*~*Lizby's Fairy Tale Wedding PJ/TR*~* - Day Seven FINALLY

Wow your pictures are absolutely stunning, they're making me want to switch to a ceremony at the boardwalk!!! Seriously!!

I love your bouquet too, its so pretty. are the pics on the beach taken outside the GF?

Thanks Caroline! I am very flattered. :) Yes, the pics are at the GF beach.

Oh, my goodness, Liz! How in the world could those pictures be any more fabulous?! Randy must have LOVED working with you guys. You are so fun-loving and he seems to have captured your personalities so well! You must be head over heels overjoyed at how great your photos are. :yay: :banana: :lovestruc

Awww, thanks Cam! I am soo happy with Randy's work. He is amazing!
Here's some pics of the Blurb book I made to give to Tim's parents and my aunt. The pictures in the book didn't come out quite as sharp as I would have liked, but they're still alright. I got the image wrap option (hardcover with no dust jacket), so it cost like $40 with shipping.

The front

The back

Inside pages



Here is the shadowbox I did to hold all the little things from our wedding I didn't know what to do with. In it are a couple pics, my hidden mickeys from my bouquet, DH's cufflinks, my garter, a sandwich pick thingy from the GF from lunch, pearl strand that was wrapped around our cake, a flower from my hair, one of our just married pins, and a piece of confetti from our Crystal Palace breakfast. I bought the shadowbox at Disney.

And here is a magnet I bought and put a wedding pic in for our fridge. With the writing at the bottom it looks like an ad for Disney weddings or something. :rotfl:

Liz everything came out great!!!! I love the shadowbox idea, I never would have thougth about doing that!! Awesome job! :thumbsup2
The Blurb book turned out great, I love the wraparound cover and both the shots that you used for it.

The shadowbox is a great idea. We had a lot of random things too that ended up taking over a cabinet in our livingroom. I think Kris would have liked it if I could have kept them in a shadowbox :goodvibes I love how you saved the pearls from your cake and little things like the pick from the GF. I'm glad I'm not the only one that saves all of those things too.
I just found your PJ. You looked GOREGOUS! I love the embroidery on your dress.

And quite honestly you two have some of the BEST photos I've seen for WDW weddings!

Liz everything came out great!!!! I love the shadowbox idea, I never would have thougth about doing that!! Awesome job! :thumbsup2
Thanks! It was a spur of the moment decision when I saw it in the store and just had to have it.

LIz- I have that same magnet!!! Those blurb books came out great!!!
I love that magnet, Val! It is super cute!

The Blurb book turned out great, I love the wraparound cover and both the shots that you used for it.

The shadowbox is a great idea. We had a lot of random things too that ended up taking over a cabinet in our livingroom. I think Kris would have liked it if I could have kept them in a shadowbox :goodvibes I love how you saved the pearls from your cake and little things like the pick from the GF. I'm glad I'm not the only one that saves all of those things too.
Thanks Vanessa! :goodvibes I love keeping all those little things that remind you of the small moments that are easily forgotten.

Beautiful pictures!
Why thank you!

I love your photos! it's nice to see some fun non-staged photos. Congratulations
Thanks! I thought Randy did a great job capturing the spirit of the day.

I just found your PJ. You looked GOREGOUS! I love the embroidery on your dress.

And quite honestly you two have some of the BEST photos I've seen for WDW weddings!

Holy cow I am blushing over here! :flower3: Thank you for your kind words!!
We now (FINALLY!) return you to your regularly scheduled trip report.

Day Seven- Wednesday, 7/9/08 - Crystal Palace/Universal Studios/Blue Man Group

We started off day seven by heading to the Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom for breakfast with DH's family.

Waiting to go inside

The in-laws enjoying themselves

I also got to meet up with my secret boyfriend, Eeyore! ;)

He is a bit of a ladies man though...

Things were a little tense when my boyfriend met my husband...notice Eeyore's glower and DH's forced smile :lol:

A bit of pixie dust awaited us at our table

The food was delicious! They had this puffed up french toast that was really for the kids, but we ate it and it was amazing.

It's hidden in the back right side of the plate

This picture is making me hungry!

We now (FINALLY!) return you to your regularly scheduled trip report.
A bit of pixie dust awaited us at our table

Yea for the update!!!! We had this on our table when we arrived for lunch, BUT dh, 'messed it up'!!! I had to 'fix it' so I could take a photo (for when I fially get to that part of our TR)
After breakfast at the Crystal Palace we went back to POFQ, dropped off most of the fam, grabbed DH's brother, and the three of us headed to Universal Studios. We invited everyone else, but they were party poopers and wouldn't go.

On the moving sidewalk heading to the park

We made it!!

No picture, but we had to wait in a really long-*** line to get tickets. It was like 40 minutes! We bought our tickets and also added the fast-pass option so we were able to get right on every ride without having to wait at all. It was so awesome!! Definitely worth the money. We tried to go on the Jimmy Neutron ride, but it was not working so we ditched it and made a bee-line over to The Simpsons Ride (IT WAS FRICKIN' FANTASTIC! Like being on a real roller coaster!)

We were all nostalgic after being in the old Back to the Future building (Simpsons replaced it) but in the middle of all our walking around we stumbled across the Delorean and the train from the ride!



Because of the fast passes we got to jump right on lots of rides, so we took full advantage of it. We went on Simpsons, Jaws, E.T., Men in Black, and the Mummy. Tim almost went on the Mummy with Robby and I, but decided at the last minute to sit it out to hold our stuff...good thing he did! I thought it was just a 3-D ride until we got all the way up to the turnstiles to get on the ride and saw it was a high-speed roller coaster! I'm not really a big roller coaster fan, but didn't want to chicken out, so I went on it. It was crazy! The ceiling was on fire at one point and we were whipped all over the place in total darkness (like Space Mountain.)

While we were at E.T., one of the figures in the gift shop got a little randy with my hubby...

I spent a while in the Lucy museum...I can just never get sick of that place!

Around dinner time we decided to head over to Islands of Adventure, where we had some really yummy pizza. DH and I visited Dr. Seuss Land, while Robby went on The Hulk.

We were kind of annoyed that the rest of DH's family backed out on coming to Universal, since it's so awesome, so we decided to really make them jealous and went to see The Blue Man Group!

Up next...Blue Man Group
I almost forgot! There is place in Islands of Adventure that sells funnel cake but the sign says "Fun-L", so ever since we saw it like four years ago, Tim, Robby, and I always call it "fun-l" when we order it anywhere. We could never remember why we did that until we saw the place again!

So anyways, after walking around for like a billion hours all day, we decided to go to see the Blue Man Group. It didn't start until 9:00 and I was already super tired from all the walking. It was so amazing, but I hate to admit that I did doze off during the parts that were a little less exciting because I was just exhausted and my legs hurt bad. I would have killed for some Advil! We couldn't take pictures during the show, so here are some of us waiting for it to start.


The stage

The ticker that was saying all these outrageous, funny things while we were waiting

They gave us these crepe paper streamers when we got there that we weren't sure what to do with, so Tim and Robby made up their own uses

So much fun!!

So the show finally started and I immediately started to doze because they were beating on these paint drums for like ten minutes. It did get more interesting and they were using PVC pipes as instruments which was so cool! We chose seats that were in the middle because the guy at the window told us they do a lot of audience participation and we didn't want any part of that. Much to our dismay, the blue men walked up the armrests through the middle of the audience! Fortunately, we were not picked, although there were some anxious moments. Towards the end of the show they turned on blacklights and strobe lights and had like twenty HUGE, HUGE rolls of crepe paper in the back, which they were streaming out into the audience. We were throwing it everywhere and it looked SO cool! Definitely something to go to again (just don't be tired when you get there!)
Hi there!!! I've mostly been a lurker throughout your PJ and TR, but I just wanted to tell you that I really am enjoying the TR. The wedding was beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great time.
Hi there!!! I've mostly been a lurker throughout your PJ and TR, but I just wanted to tell you that I really am enjoying the TR. The wedding was beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great time.

Thank you for coming out and posting! I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying my TR and we really DID have a great time! :goodvibes
sea breeze point, grand floridian cafe and randy chapman are all the elements of my future wedding. did you spend a lot of money making it happen?
sea breeze point, grand floridian cafe and randy chapman are all the elements of my future wedding. did you spend a lot of money making it happen?

The wedding itself was just over $4000 (I know the price has gone up since then though.) Randy was a steal of a deal. We only paid just over $600 for him and he was AWESOME! The GF lunch was a couple hundred dollars...don't know an exact amount though. Most of the money went towards flights, hotels, food, and spending dough. It was still way less than we would have paid to have a wedding in NJ, and it was everything I wanted in every way!
Oh my god your video on youtube of your wedding is the reason i am getting married at SBP i loved your wedding your video is in my PJ because I loved it so much
Oh my god your video on youtube of your wedding is the reason i am getting married at SBP i loved your wedding your video is in my PJ because I loved it so much

Wow, I am so flattered! :flower3: I think you are making a terrific choice. After looking at all the other wedding locations, DH and I knew we would pick SBP a million times over. It is just so beautiful! You won't regret your decision :)


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