Lindas Journal - 2-29-2008.. BEWARE EDIETS!!

That is cool that he is looking into it! It seems like it would be So much fun. I don't know too much about the various groups. It seems like Southwind would be ideal since it is closest, but when I briefly looked at their bio the other day it looked like their scores were pretty low. If he's into the competition aspect (which is kind of the point) then it could be disappointing to be on a lower performing team. But then again, every year is different so they could score better this year. :goodvibes Either way, keep me posted if he does make it! That would be the perfect excuse to go to one of the shows!

Whew, that is scary about the planes!! You know I actually like to fly, but between your stories and our friend who builds airplanes... I'm starting to reconsider that affection! :scared: Glad you weren't involved! :thumbsup2

How is South Beach going? Are you still doing it?

Hope your having a good weekend! Your probably working though :guilty: so I hope you have a good day off on your next one! :hippie:
Hey Linda....thanks for hangin' with me on my journal....what's going on with you?

I know your work is crazy...hang in there!

talk to you soon!! :flower3:
All right lady! Where ya at?

You better check in soon, even if you just say:

ACK! :crazy: Work sux, food sux! Ack! :faint:


See ya soon!! :thumbsup2
I didnt know anyone had been posting here!:lmao: I mean, I knew I hadnt, but I didnt even pay any attention to anyone else. I have been reading yours tho, pretty often, even tho I dont always post.

Yep, work is ridiculous. I complain to management all the time, but I wont bore you guys with it. I know I sound like a broken record. For 3 years 4 months longer!

I found some other new condos downtown too. They are called legacy lofts. Small, true lofts, only 4 blocks from slugger field (baseball). Center courtyard, fitness room, underground parking. And get this...GREEN! For us old boomer hippie chicks! Geothermal heating, sunshades on the windows that slant outside (I know I'm not explaining this right at all).. OK, outside the building, above the windows is a slanted shade like an awning sort of, and it is also a solar panel. Then there are also solar panels on the roof. Anyway, I like them too.

Still checking into the Memphis drumcorps.


Okay I found out the camp for the memphis drumcorp is at Bethel College in Mckinsey, TN. Which is closer than memphis. Kind of between nashville and memphis, but I would basically go to paducah, then south to get there. 5 hours.

Here is the website for those green lofts I like.


Hey :wave2: I could have sworn I posted here the other day :confused3

I like the new condos you are looking at :thumbsup2 and a BIG :cheer2: for the fact that they are "green". I would have loved to build green, but I figure over the years we can add some green touches.

Congrats on the Spring Break trip :cool1: That hotel really seems nice! I am sure you guys will have another great trip!

You said "with Kev being gone all summer" So is it official that he is doing DCI? or just probable? at least 5 hours isn't as bad as 8 :upsidedow still kind of a Yikes though. He'll have so much fun and learn so much, it will be worth it :thumbsup2
Wow, I havent posted in a while! I am so behind on everything.

Kev is auditioning for the Memphis Sound. Its gonna be a challenge, but it will work out I'm sure. I hope to trade in my car for a little toyota soon (40mpg) to save some money on gas.

Anyway, the reason I posted is to tell you all about the extreme makeover home edition that is going on in louisville right now. Today is the reveal. I know lots of people have had these nearby, but I have to say, whenever I see anything about this family I get all choked up.

They are giving it to the family of Patrick Henry Hughes. He has been the face of The Crusade for Children since hewas a baby. He was born without eyes, and crippled limbs that wont straighten. He is confined to a wheelchair. I wont tell you the story, here is a youtube video that tells it better.

watch it if you have time, its 7 min, but well worth the time.

Heres another too

Anyway they are redoing his house. Making it handicap-accessible. He dad is amazing too. He works mid-shifts at UPS so he can go to college with Patrick and help him and help him with the marching band. I cant wait to see the finished product when they air it!
Baby steps! I did 20 mins. on the stairmachine. Its a start. Food was bad, but I will still call it a positive day.:)

Haha Amber! I did 20 mins again today!

I plan on stepping on the scale tomorrow. Its gonna be ugly, but I need a starting point. I'm scared. My clothes are tight. And they are fat clothes.

I am gonna try to do an increasing goal. 20 min per day 1st week, 25 next week.

And I am shooting for 2 lbs per week loss.

For like a year.

:cheer2: YaY! :cheer2:

I think an increasing goal is a good idea. I still haven't decided exactly what I'm gonna do yet, but I guess I'd better decide soon!

You gotta get on the scale cause otherwise you can't know how far you've come :thumbsup2 Also it would be a good idea to measure yourself. I found that for awhile there I wasn't losing pounds, but I was losing inches. So you should probably do both.

Have a great weekend!!
217. As horrible as that sounds I was actually afraid it would be worse. I have gained back 61 lbs. However, I lost it before so I can do it again.

I am embarrassed to write it down. :scared:

I didnt have time to exercise today, just got home. I will have time tomorrow tho, since I get off at 9.

Food was pretty good, at least a start.

B-eggbeaters and cheese
L- turkey lunch meat and cheese
S-chololate diet drink- yucky
D- large salad w/romaine brocolli cauliflower southwest chicken strips (just a few) hard boiled egg w/ lite done right ranch dressing

S- gonna have a fudgsicle

I bet you guys thought 2 lbs a week for a year or so was a joke!:lmao:

I am 100 lbs overweight. How freaking scary is that.


I did my 20 mins on the stairmachine. I didnt want to (tired) but I did it.

Food was good too.


216-lost a pound. Silly and meaningless but I thought I'd post it anyway.

Horrible day. I dont mean food. Thatwas ok, mostly.

B- slimfast- but not the canned kind, the powder you put in milk, high protein. not bad

L- salad like before

S- a guy brought in bundt cake and I had a slice. I know it was bad (more later)

D- turkey

I didnt count the claories but I think still around 1200, even if the cake was 400.

Now the bad part. I ate the cake. Afterwards I was kicking myself for it, trying to figure out the calories , etc. A couple of friends at work and I were talking about it. They are both fit, and work out a lot. I am proud of them for this. Really I am. But they have no idea what they are talking about in relation to how difficult it is to lose this weight (mine). They know I have lost it before. They know I struggle every day. One of them made a comment about not going back to stuffing your face after you lose weight so you dont gain it back. Believe it or not I wasnt bothered by this. I yelled at this guy (kind of ) and joked it away, no problem.

But my friend C wouldnt let me joke it away. She just kept saying how hard she works for her body (I know this) and that I dont understand. :confused3 Twisting what I was saying so that it was like this issue was about her (gimme a break, cant OBESITY be about me?) She just kept cutting at me, and I was just kind od laughing saying, nevermind..whatever, but she kept snapping until she made me cry. I even apologised for bringing up the subject:confused3 . She never said she was sorry for upsetting me or anything.

My feelings are hurt, not about the fat thing, its really because it just seemed like it didnt matter that it bothered me at all. Like fat people have no feelings? Or dont deserve to? I cried even when I got home and had to explain to kev why I was upset.

The other guy, after the girl left, apologised sort of. You could tell he was embarrassed for her behavior. The thing is tho, shes very cute, usually fun and has humongous plastic ****s. So tomorrow she will ask him about it and he will say, oh no, you were fine, she is just super sensitive or something. :headache: And this makes me mad because I tried to laugh it off really hard.


i did my 20 mins. Food ok

B- chocolate drink
L-chicken soup
D- turkey lunchmeat and some pretzels
S- slimfast

I need to start with counting cals again, but after thanksgiving

I found out about a study of obese weight loss. I will kinda give the gist. (this isnt for losing 20 or 25 lbs, this is like for 75 or 100)

Pure calorie burn. Exercise has very little effect(dont panic I will explain)

Every study for LASTING loss involves reduced calorie intake. If daily intake is 2000, reduce 500 per day. thats 3500 per week, one pound.

Adding exercise: sounds good. Mosr people will say 30 mins per day 5 days a week to start (or so) An overweight person walking 30 mins per day will burn maybe 500 cals per week. totally insignificant. OK you should exercise more right so you can burn more. Makes sense. except what happens is you get tired and hungry and eat more. Also say you do it anyway. Lose lots of weight. exercise like crazy and lose the wieght. Stop exercising or slow down. Weight returns rapidly, you cannot sustain the level of exercise, frustration, more gain. (exibit A-me)

This is the exact scenario I have been going thru. Massive exercise, major weight loss, rapid regain.

OK, I know people will disagree with this (this is part of what C was yelling at me for), but I think there is some truth in it. It didnt say dont exercise, it just was giving the results of the study (what actual people actually do) So I know it is possible to do (I did it after all).

The study also related to high blood pressure, etc. Same result, exercising at high weights didnt give enough results, need to lose the weight first.

As weight drops, burn drops and the calories have to be adjusted. At a certain time, exercise would need to be added in to continue weight loss (pure math here, you cant keep subtractiung cals forever)

Anyway, I am going to try this. Of course it would help if I knew how many cals I was eating per day before, but I bet it was close to 2000. I may not get it right right away, it may take tweaking.

I am gonna google it and see if I can find some chart for calorie burn for my wieght. That may help.

Oh, and I am not gonna stop exercising, that really isnt the point of the study. Just to let you know what side effects and twists and turns can happen, and to look for them.

What I am thinking is instead of increasing the time per week, to do it in relation to my weight loss. Say add 5 mins for every 10 pounds? Does that sound good? Up to a max of 45 min 5 times per week. That would be at 167.
I guess I will make that goal #1 then. Then reevaluate.

What do you all think?


I am fine btw, C acted like nothing happened, I think maybe she is a man in drag, I almost asked her if she had "it" tucked today.
I found a site where you calculate your burn. It said 2300 at my weight for light activity and 2000 for sedentary. So I think I will start with 1500-1600 cals. I know this is way more than I have done before but I think it might work better. Givin it a shot.

HAHA I just calculated how much that would have me losing and it turns up 1.6 per week. That calculates to 83.2 in a year. That would be it almost exactly. We'll check in a year and see how it goes shall we!


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