Losing interest in the main show

I travel a lot and need content that’s not music to fill time. I do listen to it via podcast or play YouTube thru Bluetooth so I can listen.

I would say it is hit or miss, for sure. I still tune in, though.
Can we go back a few years to where the team members were required to be in the parks regularly? I know Craig, Ryno, Fiasco, and Deni are there pretty often. It’s hard to comment on the news, new things, or ANYTHING if you haven’t seen it. Let’s talk about the mess that is Epcot, I think Kevin and John brought it up last week. I know Corey has been injured, but when’s the last time we heard Pete really comment about what he saw in the park recently. I want to see content about Disney from people who get to experience it. If you‘re not in the parks, I don’t want you to take up a seat at the table.
Roundtable needs a change up. I no longer need someone to pick a news article that went up 5 days ago on the site and read it to me. I get that info on Facebook, Twitter, and the DIS newsletter. Talk about something YOU know, or saw, or experienced.
Pete literally said he was at Epcot to eat at Takumi-Tei on the most recent episode.
I have been a fan for so long, and I really, really appreciate the DIS for what it was and what it is. Unfortunately, for me, it reminds me of the quote from Andy Bernard from the final episode of The Office of wishing there was a way we knew we were in the "good old days" before we actually left them. When I go back and listen to the classic shows, and by that I mean classic Kevin's food reviews and good ole' Dustin's "Disney Brackets" along with Kathy and Theresa's trips through Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Liberty Square, etc. and my all-time favorite listens, Pete's "solo" shows, along with the original 7 resorts in 7 days, gosh, they are like old friends, so comforting, so familiar, so Disney! Now, with so many changes, admittedly mostly with my personal preferences, I listen when I can, but I find myself going back as far as 2010 and listening to the GOLD that was the old DIS show. Thank you to the DIS for providing so much joy. I completely understand the podcasts need for change and updates, but more and more I feel like that kid who wanders back into high school the fall after graduating...the show just feels awkward to me. I just don't "fit" anymore. It is not the DIS's fault...The new people put so much time and energy into the show, but to me, it just doesn't have that "feel" anymore. I LOVE when Kathy and Theresa show up or when Kevin and John can make it. It must be SO difficult to coordinate, organize, and plan the show and its consistency, so kudos to all who continue to put their best foot forward!
I’ve thought a lot about this the past couple of days, and even went back and watched the most recent episode again. The latest Tuesday episode was fun to watch, and it appeared the roundtable was more relaxed. Only being part of the show's experience through their YouTube channels the past couple of years I can say the teams have been great to deliver quality content and be our proxies for those of us who don’t live in the area or get to take vacations there as we would like.

I don’t know if it’s lack of interest but I will say there has been something a bit amiss the past few months. I think part of it has been stretching themselves a bit thin with all of the various projects, changes in personnel, and changes in personnel situations. I think another dynamic that was mentioned previously is the ever constant price increases by Disney. There is a segment of fans and vacationers that are seeing themselves being priced out of the Disney experience. When that happens there may be a collateral effect on shows like this.

It’s easy in this day and age of instant gratification to take things like The DIS shows for granted. Viewers probably expect as polished and entertaining episodes as what they watch on TV channels or movies. With all the content The DIS provides for free they are doing a great job! There will be times that they’re on point episode after episode, and then there’s going to be times when they miss the mark. That’s human, and it’s completely understandable.

Thank you to The DIS Teams for all that you do in providing us with Disney information and entertainment!
We've been fans of the weekly podcast for several years now, we usually watch it on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee.
We live in the UK & think of it as our connection with Orlando & WDW.
Has the format & personnel changed over the years? Of course they have, the first one we watched had Justin hosting & it took a few episodes before we even figured out who Pete was.
We still find the show very relevant & informative & enjoy watching it.
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I think a large part of the issue is that the internet itself has greatly evolved since the podcast started and the online parks community itself has changed. News is so fast paced period nowadays that a weekly live show is kinda hamstrung by that, and it’s why the discussion segments are my favorite. To be blunt I’m not interested in someone reading Disney PR boilerplate off a phone about something that was announced three days earlier and probably flogged to death on social media by the time Tuesday rolls around. And my YT feed is always spammed with the same bazillion videos of whatever new thing just opened, within hours of it happening. What I love is when they go deeper into a topic, share their opinions, etc. The most recent freeform show was my favorite in a long time because of that. I would love to see more of that.
The one downside to podcast-style shows is the length. They're perfect for people who can zone into the show for an hour while working, but for those who want quick snippets of information, it makes it a little more difficult.
They used to do the Daily Fix that they could bring back to do just news items. Then during the main show go into more detail on some of the items via discussion. But I understand why they stopped the Daily Fix. The production of this 5 or so minute Daily Fix actually was a lot of work to prepare for.
The one downside to podcast-style shows is the length. They're perfect for people who can zone into the show for an hour while working, but for those who want quick snippets of information, it makes it a little more difficult.
One thing they can do is create additional videos that break the main show into smaller segments (this happens on another podcast I watch). This way you can watch a particular segment, and/or watch the main show if you want. This would require some extra work on the production end, but could also add to their views.
One thing they can do is create additional videos that break the main show into smaller segments (this happens on another podcast I watch). This way you can watch a particular segment, and/or watch the main show if you want. This would require some extra work on the production end, but could also add to their views.

That's a hard pass for me. I don't want to have to download 5 different 5-minute segments (each with their own ads, certainly). That seems like overkill.
Sometimes they have a really interesting discussion sometimes they don't. It's like any TV show or movie series or book series. They still have good information and I enjoy they Dining section. I really love when Pete or John host. But I will give it a listen if I'm not interested I move on. I do give a listen some times to the DVC, Adventures by Disney or the Cruise ships. But I am more interested in the parks due to the other stuff is just out of my price rance.
The one downside to podcast-style shows is the length. They're perfect for people who can zone into the show for an hour while working, but for those who want quick snippets of information, it makes it a little more difficult.
I'm totally on the opposite side of this. I don't think the show is long enough. I hate when Pete says, "We're running long so we'll cut it off here." NO! Keep on talking. The longer the better. I listen in the car and I listen over the course of 2-3 days because my commute isn't that long. It doesn't matter to me if they talk for 1 hour or 3 hours. It gives me entertainment for as long as it lasts.

Once I finish with the weekly show, I switch back to another Disney podcast that I listen to and have been catching up on. I'm still 2 years behind so I'm working on binging that one. It's a history-theme so it doesn't matter that the episodes are old.
It doesn't matter to me if they talk for 1 hour or 3 hours. It gives me entertainment for as long as it lasts.

Pay money and become a Patreon member and you'll get more entertainment, like random photos from Fiasco everyday!

......in all seriousness, sometimes on Patreon you'll get some good stuff like Ryno's solo show, Pete's solo show (which we haven't seen in awhile), and even videos a week or so ahead of general release. I'd recommend checking out the $10 level and see what you think. They aren't as consistent as their pledge levels say it includes, but it's fun nonetheless!
I think the weekly show would benefit from more actual discussions as well. We don't need the news read off rapid fire. We know what has happened in the Disney universe since the last show. What would be better would be if they just said "does anyone feel strongly about any new things announced the last week?" Go from there. Let people go on tangents, let people argue their positions and debate stuff. It seems SO structured now, which is taking away from its enjoyment. I imagine in a weeks time, the people at the table have had varying experiences in the parks, so let them talk about that. Talk about a restaurant you went to, a news show or parade or ride, or snack offering. Whatever. All the other "themed" shows put up on the channel can be more specifically tuned to the subjects they are covering, but the weekly roundtables should be just that. Free form discussion is welcome.
I actually am in the camp that doesn’t mind when there’s a substitute host. (Not to discount Pete, who’s a fabulous host.)

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say this again: At the heart of it, this is a show where folks are sitting around having a lively conversation about what’s new at Walt Disney World. This isn’t “Eyewitness News”. If what you’re after is someone sitting behind a desk simply reading the Disney news *at* you, there are other channels and podcasts that are set up that way. I watch and listen to those too.

I personally like it when it goes a little “off the rails” and “unprofessional” (some of y’all’s words, not mine). It feels more like a natural conversation amongst buddies sharing a common passion. Like, I actually feel like I’m in the room hanging out with the crew while watching it.

Just my personal two cents.
We don't need the news read off rapid fire. We know what has happened in the Disney universe since the last show.

Not everyone does. Those that aren't on social media and the like all day sometimes miss out. It's a nice weekly roundup of news for those who'd like to hear it all at once.

I imagine in a weeks time, the people at the table have had varying experiences in the parks, so let them talk about that.

If you subscribe to them, like on YouTube for example, you'll see many videos of their "experiences" in the parks, especially during the festivals like F&W and F&G.

Talk about a restaurant you went to, a news show or parade or ride, or snack offering. Whatever.

They have a Disney Dining Show reviewing restaurants, quick services, and festival (F&W/F&G) food/drinks often.
Not everyone does. Those that aren't on social media and the like all day sometimes miss out. It's a nice weekly roundup of news for those who'd like to hear it all at once.

If you subscribe to them, like on YouTube for example, you'll see many videos of their "experiences" in the parks, especially during the festivals like F&W and F&G.

They have a Disney Dining Show reviewing restaurants, quick services, and festival (F&W/F&G) food/drinks often.

I am aware of all that. However, they don't make videos for everything they do. Very often, someone will mention something about a restaurant and others will pipe up with their experiences and then Pete will say something like "we need to go back and review that one" or some such. Often, these never actually end up getting reviews or videos. Same goes for a lot of other things. Unless they specifically set out to review a specific thing, they don't make a video about it and post it on You Tube.

I will also point out, all those short videos never make it to the audio only published podcasts, so audio listeners never hear those things.
In lieu of the rapid fire segment, or perhaps if someone doesn't have a rapid fire, I thought it might be cool if one of the panelists brought up a topic they wanted to talk about. Whether they pose a Disney related question to the larger group for open discussion, share a story or experience from a recent trip to the parks or a restaurant, etc. etc. Could be something as simple as "we had dinner at Via Napoli last night, they sat us on time, we ate XYZ, it was decent, would return". It allows for some open discussion and I'm certain there would be listeners considering Via Napoli that would value the brief opinion without a full fledged dining review segment on it. I think just having more freedom for the rapid fire segment would let things flow a little more naturally, and give more opportunity for opinions to be shared. I think part of the reason we all listen is because most of us value all of the panelists' opinions.


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