Lulu201's Healthy Living Log (comments welcome!)

Thank you, Lisa, for your kind words of encouragement and support. We ARE all in this together; it's amazing that we've all hung in there this long and are still plugging away. You're a honey for lifting me up when I'm down in the depths!:)

I've passed through the storm--at least for now--and am getting ready to get on the treadmill. I'll check in later.

Erin - what WILLPOWER!!! Oh my gosh, you must be so proud of yourself - you were on the edge of the abyss and you stopped mid-bite???? What a long way you have come!! You are making such great choices - WOW!

There will come a time in the future when you will be able to have those yummy treats again, in moderation. But for now, you are in control and choosing to eat healthy and not let the food control you. You're winning!!!!

DH and I went out to dinner tonight at our favorite little hang-out. Usually I have a Hurricane (mixed drink w/ lots of sugar!) and chicken quesadillas. Tonight I had a diet Coke and rum and I asked them to give me all the quesadilla stuff without the flour tortillas. I was in heaven and still eating on plan!!! Fortunately, I was so full that dessert had no appeal. We CAN do this - we can eat wonderfully yummy food and still lose! Then, when we're at goal, we'll always know how to maintain it. We are truly changing our relationship with food - one day at a time.

Keep up the great work, Erin!!!
Day is done--almost. I just want to log this in before I crash for the night.

Exercise: 15 min. on treadmill, 1.04 mi.
Food: b--tst and pb, coffee w/cream=5
l--McDonald's salad=11.5
d--slice of pizza=9
s--small baskin-robbins vanilla nonfat=2

Total: 27.5/14.5 left in bank

Only worked from 12:30 to 6:30, but took DD and friend to the mall and after walking all around, I'm pooped. Maybe it's also because my DH bought me an AquaMassage (have you seen those at the mall?), and while it kind of spooked me out--it was like an MRI gone beserk--it sure did relax my muscles! I just think I need to go to bed.

I'll check in with everyone tomorrow. Thanks, as always, for your sweet and helpful words. Going through this with you all, day by day, has made all the difference in the world.

Good night,
You did it-YEAH! I am in awe of your will power. I loveeee chocolate and your description has me salivating. You are doing fantastic and you still have points in the bank. Your walking plan looks like it is working and you're keeping a 15 min mile, wow:D

Keep it up to go down and your clippie looks fantastic!
I'm on my way to take a nap--I don't know why I'm so tired! Will check in with everyone later, but had to write this down before I forgot:

Food for 9/20

coffee w/cream=1
chili, 1 cup=8
salad w/chicken=3
sunflower seeds, 1/2 tbs.=.5
coffee w/cream=.5
strawberry nonfat yogurt=2

Total for day, so far=17

No exercise yet, later for sure!

OK, it's later. . .

I did my 25 min. walk, 1.65 mi., and walked the dog, and rode my bike for about 10 min. Still have loads of laundry to get done. . .where does it all come from?:confused:

Oh, back to the foods: soup and 1 serving high grain wheat thins=5
12 grain tst., one slice, slice of tomato (thin) and 1 slice swiss=3.5

Total for day=25.5/15 in the bank

Here's a thought: how about we walk in Valley Forge (I found this on the ava website, Doreen) on 10/18 (MeMe, we could bag the Warminster walk) or 10/25? Let me know what you all think.
It's 10K. . .is that too long?
P.S. Hey, MeMe, thanks for noticing my 15 min. mile. . .it's a personal goal that I accomplished. I'm feeling mighty proud!:p
Valley Forge looks good but it's rated a 2, which means it can be a little hilly.

There's also a 10k year-round walk in Doylestown that looks very stroller friendly and has very cool sights - it's rated a 1, which means it's flat.

I'll go check my calendar! 10k is actually 6.2 miles - no problem for me as long as we're walking at a comfortable pace and not trying to do a 16 minute mile the whole time...LOL!

Edit: 1:25 PM
I checked the calendar. The kids have a band festival on the 18th so that won't work for me. I'm free on the 25th, though! I'd LOVE to meet some of my new WISH friends!!!
You're doing great Lulu. I'm going to look for a pedometer this week, in the mid prize range. The Doylestown walk sounds great, that's pretty close to me. I look forward to it! I still have to check out that site you found to start training, probably when I return from disney. Only 2 weeks to go:bounce:
The First PA WISH Walk: 10/25/03, Time ? in Doylestown! I'm right there with you guys! I can't wait to meet you in person! Why don't we post a thread on the boards and see if Nancy or anyone else would like to join us. Hey, Lisa, if you want to fly out for the weekend, you can stay at my house!:)

OK, here's the scoop for today. I'm proud to say I MADE IT THROUGH THE IN-LAW VISIT! After they go is when I usually have to eat my way through the kitchen, but instead I'm going to log my points and call it a night!

Exercise: Walked the dog a few times and ran around with my DD and twin niece and nephew.

Food: 33 points--that's tracking every bite as best as I could/6 points left in the bank!:(

From now on, when it's left up to me, I'm scheduling family events on Saturdays so that I have Sundays to lose the water weight from eating more than usual! I'm afraid that I'm going to pay for this when I get on the scale early tomorrow a.m. But, you know what? That's life! Truly, it is! I'm sure not going to be perfect, and I'm not going to NOT have a piece of the cake my DD made because I'm getting on the scale the next day. It probably was the smallest piece of cake I've had in my adult life, but it made her happy just the same.

Wow, our walk on 10/25 will be the first 10K of my life. I'm so excited! My bet is that it'll be a nice, leisurely, filled-with-laughs stroll!

See you all tomorrow--
I feel left out all the way down here in California! I'm just kidding. What a coincidence that you three (Erin, Doreen and Maryellen) all live in PA. I posted in someone else's journal that once I get my digital camera, I'll have to post pictures of myself so we can have a virtual meet!

Erin, nothing wrong with having a piece of your DD's cake. I bet it was good, huh?:D Don't worry about that nasty old scale tomorrow. Maybe wait a couple of days until your system is a little more stabilized? But if I know you, you'll be on there first thing tomorrow morning. So will I!:teeth:
Hee, hee! Lisa, you know me too well! I was on the scale at 5:35 this morning--as soon as the alarm went off--and now I'm doing the Two Pound Happy Dance :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc . I'm saying good-bye to those pounds; they better never show up around me again!:p

Walked 25 minutes and began week #3 of my half-marathon training program. Now I'm off to NJ for a workshop. I have no idea where I'm going--hope I can trust my mapquest directions!

I'll check back here and in with everyone later.
Update from yesterday: Food 41 points/18 left in bank. Gulp.

Totally exhausted from extra long day yesterday and busy weekend. TOM expected later this week. Just trying to hold on, girls, just trying to hold on.

I'll try to get around to everyone's journals soon.

Hang in there, Erin!! Between your hectic work days and your vacation coming up, I think you're doing FABULOUS!!! I'd be way past stressed out and well into OHMYGOSH!!! mode :p

Try to find a little time to pamper yourself in some small way. You're coming up on a whole pampering vacation soon!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it on Oct. 25th!! Are you and MeMe on the same cruise???

Chin up, Erin - vacation is coming! I see you in a lounge chair on the ship's deck with that extra-yummy pina colada (with the little umbrella in it, of course!) just soaking up the sun and feeling oh so relaxed! Have a sip for me, OK??
2 lbs you go girl:Pinkbounc :bounce:

You're doing great, are you ready to leave? i'm getting a little stressed with 12 days to go. Are you a pina colada girl? i go more for the hard stuff:p
Well, I'm a pina colada girl when in the islands:p and a margarita girl when I'm in Bucks County!;) That is, when I'm out and about in Bucks County. Most of the time, I don't get out and I'm just a Diet Sprite girl, lol.

Exercise and food-wise today, I did great! Did the 20 min. walk on the training schedule, and then ate only 24 points. No withdrawals from the bank!:cool: It's my goal to stay at 24 points until Friday. Actually, I'd love to stay at 24 points until I leave for vacation, but that's pushing it. 24 points isn't much! Though, I still manage to have cheesecake for breakfast!:rolleyes:

Gotta get ready for bed. I'm going to try to take a quick peak at everyone's journals, now. . .
Erin, I like your idea of staying at 24 points a day for a week or so. I think it's important that we learn to eat within our limits. You just need to find those foods that have low points but still really fill you up.

I'm also more of a margarita girl. My favorite margarita is at Outback Steakhouse - they make a yummy cranberry frozen margarita. I suppose I should stop this discussion before I start fantasizing about them and get myself off track! :p

Hang in there, Erin! That vacation counter is clicking away and you'll be tropical before you know it!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Thanks for the encouragement to walk the straight and narrow, Doreen. I know that if I keep borrowing too much from the bank I'm going to slide out of control. I'm happy to report, though, that today was another 24 pointer!

b--coffee w/cream, cheesecake w/1/2 cup berries=7
l--Subway ham and honey mustard 6" on Italian=6.5
d--peanut butter sandwich=8
s--1 thin slice of swiss=1.5
chocolate peanut butter skinny cow;) =2
Total=24/18 in the bank and holding fast!

Exercise: walked Mickey and did my assigned walk for Wed., week #3--15 minutes. Walked 1.03 miles

I'm beginning to tell people I'm going to try to do the half marathon. I was afraid initially that people would laugh, but the couple of people who know are just so kind and encouraging--and impressed that I'd even try! I put my name on Kamy's list and have started fantasizing about my next WDW trip. Uh, maybe I should take next week's trip first?!:rolleyes:

Gonna hit the sack. 'Night,
You are doing amazing! sticking to the 24 pints yeah and even had a skinny cow, this healthy living isn't so bad:p

Wow we are all margarita girls - how amazing, I say when we all hit our goals we have a margarita party to celebrate - what do you say?

I am also starting to plan my next trip, so funny since we haven't taken this one. Are we too organized??? I definitely want to do the 1/2 marathon and will register for it. My best friend said no and my dh looked at me as if I lost my mind. I'm going to ask my mom next. I think I'll start training in January that will give me a whole year to get ready and we can meet to do the big training days, ok?
Here I am again, totally exhausted at the end of the work day (today was 8:30 to 8:15:( ); it's a good thing I truly love my work.

OK, here's the basic lowdown:

exercise: 25 min. treadmill
food: queasy today
b--two eggs and 1/4 oz. cheese=5.5
l--bagel with cr. cheese=8
d--two ham and cheese roll ups and olives=6
s--instant oatmeal and s. cow=4
Total: 23.5/ total in bank is 18.5

Happy thing: wore my skinniest pants in my closet today, size 12 stretch capri pants. Hee-hee!

I'll go visiting everyone's journal tomorrow. Long day today, but have tomorrow morning off.:)

Hey girl! How's it going? I see you're doing great, sticking to your goal of only 24 points, woohoo!

Wow, only one more week until your incredible Disney cruise. I can't wait until you get back so you can fill us all in. Are you taking a seven day cruise or are you doing the three to four day and combining with with WDW?

I'm encouraged to see that you're still hanging in there. Still hectic at work/home but will try to drop by tomorrow. Goodnight!:D


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