Minnie Marathon 2007 -- WISH Roster (see post 1 for WISH Meets Info!)

Okay, I think I got everyone up to here. Let me know if any corrections/additions are needed! Oooooh, we are going to have such a great time! :grouphug:

Just one small correction :o

DD14 is Kaley
My name is Vicki :) I wish we had that little waving guy easily accessible!:wave2: <<<-------This guy!
Don't add my officially, but I really, really want to do this again. I had so much fun last year - being my first race & all. It was a fun girls' weekend & Mom and I want to try to do it this year. I have to see how the $$$ thing works out. And my Mom is getting back from WDW the weekend before, so it would be another quick trip down from NH for her.

AND, the Race for the Taste is out since my best friend is getting married in PA that weekend. So, I must find a way to do Minnie!
Has anyone seen the new Minnie Medal yet? I hear it has changed just wondering if they had something at the Marathon weekend?

Has anyone seen the new Minnie Medal yet? I hear it has changed just wondering if they had something at the Marathon weekend?


VERY cute!!!!! It's a little smaller than the Mickey, but it's Minnie's head outline, including bow. I love it!

They have changed the medal (must have heard all of our comments last year :) ) and it is very cute. It looks just like the full marathon Mickey medal but of course it is Minnie with a big cute bow. Much better design and it "matches" the other character medals now. Sorry I didn't have dh take a picture while we were at the expo - maybe someone else has one and can post it.

Can't wait for May!
I didn't even think of taking a pic. :( Then again, when I was drooling over it, I never dreamt that I'd get the chance to go back to WDW for Minnie weekend.
Thanks for the info.....sounds sooooo cute.

I am sooo looking forward to this May. This is also the first time DD and I have done a vacation without DH and DS we are so excited.

I know it is a long way off but have we discussed anymore a meeting place?

Thanks for the info.....sounds sooooo cute.

I am sooo looking forward to this May. This is also the first time DD and I have done a vacation without DH and DS we are so excited.

I know it is a long way off but have we discussed anymore a meeting place? Also shirts???

Kim - I think they talked about lunch Saturday at Earl of Sandwich again. I'll get a shirt order going as soon as we finalize what shirts we want.
yikes, just realized I asked the shirt question in 2 different places....sorry.

Lily- I see in your pic that you wore a WISH tank. I didnt think they said they would work well for women so I didnt order one & would love to have a tank. Did it work ok for you (i.e. sides not too open)? I know we will definately need tanks in May!


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