MagicBands + Margaritas + Muggles + Minions = TRP. New TR link is up! 10/31

I can only imagine the time and effort that went into planning a trip for such a large group. It's hard enough for me to plan for our family, Lacey and Jesse and Mama.

As I was reading about your departure day, I found myself thinking, "Man, Cynthia sure is calm.". I am always the one who is running around at the last minute checking and double checking things and urging everybody to hurry up so we can hit the road.

Sorry, but I had to laugh about the two different size shoes. My Mama always made us try on both shoes "just in case" so I guess that's why I make my kids do it too.

Even if you did have squiggling wiggly leg stretching and shoulder hugging kids drama on the plane, it sounds pretty uneventful.

Girl, I know all about the need for having to slow my pace when traveling with my Mama. I'm used to hitting the ground running and walking fast. It's actually harder for me to walk slowly than to walk fast.
Also, point of interest, now I know it is
(E+E)'s Mom
as opposed to
E+(E's Mom).


That sounds like a lot of work to get all those folks organized! Almost like herding cats! You did a great job in planning it all.
Oh my! Crazy packing and re-packing to meet your weight limit, mismatched shoe sizes, Starbucks LONG lines BUT YOU HAVE ARRIVED!! :banana:

I always love to hear your travel day plans since you are so thorough and organized. I'm impressed that you packed all that food and still didn't have 12 bags to drag along. I know the weather turned on you while there so those layers must have been invaluable.

The story of your sprawling son in the middle seat reminded me of having to "take away" my youngest son's hands on a road trip one time. He was bugging his brother in the back seat so we told him he had to sit on his hands since he had them taken away for the next 30 minutes. Problem solved. ;)

You are off to a great start. :thumbsup2
Well, you are finally on Disney property - and at the Boardwalk. Things should get pretty happy now. :)

I asked Jill about the weather, since I was sidelined and not out in it. She said most of the week it was either warm and overcast with some patches of rain or clear and sunny, but cold. I know the girls swam three times, because I asked if they had gotten to swim. The last night, when she wheeled me across the bridge to try to see the Art of Animation Christmas tree, it was very cold. She put about three blankets on top of me!

I will enjoy your pictures. Were you at Boardwalk on NYE? Trent and Brandi decided to just go on in early, and they said it was so loud over there all night long. They said the horn blowing went on for hours.
All caught up! Loved the introductions. I am both intrigued and intimidated by the thought of such a large family trip. Your BFP is awesome! :worship:

100+ FP reservations. Yeesh. I got overwhelmed just making my own!

Know I've commented on this before but love how you really make use of the villa kitchen amenities. Will have to go back through your PTR to find the recommendations on frozen perishables. That's a great idea... I wouldn't have thought to do that. Wonder if that would also work in the summer? :confused3 Probably ok for a shorter flight.

I will attempt to take on the challenge of counting margaritas. ;) Although I saw a great quote the other day that said that age & glasses of wine (or 'ritas in this case) should never be counted.

The new DME buses are quite fancy, aren't they? And I enjoyed the new movie - nice to have something different.

Can't wait to hear what happens next! Am particularly interested in what your folks and sister thought of the Swan! The rates are great.
So, I actually read more than I thought this morning. A few more comments. Glad you braved the line for Starbucks. :cool1:

Glad you had the bus to yourselves. Hmmm - not sure what I would have though about the bus driver either. I mean - that could be ME he's talking about. :rotfl:

I don't blame you for getting as many people on your reservation as possible. DME and the magic bands are a big perk. I swear Denny and I are only doing that one night stay at ASSports to get the magic band. I'm so spoiled now. I don't want to have to worry about reservations.

Guess what - Rosie is going to be in the world until May 13th. We are going to get to meet poll dancing Rosie! :cool1::woohoo::cool1:
That sounds like a lot of work to get all those folks organized! Almost like herding cats! You did a great job in planning it all.

I totally agree! You're a star Cynthia. We had a party of 10 once but Jenna plans almost as much as I do so it was super headache free. I'm worried about the whole FP+ reservation thing. I can't imagine making them for that many people. I hope someone bought you a drink or 10 for putting this all together. :thumbsup2

Different shoes? :rotfl2: Hilarious!

Great start! Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

I don't even remember at this point all the options that were discussed. All kinds of things from us trying to change resorts at 7m to get more villa for the points, to my folks and sister/bil staying offsite, to them looking at everything from values, mods, deluxes onsite.

I might have a number of those conversations in my Facebook messenger. :rotfl: I'm glad they ended up onsite during the season, it sounded like they were too.

Nothing like $65 shoes that are different sizes!

:lmao: That is hilarious! What could you do at that point?! Just had to roll with it...oh too funny.
All hail the queen of organization!!
No way would I have managed to squeeze in a trip to the mall too!
:rotfl:at the two different sized shoes! Did he notice it at all during the trip? I have one foot that is a bit bigger and if it worked out right (the bigger shoe on that foot) I probably wouldn't have noticed!

You do bring a lot of stuff for food in the villa. I should try that sometime. But we hardly get the 1BR so we'd have to make do with a toaster and microwave.

The red-eye reminds me of our overnight drives. But it takes longer in the car.
and one of us always has to be awake! ;)

So glad you're on WDW property! Can't wait to see the villa!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share all this. You've given me so much to think about. You make very good points! As a matter of fact, DH has been requesting that we go on a cruise, and last night we talked about it and decided that instead of heading to AKL next year, we'll be boarding the DCL instead. This way, we get some alone time. I'm leaving my ticker because a wrong ticker is better than none. :rotfl2: The more I think about it, the more excited I'm getting.

I think DCL is a brilliant idea. We were amazed at how much alone time we got on the cruise, it was incredible. Lots of great family time to but really something for everyone. So much fun! We've done 2 so far, one with just the E's and done with the E's and Kendall. In fact, we liked them so much we are booked on one without the kids at all :rotfl: Which one are you looking at? Make sure you do Palo one night and brunch as well if you can, YUM! The kids will LOVE it. Do an FE if you can too, The E's had so much fun.

I'd never really thought about how good it would be for the kids, but you're absolutely right. They need the example set that marriage does take effort and is important, and also that while they are so very important, they can't be the center of the universe. And independence is never a bad thing. It reminds me of a time we went on vacation with my parents' friends. Their son, who was 21 at the time, was calling his mom probably five times a day (no exaggeration), asking questions like how do I start the washer and dryer, where do we keep the jelly, etc. :faint:

:rotfl2: I know young adults like that. Just lost! My mom made us each cook dinner one night a week growing up, I had to iron all the holiday linens, all that kind of stuff. And you know what? My brothers are amazing cooks! :goodvibes

I make the E's do their own laundry :thumbsup2 I will never forget, my first husband, who I went to college with on our first visit to his parents house. I'd never met them mind you, it's not a big deal kind of visit, we walk in and he asks his mom to iron his shirt for him. I was mortified! I looked at him and said no way. You are 20 years old and you can iron your own shirt. I drug him to the ironing board and taught him right then and there.

She rather liked me after that :lmao:

I'm here!!! First time on the DIS in forever, but I didn't want to miss out!!

Amy!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy you are here :welcome:
Isn't there usually a movie/advertisement playing on the bus from MCO? That driver sounds annoying...especially that early in the morning!

Funny about the shoes, but hopefully it wasn't an issue...poor packing choices by one of us has resulted in a trip to the New Balance store while at WDW;)
Hi!! I'm joining in!! I will try to stay caught up!! I just need to go back and read now!!
Wow! You really are organized to get all the errands run, packing done and still make the red eye, 2 different sized shoes and all! ;) Glad everyone arrived in one piece!

BTW, I found a pre-cruise package at the Sheraton in San Juan with transfers from the airport and to the cruise terminal through Costco. For 3 nights for me, its running about $500. $100 non-refundable deposit and balance due 45 days out.

Jill in CO
The kids were cute then though
So... what are you saying about them now? :rotfl2:

And our add on at SSR quickly turned into an add on at BWV instead (and that add on left us with some extra points we just "had" to use for our couples get away to Aulani...which then led us to another small add on at Aulani...but I digress).
I wish DW was as easy to convince as you are.

Problem is, things like coffee, rum, laundry supplies, deli ham and peanut butter can add up in weight pretty darn fast! For food, we packed
Wow... that would definitely add up fast. I can't even imagine packing all that for a flight.

"Guess what mom! One of my shoes is a different size than the other!"
:confused: :eek: :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

The "sleeping" arrangements on the flight seem pretty horrible, but at least you ended up at Disney World... So I guess that's a fair trade-off. :thumbsup2
I had a bunch of multi quotes but ditched them.

First have to share that I love how much time you & Jeff put into each other. A good marriage doesn't just happen. its work! Joe and I had quite a few years before Katie, so it was a big adjustment the first few years not having that time to ourselves. We have her 8 years of uninterrupted time - and then realized we needed some "us" time. We are working on more of that - and yup, definitely have those nights with very little to chat about, but that's okay. Every moment doesn't need to be filled in with talking. :thumbsup2

Even the review of the BFP has my head spinning a bit.

Now, your travel day. :worship: you are so organized....and what a great way to "kill time" on leaving day by taking the E's to the mall. I remember one trip where we had a late flight. OMG I was beside myself:hyper::hyper: all day with anticipation. Planning a task would have been a good idea.

Katie would have been thrilled to have 2 different size shoes (her one foot is 1/2 size bigger than the other!) but I am also hearing the big sigh and eye roll from you when you heard that one. ::yes::

Glad that your parents got to sleep on the plane at least. I have a feeling that this will help later that day for sure.

what was the deal with the ME driver? sheesh!

So far so good!
Great start to your trip!! Quite a lot of planning went into this !!! What happened with the different size shoes ???? By the way we will be in Disney May 8th thru 13th!!!!!!!!!!

:rotfl2: He wore them. that's what happened. What could I do at that point? He didn't seem to care and well, we were definitely stuck. I was not buying another pair. Jeff wanted me to call and make a stink as the store really should check before they let you walk out with them but as we couldn't get there for over a week it seemed kind of pointless.

YAY we overlap!!!


I am amazed, scared, impressed? When I go to Disney, I throw a couple of things in a bag and go catch some transpo- even when I lived in Boston.

Glad you all got there! No "Home Alone"!



That's pretty much Jeff's approach.

Which may or may not have worked out so well for him on this trip


That was some serious planning that went into your trip. I admire you for being able to pull it off.

I did have help on the resort part for my folks and sister which I neglected to mention. :cool1: for Brook! I got out of the middle which was a fabulous thing. :banana:

:lmao: about the different shoes. That's what I always tell Tom will happen to him one day as he NEVER tries on both shoes. :rotfl2:

Oh he tried them on, walked out with them on too. I fault the store, they should have checked before the kid just put them on. And then again before I bought them.

At least you got the bus to yourself (apart from the lone other passenger) and now I cannot wait for more of the fun.

At first I felt sorry for her but when all 4 boys went to the back of the bus they were pretty much out of earshot so it was fine.

Gosh. That is some start to the trip. What with the food packing and the shoes shopping and getting everything organised, it sounds like it was a lot of work in that last couple of days.

Oddly enough it was probably one of the calmest starts with the least to do.

I've travelled with my folks. So I know what it means to have to slow down for them to keep up. :flower3:

Here's to a fun time at Disney.

We have too, it's just been a while and while we see them all the time and do lots together, it just caught us off guard.

Great start! Love the recap of the BFP, that's quite the lot of info to remember! Glad you arrived with no problem!
Did you ever get the shoes sorted out?

I'd be lost without all my little tools, specifically MDE, TripIt and good old calendar.

Nope, just rolled with it on the shoes. What could I do at that point? Jeff wanted me to call and make a stink as the store should have checked before Eric even put the other one one and then again before he walked out with them on his feet. Given that we'd be gone for 10 days and couldn't go in to exchange it seemed kind of pointless and Eric could care less.

He may care come spring when he tries to do track in them!
I read. Some of this before church then realized I couldn't finish your novel. Lol. I'll stop back after church. The kids are SO cute and I love the new shoes!!!!!

:rotfl2: that's what happens when I try to read your updates on my phone. LOL!

Wow! You definitely win the planner of the decade award! :thumbsup2 I don't know how you could possibly plan for that many so well. We tried for a few years to plan a simple camping trip for a family reunion and there were so many complaints we just stopped trying. :sad2:

I did have a helper who I am very remiss in thanking!. Brook handled my folks and sisters reservations at the Swan as well as all their questions and was uber patient while they took forever to decide. She also helped us with all our Harry Potter arrangements, (tickets and car transfers and Kerri's transfer to the Swan from MCO). It was really nice NOT to be in the middle of that and let her handle it with them.

I love the old pic of the kids when they were all tiny. It will be a good frame of reference when we meet them now.

They were tiny! Fun to look at but wow..

Too funny about the shoe sizes - good thing it was just a 1/2 size. :lmao:
and good thing it was 1/2 too big, not too small!

I think you missed me right before your new update. :wave2:

Sort of...I was going for the Glennbo top of the page update strategy! LOL.

I did say :welcome: above but I'm glad you are here and on the boards a bit!

Sounds like your trip was starting off just as I'd expect... lots of last minute chaos (actually less then other trips). Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Far less than other trips I thought, thanks!

I love flying and getting on DME. I've driven down on most of my trips but once I flew and it only took four hours instead of twenty-four i fell in love. :love:
I planned a trip for my middle DD's graduation that included my youngest sister and her family, I was so stressed! It was their first trip and I had no clue what they might be interested in and wanted them to have a good time. Well I must have done a good job because she, her husband, and their girls say they want to go back as soon as they can. :cool1: I couldn't imagine planning for that many people and schedules. I would definitely be a lot grayer than I am now. :lmao:

Driving that long would wear me out. We could make it to DL in about that long but I have ZERO desire to do it. First trips are stressful, thanksfully everyone except my BIL had been before and that helped a ton. Hurt a little here and there but for the most part, made it quite easy.

I can only imagine the time and effort that went into planning a trip for such a large group. It's hard enough for me to plan for our family, Lacey and Jesse and Mama.

I think the key it to not overplan. Which I realize sounds very funny coming from me! But really, other than ADR's and a couple of other things, nothing was set in stone. And even the ADR's weren't really set in stone, some could be tweaked easily. We had flexibility when we needed it and were able to adapt on the fly several times.

As I was reading about your departure day, I found myself thinking, "Man, Cynthia sure is calm.". I am always the one who is running around at the last minute checking and double checking things and urging everybody to hurry up so we can hit the road.

I was calm :goodvibes we were in such good shape going into departure day that it made it easy to be so. I really do love the red eye for that reason as well as the obvious ones (forcing the time change and not wasting a day in travel). It is such a late departure you've got lots of time to get things done.

Sorry, but I had to laugh about the two different size shoes. My Mama always made us try on both shoes "just in case" so I guess that's why I make my kids do it too.

Except he DID try both on. And walked out of the store wearing them. I'm not sure what made him look inside and realize that they were different but it was definitely post initial wear. Generally, sales clerks ALWAYS check and this guy could not have been more distracted and disinterested. I figure it will come back to him though as when they do inventory they will realize what is left and what they sold, and who sold it.

Even if you did have squiggling wiggly leg stretching and shoulder hugging kids drama on the plane, it sounds pretty uneventful.

It was very uneventful, just how I like it!

Girl, I know all about the need for having to slow my pace when traveling with my Mama. I'm used to hitting the ground running and walking fast. It's actually harder for me to walk slowly than to walk fast.

It is harder! Jeff is the worst as he just GOES and doesn't look back to see if the rest of us are with him. :rotfl2: I think it was harder on my mom though. She had a really rough fall with a nasty case of shingles and as a result was very out of shape, or at least more than usual and got very very frustrated with herself as she was definitely slower than normal and the overall endurance wasn't there where she thought it should be. We just kept telling her it was PT!


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