lovinaz's "getting her act together" journal

Hope you are having a great super bowl sunday Amy :)
They show it here but its in the middle of the night!!!
Wow, what a game yesterday! I am bummed the Cards lost, but hey, they didn't go down without a fight! As expected, I ate too much and drank WAY too much... I was never full and uncomfortable, but just kinda grazed all day, and on things I wouldn't normally eat. I can be proud of one thing though - the first plate of food I had was ALL veggies w/lowfat ranch. :cool1: I know I ate about 5 snickerdoodles... A little tiny bit of buffalo chicken dip w/tortilla chips, small handful Chex mix, popcorn, 1 turkey wrap (from Costco), and 1 cheese-n-cracker. Overall, I did pretty good I think. I jumped on the scale this morning, just for grins and it was 4 lbs up!!! :scared: I'm not paying any attention to that number at all - my weight doesn't count until Friday and I know it is mostly water retention from too many rum drinks and jello shots... :rolleyes: I definitely didn't consume over 14,000 calories to gain 4 lbs overnight!

So, no food log today, other than what I mentioned. I think I did pretty good, I am already back on track today. Worked out this morning and everything! :cheer2:
Amy, thanks for your support! I was very proud of DS for getting all that Science stuff squared away. It's only mid-term, so hopefully he can keep it up for the rest of the semester. Of course I already got a call from him this morning - he got sand trapped for not having his Science book... :confused3

Tracey, are you affected by the huge snowstorm that is slamming London? My colleague is stuck there - the flight to Phx was cancelled.
I'm bummed that the Cards lost too, but they played one heck of a game!:thumbsup2

You did much better with food than I did yesterday. I stopped counting pieces of pizza after number 5. :blush:

I hope you have a great evening! :hug:
Amy, I was also bummed about the Cards, I really got hopeful they would pull it off! Oh well, at least it wasn't a blow out, I hate superbowls where one team just dominates the whole time.

Way to go eating plenty of veggies for your first plateful, that's not easy to do when there is all sorts of goodies to choose from. Your rum will flush out quicky, good job not letting that number freak you out!

Boy can I relate to the science book thing. My ds has finally solved his dilemma with his books being forgotten! He puts his entire locker into his backpack. It looks crazy, like one of those Himalayan guides that has 85 pounds of stuff on his back! But I have not gotten a call all year to take something to school! I am telling you, our ds' are kindred spirits!;)
Amy - sorry your team didnt win, but it sounds like you had a great time :)
yes we have the snow - i have a pic of it covering my garden on my journal!!!
Hope your friend gets home soon!
roll on summer!
The scale is still stuck - I guess my body wants to hold onto the rum and jello shots as long as possible! :rotfl: It can do whatever it wants as long as at least 3 of those 4 lbs are gone by weigh-in on Friday! :p

I was ALMOST back on track yesterday. I did decent, but I need to get rid of the buffalo chicken dip. That stuff is like crack and should be banned from the planet! I snacked on that after work instead of my usual cottage cheese. But I do have to pat myself on the back - I stopped eating when it started not tasting super good anymore. Which is a major accomplishment! :thumbsup2 But of course that threw my dinner plans off. I was going to make eggs and turkey bacon and toast (the kids love when we have breakfast for dinner!) but the turkey bacon was bad and the kids just wanted cereal and I was pretty full from buffalo chicken dip... :confused3 Could have been worse though.

For Monday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 3 mini cucumbers
S: buffalo chicken dip (maybe 3/4 cup) w/tortilla scoop chips (about 10); 10 Sugar Babies (I am really getting my money's worth out of this $1 box I bought 10 days ago!)
D: 2 bowls Multi-Grain Cheerios w/skim; 10 M&M's

E: 45min on elliptical/stair climber combo machine
Tracy, I've been down that road with pizza before! And the only reason I didn't do worse on Sunday was because the only other sweets were chocolate cupcakes and I don't like those.

Amy, I wish our DS's were kindred spirits in ways other than lack of responsibility at school - yours is wanting to go on a church mission, mine is putting Vaseline on the neighbor's car... :crazy2:

Tracey, I saw the picture of your garden - that's crazy! I'll make you all jealous by telling you that today is an unseasonably warm 80 degrees F (tomorrow should be 83!)
Tracey, I saw the picture of your garden - that's crazy! I'll make you all jealous by telling you that today is an unseasonably warm 80 degrees F (tomorrow should be 83!)

Thanks for that Amy...:rolleyes:

my downfall is cheese & chive dip - i have to walk on the other side of the isle in the supermarket to stop myself from putting it in the trolley!!!

I'm sure the scale will settle in a couple of days :)
Buffalo dip = crack, you crack me up!!! I was about to ask you for the recipe earlier than thought wth am I doing? Like I need more dip in my life!

Vaseline on the neighbor's car? What part of the car? Your ds cracks me up, he is creative and crafty at the very least!

Good job stopping yourself with the dip. That is the hardest thing to do, putting the brakes on when you are indulging. So well done!:thumbsup2
Did you say 80 degrees?!?!?! :eek: You're right...I am jealous!:lmao:

Great job stopping yourself on the dip!:thumbsup2 I love dip! It is a weakness of mine. :upsidedow When it's in the house, I want to eat the whole thing right now. :blush:

I hope you have a great day ahead! :hug:
Scale is still stuck! What the heck??? I've been really good the last couple days, I am really surprised that I am still 4 lbs up from Sunday. :sad2: Again, not going to worry about it, but I will be really upset if I show that much of a gain on Friday!

I did get up yesterday morning to work out! :cool1: I didn't do a DVD, but I did tons of squats, lunges, upper body weights, etc. My butt is sore today!!! I fully plan to get up tomorrow and do my Pilates Sculpt DVD, then hit the gym again on Fri and that will be my 5x this week - so I'll get Sat and Sun off!!!

I decided to do myself a favor and pack up the buffalo chicken dip and send it to work with DH. But alas, it was still in the fridge this morning! I'll have to remind him to take it tomorrow, or I will have to just throw it out. I only had 2 scoops of it yesterday, which was REALLY good!!! But I'd rather not be tempted at all, so it has to go!

For Tuesday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 2 turkey wraps (from Costco, leftover from the party, I'll be eating them for lunch for the rest of the week!)
S: 2 egg whites (had 3, but one was a stubborn peeler and I got so mad I just threw it in the trash); 3 mini cucumbers
S: cottage cheese; 2 tortilla scoop chips w/buffalo chicken dip
D: taco salad (spinach, turkey taco meat, pinch of shredded cheddar, hot sauce); 10 M&M's

E: 40min strength training (lower & upper body, abs)
Tracey, I never see any scones w/clotted cream and jam on your journal, what's up with that? I live for a good cream tea!!! :thumbsup2

Amy, you must have missed my journal entry about DS's Vaseline incident. It was the windshield... He is definitely an "out-of-the-box" kinda kid. He's still grounded from going to his friend's. I told him he can hang out with his friends, but they had to come to OUR house, where there is actually adult suprevision. He didn't like that idea, so I guess he'll be lonely for a while!

Tracy, today it is 83 and absolutely GORGEOUS out!! I'm bummed that I have to be in meetings all day... :confused3
Yep, I missed that post, I saw the one you made after it but somehow missed that one. I'm sorry about that, I know how you feel, my own son and his never ending issues in life makes me age quicker! I swear some kids are just a bit more work than others. My dd is also a much easier kid to parent.

Great job getting those workouts in and being disciplined with the buffalo dip!

The scale will unstick itself soon, you have done really well this week.
Great job on the workout, Amy!:cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear the scale is stuck. You're doing a great job this week! I bet you'll see a change at weigh-in!:cheer2:

Have a great day! :hug:

P.S. Our temp this morning was -8!!! :cold: What's the weather like out in your neck of the woods?
No workout this morning! :guilty: I was SO tired yesterday, just physically beat. I went to bed at 9pm and when the alarm went off this morning, said "forget it". I can either do my DVD tonight or wait until Saturday, I guess. I don't even know why I bother working out at all, it doesn't seem to be helping me lose any weight, that's for sure! Scale has NOT BUDGED! :mad: Now I know that when I drink and overindulge I will have a gain. But usually it goes away pretty quickly (within 3-4 days). For me to have a 4lb gain overnight and for it to still be there 4 days later is very frustrating. So, the forecast for tomorrow's weigh-in = 100% ticked off... :sad2:

Yesterday I did not eat any cookies or brownies from my meeting. I really thought about it, but knew I'd beat myself up the next day if I did...

For Wednesday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 2 turkey wraps
S: cottage cheese; celery-n-hummus; 5 Sugar Babies
D: crockpot dish (potato, onion, turkey kielbasa, peas, cheddar and cream of celery soups); HC Fudge bar; 13 M&M's

E: 45min on treadmill
Amy, the buffalo chicken dip is STILL in the fridge! But I didn't touch it, I wasn't even tempted yesterday. And that was a surprise since I skipped my snack at work.

Tracy, the weather today is 80 degrees, but it looks like it will be in the mid-high 60's with a chance of rain this weekend!
Amy, that scale will come down in a big way very soon. Could you have pms? Just watch the salt and keep on doing what you are doing. If you didn't work out, that scale would be way higher. But feel free to kick the scale if it makes you feel better!

Hang in there and just stay strong. And well done resisting that dip and the cookies and brownies!:thumbsup2
Today's weigh-in: 143. Yep, a gain of 1 lb from last week. Frustrating, but I guess it's better than a kick in the face. Just a little bit anyway...:rolleyes:

No plans this weekend other than a party on Sat night. I don't even want to go, since I gained those 4 lbs after the Superbowl and it took 5 days to get rid of only 2 of them! :sad2: So, we'll see how it goes I guess.

For Thursday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 2 turkey wraps (I'm getting sick of these!)
S: string cheese; red pepper strips; baby carrots
S: cottage cheese; 1 serving Quaker mini rice cakes; 1 mini Chips Ahoy (30 cal! :scared: ); 4 Sugar Babies
D: chicken stir fry; brown rice; HC Fudge Bar; 10 M&M's

E: none
Amy, who knows if it's pms - my cycle is usually 3 weeks, but I never know what's going on! Scale is still irritating me, but there is not much I can do about it. It really stinks to do everything right and be at EXACTLY the same weight I was 5 weeks ago!!!!! :sad: DH thinks I should see a nutritionist. I am going to ask my Dr about it when I go back in March. I'd like to get a full-blown test for food allergies. Maybe I have a sensitivity to something I eat that is causing me to retain fluid all the time. :confused3
Amy, I am bummed about the one pound but know you can take that off in no time! I was up too, but I know that the three days I spent off program are what did me in. I think dh is right, seeing a nutritionist might be good. You do eat and exercise so well, that seeing a professional might really do the trick. Just keep hanging in there!

I also don't feel like going to the party I have to go to, the temptations of food and drink on the weekends just kill my efforts all too often! Lets both be good at our social functions and have a nice loss next Friday!

Too funny, for years my cycles were also 3 weeks. Now that I am old, they just come on about every 4 months and then I"ll have three in a row. Being a woman stinks sometimes. Our poor dd's!:sad2:
I hear you about the 4 lbs overnight & the WI gain. I do it all the time & it takes forever to go away.

Hang in there & keep exercising!!
All I can say about last night is :scared: :crazy2: :scared: !!! I don't know what came over me, I was a snacking machine! And the funniest thing about it is that the scale was still 143 this morning. Go figure... So I decided to post all the nonsense I ingested, before I forget! I still need to work out today to get my 5x this week. Don't know when that will happen, but I will try to squeeze it in. And if I don't, OH WELL, I still got 4x this week and should be proud of that. ::yes::

We have a friend's 50th b-day party tonight, I have NO idea what the food situation will be. I'm not as worried about the food as I am about the drink... :p Fortunately I am in a happy place right now and will enjoy the evening and not worry about it (remind me of this at next WI if I'm not happy!!!:rolleyes2 ).

For Friday (brace yourself!):
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 2 turkey wraps
S: string cheese; 3 mini cucumbers
S: celery-n-hummus; 1.5 servings Quaker mini rice cakes; 5 Sugar Babies
S: 10 M&M's; 3-4 tbsp apple butter (yep, straight out of the jar :confused3 )
D: BBQ chicken bake (chicken breast, BBQ sauce, LF cheddar, Bisquik crust); cauliflower; 1 glass white wine; HC fudge bar
S: frightening amount of Chex mix; 2 graham crackers :rolleyes:

E: 45min on elliptical
Amy, I did see a naturopath a couple years ago and still have the food info she gave me. I'm sure if I stuck to that I'd see some results, but talk about BORING! We're talking no sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, etc... They also have a nutrition program at my gym, maybe for grins I will see how much that costs. It's hard because I travel so much. Trust me, they are not big on salads in UK pubs! You are right, we got the raw end of the deal when it comes to hormones! :rotfl:

Julie, I know I'm not the only one in this boat, but you know how much it frustrates you and knocks you down mentally! Thanks for your support!!
Okay I didn't think it was that bad but had to laugh at the "frightening amount of chex mix".:rotfl: :rotfl2: Good girl for posting what you ate! What's really bad is when you eat so much you get to a black out food drunk stage and can't remember!

Someday for grins and giggles, give me the fat, fiber and calories of what you have eaten and I'll calculate the points. Then I can plug in your weight and height and see where you are at on an average day on the WW plan. I just think your food is so healthy and with that exercise you do its a mystery. Although here's another thought: Maybe you are at your ideal weight! You look pretty darn good to me. ;)

In any case, you work hard, you are dedicate and disciplined and by golly I am proud of you!

I hope you had fun at the party tonight!
Good job posting what you ate, Amy!:thumbsup2 I don't think you did too badly. You should have seen what I ate yesterday! :eek:

I hope you have a great day today! :hug:


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