Maybe it's just me...

But don't you agree that it's a little ridiculous to have Halloween Parties in the middle of August?
In our case, I’m happy about it. Our family can’t go to Disney in October because of school. We always go towards the end of August and we a had a great time last year at our first MNSSHP. We are planning on going this August as well and the kids are very happy.
You are not the only one. Not by a long shot...

My family has branched out big time since 2013 and the roll out of the current ride rationing system. It’s been one thing after another for five years now.
We canceled our 2014 trip and tried something else. It was awesome.

At first, I admit, I was very sad to lose my go-to, happy place. But — the good news is — there’s a lot of fabulous things to do other than WDW.
OP, my only advice is to give it time.

I felt somewhat like you after only our second trip, the year after our first visit. The first was so magical. Our 2nd just didn't live up even though that's what I was expecting/hoping. I was dead set on a Universal, or some other vacation the next time. After time, my bummed out feelings lessened and Disney crept right back in. We went again in 2013 and had an amazing vacation.

It was because we reset our expectations. I go in with my expectations and attitude shifted. I don't expect to be wowed around every corner, because that really only happens the first time. Some things you just can't expect to recreate. Those organic magical moments just happen, you can’t force them. Now we go in just hoping to make some magical memories. We plan, and plan beforehand to give ourselves our best shot at it, and the best we can do is pray for good weather and good health during the trip. Everything else will take care of itself. I think Disney still offers an amazing experience and I don't see many quality declines since 2010.

Now, having said that, I don't expect any less of Disney. I don't mind the upcharge for extras, but I DO mind when they negatively impact things that used to be included in the regular price of admission... and there are a number to list, many of them mentioned already.


We went in 2016 with much lower expectations and a handful of hacks. We had an excellent time, but at a significantly higher cost-per-day. Furthermore it was way more work than a vacation should have to be.

How sad we have to lower expectations.
I think one issue with this is that the Extra's can affect the guest experience for everyone else. For example, MNSSHP will now impact guests in Mid-August, for something pertaining to Halloween. Or Dessert party viewing may close off areas once available to anyone. These Extra's do not occur in a bubble, and are beginning to chip away at everyone else's experience.
While I'm personally thrilled with the four Halloween parties in August, I also see how others might be negatively impacted by them and other costly add-ons that might have previously been free.
The total number of Halloween and Christmas parties this year is under 60 days, that leaves 300+ other days to go to magic Kingdom, go to magic Kingdom the last two weeks of December and you can enjoy the Christmas parade and show without the cost, problem solved

Not really. The numerous parties causes the off nights at MK to be over the top crowded and miserable. Trust me... I was there (and thankfully sequestered in my up-charged dessert party area!)

When there are only 3 chances for anyone to see HEA in a week, you can be sure it will be a madhouse each night.
The total number of Halloween and Christmas parties this year is under 60 days, that leaves 300+ other days to go to magic Kingdom, go to magic Kingdom the last two weeks of December and you can enjoy the Christmas parade and show without the cost, problem solved

I didn’t realize the had parties almost half a year. I thought it was around 50. That is a little much.

I'm thinking the other poster meant that MNSSHP and MVMCP take up roughly half the year as far as the length they are running. I don't think they meant the number of actual parties was 180 days.

If you look at it MNSSHP 2018 runs for a total of a 76 day time period. With the exception of a 7day break in between MVMCP 2018 starts up and runs for a total of a 44 day time period. Together that is a total of 120days or 4months out of the year for 2018 filled with parties. Now no that is not half the year but it sure can seem like it to someone trying to go to WDW but avoid parties interfering with their plans or even just trying to work around the parties.

Since Universal got brought up the time period for HHN 2017 (as 2018 dates haven't been released) ran for a total of 51 days.
MK does not close at 6 now. It closes at 7 and yes we have been there during slow times with no party where the park closed at either 7 or 8. We have also been there when the park closed at 4pm for a private party. No refunds where given then. It is one of those tough tamales situations.

From what I've been reading, MK will now close at 6:00 for parties. That's to give Disney enough time to clear out the riff raff who haven't paid for a ticket. I understand that, because I know that some people simply refuse to leave during a party, thus swelling the crowds without poneying up for a ticket. But to get kicked out of the park at 6 p.m., three or four days a week? That's really encroaching on the regular park experience.
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I’m sorry but IMO (pretty sure I’m allowed to have one) the parks closing at 6 is ridiculous. Would be ok if it was an occasional thing, but several nights a week for almost half the year, that’s overkill. I’ve been to MVMCP innumerable times, and it’s really just OK. I also attended MK on many party days then hopped elsewhere for the low crowds. I am not totally anti -party, I just think that Disney is getting carried away with all these add ons that negatively affect other guests trips. But I am not one to blindly applaud everything about WDW like so many do.

These trends are worrisome not just because of what Disney is doing now, but what they might do in the future. Where is the limit, where will it end? It seems like Disney has a dedicated think tank just racking their brains to find yet more ways to squeeze yet more $$$$ from the parks, Disney's favorite cash cow. If I didn't know better (and I don't, really) I'd think that Disney is using the parks to prop up their underperforming divisions and businesses coughESPNcough, and never mind that the guest experience takes a beating.
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It seems like Disney has a dedicated think tank just racking their brains to find yet more ways to squeeze yet more $$$$ from the parks, Disney's favorite cash cow.

Of course they do. And Bank of America has one to squeeze more out of the branch network, and Kroger has one to squeeze more out of their grocery stores, and Singapore Air has one to squeeze more out of the fleet. I don't see what makes it so nefarious when Disney does it but not when virtually every other company in existence does it.
WDW could announce that next month everything is half price and park hours will be extended to midnight and some people would still find a reason to complain.

Well, yeah! Can you imagine the crowding that would cause?

They'd be accusing Disney of putting people's health and safety at risk. They'd be outraged over the parks closing due to capacity every day. They'd accuse Disney of rampant greed and putting the almighty dollar before guest experience. And then people would be campaigning for Disney to jack the prices back up until crowds come down to more manageable levels.

We went in 2016 with much lower expectations and a handful of hacks. We had an excellent time, but at a significantly higher cost-per-day. Furthermore it was way more work than a vacation should have to be.

How sad we have to lower expectations.
I think that's what people are most upset about! Why should we have to LOWER our expectations at the same time as paying more?? I understand the whole "prices go up" etc,.... but if I was paying more for the same experience I could justify it. But... to pay more for less.... seems backwards!
I don't see what makes it so nefarious when Disney does it but not when virtually every other company in existence does it.
Because they are taking away from the guest experience! At least for the majority of the guests.... those that are on budgets!
And most of the other companies are trying to do the opposite... increase the guest experience at the same time as increasing prices.
We went in 2016 with much lower expectations and a handful of hacks. We had an excellent time, but at a significantly higher cost-per-day. Furthermore it was way more work than a vacation should have to be.

How sad we have to lower expectations.

I get what you are saying, but I kinda look at it a little different. Just speaking for myself, I would not necessarily say that I have lower expectations, just different expectations. I had unreasonable expectations for a while. For example it’s unreasonable to think that I could get wowed and surprised like my first visit, every following year.

The more you go, the more you are familiar with everything, so you start to notice the little details more, which tend to be the things that may not be as rosy. I think it just comes along with going often. The wow factor just can’t be sustained year after year when not much changes between visits.

FWIW, I’ve never complained about anything Disney did till recently. I was one of those walking advertisements for WDW. 2 weeks there almost yearly, kids rooms decorated Disney, Disney scrubs (I’m a Nurse Practitioner), humming the theme to Wishes, talking people into Disney vacays, and even defending Disney. Now I’m a realist and I see the greed coupled with a reduced experience and it makes me sad and angry. I’m not just someone who loves to complain. If you say anything against Disney on here you’re “never happy”. I was happy with Disney for 30 years.
I get what you are saying, but I kinda look at it a little different. Just speaking for myself, I would not necessarily say that I have lower expectations, just different expectations. I had unreasonable expectations for a while. For example it’s unreasonable to think that I could get wowed and surprised like my first visit, every following year.

The more you go, the more you are familiar with everything, so you start to notice the little details more, which tend to be the things that may not be as rosy. I think it just comes along with going often. The wow factor just can’t be sustained year after year when not much changes between visits.


I don’t measure by the wows, though. I measure by the numbers. I expect as many rides and as many character encounters as the previous visit.
FWIW, I’ve never complained about anything Disney did till recently. I was one of those walking advertisements for WDW. 2 weeks there almost yearly, kids rooms decorated Disney, Disney scrubs (I’m a Nurse Practitioner), humming the theme to Wishes, talking people into Disney vacays, and even defending Disney. Now I’m a realist and I see the greed coupled with a reduced experience and it makes me sad and angry. I’m not just someone who loves to complain. If you say anything against Disney on here you’re “never happy”. I was happy with Disney for 30 years.

You have plenty of company here. I'd say a good half of regular contributors, if not more, are deeply dissatisfied with Disney parks and happy to share their feelings on it.

The other half are very happy with Disney. They either don't agree with your complaints or they don't see them as worth complaining about, because - for them - Disney is still providing excellent value. They don't see "greed" and they're not experiencing a reduced experience.

What ends up happening in threads like these is that the nay-sayers feel like the yay-sayers are dismissing their complaints and characterizing them as unhappy, overly-critical people. And the yay-sayers feel attacked in their own turn, as they get accused of wearing blinkers, having "drunk the kool-aid" and basically being idiots for being happy with the current state of affairs. Both sides consider themselves the true "realists".

Then both sides dig into their respective camps and start lobbing grenades at each other, until the thread gets locked.

Here's the thing, I'm sure you don't "love" to complain. I'm sure you are frequently happy. The Disney magic has worn off and you are feeling dissatisfied. You want your point of view validated and supported. And there's lots of people who will do that for you here!

And, along the way, you'll engage in arguments with people who disagree with you.

Me, this isn't the sort of thing I enjoy long term, though it can be fun in short doses. I take frequent long breaks from this board, when I find it's ruining my enjoyment of Disney planning. We also take frequent long breaks from the Disney parks, whenever we find that we're enjoying them less. We're just coming off a nearly two year break, and boy... did I LOVE my last trip to Disney World!

So, I'm on a high, right now.

I like to be happy (as I'm sure you do, too), and I think it's important to protect that positive feeling. So, whenever I notice it going away, then I know it's time to leave.
FWIW, I’ve never complained about anything Disney did till recently. I was one of those walking advertisements for WDW. 2 weeks there almost yearly, kids rooms decorated Disney, Disney scrubs (I’m a Nurse Practitioner), humming the theme to Wishes, talking people into Disney vacays, and even defending Disney. Now I’m a realist and I see the greed coupled with a reduced experience and it makes me sad and angry. I’m not just someone who loves to complain. If you say anything against Disney on here you’re “never happy”. I was happy with Disney for 30 years.

I still get people coming to me asking for help with their WDW vacation plans. The best I can do for them is to offer a little guidance and encourage them to have very low expectations. I used to warn people, “You can’t do it all.” Now I say, “Pick 3-4 things a day you HAVE to do, and count anything more as bonus.”

Most folks will NEVER go to the level of planning as those of us posting on DIS. I hear so many post-trip tales of what co-workers and acquaintances DIDN’T get to do. Low expectations are a good starting point.
I don’t measure by the wows, though. I measure by the numbers. I expect as many rides and as many character encounters as the previous visit.

Interesting... I've never actually counted my rides and character encounters! I'm sure we had more in the beginning. Probably because when we first started, I kept us all on a tight touring schedule, running from ride to ride and making sure we saw and did everything. As time went on, we relaxed and began to take our time. Talk to cast members, take in the streetmosphere, enjoy a treat. Some of my favourite memories, dating back a couple decades, now have nothing to do with either rides or character meetings.
Maybe it's just me...

It's not just you, Revdon64. I, too, have been feeling this way. I am in the midst of planning a brief Christmas vacation for the first week of December, but for the first time in six trips to WDW, this trip will only be a couple of days. Just enough time to see the Candlelight Processional and maybe MVMCP. My love for Disney is unwavering, but I would need to move to Orlando to afford it.


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