Meme's skinny jeans journal


DIS Veteran
Jul 14, 2003
I'm starting my journal today to stay motivated because I have way too many cheat days and not enough exercise days. So far I have done well. I was going to stop and pick up bagels for my office but stopped at the grocery store and bought Atkins bread & a shake. So I made a great decision. I thought about myself wearing my skinny jeans. If you watch Sex in the City, it was part of an episode 2 weeks ago. It made me remember that I have been saving a few pairs of jeans (though I can't get them past my thighs) for when I lost weight. Well I am now on that mission(maybe Tom Cruise will join me), boy that would be motivation;) I'm having my shake now and will journal the rest of my day later.
Hope it's ok to post here, if not, just yell at me! :)

I think your skinny jeans motivation is GREAT! I bet you will be in them in no time!!! I wish Tom Cruise would join you too (hubba hubba!) I loved that episode, Miranda looked GREAT in her skinny jeans. I know you can do this! DH and I had a bunch of pants stuck away in a closet that neither of us could fit into anymore. It was so exciting to take them out and try them on and have them FIT! I know you can do it and I will be waiting to celebrate with you when that great day comes!

You have a great attitude, good luck! ;)
Hey, Meme, congrats on your journal! Move those skinny jeans to the front of your closet where you can see them every day and try them on once a week. You'll get into them, you'll see. And one day you'll be walking out of Starbucks on State Street (that's where it is, isn't it?) or something, look over your shoulder, and Tom C. will be following you!;)

I don't have skinny jeans, but I do have a skinny bathing suit that I want to wear on our cruise in 6 weeks. My new motto is "15 (pounds, that is) in 42" (days 'til the trip). While I know that's a lot to lose, I figure I won't get anywhere by dreaming small--I want to get rid of these thighs ASAP! Set a goal for yourself, make it your mantra, and you'll succeed!

Let's hear it for Bucks County WISHers!

(I'm off to my own journal now. . .)
Thank you Tigh & Lulu201 for the encouragement.

The skinny jeans will be moved to the front, I'm not sure I want them though. A new shopping spree will be another motivation. Does Tom do Starbucks? he's taken now anyway.

Well yesterday I had an atkins shake, cheeseburger w/bacon & mushrooms(no bun), small salad w/ blue cheese. Great, then after work they dragged me to a bar(I went screaming:p ) and had a cosmo(how many carbs?) and 1 cracker w/cheese spread. So not too bad but... Went home to make ground beef w/cheese & salad w/ creamy garlic dressing and the night was done.

Did abs & streching this am with egg & bacon for breakfast w/ coffee w/cream.

I must stay focused for the weekend. Have a family b-day party and must resist the cake - ahhhh:(
Meme...LOL about the skinny jeans!!! I didn't see the episode but I do the same thing...I have a couple of pairs of shorts that I bought for motivation, specificallys mall. I can't even cram my fat stomach into them, but I know it will gradually increase and one day I will be able to wear them and throw away these horrible, worn-out, jumbo shorts I have here now! :eek: :)

That's funny about being dragged off to the bar...I am told that clear liquors without any kind of fruit juice are ok as they have no carbs (though the alcohol gets burned first) so I'm thinking I need to switch myself from being a beer drinker to being a bacardi and diet coke drinker. Moderation and all that, but still...for me, going out and having a few drinks is very fun and I have always enjoyed it...and mich. ultra at 2.6 grams is fine, but not a pitcher of them :mad:

Anyway, I wanted to pop in and offer you encouragement, you're doing great!!! Try to resist those cheats, it's not easy but before you put that cracker in your mouth, eat the spread and chuck the'll be proud of yourself! I know everytime I throw away a bun, I feel like I've liberated myself in some small way! LOL Ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic!

Keep up the great work and keep us posted on your skinny pants progress! ;)

Karen :smooth:
I went to the gym and boy it feels great, 45 min cardio:Pinkbounc I have dinner & a b-day party to go to but I will not cheat!!
Originally posted by Auntmeme
I went to the gym and boy it feels great, 45 min cardio:Pinkbounc I have dinner & a b-day party to go to but I will not cheat!!

Good girl!!! :)

My younger son turns 9 tomorrow and we are going to be giving his cake away at Dixie Landings (POR) tomorrow night at Bob Jackson's show...there's no sense in a 1/4 sheet cake sitting around with only 2 kids eating it, and goodness knows, they would try!!! :rolleyes:

I promise not to cheat either! :)

Karen :smooth:
Hey, MeMe--how did the birthday party go? You didn't cheat now, did ya?;)

Keep fighting the good fight.

Thanks for your Posts:p

I did not have cake or icecream, only water & diet pepsi. I ate an atkins bar before I left. Now I'll have a really late dinner of a cheeseburger minus the buns. Yum!

Hey Karen are you're there now? I envy you. You'll have to tell all about POR that's where we head in 6 weeks, oh my I have to get moving:Pinkbounc It must be so hard to stay motivated at disney, hope you stayed focused, I'm watching:cool:

Just found your thread (told you I was new to this game!)

Very impressed, and yes I have several pairs of lovely jeans and cropped trousers which will not go over my thighs (how embarrasing) So enough motivation for me too. I can wear them all in Feb on my hols!

the above post certainly seem to confirm our thoughts on the Vodka, I think as long as it is with a diet mixer you are o.k in moderation. (I am going to start a campaign to ban that bloody word "moderation") "Excess" is much nicer dont you think!!
We can only dream about an ATKINs update " alcohol may be consumed freely and excessively, in fact it will AID weight loss!"DREAM DREAM DREAM :p :D

Hope it is O.k to share my trip for this evening on your threads, as I think you USA WISHER's will find it off interest.

I am going to a lovely English Country Inn in a place called Matlock in the Derbyshire Dales. Very pretty with thatched roof's and green hills etc. The Pub puts the R&C in Epcot to shame, it is made of Derbyshire stone and inside there are low ceilings with beams and dried flowers and horse brasses on the walls. It is a very traditional place, but the food is 1st class. I plan to have ......
Hartington Muchrooms - large wild mushrooms oven baked in garlic and butter and topped with a local blue cheese ;)

A meat dish for entree, these are the speciality, either steak chicken or lamb is served on a huge sizzling iron platter, it comes to the table hissing and spitting and the table is filled with lots of side dishes, cheesy cauliflower, lots of different potatoes, which I will ignore of course, loads of lovely fresh veg. I will treat myself to a couple of their home made battered onion rings, as they are my favourite and I havnt cheated all week, they will be my only carb.

The desserts as you can imagine are ridiculously gorgous Dont even go there! they do have a cheese selection though if I am still hungry, which idoubt after thatlot!

Anyway sorry for hijacking you thread but I know you AMericans seem to like all things English!! Funny as I like all things US anyone want to swap!!
Feebee, share whatever you wish on my thread:D

Your dinner sounds fabou, I'm salivating and I just woke up. How many onion rings? 1 maybe 2. I love a real onion ring, not the fake stuff they serve at most places, though I will stay away from them for a while.

I don't know how my thighs and hips outgrew my pants, seems like I just wore them, ahhh! Well I have 6 weeks from tomorrow and I will fit into some fo my skinny clothes, or Mickey will not be able to wrap his arms around me.

For extra motivation I read posts by Kamgen. Look at her before & after shots, stunning. So I think about her and it gives me s kick in my big ole butt.

One day totally cheat free and now for my second. And I must do at least 55 min of cardio today.

I'm also heading for the health food store to see what they carry. Off to eat my atkins b-fast.
Hey, 6 weeks from tomorrow you'll be in WDW? We'll be in WDW then on our cruise 40 days from today! MeMe, we're going to be looking so amazing that Mouse won't even recognize us!

Anyway, on to serious stuff. . .skinny cows!:p I wish I could say that I have good news, but well, it doesn't look good for you, Atkins girl. The sandwich cows have 27g and the fudge bar cows have 22g. I know you're liking the Atkins thing and all, but I think you should seriously consider defecting and jumping into my low carb WW camp. Hey, if it can get you a cow, it might be worth it.

Are you going to that health food store on State Street? That man there is so nice. He's the one that showed me where the Atkins baking mix was and he had the best price around! I live in Warwick Township, but work in Southampton--they have a nice health food store called Bunn's there. Have you ever been in? Well, don't go looking for Atkins--they don't stock it. Has to be special ordered.

Today's a beautiful day for the 55 min. of cardio. You go girl!:smooth:
Number 2 and counting:bounce:

Thanks Lulu for the post. I went to the store in Penndel, bought the keto brand & lo-something. Muffins & rolls & ketchup. I've done ww but couldn't stick to it(did it 2x) and did jenny craig. Atkins seems to keep my carb overload in check, if you know what I mean.

I should try to store on State St, it's so close I forgot about it.

You're on the 10/2 cruise? we're on the 10/12 cruise, 4 night wonder and before that we have 7 days at the POR. I am so excited and now I am so focused.

Sat was a good day - beautiful. Hung by the pool and swam. exercise but not intense. Did abs, push ups and stretching and tonight walked 40 minutes.

B-1egg, 1 bacon, 1 cheese, 1 atkins bread, coffee w/cream
L-salami, roast beef & sharp cheese, atkins chips, water
S-low carb shake, cheese stick
D-2 hotdogs, clams w/ butter, cucumber w/vinegar
S-glass red wine & low carb chocolate bar

Weighed in at 0 lose but that's ok, I'll do better next week.
No, MeMe, we're on the 10/5 Wonder four day with stop in Freeport. We're going down to Orlando on 10/3 to celebrate DD's 13th birthday at the Halloween Party in the MK!:Pinkbounc Saturday, 10/4 we'll spend the day in Epcot, and Sunday we'll leave for the port. DH will celebrate his bday at Castaway Cay! We're staying at All Star Music--where we stayed when we were in WDW in January. (Can't believe I got DH to let us go again so soon!) We stayed at the PO French Quarter once and we really liked it. You're so lucky to be spending a whole week there!
We're in a cat. 11 on the ship; still dreaming of a pixie dust upgrade, though.

Have to agree, the trip is really helping in keeping me on track. I
get a little worried wondering if I'll be able to maintain the focus after we get back, but then I think of you and Castillo Mom and Disney Grannie and Karen and all the other great people on this board and I think it'll be OK. One day at a time, right?

About all this exercise. . .the treadmill and the weight lifting is kind of a drudge though I feel good while I'm doing it and ecstatic when I'm finished!:p The biking is pure joy because I find it so relaxing. What I'm thinking, though, is that I have to really go all out NOW--before my work schedule becomes more demanding in mid-Sept. (more classes and students) or I won't see the results I want. When I'm back into my full-time work routine, I'll be down to 30 minutes treadmill and bike time will be questionable (especially when it gets cold!:mad: ). Also, I have a 12 year old DD while you have a little guy. When DD was that small, I didn't have the time that I do now; it's challenging to find any time for yourself when you have a young child.

Be kind to yourself if you're going to try working out at 5:30 a.m. It's hard to get up at that time when it's dark outside! It can be hard to exercise right after awakening, too. You might want a routine that has a lot of warm up time! A couple of years ago, before my DD had the early morning school schedule, a friend of mine and I walked at 6 a.m., three days a week, for a whole school year. If I hadn't known she was outside my door each morning, I don't think I could've done it so regularly, particularly in January! See if you can find someone in your neighborhood, particularly if you're planning on being outside alone. All that said, the early morning is a great time to be doing something for yourself--no demands from anyone else, quiet all around. . .
Don't forget, too, that every a.m. I'll be up at 5:30, too, thinking of you and mentally pushing you out of that bed and into your exercise! We gotta support each other!!!!!!;)

Well, DD is chomping at the bit to go biking and I'm so grateful she'll go, I don't want to let her down.

Have a great day and keep up the awesome work! I'm jealous of your cheat free days! (If I just hadn't met up with that general. . .)
Lulu and Meme, I'm so jealous, you'll be sailing off pretty soon won't you? You have a lot to look forward to!:cool: I still have almost a year to go. Just changed my reservations from CBR to the Beach Club and I'm so excited but I'm keeping it a secret from hubby and kids.

Hey, I forgot about the Atkins bread. I'm going to run to the healthfood store today because I'm dying to have a sandwich! I still haven't posted my menus for the last couple of days. I tried to last night but I got too sleepy.

That's a great idea about the skinny pants MeMe. I have a dress I wore for a millenium New Year's Eve celebration that I think I'll try on. I bet I won't get it past my thighs!LOL:eek: It'll be a way to gauge my weight loss without weighing every day.

Karen, I didn't know you could drink clear liquors. Hmmm.....I wonder how Bacardi and Crystal Light on ice would taste. Am I desperate or what?:p

You all are doing great with the exercise. I start tomorrow. Remind me of how it's good for me when I complain about being sore. I haven't exercised in three years!:(

I'm off to do groceries......
I'm cheat free for 3 days and it was hard. Today was good.

B early-low carb roll w/ coffee
B w/dh - 1 sl atkins toast w/ low carb fruit spread, scrambled egg w/ peppers & cheese low carb ketchup 3 sl bacon w/coffee
L - sharp cheese, pepperoni, atkins chips, water
D- chicken strips w/ peppers, cheese, salsa, guacamole & s. cream
I'll have a sf jello & wh. cream later.

Swam a few laps but need more so I'll need to do abs & biking.

Lulu - have you done the mickey halloween before, we have tickets for the 10th, do you dress up what about your dh? We almost did the 10/2 cruise but thought it would be better to do the parks and then cruise. I'm also cat 11 and hopeing for that upgrade. When do you think our papers will arrive?What special do you have planned for the birthdays? We also celebrate my dh's on 10/5 the day we arrive. Any tips for the POR? wanted one of the lodges, but $$$.

I may not go outside at 5:30 am, I did once and didn't like it. I'll probably do a tape or try jump roping on my patio.

Let's all promise to tell the general, the colonel & the king to hit the road, we don't need them


Wow castillo mom, the bc? was that a huge $ difference? I really want to stay at the ak or wl but the $ difference is holding me back and I think I'll plan to go back next year.
You're doing a great job MeMe! The breakfast you had sounds so good, especially the toast and fruit spread.

I originally had two rooms booked at CBR (tough to find one room with a family of 5). A few months after I made my reservations, they raised the rate to $159 since I had requested Martinique and this was now a "preferred" building. I mulled it over and had actually thought about downgrading to two rooms at one of the AS. I was perusing the resort boards and someone mentioned that rooms at BC can accomodate up to 5. I officially made the switch on Friday and it turned out to be less expensive because of the one room. I'm very excited, more so than when I had made reservations for CBR and I'm keeping the change a secret. The only thing I mentioned was to my husband. I told him that due to budget constraints, I had to switch us to another resort and we'd have to share a room with the kids. He just groaned! But little does he know.... My boys are going to love Stormalong Bay.

Keep up the good work Meme!
Wow, MeMe, what yummy meals you had yesterday! That dinner sounds good! Did you get up this a.m. and exercise? How did it feel? Were you tired or energized?

I don't know what we're going to do for the Halloween Party. I have some Halloween sweatshirts, etc., that I might wear with my Minnie Mouse ears headband, or I might make special T-shirts for all of us. . .I just don't know! What are you planning? It'll be so much fun to see your little one in costume! You and your DH will have lots of great picture opportunities! At 13, my DD is definitely NOT in the dress up frame of mind, so I'm going to have to work on her a bit!

I'm ashamed to say this, but I don't have a whole lot planned for DD and DH's birthdays on our trip. For DD, we'll have a late lunch at Rain Forest Cafe in Downtown Disney before we head over to the H. Party; for DH, I guess that we'll sing to him in the dining room onboard the ship. I think of the whole trip as a birthday extravaganza!:D I have been tempted to surprise them with a gift basket on the ship, but I'm wondering if I really want to spend the money. Then I thought about bringing some wrapped surprises myself and then realized I wouldn't be able to get anything wrapped through security at the airport! What are you going to do?

The excursion we are hoping to do is visit the Atlantis in Nassau. We got that great rate at the Comfort Suites (for $136.50). Do you have anything planned? We stop in Freeport (do you?), but haven't planned anything to do there. If the weather's nice we may just grab a cab to a beach for a couple of hours.

I have no pointers for the POR. :( We loved our stay at the French Quarter; the food court was perfect for meeting the needs of our selective (then 4 yr. old) DD's tastes! You're going to enjoy the resort, I'm sure.

Well, gotta go start the day. Remember to make good choices, MeMe, 'cause all of us on the board are keeping tabs on you!:)
Did not get up to exercise, ahh. But have taken a sick day so I have all day.

Wondering about this weekend, labor day? if I head to the shore area with family I know there will be so my temptations. My dad already has a frozen margarita waiting. Thoughts?

LULU -I'm not sure about the costume thing. Tried to get Buzz lightyear pjs, but no luck. Realized he has batman pjs w/cape that he loves so I think that is what will do. For me just minnie mouse ears for dh ???. We have reservations at chef mickeys for his b-day. I'll get a cake and make him get the buttons in the park. For his gift I am booking him a ride of a lifetime at the racecar track, he's a big racing fan. I also looked at the baskets for the ship but the $$, thinking about the champagne & chocolate, probably shouldn't. Never thought about wrapped gifts w/ security. You can call the hotel and have some balloons. How does the atlantis deal work for the comfort suites? I was thinking about the atlantis excursion. No freeport on our trip.

Castillo mom- I've hear the stormalong bay is the best. Good for you:D

Thanks for the encouragement:Pinkbounc
Meme, Your menu sounds SO yummy!!! I'm still eating the really boring induction it safe to branch out? :confused: I'm scared! LOL

Keep up the good work!!!

I LOVE POR (Dixie, as I'll always call it!) and I think it's a great value...sometimes it's hard to justify the cost of the Premium resorts! We don't stay at the resorts much anymore since moving down here, but we spend more time at POR than any other resort, I'd say...
POR is split up into the Mansion section and the Alligator Bayou section and both are wonderful, but very different theming! I prefer the bayou,'s more rustic, the pools are more of a free-form type...just more my style! The Bayou buildings 14-18 are the closest to the foodcourt and all the action, so those are the best buildings to request (14&15 are very close!). If you prefer the more might prefer the mansions, they are a bit further out and I can't tell you off the top of my head which ones are closest (you have to walk through the main pool and across the Sassagoula river) but I can find out!
Be sure to hit the lounge at least one evening...Wed.-Sat. night to catch Bob Jackson's show...he's awesome and the show is great for the whole matter what age!

Lisa, I'm sure you know, but POR can accomodate families of 5 in the Bayou section where they have trundle beds...good for a little one, not so good for a teenager! Stormalong bay really is awesome and be sure to hit beaches and cream for a burger with no bun...their burgers are VERY yummy!

I'm jealous too...I can't wait to go back on the Disney cruise! I went on the 4 night cruise in '99 without my kids and now I want to take them (9 & 11) and my fiance...but we just bought a house...priorities and all that :rolleyes: It's going to be wonderful though, no doubt!!!

I don't know what advice to offer about visiting the shore....keep lots of safe snacks handy and drink that water to keep from feeling hungry! The margarita is a really tough one! :eek:

Keep up the good work! I know for myself, I stay motivated by saying "I didn't work this hard to blow it for the sake of one (fill in the blank)!" I want the fat to be burning, not the alcholol, or sugar or whatever is tempting me, and I get past it's not easy though! You just have to try the best you can and give yourself a treat that you can live with once in awhile, maybe? :confused:

Karen :smooth:


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