Losing Weight for my Master's & Beating Diabetes-Comments welcome and appreciated

Jessi, very good news on losing that 1.2 pounds! That is a nice size loss. I am glad you can eat those Kelloggs packets, if you like them and they work with your program that will be great. You are one busy woman and you need all the conveniences you can find! I hope the Glucerna shakes help with your blood sugar.

Cheese curds are a thing for me. I haven't had any in a long time, they are so good! You listened to your body at KFC and that is one of the hardest things to do sometimes. So good job.

Keep up the great work, you are so busy, I really admire how dedicated you are with all of it!:thumbsup2
I had WI on Tuesday and gained .4 this week. Ugh! I am keeping up the mini challenge from the BL Blue Team. We all had to set our own mini challenge and mine is cutting out the soda. It's not worth the points or the carbs, but I am a self admitted Mt. Dew addict. It's been very hard, but so far I've been sticking to iced tea! (I can't stand tap water and am not brave enough to try it in restaurants.) I'm hoping that the .4 gain is just because I had a big (for me) loss last week, and I didn't wait a full week to WI. My normal WI is Tuesday but last week I had WI on Thursday because I was sick on Tuesday.

I think part of my problem right now is the stress eating. My grad classes are really stressing me out. We have a new professor who is determined to rock the boat. He wants us to do this thing called a teacher work sample, and he admits that in his old program this would be the homework for every class, this one project encompasses it all. He didn't talk to the other profs about it, so we have this huge project on top of all the homework for their classes. We also are taking the PRAXIS (teacher licensing exam) and have research and our professional portfolio this semester. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. All of this is in addition to teaching.

I'm also frustrated with the other girls in the class. Everybody talks at once, which just contributes to the overwhelming part. They are also really cliquey, they all go out together on a frequent basis and talk the entire time during class. It makes me feel like an outsider. These girls just entered the grad program, I have had my BA since 06. I worked for Disney for a while and then came back for my Master's, so I am in a different place in my life. Sorry for the venting, today was sort of a bad day grad class wise. We did our first PRAXIS practice, and I'm terrified I'm going to be the first person in the history of the school to fail and get denied my degree. My school requires a higher score on the PRAXIS for our degree than the state requires for licensure.

On the plus side, I get to see my boyfriend for the first time in something like a month and a half on Saturday! We are participating in the Step Out Walk for Diabetes in Kansas City. It's a 3.7 mile walk around the Country Club Plaza, so at least I'll get activity points out of the deal!
Hi Jessie
i'm sorry your feeling so stressed right now, i hope seeing your boyfriend cheered you up.
just try to ride it through & know it will all be worth it WHEN (not if) you get your degree :)
Things are feeling a lot better. Getting to see Aaron was awesome. We had a lot of fun at the walk and I have officially raised my fundraising goal. My service fraternity (co ed) that I am a student advisor for donated $100 to the walk tonight. I wasn't expecting them to donate so much, or for it to be so painless. I love them! On Saturday, Aaron even convinced me to go on the Ripcord. It's one of those rides where they hook you to a harness and cables, then haul you to the top of a 189 foot tower and then let you go and you swing back and forth. It was fun but terrifying. I told him never again. There are pictures on the Biggest Loser thread, at some point I'll post them over here.

I'm continuing to make progress with my kids, which is helping to decrease the stress level, and just getting some of the assignments out of the way feels wonderful. I also had WI tonight, and I lost 2 pounds! :cheer2: I'm thinking last week must have been one of those inexplicable blips on the scale. So things are looking a lot better.
That's great Jessi!! Sounds like everything is getting better.:)
yay great news the scale is playing fair Jess :)
Glad you had a great time with your DBF - would love to see those pics :)
your a very brave girl to do that jump!!!
I have not updated this in forever! I've been doing the BL challenge and that feels a lot like keeping a journal.

I've been losing the weight slowly but surely. I seem to be in a cycle of losing/gaining. I will lose a lot, gain some back (but not all), then lose a lot again. At least it is a downward trend!

On a more upsetting note, I think I was misdiagnosed. I have had many readings in the past week that have been over the diabetic threshold. I have a doctor's appointment with my family doctor (different doctor than the one who diagnosed me) on Halloween (fittingly enough) so I'm going to see what she says and take ti from there.
This week has pretty much tanked. I was sick last weekend with a cold. I saw my family doctor last Friday hoping to get some clearer answers about my blood sugar readings. I specifically asked for the tests that can help determine if it is diabetes (as the readings indicate) or prediabetes, and she said it wasn't necessary. She wouldn't even give me a straight answer on whether or not it is daibetes or prediabetes. I'm pretty sure it's diabetes because prediabetics don't have post meal readings over 200, and I've had quite a few of those. I just don't know what type, but I'm thinking it's Type 1.5.

I'm getting super frustrated with this whole thing. I got a call from my Dr.'s office at school saying that I have to reschedule my December appointment. I need to do the bloodwork before that and brought up the possibility of the tests. They said it shouldn't be a problem, so maybe she can give me some answers and refer me to an endocrinologist.

Anyway, so last weekend I had the nasty cold virus going around my fourth grade class. This past week I was supposed to be in a 3 day training for a program called Wilson Reading. Halfway through the second day I was so dizzy I couldn't sit up straight, and so exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open. The other grad students told me to go home and they would take notes for me. Thursday and Friday I couldn't get out of bed. Since I was supposed to be in the classroom on Friday I called and asked the secretary to tell my mentor teacher I was sick. She did not, which I found out from an email by one of professors. I'm hoping the email was in a "I hope your okay" mindset and not a "how could you do this to your mentor teacher" mindset. I'm nervous for tomorrow.

Anyway, quit taking the medicine my doctor gave me, and I feel much better. I think that is what it was. I mentioned my stomach problems to the doctor so I'm also supposed to be eliminating all milk products, but that hasn't helped. And now I have a wicked sore throat. I have no idea if I never kicked the cold or if I have something different. Basically, this week sucked!

On a positive note, I've been losing the weight slowly but surely. I am in a lose/gain pattern. I lose one week, gain some back the next, the next week lose what I gained and then some, etc. So in the long run I am losing, which is what is important.
I weighed in tonight, and gained .2. I have a feeling it was more of a maintain because my clothes are definitely heavier this week.

I'm hoping that this week will not completely kill my efforts. I have three pot lucks in three days and a bar crawl on Saturday. I volunteered to be the sober driver for the bar crawl since I really can't drink (nor do I care much for alcohol) so that will save me those calories. The pot lucks could be another matter entirely! :scared1:
I have not updated in forever! Yeah, I'm still at the weight I was when I started, go me. My blood sugars have been all over the place too. I can't seem to get a proper diagnosis. I meant to ask for a referral to an endocrinologist when I was at my three month follow up, but I ended up chickening out.

I'm really happy that WeightWatchers has unveiled a new plan. I think the new momentum plan will really help me. I'm hoping that I can survive the holidays without gaining. I'm would love to lose, but am happy to maintain at the moment. Between going to see Aaron two weekends in a row, Christmas, and a wedding... Resisting temptation has never been my strong suit.
I am palnning to really hit it hard and heavy come the new year. It's a great time for starting over. I am going to lose the weight and get the diabetes under control. My Master's deadline seems a lot closer now that it is only a few months away! :scared1:

I did weigh in last week and was down a pound in two weeks. I may weigh in tomorrow, but I'm not sure I want to see the number after all the holiday eating. I'm also starting to rethink my weight goal. I have been holding onto 100 forever, but I don't know if that is a realistic goal anymore. Changing my goal feels like giving up though. Oh the dilemma!

Here are my new "before" pictures. These were taken earlier this week at my cousin's wedding. The really tall guy is my boyfriend Aaron.



Aww, I love the pictures Jessi! Your dress is beautiful!:)

And the new year is a great time to start over. I know I will be trying to start fresh with my weight loss attempts.
Jessi, you look beautiful! You and your boyfriend make a very nice couple, ahh I feel very old! I love the lovely Christmas tree as well.

I am right there with you, I have also decided to start anew, that is what a "new" year is all about right? We can do it! I am also reevaluating my end goal, I think its good to do that. Life changes and evolves and its okay for our goals to evolve too. You have been successful, look how much you have learned! And losing a pound at your last weigh in, during the holidays is really something!

I look forward to doing this with you and the other friends on Wish and all of us being successful. Lets be big losers!
Thank you for all the well wishes.

I officially start tomorrow. I just got back to my apartment from break and have stocked up with healthy groceries: egg beaters, strawberries, peppers, oranges, mini bananas, some lean cuisines, flat out, chicken and lean pork, and some Weight Watchers cheese. I also splurged and got an onion chopper because my biggest pitfall is not taking the time to cut up the veggies and then they go bad. This way I can cut them quickly and store them so they are ready to use. I hate prep work.

I'm going to plan out my menu for the next few days so that way I don't have being unprepared as an excuse. I am also going to significantly decrease the number of times I eat out during the week. This will save both money and calories!

I plan to also meet with a physical trainer and get a good workout plan. I figure they will be able to help me design an appropriate workout I can do on my own, and tell me how I can work out without going hypoglycemic.
Happy New Year Jessi :)
the pics are lovely & the tree is gorgeous i love those huge pine cones :)
Good luck with the new plan & the masters! Lots to do for you this year but i know you can do it :)
Thanks Tracey. Today wasn't bad. I did end up having Mexican for dinner because I was out and about- which put me WAY over my carbs. I did manage to stay in my points, baby steps.

Anyway, I will be catching up with everyone's journals tomorrow. It's off to bed and tomorrow starts my student teaching! :cool1: I think things will be easier once I am back on a normal schedule.
Jessi, good luck with your student teaching, you'll do great and those kids will be lucky to have you!

Your plan sounds good. And your onion chopper gives me some food for thought!

Don't worry about the Mexican food, if you stayed in points that is awesome.
Today went well teaching wise. Eating wise...

I will record everything, but I'm a little scared to see the total points! I was doing great until after lunch when my sugars took a joyride. I ended up having a comfort doughnut and then took a nice long nap. By the time I woke up, I was too hungry to cook and ended up at KFC. I did manage to resist the cheese curds at KFC. Baby steps...


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