Meli & Shaun's Wedding Trip:Sunset Pointe/Victoria & Albert's - Our Last Full Day

Congratulations on kicking the habit! I did ten years ago, and am so happy I never have to worry about my next smoke break!
Oh you poor dear! You sooooo didn't need your Dad to carry on and act like an *** at that moment! :hug:

I agree with that little boy - you were a Princess! :goodvibes Loved your hair!
As I stood there about to walk down the aisle, this little boy came up to me asking me if I was a princess and that I looked beautiful. That was what I needed to hear right then as I was about to walk down the aisle.

What a sweetheart. I'm so sorry your father caused so many issues right before your ceremony. That was totally uncalled for and he was acting very childish. I'm sure everyone around you knew you were not just doing it to be mean and that you had your reasons. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

How do you like Framingham so far?
Oh you poor dear! You sooooo didn't need your Dad to carry on and act like an *** at that moment! :hug:

I agree with that little boy - you were a Princess! :goodvibes Loved your hair!
Its ok. That is how my father is. We haven't spoken except for one 30 second conversation after the wedding and frankly, I'm fine with that. I don't need that stress in my life.

Thank you! Ivy Trellis did a great job.

What a sweetheart. I'm so sorry your father caused so many issues right before your ceremony. That was totally uncalled for and he was acting very childish. I'm sure everyone around you knew you were not just doing it to be mean and that you had your reasons. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

How do you like Framingham so far?
Thanks :)

We are still looking for apartments in the Framingham area. Although we did find a place in Westboro that looks really nice, but we still need to visit it before we commit. We probably aren't going to move until April now though (our current lease isn't up until June 1st anyway)
Brilliant report, I've loved reading it. Keep it coming!!
Wedding Day – The Ceremony
Cue Kingdom Hearts – Dearly Beloved


As, I get to Shaun, we exchange “hi” and hold hands.

We are here today to participate in the most joyous occasion by celebrating on life’s greatest moments by acknowledging the wedding of Melissa and Shaun.

From the very first days of your lives you have both set out on a journey, which has led you to this moment. And now we stand here today fro the purpose of fulfilling your desire to unite in marriage. Here & now, you will take your marriage vows, exchange wedding rings and make a total commitment to each other. Marriage is a covenant made in the hearts of two people who deeply feel that their lives are and always will be shared as one. This decision to marry is the most important and sacred commitment in life. Today when you Melissa and Shaun, pledge to love and care for each other in marriage, you will create a bond, which will bind you closer than any spoken or written word. By stating your vows, you are effectively pledging to other your love, friendship, loyalty, fidelity and trust: A promise that will take a lifetime to fulfill.

Love is an intense and fulfilling emotion. It allows you to share intimacy and experience feelings of tenderness and warmth. Love takes you out of loneliness and lets you share your life with someone with whom you can express your innermost feelings and thoughts. IT was love that brought you together to this moment, to unite your destinies. Always remember just how important your loving relationship is. Cherish your love forever.

The friendship that grows within your love is a harmony of understanding and support. You are a companion and confidant, consistently there for each other; Friendship in marriage is treating your life’s partner with respect, as an equal. It is realizing that there is no one else you’d rather be with than the one to whom you are married and knowing that even if you disagree, you will always be each other’s closest and dearest friend

In regards to loyalty, you must always be loyal to the one that you are marrying. Forsaking all Others is an essential element to the marriage vows.

Fidelity is giving each other the exclusivity of your physical and emotional intimacy. IN your faithfulness, you honor your union and demonstrate love and respect for each other, and as such, heighten the level of your mutual esteem. All of these ingredients: Love, Friendship, Loyalty and Fidelity, are bound together with Trust.

Trust is the single most powerful, and yet the most fragile quality in a relationship. It is the component that will cement your union, and will hold you together through the years. It must be strongly defended, for it can be easily shattered if dishonored. Never abuse each other’s trust, if you lose it, you may never find it again. Guard it and your friend and life partner will always be at your side. The vows you are about to pledge, affirm without reservation, your mutual commitment to uphold within your marriage, love, friendship, loyalty, fidelity, and trust.


[iPlease turn towards each other, hold hands and prepare to take vows. [/i]

Melissa, would you please repeat your vows after me?

I Melissa take you Shaun, to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward. In sickness in health, in good times and bad, and in joy or sorrow. I promise to love, honor and cherish you all of the days of my life.

Do you Shaun take Melissa to be your lawfully wedded Wife?

Shaun, would you please repeat your vows after me?

I Shaun take you Melissa, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward. In sickness and in health, in good times and bad and in joy or sorrow. I promise to love, honor and cherish you, all of the days of my life.


Do you Melissa, take Shaun to be your lawfully wedded husband?

The giving and accepting of wedding rings is an important and significant symbol of the wedding ritual. The Ancient Egyptians believed that love traveled to the heart through the vein of the finger of the hand. To them the unbroken circle represented lastingness, symbolizing a marriage strong enough to withstand the day to day pressure of life. Shaun and Melissa when you place your rings on each other’s fingers today, your rings will become ever present symbols of your mutual love, and of the vows you have made to each other today.

Melissa, please place your ring on Shaun’s finger and repeat after me….

With this ring I thee wed.

Shaun, please place your ring on Melissa’s finger and repeat after me….

With this ring I thee Wed.


Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created. In the Art of Marriage: The little things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say “I love you” at least once a day.

It is never going to sleep angry. It is at no time taking the other for granted; the courtship does not end with the honeymoon, it should continue through all the years. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objective.

It is standing together facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is doing things for each other, not in an attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is not expecting the husband to wear a halo or the wife to have wings of an Angel. It is not looking for perfection in each other.

It is cultivating flexibility, patients, understanding, and a sense of humor. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.

It is finding room for the things of the spirit. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner it is being the right partner.

As you Melissa and Shaun have pledged your vows, have consented to wed each other, and have consented this celebration with the giving and accepting of the wedding rings, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

It is with great pleasure that I present for the very first time as husband and wife, Melissa and Shaun Nute.


Cue Candle in the Water

Beautiful! I teared up a bit reading your ceremony.

You were a beautiful bride and you and Shaun look so happy together! Congratulations and best wishes for your happily-ever-after!

Sorry for the drama with your dad. I'm glad everything got sorted out. Your WP sounds great! How cute that the little boy ran up to you before you began your walk down the aisle!

I loved the Mickey topiary cake! So creative!
Beautiful! I teared up a bit reading your ceremony.

You were a beautiful bride and you and Shaun look so happy together! Congratulations and best wishes for your happily-ever-after!

Sorry for the drama with your dad. I'm glad everything got sorted out. Your WP sounds great! How cute that the little boy ran up to you before you began your walk down the aisle!

I loved the Mickey topiary cake! So creative!
Thank you!

Kathleen really showed a good sign that day as it was needed. I was passive on her before but she really stepped up!

You looked beautiful.....congrats
Thank you
After our recessional, we were taken to cut the cake. Shaun & I were both so happy.
Uh, what do we do?




We’re real classy…we lick icing off our fingers ;)


After cutting the cake, Kathleen shuffled us over to our first dance as they cut the cake & poured the champagne. Our song was “Thank You For Loving Me” by Bon Jovi which sounds really nice on the violin btw.

GF, MIL, Nana, Allyson & Steve standing around during the dance

After the dance, we finally got to eat some cake & I got to drink my Fairy Tale Curve. This is when Shaun & I finally got a chance to talk & relax. I was giggly and Shaun had a grin on his face, well besides the time he tried another sip of the Fairy Tale Curve when he didn’t like it. (He is starting to drink wine and the only things he can handle right now are Riesling spaltese and dessert wines)



Afterwards it was time for pictures and since I don’t have Randy’s pictures yet, I’ll add them in later. After we did family portraits, everyone else headed to the Lobby at the Polynesian to hang out in the Tambu Lounge until it was time for dinner:

Nana & GF heading to the Lobby.

Around 4:15, Shaun & I were done with pictures & went up to the Tambu Lounge with everyone else I had a Jack & Coke and he had a Sunken Treasure. Yes, most couple would have those drinks the other way around.


My mother & Steve headed back to the Contemporary to get my Wedding Bag of Doom back. This apparently took like 45 minutes which raised suspicions that they were doing other things. And my mother did nothing to stop those rumors and joined along in with the joking. As much as I despise my father, it was still rather rude and I let it known to her.

Shaun had ran back to the room to change out of his tux shoes & into his Geek Squad Dress Shoes as he said they are a lot comfier but they still look fine with the tux (well since the formal pictures were completed) It definitely made him more comfortable.

When he returned, we all headed to the monorail to get to the Grand Floridian for our dinner at Victoria & Albert’s. We got a whole cart to ourselves! We lucked out on that.



Coming up….V&A
Dinner at V&A’s

Once we arrived at the Grand Floridian, we headed towards Victoria & Albert’s. It wasn’t quite 5:30 yet, so we sat in the chairs around the Check-In for Citrico’s.

We arrived into the Fireside Room where it was set up for us with menus already set out. My father pitched a fit over the fact that he was sat on the opposite side of the table from me and demanded to be moved. This got stress levels higher on all parts as now my father and mom were sitting next to each other and well, they don’t get along real well. I proceeded to ignore him the whole evening anyway as he wasn’t going to get my happiness down.



The service was amazing, as it always is at V&A. They ended up having six servers come out every time got served.

Amuse Bouche
Trio of Vanilla Poached Lobster with Lobster Roe Foam, Lobster Sausage, Lobster Bisque

I’m not a big fan of Lobster, blasphemous I know; however the Bisque was very good even for a lobster hater like me.

Course 1
Atlantic Tuna with Blood Orange and Hearts of Palm Salad, Aged Balsamic

So good!

Course 2
Yellow Edge Grouper with Petite French Lentils, Winter Corn and Saffron Foam

Also wonderful!

Course 3
Ballotine of Poulet Rouge with Chicken Consomee, Hedgehogs and Black Truffles


Main Entree
Australian "Kobe" Beef Tenderloin with Braised Short Ribs and Smoked Garlic Potato Puree

Melt in your mouth perfection. I wasn’t expecting for “Kobe” beef to be on the menu as I thought I had taken it off of the menu choices as an extra cost item. They ended up giving it to us anyway! This is the exact same entrée as I got in October and it was still every bit as good. Shaun didn’t like the short ribs…so I stole those and finished them.

At this point, my mother decided to get up to leave for a smoke break. I told her that wasn’t appropriate and she stormed off. Whatever…

Cheese/Gelato Course
Colston Basett Stilton, Marcona Almonds and Fourme D'Ambert Fondue
White Chocolate Gelato

This course was served while my mother was still gone for her smoke break which I found as rude again.
Funny story though, at the beginning of the meal, we told Nana to not order the cheese but get the Gelato instead. She insisted she loved cheese! So she got the cheese. Well…she took a bite of the Stilton and well, her face was priceless. Luckily, V&A is on top of things & they returned with Gelato for her.
Shaun & I got the Gelato which was good and light.

My mother returned 15 minutes after the course was served, that’s when MIL came out with the Unity Candles! Wasn't really expecting those...and since the candles were on the table…I couldn’t really say “no” without upsetting her. So we did it…




See this face? This face is ready for bed!

Then it came time for dessert,
A Tasting Duo of Pyramid of Tanzania Chocolate Mousse and Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee

So good…so good that I ended up eating Shaun’s Crème Brulee too…

After Dessert, Shaun & I were ready to bolt. As my dress was getting heavy, I was tired and well, we were tired of our families. We did our good-byes and thanked everyone for coming and headed to the monorail. We got into our half-empty car, the doors close, when the waitress from V&A came running to us! We didn’t get our nut bread, menus or my rose. She got them to re-open the monorail doors and hand them to us & get a hug. It was so cute! That’s when the monorail conductor started humming the wedding march song over the monorail. Having had 5 glasses of wine over the evening, it was WAAAAYYYY funnier to me than it probably should have been. Luckily across from us were adults who were also laughing along with us too. This continued the entire monorail ride after each stop until we got off at the Polynesian.
I am totally enjoying reading your report, so concise and detailed. I am so sorry that you had to deal with all that drama on your special day, reminds me of something that would happen in my family. Some people are so miserable in their own lives they feel it is necessary to pull everyone else to their level. Im glad you were able to put it aside and have what looked to be a picture perfect wedding day. I really really wanted to have Sunset Pointe as my location but we have about 15 people and they have that 10 person restriction, why is that exactly? Probably to force people to rent WP. Cant wait to hear the rest!!

Love your photos and your vows. We have no need to ride the monorail for our wedding but we are planning on doing so anyway. We'll make one loop around - and maybe even ask to sit in the front.

Great TR! I'm very sorry that you had to deal with so much family drama ... hard to imagine what is going thru our family members' minds sometimes :hug:

Looking forward to reading more :goodvibes
just catching up...I've never seen a wedding at sunset point. It looks so beautiful! V&A. What a fantastic choice! LOVE LOVE LOVE the groom cake. Awesome!
Love your photos and your vows. We have no need to ride the monorail for our wedding but we are planning on doing so anyway. We'll make one loop around - and maybe even ask to sit in the front.

Riding in the monorail is fun in wedding attire! You get a lot of attention from it though.

I am totally enjoying reading your report, so concise and detailed. I am so sorry that you had to deal with all that drama on your special day, reminds me of something that would happen in my family. Some people are so miserable in their own lives they feel it is necessary to pull everyone else to their level. Im glad you were able to put it aside and have what looked to be a picture perfect wedding day. I really really wanted to have Sunset Pointe as my location but we have about 15 people and they have that 10 person restriction, why is that exactly? Probably to force people to rent WP. Cant wait to hear the rest!!

Thanks :)
I think the restriction is because the area where the ceremony/seating occurs is rather small and they want it all to fit in one golf cart :lmao: At least, when I saw them taking everything was all in one cart.

Great TR! I'm very sorry that you had to deal with so much family drama ... hard to imagine what is going thru our family members' minds sometimes :hug:

Looking forward to reading more :goodvibes
Thanks. I know right? Oh well...such is family.

just catching up...I've never seen a wedding at sunset point. It looks so beautiful! V&A. What a fantastic choice! LOVE LOVE LOVE the groom cake. Awesome!

Thanks. Sunset Pointe is so pretty and perfect for smaller weddings. :)
The food at V & As looks amazing! I've always wanted to eat there. Your wedding was gorgeous! Cant wait to hear more!
Melissa -_ Thank you so much for taking the time to do such a detailed TR! You looked beautiful and everything (except your family drama) seemed to be perfect! I am so glad that you and Shaun enjoyed your day! Oh, and kudos to him for changing his shoes! My kind of guy! The feet HAVE to be comfortable! Congratulations on putting together such a gorgeous event! :hug:


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