do you love solo Disney trips? I took one for Disneyland's 50th. I didn't exactly love it. Could have been the friends I was with or that I missed my kids. I think now though, I could do a 2 day solo trip and have a blast. party:

I don't mind travelling solo....or the way I do it. I have the days to myself and get to catch up with DH after he finishes work.

And the two "solo" trips I've done or am doing to Disney - both of them involve meeting awesome DisFriends. The one in Oct 2010 to WDW, I met up with DisneyFirefly and we pretty much spent the entire trip together. This one coming, I'll be doing DL with Alison. :cool1:

And I'll take the can keep the kids. :p
Love the pics of the kids, they look so little!!!

You can send me the baskets if they don't want them.


If you've got access, it's yours enough. ;) :thumbsup2 Sounds fun though but I agree, there's not a ton of family, I could spend the weekend with. :scared: Okay, I have no family I could spend the weekend with. :rotfl: I come from a fractured gene pool that's for sure. ::yes:: I'm the sane one. Or at least the one who thinks she's sane. It's all about perspective. Clearly, I've worked on a lcoked psych unit for far too long.
Sadly, our decrease in use of the cabin does coincide with my uncles 2nd marriage. We like her...just in small doses. Like 1-2 hours at a family event, of which we have plenty so see her probably 1x a month as it is. They are up there a LOT. Still, we do miss it and every summer talk about how we need to get up there. It's a bit pathetic and I do blame it on the lake, we just go there most summer nights instead.

Cooking over an open fire is a big pita for sure. I like bunless bunless burgers. Did you have lettuce? I prefer mine wrapped in a nice big icebard leaf. :thumbsup2 We do these foils dinners over an open flame that turn our great. That and brats/dogs.

No lettuce. I like it on a bun but have never really warmed to the idea of lettuce as a replacement for the bun. Generally I don't care for iceberg anyway but Evan loves it on his sandwiches so we often have it around. The funny part is we chose burgers because we had just 3 left in the house. 2 turkey and one regular, perfect. And some buns which I almost never have around (we like those slims instead) but I'd made pulled pork sandwhiches ealier in the week and the kids prefer regular buns. So this would have been great to use them up.

Except I forgot them. :rotfl2:

I like a good polish or italian but am not big on brats and dogs. Which was a bit difficult when I lived in Chicago and any event has...brats. For some reason tacos are our default dinner at the cabin but we were using stuff up so didn't do that. Foil packets are fun, we have done those though not in a long time.

Glad your warrany is good and you found it. :cheer2: Nice outlook. I'm going to add you mine and Alison's Pollyana list.

Fridge is FIXED and clean! Purged, reorganized and all that rot.

Failed control panel.

Praise god. Seriously. I swear, I missed getting water out of the door as much as the actual fridge. I just can't get it that cold out of our pipes (which is another issue we need to look into, sigh).

Made my last trip to Walmart tonight. And I was strolling down the aisles, it occurred to me that I may have gone a teensy bit over board in the grocery department. :blush: Hope bell services is hungry!

Am I the only one who likes new toothbrushes and shampoo and toothpaste and conditioner when I go on a long vacation? I hate packing wet bottles and used toothbrushes.

Michael just said to me: let's watch something Disney! You know the trip is close when DH is inhaling the pixie dust.

LOL, maybe a little bit on the food. I will be VERY curious to see what you guys end up having leftover. I suppose you can pack back all that stuff you are bringing, right? That's where I struggle, things like PB. Won't go through a whole container on vacation but then I don't want to haul it back so I try to minimize when I can.

What did you watch that was Disney?

I'm too cheap to buy new toothbrushes for vacation but do have to have a holder for them or it grosses me out. The kids always just use what is in the hotel/villa/resort but I pack my own travel bottles so I have my good stuff.

Still fighting with the Mac/printer, going to have to get this resolved or Jeff might kill me from stress when I get home from the trip, trying to deal with it!
I don't mind travelling solo....or the way I do it. I have the days to myself and get to catch up with DH after he finishes work.

That's a great balance. Time for you and then togetherness time. :thumbsup2

And the two "solo" trips I've done or am doing to Disney - both of them involve meeting awesome DisFriends. The one in Oct 2010 to WDW, I met up with DisneyFirefly and we pretty much spent the entire trip together. This one coming, I'll be doing DL with Alison. :cool1:

How wonderful! :goodvibes Alison will be so much fun too. :thumbsup2 Can't wait to see the pics and hear all about it. Will Fran be there?​

And I'll take the can keep the kids. :p


Love the pics of the kids, they look so little!!!

You can send me the baskets if they don't want them.


Note the hair wrap in Chloe's hair. She got that either BB or TL and it lasted over a year. She had a dreadlock when it finally unraveled. Both girls want them again. I'm all for it. Even at $25 a pop, that's a long lasting souvenir. :thumbsup2

After I hit them over the head with the basket, I'll send it on over. ;)

Sadly, our decrease in use of the cabin does coincide with my uncles 2nd marriage. We like her...just in small doses. Like 1-2 hours at a family event, of which we have plenty so see her probably 1x a month as it is. They are up there a LOT. Still, we do miss it and every summer talk about how we need to get up there. It's a bit pathetic and I do blame it on the lake, we just go there most summer nights instead.

Nothing beats summer nights at the lake. I'd choose the lake too. I am a water hound. And you're only 5 minutes from the lake? That's a no brainer.​

No lettuce. I like it on a bun but have never really warmed to the idea of lettuce as a replacement for the bun. Generally I don't care for iceberg anyway but Evan loves it on his sandwiches so we often have it around. The funny part is we chose burgers because we had just 3 left in the house. 2 turkey and one regular, perfect. And some buns which I almost never have around (we like those slims instead) but I'd made pulled pork sandwhiches ealier in the week and the kids prefer regular buns. So this would have been great to use them up.

I like iceberg when wrapped around a burger and shredded for tacos. The only burger I can't resist the bun on is In n Out. When DH makes those big juicy Guy Fiere burgers, I prefer them without the bun. Sadly I can't do big goopy burgers anymore. After the last ones Michael made it kind of heeved me out. He puts all kinds of crap in his burgers from bread crumbs to egg to cheese in the mix. I like pulled pork but we just don't do a ton of pork anymore.​

I like a good polish or italian but am not big on brats and dogs. Which was a bit difficult when I lived in Chicago and any event has...brats. For some reason tacos are our default dinner at the cabin but we were using stuff up so didn't do that. Foil packets are fun, we have done those though not in a long time.

Tacos are good too and easy. I love my Nathan's BBQd hot dogs. So good. That's another thing I can eat bunless. Basically, for me to eat bread, it's got to be outstanding. I can't resist when there's juicy goodness from tri tip, I must sop it up with whatever baguette we're serving. :lovestruc

Fridge is FIXED and clean! Purged, reorganized and all that rot.

Failed control panel.

Praise god. Seriously. I swear, I missed getting water out of the door as much as the actual fridge. I just can't get it that cold out of our pipes (which is another issue we need to look into, sigh).

So glad it's fixed and cleaned. One less thing for you to worry about when you're gone. :thumbsup2 Did you decide to cancel an ADR?​

LOL, maybe a little bit on the food. I will be VERY curious to see what you guys end up having leftover. I suppose you can pack back all that stuff you are bringing, right? That's where I struggle, things like PB. Won't go through a whole container on vacation but then I don't want to haul it back so I try to minimize when I can.

No, I doubt I'll bring back much. Maybe the peanut butter but for sure I'll ditch the cheapy things like syrup. Anything light I'll bring back like packets of oatmeal and easy mac. At this point I've got nearly 2 bags filled mostly with toiletries and one full of food. I've gone over board. I have our costumes packed though and I found these cool, lightweight candy sacks that are wron like backpacks. I thought it would be better than trying to hold bags of candy. :thumbsup2 What's another $1.98 x 6 at this point? :scared:

I have to work until 6 tonight so I told the kids I expect piles of clothes on my bed, ready to be packed when I get home. Its close enough that they won't be needing anything here that they'll need for Disney except for maybe socks. I'm also trying to keep their stuff to a minimum because I know I'll do laundry.​

What did you watch that was Disney?

We watched some Behind the Parks thing on Netflix. It was from 2011. They were asking why we haven't stayed in the castle suite? :lmao: They're under the assumption I can do anything when it comes to Disney. While I appreciate their confidence and praise, even I don't have that kind of pull. :p

I'm too cheap to buy new toothbrushes for vacation but do have to have a holder for them or it grosses me out. The kids always just use what is in the hotel/villa/resort but I pack my own travel bottles so I have my good stuff.

Michael uses whats in the hotel too but I hate the shampoo they provide. And the body soap. he looked at my bag last night and asked just that: why is there body wash and shampoo and conditioner and lotion? :rotfl: Silly man. I am a lotion fanatic. That tiny bottle would last me an hour.​

Still fighting with the Mac/printer, going to have to get this resolved or Jeff might kill me from stress when I get home from the trip, trying to deal with it!

I'm sorry. :goodvibes I hope it gets worked out. I hate that stuff looming over my head.​

Love your gift baskets!! What a fun tradition!

Only 4 days.......YAY!!!!!:cool1:

:goodvibes pixiedust: :hyper: Thank you! Its so close now. I can hardly sleep at night.

Got our YES confirmation email yesterday and all online check ins are complete. Still not sure what I should have requested at AKV Kidani SV but I asked for 2-3 rd floor, near the lobby. I gave specific villa number for the THV. I didn't request anything for AoA. It's only one night and now it seems we'll be doing MK for a few hours as it's open until midnight. :upsidedow I am secretly hoping they're a little tired and want to stay at the resort but :ssst:, its a secret.

I'll be back with today's photos.​
Today's photos are of MNSSHP and some fall decor and treats. Of course I've never been so these are all compliments of Google images.












Fall is my second favorite time of year at Disney. :thumbsup2 It's got such a different vibe. Summer is my least favorite. Love winter as well. And Spring third. Just in case anyone wanted a ranking order. I could break it into percentages but then I'd surely qualify for a civil commitment.

Today's photos are of MNSSHP and some fall decor and treats. Of course I've never been so these are all compliments of Google images.

Fall is my second favorite time of year at Disney. :thumbsup2 It's got such a different vibe. Summer is my least favorite. Love winter as well. And Spring third. Just in case anyone wanted a ranking order. I could break it into percentages but then I'd surely qualify for a civil commitment.

I have only ever been in the summer and Fall, but OH HOW I LOVE FALL! One of the best parts of our October trip last year was MNSSHP and all the Fall decorations.

I can't wait to try and get to the World in the winter. I have heard so many awesome things about it.

BTW...I am a numbers girl, so what's wrong with percentages? :upsidedow
I have only ever been in the summer and Fall, but OH HOW I LOVE FALL! One of the best parts of our October trip last year was MNSSHP and all the Fall decorations.

I can't wait to try and get to the World in the winter. I have heard so many awesome things about it.

BTW...I am a numbers girl, so what's wrong with percentages? :upsidedow

:rotfl2: I love percentages too! Winter/holidays 40%, Fall 30%, Spring 20%, and Summer 10%. Does that equal 100%? Don't get me wrong, I'd go anytime but the holidays are my favorite. I agree, the Fall decorations are so fun!

I love the Fall too. The leaves were stunning here this year. Sadly we've had our first overnight frost so we've browned up a little. We're back into the mid 70s though now.

I haven't been to WDW in the winter, just Disneyland and its amazing! I can't imagine how uber cool the Osbourne Lights are. I'm a Christmas light junkie. I love the season specific treats.

Just saying "hi!" I followed you over from eandesmom's TR. Looks like a great trip you've got planned! :thumbsup2

I think spring is my favorite WDW season, because of the weather. Fall can still be hot, but spring has historically been our best weather at WDW.


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