Meg + Rob SBP/ADH/UK Lower 10/12/09 - Roots Photos ONLINE! YES!!!!

Which dress do you either like more or think would look better on Meg

  • The Dress She Already Has - the Alfred Angelo with Yellow Trim

  • Or the new one with the lace sleeves?

Results are only viewable after voting.
:eek: Day Three... also known as the "Finding the Bridesmaids Dresses is going to be harder than finding my own dress" :eek:

Thanks for all the great feedback! :goodvibes I agree with all... the first dress is my preference!! Now I've just got to go get it tried on and ordered and everything. School starts next week, so fuhgeddabout it then. Maybe the week after. I still have over 13 months left, but I do tend to procrastinate, so I'll be so happy if I get that big thing taken care of.

Now on to today's mission... looking at Bridesmaids Dresses! :scared1:

I (mistakenly) thought this would be simple - easy - nodda problem! WRONG! I think its because of the sizes I'm dealing with. I'm dealing with one MOH who is in the low plus sizes, one JrB niece who will be 11 and is right now in size 16 girls (and is tall as me! 5'5"!!!) and growing like a weed, and then my other niece who is going to be 7 when I get married who will be my FG. Alot of the JR Bridesmaids dresses only go up to 16. The Bridesmaid Dresses look too old for her. Flower Girl, my niece Emily - found a miniture copy of my dress.


Em will look adorable! This is Emily last year when she was 5

So what I've come up with for Ashlyn (my JrBridesmaid) is to have her wear the same dress as the MOH, and just get it tailored differently so it's more I dunno if modest is the right word. Not that I'm a prude, but I've always been bothered by little girls who are dressed older than they are.

Here are the dresses I've picked. Input please!






Oh yeah pictures of Jen, my MOH

She's going to kill me for this one. It's me, Rob, and Jen under the tree this past Christmas. The parental units insisted on all the kids under the tree. No coffee or makeup..


Here's Ashlyn my other niece last year. She's literally grown a foot since this picture with me.


Tomorrow I'm off to Bangor - 3 hours south of me! A day of shopping - actual stores - a mall! More importantly a Target :cloud9: I'll be back late, so I prolly won't post.

Also, I'm going to pick up the makings of the Mickey flip flops that have been floating around the boards! Pictures to follow.

My next task is the mens clothing... and what to do with my ear. I have 8 earrings in my left ear :eek: but only one in the right. When I turned 18 I had one hole in each ear. By the time I turned 20 I had 8 in the left. I like it though. It's different. I change them daily to match my outfits. They aren't stretched out or anything. They're all healthy and clean. They are just typical holes... only 8 of them :upsidedow I'll post a picture so you all can see what I'm talking about.

My 2 tattoos will be covered so we're good on that point. Just the earrings. Any thoughts are appriciated as always - you all are so great to be reading! It really takes a ton of stress off me to be talking to people who are either going through the process or have gone through it. You all are awesome!

:thanks: :jumping1: :thanks:

Peace :hippie:, Love :love:, and GO PATRIOTS! :cheer2:
I like the shorter dresses on my BM. But for my neice (10) I liked the longer. So maybe a longer for the JrBM. Just a thought though! Have fun shopping!
:rotfl: Day Four - Meg back from Shopping... waiting is killing her! :rotfl:

I am not patient, but I don't think even I can take much more of this waiting! I called Disney last Tuesday and they said they would call me back within 24 hours. They (obviously) didn't. Someone on the boards said that they could take up to 3 days. So I gave them 3 days. Still... nothing. Today I get an email from my father in Massachusetts. He worked over the weekend at the hospital and wasn't home. He came home yesterday to a message from the DFTW people! What the?:sad:

I called the number he gave me for a Pam Pierce at DFTW. O'course this being labor day she wasn't there! :sad1: After hanging up the phone I decided to chuck a good old fashioned wobbly (or pitch a fit... someone from Australia used this term, and I think it's a better fit for my err... fit!). :sad: And then after the wobbly had been completed, I tried to think how they got my dad's number. I didn't give it to them! I figure they got it when they asked me if I had ever stayed on property. Something about getting information from a profile. But I know I gave them my number up here. :confused:

School starts again tomorrow and I have a class at 9:25 am (Race, Sex and Gender! Woo Hoo!) Glug. So I'll be calling her between classes and work. As soon as I know I've been penciled in, I'll feel better. :goodvibes

On the happier side of the street - I went shopping! I'm going to take pictures of everything I picked up for the wedding tomorrow. I got an incredible scrapbook at Target on sale for 6.00 with Minnie and Mickey on the cover looking at the fireworks over the castle. I also got some Disney Wedding scrapbooking stickers. My fav is one that says "Once Upon a Wedding". I also picked up a box for cards that looks like a mail box. And at AC Moore I got I DO Letters and painted them navy blue with Mickey crystals on them. I also made Mickey flip flops with crystals and ribbon. I also got a countdown clock for the wedding for my desk, 72 bottles of wedding bubbles (which I'll tie a card to in the future) and other stuff I can't remember. I was a busy Meg! :yay: But I figure if I can get the small stuff as I see it, it will prevent me going broke in October of 09.

To bed I go... summer ends for me tonight. The leaves are already turning up here. I'm 13 months, 11 days away from my wedding. It feels like an eternity between here and there. I already feel like the kid who can't wait until Christmas morning. Other than the aforementioned screw up, life is good - it's the waiting that will be the end of me! :goodvibes

Peace :hippie:, Love :lovestruc, and Go PATRIOTS! -Meg
YAY! I cant wait to see pictures. I am curious about the flip flops! Glad to see you did the I do letters also! I love those!!!
On the happier side of the street - I went shopping! I'm going to take pictures of everything I picked up for the wedding tomorrow. I got an incredible scrapbook at Target on sale for 6.00 with Minnie and Mickey on the cover looking at the fireworks over the castle. I also got some Disney Wedding scrapbooking stickers. My fav is one that says "Once Upon a Wedding". I also picked up a box for cards that looks like a mail box. And at AC Moore I got I DO Letters and painted them navy blue with Mickey crystals on them. I also made Mickey flip flops with crystals and ribbon. I also got a countdown clock for the wedding for my desk, 72 bottles of wedding bubbles (which I'll tie a card to in the future) and other stuff I can't remember. I was a busy Meg! :yay: But I figure if I can get the small stuff as I see it, it will prevent me going broke in October of 09.

I am slowly convincing DF that we need to start picking up the small stuff! For the same reason!

I also bought the same wedding stickers at AC Moore this weekend (I couldn't resist a 40% sale) Did you see the paper was on sale?

To bed I go... summer ends for me tonight. The leaves are already turning up here. I'm 13 months, 11 days away from my wedding. It feels like an eternity between here and there. I already feel like the kid who can't wait until Christmas morning. Other than the aforementioned screw up, life is good - it's the waiting that will be the end of me! :goodvibes

We will keep each other company for the 13 months and 11 days. Hopefully having others to talk to about eveything will make the time just fly by. :goodvibes
Yay! Sounds like you had a sucessful shopping trip! That's what I miss about not having a bigger wedding...I'm a "planner", and I just don't have much to plan or do for the next 8 months or so!!

I don't know what to suggest for the earring holes...are you thinking earrings for each hole? Have you decided if you're going to wear your hair up or down?

Oh, BTW, I love the other dresses too. I'm with you, little girls need to look like little girls, I hate when people try to make them look like small teenagers...or worse!

Oh, also, your niece Emily is adorable!!! I love her little pixie cut.
I am tagging along for the ride....I absolutely love the dress!!! Blue is my favorite color, and being a Pat's fan, it just blends perfectly.


A picture from our recent cruise when the Pats won the playoff game...days before our vow renewal....what a great week.

oh yeah....Emily is adorable!!!

Hey all!:wave:

Sorry that I haven't updated this week, but back to school has kept me really busy! Only 400 more days until our wedding - not that I'm counting or anything ;)

First off, I got in touch with my WC on Friday. It looks good for October 12, 2009 at either the YC or SBP. I'm going back and forth as some of you may know from reading the boards. I like the look of SBP, but I'm a born and bred New Englander, so I'm kinda pulled towards the YC. I'll be going back and forth until October 13 of this year - which is when I have to make the decision!

I really liked Pam - my WC. She answered all my questions - even the dumb ones! She was explaining everything and I was like "yep, I've heard that" - I think I know too much from these boards! lol - but she was great. When I looked at the price lists she sent, I just about fainted :faint:. I know it will be worth it, but it just seems like alot. My dad is paying for everything, but I'm really trying to save up some to help defray the costs, and buying all the little stuff as I see it. I called Dad right after I talked to Pam and told him how much this will cost. He was like "You're worth it, but this better be a one time deal!" (He's been divorced twice) I <3 my Dad - he's really awesome. He's been both Mom and Dad to me, as I've lived with him since I was nine. My mother had issues and I haven't talked to her in 7 years. Long story - another place and time. So he's doing the Mom stuff. His gf. Lucy is like a mother to me, and she's helping out as well.

I also made a decision about photography. As beautiful as Randy Chapman's work is, I decided to get the Roots for my wedding. Rob and I sat down and looked through both of their work, and he really loved the Roots. What really sold us on their work was Carrie's (of the Lurkyloo fame) wedding. Rob was insistent! And that's the only thing he's insisted on so far! (Well with the exception of the wedding not being pink..) So I agreed. I emailed them, and they have our date open and available! AND they give a 10% discount for weekday weddings (which ours is!). I really like Jensey - she's my kind of girl!

Oh yes, and I started my DIE-T (Note that's DIE with a T, and pronounced the same way :laughing: ) I've lost 3.4 lbs this week, with 46.6 to go! I'm not going to be skinny - ever! But I will be in shape for this shindig. I'm a size 26 now and I will be a 22 by the wedding! That's 400 days to lose the weight. I think that's plenty of time!

A shopping I will go! As stated in my last post - I've been busy shopping! Today I went on DisneyShopping and found some great deals for the honeymoon. Most of the clothes I bought are for Rob. They had pretty much everything in his size (Small or Medium depending). Check it out!

This is Rob's Grumpy Shirt - 4.99

Rob's Grumpy Sleep Pants that say "This IS my good mood!!" 12.99

Rob's Grumpy Hoodie -19.99 (They only had his size left- yay!!)

I bought myself a Tinkerbell watch as my Stitch one bit the dust. It was originally 40.00 - I got it for 4.99!

A tote bag for going to the pool - 5.99

Flip Flops for me - 1.99

And a Mickey travel umbrella to take with us to the parks - 3.99

Then I went on, where they were having a sale on some of their Disney Jewelry. I picked up a pair of blue Mickey earrings that I might wear on my wedding day - if not some time on the HM. And I got an awesome sterling bracelet with just a touch of Mickey Magic. I'm really looking forward to wearing it - it will probably be an everyday item!


I did try to make the Mickey Flip Flops. I think they came out well.... except my Dog ate one. :mad: So I only have one to model. I'll have to buy a new pair of flip flops to redo these. I put Mickey's on the strap, and then single crystals around the base. The white stripe you see on the side is ribbon that I glued on. So you'll get an idea of what they looked like. The picture is coming out dark - they look black, but they are really Navy Blue


I also made an I DO sign for the Cake Table. Note the Mickey Crystals! :)

I wanted to post the scrapbooking stuff I picked up. I got the book for 6.00 on clearance at Target! I used to scrap alot, and now I don't have time, but I really want to make a scrapbook for the wedding.



I bought my card holder at AC Moore when I was in Bangor - I liked the design! It's a Mailbox where you attach your picture to the flag!

I also got this countdown clock that I keep on my desk...

Wow... I've been shopping!!

We decided on the invitation. It doesn't look like much in the picture, but the Navy Blue has a subtle shimmer to it. I've roped Rob into ribbon tying!

That's about it for now. Getting excited for the Patriots game tomorrow! Woo Hoo! The leaves are turning up here and we really had a nice fall night last night - low 50's. Life is good!

Peace :hippie:, Love :lovestruc, and Go Patriots! -Meg :o)
I am tagging along for the ride....I absolutely love the dress!!! Blue is my favorite color, and being a Pat's fan, it just blends perfectly.


A picture from our recent cruise when the Pats won the playoff game...days before our vow renewal....what a great week.

oh yeah....Emily is adorable!!!


OMG - That may be the coolest thing I've ever seen!! Could it have been any better? Patriots and Warm Sunny Skies? HEAVEN!!

BTW - Thanks for the compliment about Emily - she's gotten so much bigger now, and her sister was just born on Tuesday! Isabella Grace 8lbs 4oz. Pictures to come of the other new niece!
I don't know what to suggest for the earring holes...are you thinking earrings for each hole? Have you decided if you're going to wear your hair up or down?

Oh, BTW, I love the other dresses too. I'm with you, little girls need to look like little girls, I hate when people try to make them look like small teenagers...or worse!

Oh, also, your niece Emily is adorable!!! I love her little pixie cut.

Someone said maybe makeup could hide holes 2-7 and keep an earring in 1 and 8. :confused:

I am vehimentally opposed to kids being dressed like adults. I worked at Toys R Us for a few years and we had a clothing store attached (Kids R Us). Some of the clothes there were ridiculous! Pleather mini shirts - halter tops! UGH! This is my soap box issue I guess - let kids be kids! I'm glad you agree though. :)

And thanks for the compliment about Em! She's definitely my cutie! :cutie:
I am slowly convincing DF that we need to start picking up the small stuff! For the same reason!

I also bought the same wedding stickers at AC Moore this weekend (I couldn't resist a 40% sale) Did you see the paper was on sale?

We will keep each other company for the 13 months and 11 days. Hopefully having others to talk to about eveything will make the time just fly by. :goodvibes

I didn't see the paper!! Aww shucks! I just saw the stickers and went crazy!

I'm glad your wedding is around the same time as mine! It seems like everyone elses is coming right up! I'm just not good at waiting, but this board and people like you will make the wait fun! :goodvibes
I fell in love with the deals on Disneyshopping! I posted mine on my PJ! Where did you get the countdown clock?! I love it!
I fell in love with the deals on Disneyshopping! I posted mine on my PJ! Where did you get the countdown clock?! I love it!

I think you inspired me to go shopping there! I couldn't believe some of the deals they had! :eek:

Here's the link to the clock...

The best thing about it is that after the wedding you can change the face to "Time Until Vacation", "Time to Anniversary", and a few others! :thumbsup2
My, you've been a busy little bee since I last logged in Meg! :goodvibes Looks like you got some great bargains, and I just have to get one of those countdown things. I wonder if I can get one for DF that says such-and-such more days of freedom. :lmao:

Those Mickey sandals are adorable! Your dog has good taste! :rotfl: I can't leave my shoes out either, or Max (my yellow lab) thinks they are a snack.

I started the D-word last week too. :headache: I took the plunge and joined Weight Watchers online. My DF smokes a pack a day, and he accepted my challenge for every 2 pounds I lose, he will give up one cigarette a, now I feel like Im helping us both get healthier! I'm trying to lose 50lbs.

I'm looking forward to see what else you have going on. Love the scrapbook BTW. Cute!
My, you've been a busy little bee since I last logged in Meg! :goodvibes Looks like you got some great bargains, and I just have to get one of those countdown things. I wonder if I can get one for DF that says such-and-such more days of freedom. :lmao:

I actually think they have one like that! I was thinking of getting one for Rob to take to work. :rotfl:
First off, I got in touch with my WC on Friday. It looks good for October 12, 2009 at either the YC or SBP. I'm going back and forth as some of you may know from reading the boards. I like the look of SBP, but I'm a born and bred New Englander, so I'm kinda pulled towards the YC. I'll be going back and forth until October 13 of this year - which is when I have to make the decision!

Either one of those would be a great choice!

I really liked Pam - my WC. She answered all my questions - even the dumb ones! She was explaining everything and I was like "yep, I've heard that" - I think I know too much from these boards! lol - but she was great. When I looked at the price lists she sent, I just about fainted :faint:. I know it will be worth it, but it just seems like alot. My dad is paying for everything, but I'm really trying to save up some to help defray the costs, and buying all the little stuff as I see it. I called Dad right after I talked to Pam and told him how much this will cost. He was like "You're worth it, but this better be a one time deal!" (He's been divorced twice) I <3 my Dad - he's really awesome. He's been both Mom and Dad to me, as I've lived with him since I was nine. My mother had issues and I haven't talked to her in 7 years. Long story - another place and time. So he's doing the Mom stuff. His gf. Lucy is like a mother to me, and she's helping out as well.

I am so glad that you like your WP. Your Dad sounds like a great guy, and I am sure he is happy to do this for you! It is also good that you love his GF and she is helping!

I also made a decision about photography. As beautiful as Randy Chapman's work is, I decided to get the Roots for my wedding. Rob and I sat down and looked through both of their work, and he really loved the Roots. What really sold us on their work was Carrie's (of the Lurkyloo fame) wedding. Rob was insistent! And that's the only thing he's insisted on so far! (Well with the exception of the wedding not being pink..) So I agreed. I emailed them, and they have our date open and available! AND they give a 10% discount for weekday weddings (which ours is!). I really like Jensey - she's my kind of girl!

Nice!! Discounts are the best thing ever, and Lurkyloo's photos were amazing!

Oh yes, and I started my DIE-T (Note that's DIE with a T, and pronounced the same way :laughing: ) I've lost 3.4 lbs this week, with 46.6 to go! I'm not going to be skinny - ever! But I will be in shape for this shindig. I'm a size 26 now and I will be a 22 by the wedding! That's 400 days to lose the weight. I think that's plenty of time!

I have to do that too :sad2: But I am not doing the major dieting until after the hollidays!

Then I went on, where they were having a sale on some of their Disney Jewelry. I picked up a pair of blue Mickey earrings that I might wear on my wedding day - if not some time on the HM. And I got an awesome sterling bracelet with just a touch of Mickey Magic. I'm really looking forward to wearing it - it will probably be an everyday item!


I did try to make the Mickey Flip Flops. I think they came out well.... except my Dog ate one. :mad: So I only have one to model. I'll have to buy a new pair of flip flops to redo these. I put Mickey's on the strap, and then single crystals around the base. The white stripe you see on the side is ribbon that I glued on. So you'll get an idea of what they looked like. The picture is coming out dark - they look black, but they are really Navy Blue


I also made an I DO sign for the Cake Table. Note the Mickey Crystals! :)

I love the earings!!!! They are a great something blue!

The flipflop looks great! As does the I Do sign!

I wanted to post the scrapbooking stuff I picked up. I got the book for 6.00 on clearance at Target! I used to scrap alot, and now I don't have time, but I really want to make a scrapbook for the wedding.



I loved that scrapbook and all the accessories!!!!

I didn't see the paper!! Aww shucks! I just saw the stickers and went crazy!

So did I! :)

I'm glad your wedding is around the same time as mine! It seems like everyone elses is coming right up! I'm just not good at waiting, but this board and people like you will make the wait fun! :goodvibes

This is so true... I was looking at the countdown on my work computer when I opened your PJ and when you said 400 days... it seems so far away!
I just noticed that my wedding is one year, one month and one day away. I had to post that! There's got to be some good luck with that! O'course I'll take all I can get.

*crosses fingers, toes and eyes for luck for getting October the 12th in SBP or YC!*

Update of the journal this weekend - dress doings, and more shopping! (Ebay is my friend). :cool1:
Nice!! Discounts are the best thing ever, and Lurkyloo's photos were amazing!

I loved her photos - I'm so psyched to have some "Rootography" at my wedding. I told my dad the price tonight and he didn't say No! Just the usual warning about this better be the only wedding I ever have. Yay! :rotfl:
I have to do that too :sad2: But I am not doing the major dieting until after the hollidays!
I figure if I diet now, I'll lose the 10 pounds that I would gain during the holidays and I'll come out even! It's not the diet that's killing me... it's the new workout. I hurt in places I had to look up in an encyolopaedia to figure out what they were.. oohhh... :headache: But again - we'll both be miserable after the holidays. We should start a brides on a diet thread. Sit around and picture the things we're not eating. Cheesecake... *drool* and post pictures. :lmao:

The flipflop looks great! As does the I Do sign!

If the dog hadn't eaten one I would be all set! I was so happy with how they came out. Grrrr... Did you notice the O in the I DO was upside down? I only just realized that! I'm not the brightest! ;)
Just to let you know, on the Disboards, if you scrool all the way down to the W.I.S.H. site there is a Wedding Weight Loss - Disney Style thread. Why don't you give it a try. I am usually on there but had a bad week and a half of dieting so as of today I am back on the diet again (I am doing NutriSystems as I only have 2 months before my wedding:scared1: ).

Hope to see you there.



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