Marathon Weekend 2022

I'll never forget being so hungry after my first marathon, tearing into the box and finding the tortilla chips first. I paused for a millisecond to ponder why rD would give me plain tortilla chips in a snack box before devouring them. It wasn't until later that I uncovered the glorious plastic cheese.
do most people get hungry after marathons or even halfs? ive never been hungry... thirsty yes, but hungry no. i usually eat 7 to 10 gels.. each 100 calories... during marathon so i am usually ok. im not even really too hungry later that night either, though i usually eat a lot that night, well because its disney and you are supposed to
do most people get hungry after marathons or even halfs? ive never been hungry... thirsty yes, but hungry no. i usually eat 7 to 10 gels.. each 100 calories... during marathon so i am usually ok. im not even really too hungry later that night either, though i usually eat a lot that night, well because its disney and you are supposed to

I am so hungry after a half or a full. Normally I'm not into bananas (its the smell), but I devour that thing after a race. I try to grab lunch soon after as well. I don't get any particular cravings though.
do most people get hungry after marathons or even halfs? ive never been hungry... thirsty yes, but hungry no. i usually eat 7 to 10 gels.. each 100 calories... during marathon so i am usually ok. im not even really too hungry later that night either, though i usually eat a lot that night, well because its disney and you are supposed to

I'm ravenous during and after a marathon. I've literally been running with my stomach audibly growling and brain fog setting in despite having a gel every 4 to 5 miles. What finally stopped it with my last marathon was hauling a sandwich bag of pretzels along with me and eating a mouthful of those every couple of miles in addition to the gels.

Halfs, I'm still hungry at the end, but no where near as bad as marathons.

Also #TeamHummus #NotSorry
I think the only time I've eaten during a marathon are the bananas and gels they hand out on the course.

I'm not setting any records (4-4:30 hours-ish), but that's probably as much a training plan (I don't use one) as it is the nutrition.

As a result, We head over to Chuy's for the Elvis Presley Memorial Platter as soon as I can get a beer and get home to shower.
do most people get hungry after marathons or even halfs? ive never been hungry... thirsty yes, but hungry no. i usually eat 7 to 10 gels.. each 100 calories... during marathon so i am usually ok. im not even really too hungry later that night either, though i usually eat a lot that night, well because its disney and you are supposed to

I'm not really hungry....but the lure of junk food (and that is truly what Disney gives you) is strong and fully rationalized having run a distance race. Same way I can rationalize a beer as a "hydration effort" :)
do most people get hungry after marathons or even halfs? ive never been hungry... thirsty yes, but hungry no. i usually eat 7 to 10 gels.. each 100 calories... during marathon so i am usually ok. im not even really too hungry later that night either, though i usually eat a lot that night, well because its disney and you are supposed to
My body is usually too devastated to be hungry... but I definitely am dying for fluids and salt. It takes like a day for me to get hungry after a race of 13 miles or more.
SAFD (better late than never!):

Classic - Goofy! He is so funny - especially love him in the new Mickey Mouse shorts (Potatoland is an instant classic!)
Adapted - Mary Poppins or Pooh
Pixar - Dug! I have 2 golden retrievers, and I feel like I can hear Dug's voice when they look at me :rotfl2:
The optimist in me just booked BCVs for 1/5 - 1/13 with the hope and anticipation that there will be a 2022 MW. Even if there are races and I get shut out from my race category [which is not a challenge or the full], I still plan on going to see the new experience and root on the runners. If running is still restricted and there are no "live" races I'll have to suck it up and enjoy the "assumed" earlier start for The Festival of Arts! That was a pleasant diversion for us last month. Happy planning everyone!
The optimist in me just booked BCVs for 1/5 - 1/13 with the hope and anticipation that there will be a 2022 MW. Even if there are races and I get shut out from my race category [which is not a challenge or the full], I still plan on going to see the new experience and root on the runners. If running is still restricted and there are no "live" races I'll have to suck it up and enjoy the "assumed" earlier start for The Festival of Arts! That was a pleasant diversion for us last month. Happy planning everyone!

I booked BLT for nearly the same dates. I figured it'd be better to have something booked and cancel if necessary than want a room and be shut out.
I figure others are doing the same thing; I was looking at the room availability for all the resorts, and some categories were already unavailable by mid-morning (for dates beginning 1/6).

Unlike you, if the event doesn't happen or if I don't get in, I would change my travel dates to a school break (I'm a school librarian) instead of right after one!
Good morning, runDisney all-stars! Welcome to another edition of Sundays are for Disney!

For this week's SAFD, what are your favorite Disney memories?

- My twin daughters' first visit. Our first morning, we were up early for breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table and the girls (about 6 at the time) were just not having it. Lots of tears and slow getting out of the room. But, we got into Magic Kingdom (my first time in close to 20 years) and they started to perk up a little. Finally, we got seated at CRT, the princesses started coming in and the magic really started. I have a picture of them getting an autograph from Ariel and they are just in awe.

- My youngest daughter's first visit. She was only 2.5, so it was a different experience from her sisters, but it was a really incredible trip (MW2017). She was obsessed with Frozen and speechless when she met Anna and Elsa. We talked off the Frozen ride into the gift shop and she immediately fell in love with an Elsa dress. We bought it and she wore it the rest of the trip and for most of the next year.

- The night before the 2019 marathon, my twins and I went back to MK after dinner. Normally, we would have stayed in, but I was determined to show them how great WDW is at night. We rode Splash, walked across the park during the fireworks, Buzz and Space Mountain. We took a picture in front of the castle before we left (which is framed on my desk - I'm looking at it right now). All told, we were probably out until 10:30 or 11 and I got up around 2 to run the full, but I don't regret a minute of it.

- MW2017: my first full, getting teary-eyed running Main Street, USA for the first time.

- MW2019: my first Dopey, getting teary-eyed running the World Showcase in the dark and hearing a song that reminded me of my girls. Meeting runDisney all-stars for the first time, my first Hurricane Hanna's visit and getting a taste of DATW.

- MW2020: My first solo trip. The adventures of Rogue Two with @FFigawi, the Goof Troop Roving Road Party, parking lot beers, the hottest and most fun marathon on record and a pretty great DATW.

I'm looking forward to making more WDW/rD memories in the future.

Have a safe and healthy week, everyone!


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