Magical Miles to the Marathon! Comments welcomed

Good luck, today! Stay hydrated.

I read your other posts, and wanted to say good work and good luck with your efforts to improve your diet/health. The basic actions of cutting back on sugar and heavily processed foods will make a difference. Give that a chance to work. A little bit of strength training is also useful for running and weight.
Well I did the half! And I was able to come in under 2:30 at 2:29:09. I really think I left quite a few minutes on the course.

Here is my outfit, I decided to pack my own water as they were only having water bottles on the course. Flat me:flat me.jpg
I made the mistake of wearing that tank top for the first time. It was great except I didn't notice until i saw the finish line photos it got looser as I ran, and was so low cut that combined with the sports bra I had chosen just felt like too much for me, I was horrified. It was a small race so I'm pretty sure I'm not in anyone else's. Needless to say I didn't buy the photos.
Since the race got moved from the original date, I knew there would be less participants but I had no idea how small the race was. We were supposed to start in waves, when they announced everybody could start up right at seven, one or two at a time. Here is where I made my first mistake. I wasn't scheduled to start for another 20 minutes or so, and all of a sudden I was the only one who hadn't begun. I should have just waited until I was ready but I panicked and cut my warmup short, and off I went. I use the run/walk/run method and it was a little while into the race that I realized I wasn't using the intervals I had planned on and had started another workout.

It was deceptively cool at the start. Along a canal for the first two miles shady, I probably went too fast. Then it was out in the brutal sun. I live far enough away and higher than Tucson, that we are weeks behind in terms of summer temperature. It was HOT and I hadn't adjusted yet! I know at least one runner collapsed but she ended up being OK i think. The last two miles I really had too slow down and walk a lot. I wish I had some Gatorade etc. Of 35 people 30 finished. It was a pretty lonely race. It wasn't a closed course, so I saw 15 dogs,( One of which was in the race) 2 rabbits, 1 Roadrunner, and tons of bicycles. The course was pretty flat mostly and an out an back. I'm not sure I would do it again. If there was more of a community spirit with other runners around me maybe I would have liked it better. And I will carry some sort of electrolytes next time. But I got a fancy medal and isn't that what it is all about?

Mind the pesky cat the more I kept moving him the more he was intent on being right there. You could pick a tank top or a hoody. But it was the pullover kind and I only like zippered ones. You also got a drawstring back the cat is mostly on, I love to pack my race shoes in those.

I'm glad I did the race, even though it wasn't my best. It was fairly close to the Disney outlet and I got some of the Disney Dog Leggings for $14 so that was great. And of course I got to go to Trader Joe's. And thrift stores. I love thrift stores. Mostly I bought stuff for my sister's kids but I have the goal of finding all the Marvel movies, even though I have Disney+. I love hunting for stuff. They are hard to find. This trip I found: Gaurdians of the Galaxy and Iron Man 2.

All in all fun and its great to be able to race again in person! I tried to find a 10k in the next couple of months near me but nothing struck my fancy. So it looks like another half on June 5 up in the mountains at about 6500-7000 feet. Not quite a trail but not road either from the description, a loop you do twice, maybe some dirt roads? That will be the highest race I have done. Ideally I would like to be at least 10-15 lbs lighter than I am now too, and start doing some intentional speed work days.
Congrats on your race! That medal is super cute!! If you sew at all, it’s pretty simple to shorten the shoulder straps on those tank tops....I have a few that are the same style as that one that I altered last summer so they weren’t as low in the front and loose around the armpits.
Not much to report this past week. Did a bit of a cut back on mileage after the race, and plan on picking it up again this week. I listened to an interesting podcast about weight loss and how to keep it off. They recommended losing 1-1.5 lbs a week for four weeks, than maintaining that weight for 4 weeks to let your body adjust to weight-loss and then repeat those two steps until you get to your goal weight. Then Hopefully you won't gain the weight back and be able to keep it off. I'm going to try that even though it will be hard without the instant gratification and take at least twice as long compared most diets I've done in the past, hopefully it will be sustainable.

The weather has been great this week for running, and this morning I found a quarter on my run! I love finding change. I watched Gaurdians of the Galaxy and it reminded me how fun the ride is at California Adventure. I sure miss it! Now on to the Gaurdians 2 which has one of my least favorite scenes in the series when they are being mean to baby groot, but luckily we can fast forward. I was going to wait to start Falcon and the winter soldeir, but I keep accidentally seeing spoilers, so I went ahead and started that too.

I cant wait to hear if Marathon Weekend is on, like everyone else.

Happy tuesday!
Well the past couple of weeks haven't been the best. First it has been really really windy. Red Flag Wind. And I started having pain on the top of my left foot. I cut back running, but it was still there. Especially at night. I stopped running this past week and think it is finally gone. I'm going to go for a short run tomorrow. Cross your fingers!

I really was hoping that we would have heard one way or another about marathon weekend. Not knowing is the worst!
Well just as my foot was feeling better, I got a cold. That is the first time I have been sick since the pandemic began. After myself and my sister being vaccinated, I spent some time in her house sans mask etc. Her kids were slightly sick and poof so was I. It wasn't too bad of a cold really, mostly a really runny nose and tiredness. Then one night my cats started making all this noise, hissing and such, so I got up to see what was the matter and tripped over an old metal magizne holder. I got the biggest bruise and it scrapped the top layers of my skin off on my left shin. Honestly its been two weeks and it is still painful. Oh the cats were upset about javelinas in the yard. Javelinas make such a mess, they knock over everything. Anyway I have not been running as much as I would like. I've decided to do the 10k on June 5th instead of the half marathon. Which also I found out the half is two loops of the same route, so I am not messing much in terms of scenery. SInce I haven't been running much and its a higher elevation of 7000 or so I thought it was a wise choice. Its held in the white mountains of Arizona, with lots of pines. I'm looking forward to it. Right now it is showing a high of 80. (on the same day in my town its 94)

I really wish Rundisney would make an annoucement either way. I like planning things and looking forward to them and its hard not knowing.
Well I have been in a bit of a funk of late. I have hardly been running. And I was counting on using a TA to secure my bib, and I worked hard for a POT but I am not close to a 2:00 half. Its funny, I think if I knew from the beginning I would not be able to guarantee an early-ish corral I don't think it would bother me as much. I'm worried about registration, I live in the middle of nowhere so sometimes the internet isn't reliable. I'm trying to be zen about it but my motivation was already lacking and now it is a maybe, I need a good kick in the pants.
Wow. Time flies. I haven't updated this in ages. I didn't end up even trying for Marathon weekend. I realized I was having a really hard time being around crowds. I live in a town of about 750 people, and I hadn't been in a crowd in ages. The half marathon I did only had 75 ish people and staggered starts so it wasn't too bad. And at the time covid restrictions were still kinda enforced. Anyway I went to do another race, and there were so many people everywhere I just left. So I waited, and decided to try and do more things where people are, but by the time I thought I could stomach crowds in January it was too late, sold out. I also cancelled a trip to Disneyland. But I was able to move my reservations and registered for the Spring Challenge! On the bright side, since I have never been to WDW these races won't take as much out of me so I can spend more time in the parks.

I have still been running, weather in AZ where I live is wonderful for training in the winter. I even managed a bit of weight loss. I am both excited and nervous for this trip!
I was able to still get the time off I planned for Marathon weekend for the Spring Suprise Challenge! And the agent was able to move my reservation to still be at POP for the week. I really wanted to stay at a skyliner resort, I'm not exactly sure why, but I love those kind of calm "rides". Just need to change my flight. I feel super overwhelmed by the amount of options at Disneyworld. I feel pretty confident at planning for Disneyland, but this is a whole new level.
Originally I had a plan to sell stuff I no longer collect on ebay/mercari/posh mark to help pay for this vacation. I find selling stuff online tedious, but I'm a collecter who goes from being really into one thing, then moving on to another. I was way into legos for awhile, but my passion waned, I still have quite a few that were never opened so I will sell those. Not sure about the opened ones. And I adopted two stray cats, who destroyed the one set I still had on display (Mini fig scaled Hogwarts). Its been months I still find legos around. That is going to be my January goal, sell stuff.

On my run today I had a cheering group! They escaped their pen.
cheer squad.jpg
I woke up today and didn't really feel getting out of bed. I didn't have to be at work until 1. Which is nice when you have motivation you can get a lot done in the morning, but also it is really easy to do nothing and watch the clock. Once I get going its fine, but that first effort to get going feels so hard sometimes. I remember hearing that if you run just for ten minutes it does wonders for your mental health. And it is true. I know that. So I decided to just run for ten minutes, and if I wanted to quit I could. I rarely ever do. I went up to an old dirt mine road, I just love it there. Its a hilly twisty route, and great views. And never any traffic, though its well maintained. Worth the dust on the car.

I just had a happy thought- I am guaranteed a PR on this trip. I have never ran a 10 miler. I have my flight sorted now and the new mears connect. Now I need to try and figure what parks on what days.

Running wise has been pretty good. I have been running alongside roads for years. This past Saturday was the first time that I had any real trouble. I was coming down a hill and saw a little red car, flip a u. then in a few minutes I saw it come back. My Spidey sense tingled, and I moved as far away from the road as I could. I was lucky it was a portion next to desert with no cattle fences or ditches, so I put some distance between me and road. Sure enough they threw a large foam soda out. It wasn't very close to me. It really put me in a bit of a foul mood. And I still had about three miles to go to get back to town. I don't understand people, why just be so mean? I didn't recognize the car. But I have been keeping my out for it, in case they are locals.

I think I may try to find a half marathon in February. Right now, I have just been running, not really training.

Also, I on they had the Disney happy planners on clearance so I ordered one. I'm looking forward to using it.
I for one am really ready for the new year. I was in a bit of a funk for most of last year. Maybe a bit of midlife crisis? Im in my early forties. I like my job, I’m the librarian in a very small town. I just recently passed my five year mark. There is no chance for advancement or a different position as mine is the only job in the library, but a part of me is itching for a change. But I’m not sure what. It doesn’t help that I haven’t had a vacation since well before the pandemic. I realized I have been focusing more on the negative aspects of my life. My goal for this year is to be more grateful. There is a lot I love about living in the middle of nowhere. (Even though I would love a gym that was closer than an hour’s drive). Somedays it feels like I need to make a decision RIGHT NOW, what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I need to really think about what I want and not rush a decision.
Running wise I really want to train. I have been a regular runner for years, mostly to help my anxious nature, but I rarely stick to a plan or have real purpose than just to get out my nervous energy. I tried a bit at the beginning of last year, but I didn’t really stick to it. I usually cover 25-30 miles a week. I think I may register for a half in February, and go for an over 35 PR. I only want to have fun during the Spring Surprise, and if I wait until the event, it can be a bit hot on race day around here. I am a bit overwhelmed by the options in WDW, but also excited. Especially for Epcot!
As part of my new resolutions, I have begun reading the daily stoic. it has short passages of stoic philosophy and a few paragraphs explaining. So far I like it. Also I would like to read 52 books this year.

I don't know how people run in the cold. The part of AZ I live in gets very cold (at least to me) in the mornings. in January we have lows of teens but most days get to around 60. I only have to be at work at 9 two days and the rest not until 1. So in the winter I normally wait until it gets warmer to go outside for my run when the weather is so nice for running. Part of the stoic philosophy is getting used to some discomfort. I meant to go running today before work, but I didn't. I suppose it comes down to figuring out the right outfit and just getting out there a couple of times.

I can't believe how fast this trip is coming up. I haven't been running as serious as I should be, I think. I attended my first in person conference in over two years. It was strange, but nice to be able to talk to people not over zoom.

I haven't made any dining reservations. I have no idea what where, I'm hoping the quick service will be, ok? and maybe make a last-minute reservation on the day?
In just three weeks (and a day) I'll be in Disneyworld! I'm both excited and a bit nervous. I haven't run as much as I probably should have. I'm not too worried about the distances, but I won't be as fast as I had once hoped. It's been terribly Windy here. of all the weather I personally hate wind the most. In fact, they had to close the interstate (I-10) and diverted all the traffic through our tiny town. poor drivers, it probably added 2-3hours to their trip, with not much options for stopping really.

I decided I am not (or going to try at least) to stress about doing every single ride, and just see what happens. I think I will try genie+ and hope to ride the ones they don't have in Disneyland, so I'm not going to worry about Galaxy's edge but maybe a bit about pandora. And the Country Bears! I loved them as kid. I can't decide about photo pass, 200 seems like a lot, but then photo pass pics will be so much nicer than my own phone. I decided I don't think I will park hop, not this trip. I don't plan on being at the expo right when it opens either, I wouldn't mind a pin or two, but I'm not too bothered. I would have been willing to stand in line if they still had the New balance x disney shoes! I wish they would bring those back.

Hope everyone's training is going well!
My allergies are terrible here! I can hope that maybe it is better in Florida? who knows what I am allergic to there. It doesn't help here that it is superbly Windy, dusty.

I am finally getting excited for this trip. This is my first vacation since 2019! I was supposed to have a trip to Cali in April of 2020, but of course that got cancelled. As much as I tell myself to not go crazy at the parks, I can already feel myself wanting to stay open to close! I will probably take the runs easier to make sure I can hopefully burn the candles at both ends. I decided to make one table service meal a day, So far I have Oga's, jungle skipper, la creperie, tiffin's, and Cinderella's table. Saturday I plan on going to Hurricane Hannah's. I'm solo this trip and usually feel fine dining alone, but almost didn't book Cinderella's, but finally found one its super late 9:55!. But I have always wanted to eat there, and I thought why not? I had to make a reservation for two for tiffin's if anyone wants to join. (Fri April 1st @ 5:45).

I just need to decide about photo pass. Maybe if I get it I will take more photos? and with 3 races it probably seems a good idea.
My allergies are terrible here! I can hope that maybe it is better in Florida? who knows what I am allergic to there. It doesn't help here that it is superbly Windy, dusty.

I am finally getting excited for this trip. This is my first vacation since 2019! I was supposed to have a trip to Cali in April of 2020, but of course that got cancelled. As much as I tell myself to not go crazy at the parks, I can already feel myself wanting to stay open to close! I will probably take the runs easier to make sure I can hopefully burn the candles at both ends. I decided to make one table service meal a day, So far I have Oga's, jungle skipper, la creperie, tiffin's, and Cinderella's table. Saturday I plan on going to Hurricane Hannah's. I'm solo this trip and usually feel fine dining alone, but almost didn't book Cinderella's, but finally found one its super late 9:55!. But I have always wanted to eat there, and I thought why not? I had to make a reservation for two for tiffin's if anyone wants to join. (Fri April 1st @ 5:45).

I just need to decide about photo pass. Maybe if I get it I will take more photos? and with 3 races it probably seems a good idea.
The best part of getting photo pass (IMO) is getting medal pics in the parks afterward. Some of the photographers really have fun with it
Well the magic band I had pre-ordered for resort delivery just randomly disappeared from my account, it was there yesterday. Does that happen often? Anyway I had no idea how terrible Disney customer service is! I tried chatting from my work computer, and you won't even let you. So i sent an email, to receive an email that if I was going there in the next week weeks, to call a phone number. After suffering a terrible phone tree I an now on hold for 74 minutes! I'm at work so its a gamble that I will be able to keep on hold that long.


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