Lulu201's Back In Action Journal

Hi Erin,

I hope your DDs choir competition goes well. I remember those days very well. :teeth:

Keep up the good work, Erin! I know that you'll find something yummy to eat today. Like Beth said, a lot of the sports arenas and amusement parks are offering healthier fair to their customers these days, so hopefully there will be something that will work out for you.

Have a great day today! :sunny:
:sunny: Good morning, Erin! :sunny:

Thanks for throwing the party over in my journal! :hug: You are a sweetie!

Glad to hear you liked Curves! I understand about DH, though. We have faced the same dilemma. DH still hasn't gone to the gym with me, even though he says he wants to. He just can't fit the time into his schedule. :(

It's going to be a beautiful day outside. I hope you and Mickey can get a quick walk in. :)

See you tomorrow!
I had an entry, but I don't know where it is. . .could I have posted it in someone else's journal???? :confused3 I don't know, but if you end up with my missing journal entry, let me know and I'll come over and bring it home. . .

Today went like this:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--still drinking
4. Exercise--I was going to walk 4 miles, but I ended up walking endlessly through the mall, through Kohls, and through Old Navy instead.
5. Food--I've hung in there, but I'm so tired, I want to JUMP off plan and eat something incredibly chocolatey! DZone is staring me down!
6. Scale :)

I'm going to go relax. I'm beat.

Erin :shamrock:
Yesterday was a :) :) :) :) :) day. :goodvibes

Here's the plan for the day:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--have had a glass
4. Exercise--today I'm meeting princess: Doe-doe for a walk in the :sunny:
5. Food--Breakfast was a slice of whole grain toast w/pb and coffee. Lunch will be a Subway wrap. Dinner will be a Buffalo Chicken salad during the Super Bowl.
6. Scale :)

I have to get ready to get to church. :grouphug: to all my WISH friends.

Erin :shamrock:
Looks like the weekend is a great one :cool1: Happy to see you are doing so well - keep it up! Have a fantastic walk with Doe-Doe
I love your plan for the day, especially that part about meeting me for a walk in the :sunny:!!
Just a quick check in before I get DD off to school. . .

Yesterday was a good day! I earned :) :) :) :) :) . None for food--we had a little Super Bowl party (just our family) and I didn't count my points. Even though the Eagles lost, they played bravely and we're sure proud of our team! :cheer2:

Plans for today: wash DDog, go to a teachers' workshop, go to work.

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--1
4. Exercise--I'm taking today off.
5. Food--Breakfast was 5.
6. Scale

I'm am deep in the DZone. Aunt Flo is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and has already sent her baggage on ahead of herself. I'm just hoping to slowly manage the day with a smile on my face.

Have to take DD to school now.
Erin :shamrock: :shamrock:
Great job on all the smiles! You are doing so awesome! I know the D-zone is tough are you ready for it? Do you have healthy snacks in the house that you can turn to? I know you are on WW so you could get some low-fat pudding and jello to keep around the house. Not to mention maybe some skinny cow ice cream? I know that the D-zone doesn't seem so bad when I have snacks around the house that I can eat. Right now there is a cup of pudding in the fridge waiting for me at home tonight ;)

lulu201 said:
Aunt Flo is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and has already sent her baggage on ahead of herself. I'm just hoping to slowly manage the day with a smile on my face.

You know, I hate it when Aunt Flo sends her baggage early...if she would only learn to pack lighter, we'd all be alot happier!! :p
:sunny: Good afternoon, dear Erin! :sunny:

:boat: Try to sail through the DZone and do the best you can. Pretty soon you'll be feeling great again and the Bloat Fairy will be long gone!!

I'm sending :hug: and :sunny: for your day! :flower:
Well, yesterday kind of slipped right on by me! DD was home with a stomach bug, so between keeping her comfortable and getting to work, it was a busy day.

Here's today's plan:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins
3. Water--one glass down
4. Exercise--I have a sore Achilles heel on my right foot. I'm going to have to ice it or something during the day. It's painful.
5. Food--they don't call the Tues. before Ash Wednesday "fat Tuesday" for nothing. I've given up sugary foods for Lent, so yesterday I had to have a Krispy Creme donut. Or two. Or three. :rolleyes:
6. Scale--what scale?????

Off and into the day,
Erin :shamrock:
I hope your heel is feeling better soon. Don't forget RICE - rest, ice, compression and elevation. Now you have a REASON to put your feet up! :p Take a few days off from walking/running, OK? The rule is 3 days off for an injury and then re-assess. If it's not all better then 3 more days off. If it STILL isn't better then head to the doc's. That's the latest wisdom from my Marathoning for Mortals book.

Phillipians 4:13 will help you through your day!! :sunny: and :hug:
Hi Erin!

I hope that heal of yours starts feeling better soon! Speaking of feeling better... how is your DD feeling? My girls have both been sick the past couple of days, too. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon! :sunny:

Have a great day!
Hi erin,

I hope your heel feels better. Doe is right, RICE works.

Yesterday I was at Meijers and they were doing Pacyzki eating contest. Witnessing that has turned me off of them for life I think.

Take care of yourself,
Hi! What's a Paczycki? Pazycki? Pacykci? :p Whatever it is, it doesn't sound like I should eat them if they're having contests with them!

Ok, let me be boldly honest here. I'm not in a healthy living mode. I'm in my "It's Thursday I just need to get through the day mode." Even though I'm off this morning and only have to work 12-8, I'm just not caring about the whole plan. I'm going to write the plan, but I'm not going to work it. (I told you I'm boldly honest.)

1. Devotions--OK, I did do this. I read our church Lenten devotional. :)
2. Vitamins--no, I didn't do this. But I might. If I feel like it. :teeth:
3. Water--I guess I could do this.
4. Exercise--I'm pretty annoyed with this. I have this Achilles tendon thing still going on. I'm going to try to spend some time icing it, but it's not like I have much time to sit around. Definitely tonight.
5. Food--well, I'm going to a diner to meet a girlfriend and my godson for breakfast. I'm going to have an omelet, home fries, and rye toast. How's that for rebellion? :teeth:
6. Scale--I know there's one around here somewhere. . .

All right, so maybe I CAN get in a couple of smilies today. I did give sugary things up for Lent so that's good, right? Yesterday I had such a sugar buzz from all the junk I ate on Tuesday that I figure it'll take me a week to get it all out of my system!

Have to get ready to go.
I hope the worst of the DZone is behind you at this point, and you're seeing the :sunny: soon.

Thanks for the extra prayers and good thoughts - they helped. :hug: Life is returning to normal and all is well.

How's your heel today?

(edit 10:20 AM)
Looks like we posted at the same time! :teeth: I didn't see your post before I wrote mine. I'm in the same place as you, I think. I keep creating the plan and then totally blowing it off. :rolleyes: At least you're honest about it, and that counts for something. Thanks for giving me the confidence to be honest too. Today is about survival. We'll get through it and tomorrow or Saturday we'll be ready to recommit. ::yes::

Rest that heel - no exercise!! Is it swollen at all? I think ice only helps if it is swollen. If it is just a pulled tendon, then staying off it (so you don't pull it more) will be more help than ice. Gentle stretching might be in order - notice the word "gentle". Use an ace bandage if it helps - not sure if it would or not.

Take good care of you and enjoy your day, dear WISH-sis, omelet & home fries & all!! :hug:
lulu201 said:
I'm going to write the plan, but I'm not going to work it. (I told you I'm boldly honest.)

All right, so maybe I CAN get in a couple of smilies today. I did give sugary things up for Lent so that's good, right? Have to get ready to go.

I'm sure you'll get a smile or two... :)

You are a very strong person to give up sugary things for Lent...the best I could come up with was giving up meat on Friday (I know, I know...cheating).


Have a good day!
Good morning, Erin,
I probably wasn't supposed to giggle when I read your post, but I did. :)

Well, look at that - a smilie! It looks like you earned a smile without even realizing it!

Oatmeal for breakfast? Nah - if you are going to go crazy, GO CRAZY! Oatmeal isn't crazy. I think you should give up oatmeal for Lent. Tracy, Jen and I are. I bet more will join us. :teeth:

And seriously.... what is a paczycki? I guess if I can't say the name, I should even contemplate eating it!

Have a :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: day, Erin!
geetey said:
Oatmeal for breakfast? Nah - if you are going to go crazy, GO CRAZY! Oatmeal isn't crazy. I think you should give up oatmeal for Lent. Tracy, Jen and I are. I bet more will join us. :teeth:


Everyone should give up oatmeal for Lent...everything else we could give up is bad for us!!


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