MagicBands + Margaritas + Muggles + Minions = TRP. New TR link is up! 10/31

Also, point of interest, now I know it is
(E+E)'s Mom
as opposed to
E+(E's Mom).



:rotfl2: I never thought about that as an interpretation E+(E's Mom)

That sounds like a lot of work to get all those folks organized! Almost like herding cats! You did a great job in planning it all.

Definitely herding cats. A phrase I use often. It's in the JD.

Oh my! Crazy packing and re-packing to meet your weight limit, mismatched shoe sizes, Starbucks LONG lines BUT YOU HAVE ARRIVED!! :banana:

The weighing and re-weighing of the suitcases was pretty funny. The shoes, not so much.

I always love to hear your travel day plans since you are so thorough and organized. I'm impressed that you packed all that food and still didn't have 12 bags to drag along. I know the weather turned on you while there so those layers must have been invaluable.

I was pretty pleased with how the food packing turned out this trip and in general our lists were pretty solid and we had what we needed layering wise. I'd have preferred to have a couple of things with me that I didn't bring, and could have left a few others at home, but in the big picture they boys and I did pretty well. Jeff on the other hand....:rotfl2:

He might get a packing list next time.

The story of your sprawling son in the middle seat reminded me of having to "take away" my youngest son's hands on a road trip one time. He was bugging his brother in the back seat so we told him he had to sit on his hands since he had them taken away for the next 30 minutes. Problem solved. ;)

You are off to a great start. :thumbsup2

I love it!!! I remember doing that at one point..most likely to Evan. I couldn't really take his legs away though. :rotfl2:

Late to the party. Will be back this afternoon to catch up. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure!!! :goodvibes

:welcome: Christine! So happy you are here. I JUST missed you guys which was a bummer but it looked like lots of fun was had :goodvibes

Well, you are finally on Disney property - and at the Boardwalk. Things should get pretty happy now. :)

I asked Jill about the weather, since I was sidelined and not out in it. She said most of the week it was either warm and overcast with some patches of rain or clear and sunny, but cold. I know the girls swam three times, because I asked if they had gotten to swim. The last night, when she wheeled me across the bridge to try to see the Art of Animation Christmas tree, it was very cold. She put about three blankets on top of me!

You name it, we had it. For the most part it was mid 60's - low 70's and overcast/partially cloudy but we had 30 degree moments, clear sunny moments, 80 degree moments and 2 serious downpours, one significantly longer and worse than the other. I was VERY glad to have some warm layers and especially a scarf and gloves. We did not have much swimming but got a little in.

I will enjoy your pictures. Were you at Boardwalk on NYE? Trent and Brandi decided to just go on in early, and they said it was so loud over there all night long. They said the horn blowing went on for hours.

On NYE itself most of us were in Epcot from about 4pm till after fireworks. A few went back early (11-11:30) and were at the Boardwalk. I am guessing we got back maybe at 1am? Maybe 1:30? Nothing after that, that kept me up at least. :rotfl2:
All caught up! Loved the introductions. I am both intrigued and intimidated by the thought of such a large family trip. Your BFP is awesome! :worship:

Luckily they are good eggs and I rather like all of them :goodvibes

100+ FP reservations. Yeesh. I got overwhelmed just making my own!

It's so funny, it sounds like SO many! But really it's just 3 per person. Times 9 days though and it became a nutty number. It was pretty fascinating (and alternatively frustrating) so see the system limitations. I am very grateful I made mine pre-tiering as that would have changed a few things, and not for the better.

Know I've commented on this before but love how you really make use of the villa kitchen amenities. Will have to go back through your PTR to find the recommendations on frozen perishables. That's a great idea... I wouldn't have thought to do that. Wonder if that would also work in the summer? :confused3 Probably ok for a shorter flight.

It's all Allison's fault. :rotfl2: She's taken giant hunks of frozen meat from LA to Orlando! I'd made the comment we had a ton of nice deli ham leftover on xmas morning and would sure be nice to bring it as it would otherwise go bad. She suggested freezing it, so I did! Carolyn does bagels and bread. It makes sense. If you figure the cargo area is cooler, as it is, and the stuff is frozen, it likely won't even fully defrost by the time you get it even if you have a late room arrival. If it was summer and your bags might be with MDE for a long time I'd have concerns but then I'd just carry it on and give it to bell services to keep cold for you.

The villa kitchens were definitely used this trip!

I will attempt to take on the challenge of counting margaritas. ;) Although I saw a great quote the other day that said that age & glasses of wine (or 'ritas in this case) should never be counted.

I can say that ritas will outnumber wine on this trip :rotfl2: And sometimes it's best not to count, you are right!

The new DME buses are quite fancy, aren't they? And I enjoyed the new movie - nice to have something different.

They are nice. I'd have liked to actually watch the movie a little more, the driver was so chatty it was hard not to listen to him, and then be a bit appalled. Jeff and I kept looking at each other going WHAT???

Can't wait to hear what happens next! Am particularly interested in what your folks and sister thought of the Swan! The rates are great.

They are great rates and you cannot beat the location. Especially when their TA managed to get them a killer upgrade with an amazing view.

So, I actually read more than I thought this morning. A few more comments. Glad you braved the line for Starbucks. :cool1:

Glad you had the bus to yourselves. Hmmm - not sure what I would have though about the bus driver either. I mean - that could be ME he's talking about. :rotfl:

Well likely not, he was basically insulting clueless (Disney) tourists though I can't recall the specifics. I'll ask Jeff.

I don't blame you for getting as many people on your reservation as possible. DME and the magic bands are a big perk. I swear Denny and I are only doing that one night stay at ASSports to get the magic band. I'm so spoiled now. I don't want to have to worry about reservations.

It really was nice to have them, they made a huge difference most of the time.

Guess what - Rosie is going to be in the world until May 13th. We are going to get to meet poll dancing Rosie! :cool1::woohoo::cool1:

:cool1: I just saw that! So it looks like Kat, Leslie, Jen, Rose, Dawn and...there's at least one more right? All overlap at some point.

Brook! :welcome: You were SUCH a help on this trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally agree! You're a star Cynthia. We had a party of 10 once but Jenna plans almost as much as I do so it was super headache free. I'm worried about the whole FP+ reservation thing. I can't imagine making them for that many people. I hope someone bought you a drink or 10 for putting this all together. :thumbsup2

The FP+ thing was interesting and I think it can be easy with a big group, or really hard, depending on how much control folks want. It worked out pretty well for us once folks understood it. It was frustrating at first as my sister could not understand why they couldn't pre-book FP's and we could. It all worked out ok though.

Different shoes? :rotfl2: Hilarious!

Different sizes, same shoe thank goodness.

Great start! Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

I might have a number of those conversations in my Facebook messenger. :rotfl: I'm glad they ended up onsite during the season, it sounded like they were too.

:rotfl2: I bet you do! Kerri and my mom were glad. My dad didn't like the price although he did like the convenience. For the time of year I think he felt it was a benefit but if he had his druthers he'd go off season, and stay off site. It was very very nice having them next door, that was huge.

:lmao: That is hilarious! What could you do at that point?! Just had to roll with it...oh too funny.

Yep, that's exactly what I did!
All hail the queen of organization!!
No way would I have managed to squeeze in a trip to the mall too!
:rotfl:at the two different sized shoes! Did he notice it at all during the trip? I have one foot that is a bit bigger and if it worked out right (the bigger shoe on that foot) I probably wouldn't have noticed!

If you were leaving at 10pm, yes you might be able to squeeze in a trip to the mall. Or two malls! :rotfl2:

No, he didn't notice it and since it was bigger, versus smaller, we just rolled with it. Not that I had much choice.

You do bring a lot of stuff for food in the villa. I should try that sometime. But we hardly get the 1BR so we'd have to make do with a toaster and microwave.

It is much more difficult in a studio. For a studio I actually packed plates, bowls, silverware, knife and a cutting board. :lmao: but we cooked a bit less and certainly simpler meals. I wouldn't do it with all four of us, but then again I can't stand all 4 of us in one room anyway unless I absolutely have to and even then, it's just one night. Unless it's just Jeff and I, I want that kitchen, bedroom and laundry!

The red-eye reminds me of our overnight drives. But it takes longer in the car.
and one of us always has to be awake! ;)

So glad you're on WDW property! Can't wait to see the villa!

Yes, awake is rather key for those long drives isn't it? :thumbsup2

Isn't there usually a movie/advertisement playing on the bus from MCO? That driver sounds annoying...especially that early in the morning!

Yes, though honestly he kept distracting me from it though I tried to tune him out. Very annoying that early.

Funny about the shoes, but hopefully it wasn't an issue...poor packing choices by one of us has resulted in a trip to the New Balance store while at WDW;)

Poor packing choices may have resulted in some extra shopping for at least one member of our group.


Hi!! I'm joining in!! I will try to stay caught up!! I just need to go back and read now!!

:welcome: Thrilled to have you here!

Wow! You really are organized to get all the errands run, packing done and still make the red eye, 2 different sized shoes and all! ;) Glad everyone arrived in one piece!

The mall (malls lol) thing was really a bonus errand simply because we did have the time. They would have lived without the new shoes. I was happy I still got my workout in and Evan had his trombone lesson. The rest was gravy.

BTW, I found a pre-cruise package at the Sheraton in San Juan with transfers from the airport and to the cruise terminal through Costco. For 3 nights for me, its running about $500. $100 non-refundable deposit and balance due 45 days out.

Jill in CO

I saw that! Right now it still looks like a better deal to keep the AAA Sheraton booking I have ($170 night, 2 night min) and then just taxi to the hotel from the airport ($21). Port looks literally walkable from the hotel but I suppose we will see. I checked out DCL's transfer option and they want $80 for the 2 of us. No thanks!!!

Of course if we are going to be there 2 nights...Jeff might actually prefer a beach hotel. In theory we could have a full day at the beach on the 19th, check in at 11 on the 20th when boarding starts and then get back off and spend the afternoon in OSJ if things go as they kind of look like they are. Or drop our bags at 11, play all afternoon in OSJ and then board early evening. I may make 2 hotel reservations so I have options.

I've been mucking around and have a rather devious plan that is forming in my mind.

To get the best airfare, ideally we'd leave on Weds but I really can't, Thursday is pushing it as it is. We'd also need to come back Sunday or Monday. If I have to pay that much, I'd just as soon have the longer trip and spend what I would have spent on the Fri-Sat flights and stay where we'd like to be before and after. In viewing my options of cities to fly through it comes down to JFK, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, Boston and...Orlando.

It seems to me that...if we come back on the 27th, via Orlando, why F&W may have just started and a 2 night layover might be a rather fabulous thing. :lmao:

Right now I think the option I like best (or that is the most cost efficient) is Jet Blue there on a red eye (via JFK), then SW to MCO, layover and then Alaska to SEA. We will see. Jet Blue will have rates out in about a month but SW will be quite some time still. I actually really like the Jet Blue red eye options as they have you landing at between 2-4 am. At that hour we'd feel like it was midnight and could check in, go to sleep and really have a full day in SJ on the 19th plus a pretty full one on the 20th since the ship leaves so late. I could book the Alaska end part now. If things land where I think they might, and if I use miles on a leg, I can do it for about 1k.

Out of curiosity I checked, DCL would charge us $867.50 each for the flights and ground transfers...yikes! Current rates if we booked today, best I can do for both of us is $1200 but that's with a Sunday direct flight back and I really don't want 2 nights in SJ prior AND 1 after.

I really need to confirm my folks can watch the E's!!!!!!!!

So... what are you saying about them now? :rotfl2:

one word



I wish DW was as easy to convince as you are.

Oh I didn't need convincing, Jeff did. I have that plane as leverage though.

Wow... that would definitely add up fast. I can't even imagine packing all that for a flight.

Oh I bet you pack as much, it's just different. Stroller, diaper bag, car seat, diapers, formula, bottles, snacks, toys for the plane, etc etc etc. I don't have to deal with that anymore.

The "sleeping" arrangements on the flight seem pretty horrible, but at least you ended up at Disney World... So I guess that's a fair trade-off. :thumbsup2

For us, it's worth it. We lose an entire day of vacation otherwise and the kids never make the time change. 5 uncomfortable hours are very much worth the trade off.

I had a bunch of multi quotes but ditched them.

First have to share that I love how much time you & Jeff put into each other. A good marriage doesn't just happen. its work! Joe and I had quite a few years before Katie, so it was a big adjustment the first few years not having that time to ourselves. We have her 8 years of uninterrupted time - and then realized we needed some "us" time. We are working on more of that - and yup, definitely have those nights with very little to chat about, but that's okay. Every moment doesn't need to be filled in with talking. :thumbsup2

It's all about balance. Some times I think we have too much to say. :lmao:

It's funny, we tried to see a movie on Saturday night but it was sold out. So instead we went out for dessert and a drink and chatted about that while we were bummed about the movie, we couldn't chat at the movie, and all that mattered was that we were out together so it was all good.

So was the carrot cake.


Even the review of the BFP has my head spinning a bit.

Now, your travel day. :worship: you are so organized....and what a great way to "kill time" on leaving day by taking the E's to the mall. I remember one trip where we had a late flight. OMG I was beside myself:hyper::hyper: all day with anticipation. Planning a task would have been a good idea.

I do MUCH better when I am busy and this was a comfortable busy. Granted, the 2nd mall had me a wee bit concerned about timing but it was fine. I prefer late flights so I have time for these kinds of things, early ones stress me out to no end.

Katie would have been thrilled to have 2 different size shoes (her one foot is 1/2 size bigger than the other!) but I am also hearing the big sigh and eye roll from you when you heard that one. ::yes::

I couldn't believe he didn't check it at the store. And then to realize the clerk didn't either. Very annoyed. It was fine but still, definitely eye roll worthy.

Glad that your parents got to sleep on the plane at least. I have a feeling that this will help later that day for sure.

what was the deal with the ME driver? sheesh!

So far so good!

I am glad they got to sleep too! The driver was a piece of work.
Great start to the trip. I liked seeing the skiing picture and the one of the cousins when they were small.

Incredible job getting everyone ready and where they needed to be. It didn't seem like there was quite as much pre-trip work/family/pet drama as you have had before previous trips, and then I remembered you had the Santa duty in Hawaii just before Christmas. So that counts!

I have only been on two red eyes, but I agree- they suck! The degree of suckiness may vary, but I can't sleep on a plane either, no matter how tired I am, so I sympathize.

You made the right call on the Starbucks!

Welcome home!
Yippee! Always a great feeling to get the travel behind you and finally be on Disney property! :woohoo: Let the adventures, and the BFP, begin! :goodvibes
The new DME buses are quite fancy, aren't they? And I enjoyed the new movie - nice to have something different.

New DME buses and a new movie???? I may have to fly again. :rotfl2: I have been taking the car and while that has worked out wonderfully, a short flight is just that extra bit of magic.
Did you bring the plastic glass with the wine glass inside? Well if you did, wanted to tell you Tervis does make them now. I'm buying one when I go to Florida.

I couldn't believe the amount of food you brought. We have found that we eat less at WDW, so that gives more money to spend on drinks!
Great start to the trip. I liked seeing the skiing picture and the one of the cousins when they were small.

Incredible job getting everyone ready and where they needed to be. It didn't seem like there was quite as much pre-trip work/family/pet drama as you have had before previous trips, and then I remembered you had the Santa duty in Hawaii just before Christmas. So that counts!

LOL! You are right, that makes up for the calm before this trip, I'd already used up all my extra energy anyway! I had Santa duty here right after Hawaii, it was an insane 2 weeks.

I have only been on two red eyes, but I agree- they suck! The degree of suckiness may vary, but I can't sleep on a plane either, no matter how tired I am, so I sympathize.

You made the right call on the Starbucks!

Welcome home!

We definitely made the right call on the Starbucks, it would have been about 1.5 hours until coffee otherwise...that would not have gone well for anyone.

Yippee! Always a great feeling to get the travel behind you and finally be on Disney property! :woohoo: Let the adventures, and the BFP, begin! :goodvibes

All hail the BFP!


New DME buses and a new movie???? I may have to fly again. :rotfl2: I have been taking the car and while that has worked out wonderfully, a short flight is just that extra bit of magic.

Yep, new buses, they even make you wear your seatbelt. And a movie!

Did you bring the plastic glass with the wine glass inside? Well if you did, wanted to tell you Tervis does make them now. I'm buying one when I go to Florida.

We did! They are fun.

I couldn't believe the amount of food you brought. We have found that we eat less at WDW, so that gives more money to spend on drinks!

You really won't believe the amount of food I bought once there then, :rotfl2: just ask Pat.

Sadly, we don't eat less but bringing and going to the grocery store does save money over restaurants and counter service...which leaves more money for drinks. And then of course we did buy some drinks, and mixer at the store....


I am happy to say despite the crazy amount of stuff we both bought and brought, we went through the vast majority of it and what we didn't use up, mostly came back with us or was eaten on the plane ride home.
My general rule of thumb has always been NO travel during the holidays.

And of course, as soon as you say "never"...

Look how little those guys are!

Man, it goes by fast, doesn't it?

And our add on at SSR quickly turned into an add on at BWV instead (and that add on left us with some extra points we just "had" to use for our couples get away to Aulani...which then led us to another small add on at Aulani...but I digress).

Does this qualify as "first world problems"? :rotfl:

My dad is cheap. He did NOT like the prices he was seeing. He really wanted offsite. REALLY wanted it. Ultimately we convinced him that the loss of the benefits and trying to deal with getting into the parks at all, with a car and offsite, was pretty high risk and a potential huge loss of hours spent in doing so. My little sister was pretty influential here, though she too wanted to minimize costs, she was very on board with onsite. Ultimately it was a compromise. They both ended up booking rooms at the Swan.

Whew! Good work there.

"Guess what mom! One of my shoes is a different size than the other!"


What is there to say about a red-eye with kids. Or even without? They aren't terribly fun.

I don't even do well on them as an adult. :faint:

We dropped off the solo traveler at POR and in short order were pulling up at the Boardwalk!

:woohoo: for being on property!
I'm surprised after that red eye, you weren't in search of your first margarita of the trip once you made it to MCO!! :drinking1 :lmao: But at least you made it and now the fun can begin!!
I am here from almost the beginning! :cool1: Haven't been a really good diser lately (well for almost the entire year) but trying to do better.

Your planning amazes me!! I have gotten so lax in mine lately and it shows.

Sounds like you are off to a great start. Excited to hear all about how the magic bands worked for you and especially about staying in the treehouse.
Know I've commented on this before but love how you really make use of the villa kitchen amenities. ill have to go back through your PTR to find the recommendations on frozen perishables. That's a great idea... I wouldn't have thought to do that. Wonder if that would also work in the summer? :confused3 Probably ok for a shorter flight.

I had read about other DVCers doing this and tried it for the first time about a year ago. Basically just leave whatever it is in the freezer until just before you run out the door. As Cynthia said, the temperature in the cargo hold is lower than the interior of the plane, your food probably won't melt. Especially if you put in a collapsible cooler in the suitcase.

I wouldn't do it in summer unless you plan to arrive at a time when you know your room will be ready and that you will be in the room when DME will deliver your luggage.
Well, I finally made it to the party. Thanks for the link; I might never have found you!

The Introductions:

All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed "getting to know you" all over again! I mean that; you are such a lovely family in every way. :goodvibes What a fun crowd that joined you this time around!

I thought our family was busy... :eek:

Can't guarantee I'll be around for all the banter (that I'm sure I'd love), but I'll be here as I can, and definitely read the updates. :goodvibes
And of course, as soon as you say "never"...


Man, it goes by fast, doesn't it?

Scary. You just wait!

Does this qualify as "first world problems"? :rotfl:

:thumbsup2 and blessed to have them

Whew! Good work there.

I thought, for me, it was a very calm day!

Classic huh!

I don't even do well on them as an adult. :faint:

It could have been a LOT worse, I was fairly pleased. More pleased of course when it was over...

:woohoo: for being on property!


I'm surprised after that red eye, you weren't in search of your first margarita of the trip once you made it to MCO!! :drinking1 :lmao: But at least you made it and now the fun can begin!!

:lmao: at 6:04 in the morning that might have been a bit much. Especially without somewhere to head straight to bed afterwards. A bloody mary would have been lovely tasting with breakfast but I'd have needed a nap.

More coffee was in order.

I am here from almost the beginning! :cool1: Haven't been a really good diser lately (well for almost the entire year) but trying to do better.

Erica!!!!!!!!! :welcome: I am very very happy you are here :goodvibes

Your planning amazes me!! I have gotten so lax in mine lately and it shows.

Oh I had a few planning fails in there I am sure. It's funny, I have trips I plan a lot and trips I don't. I've done SQUAT for the California trip so far.

Sounds like you are off to a great start. Excited to hear all about how the magic bands worked for you and especially about staying in the treehouse.

Well we don't get to the treehouses for a bit but MagicBands will appear very soon!
I had read about other DVCers doing this and tried it for the first time about a year ago. Basically just leave whatever it is in the freezer until just before you run out the door. As Cynthia said, the temperature in the cargo hold is lower than the interior of the plane, your food probably won't melt. Especially if you put in a collapsible cooler in the suitcase.

Yes, I neglected to mention I had the frozen items inside an insulated tote bag. I did not include any other cooler packs in there for weight reasons, but you could. I honestly can't recall if these ended up packed or in a carry-on as stuff was moving around there at the end for weight distribution but either way, they arrived just fine!

I wouldn't do it in summer unless you plan to arrive at a time when you know your room will be ready and that you will be in the room when DME will deliver your luggage.
Or if you give it to bell services right away to put in fridge or freezer. We have to do that anyways for split stays so it's not really any different. Only challenge is that if you pack it, obviously you may not get it for 3 hours or more and if you carry it on you have to be mindful of what will be considered a liquid (no cooler pack inserts I'd imagine).
Well, I finally made it to the party. Thanks for the link; I might never have found you!


Liesa is here!

:welcome: my friend!

The Introductions:

All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed "getting to know you" all over again! I mean that; you are such a lovely family in every way. :goodvibes What a fun crowd that joined you this time around!

It's a good group

I thought our family was busy... :eek:

Can't guarantee I'll be around for all the banter (that I'm sure I'd love), but I'll be here as I can, and definitely read the updates. :goodvibes

You are easily equally as busy, and in the middle of wedding planning to boot! Be here when you can, believe me I know how hard it is to keep up.

Just got caught up on this TR as I didn't relies it was in the DVC section rather then the regular TR section.

aw rats, I am sorry! I really debated, main TR board or this one and the treehouses kind of flipped it to be a DVC report. Really could have gone either way but given how much we did use the villas for their villa-ish purpose...figured I'd put it here.

:welcome: I am so thrilled you found me!
I love that you give the boys a packing list instead of them fending for themselves. Something i'll need to remember when Calvin gets older :thumbsup2

DH and I really like taking red-eyes for some reason. Us, being on the West Coast, it just feels like you waste an entire day flying there. I love getting off the plane to a brand new day.
I love that you give the boys a packing list instead of them fending for themselves. Something i'll need to remember when Calvin gets older :thumbsup2

It's a compromise. They'd rather pack without a list...but will forget some rather key things, bring too much of something or not enough of another. I'd like them to have presentable clothing packed, that generally matches.

This way they get to pick what they bring, but I have veto power. Occasionally they argue but in general have gotten pretty decent about what they pick and sticking to the list.

DH and I really like taking red-eyes for some reason. Us, being on the West Coast, it just feels like you waste an entire day flying there. I love getting off the plane to a brand new day.

Exactly! We hate losing a day in travel plus making the time change is much harder. The red eye forces it, if you can stay up late enough on day 1 you are golden for the trip and because it is day are usually amped up enough to hold out!


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